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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
JPax42 said:
Katherine froze. For once, she was actually scared of what Jonathon thought. The gang members were dead. No, they weren't. Katherine just relocated them into the Middle East. There weren't laws against transporting people, and if anything, was less suspicious. "It seemed to be fine. Either way...we have to land in a day. Trinity can't remain in mid-air forever."



Laura smiled. "Yeah! Let's go to the kitchen that mom blew up! There's food there like burned pancakes and fried milkshakes!" Laura excitedly hopped down the kitchen, jumping higher than normal. If Ann tried, she could jump in Laura's sphere of influence with ease as well.


Tristin shattered into a dress that went from the top of her chest down to slightly above her knees. It looked the slightest bit scandalous, but other than that it was mostly elegant and classy. Tristin blushed when her hand was kissed.
"Charmed. Now, shall we take off towards the Earth's surface at high speeds?" Tristin pressed the button and ejected the elevator, crashing it directly in front of a restaurant. Tristin kicked the elevator door open in her usual fiery manner, but exited like a lady. She held her arm out for Thomas to hold. 'Very gentleman. It's funny because a day ago you squeezed my chest and today we had fun. I like it.'

@Shammy the Shamrock
Jonathon nodded. "I see well then if you need me I'll be meditating." He would go out to find an empty room to meditate in whole thinking about the people's opinion on GLASS.

(Gang members alive and transported? The plot thinnens... hue)
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JPax42 said:
fried milkshakes

I would guess these are at the ventura county fair xD

[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock]

I would guess these are at the ventura county fair xD

(Wait... that's a thing? I thought fried bananas was the pinnacle... but I was wrong. Hue.)
YoungX said:
(Wait... that's a thing? I thought fried bananas was the pinnacle... but I was wrong. Hue.)
(All this reminds me of that one time I got drunk on vodka ice cubes...the weirdest things happened that day >_>)
Thomas linked arms with Tristin and started walking "Only the best for my dear." He walked to a restaurant, he couldn't help but laugh at his show of being a gentleman. He went in and got a table "Hope everything is perfect," he said using his cane to show off to the rest of the people there.

Ann waited for the ride to end and jumped off Laura, landing on her feet. "Alright, let's eat," she ran over and started eating whatever she could find.


Tristin didn't have to show off. She was going with Thomas with his cane and such. Tristin took a seat and turned to Thomas, smiling lightly. "So, what are we doing now?" Tristin didn't know what to do. She was fidgeting.


Laura also started stuffing stuff in her mouth. Pancake batter, raw spoons, uncooked napkins, everything.
"Nom nom nom hey try the plates mom designed them to be eated!"

@Shammy the Shamrock
Ann started eating faster, plates, burned food even some chairs and a piece of the table. "Ha! This is easy! This stuff is good!" She yelled while chewing on a napkin.

Thomas laughed "Have you actually been on a date? You order your food and we talk." He was a bit unsure how dates worked, just the basics. "After that I really don't know."

Pike stood up with a smile. "Sure I mean it takes alot out of me to have a massage" Pike says with a smile. Going over to the sea, the fearless thief yelped as the cold water touched his feet. Going a bit further, Pike start to swim a little in the water. "Well it isn't a bad way to cool off" Pike says as he backstrokes. @JPax42

Laura went the whole nine yards and ate a chunk of the carrier's insulation. "It tastes like a dead tree..." Laura then curled up on the ground, lightly sucking a napkin so she wouldn't throw up. "Can we just...eww...."


"Commander! The temperature in the carrier is dropping!" Katherine turned around and narrowed her eyes at the officer. "Might you tell me where?" "Sorry, uh, a chunk of insulation...is missing from the kitchen." Katherine waved her hand to the officer dismissively. "Laura's just hungry."


Tristin frowned.
"Well, that sounds boring but quiet and nice, let's do it." Tristin laughed and looked down at the utensils and silverware. Then the plates. Glasses. She then tilted her head at Thomas, smiling widely. "Hi."

@Shammy the Shamrock


Anella smiled and stepped further into the water.
"True, cold water is fun." Anella started walking in the water towards Pike when she got hit by a wave. She stood up, wiping water from her face and laughing. "The first time I did that, I freaked out!" Anella winked at Pike before diving into the water. A few seconds later she surfaced right next to him and kissed him on the cheek. "Tag. You're it." Anella smiled and dived back into the water.

(It's time for a bit to RP as him.)

James would patrol the city of Lithium as he cleans up his helmet. Once it looked sparkly he would resume his patrol. With GLASS weaponry at hand, he would make sure no criminal would leave unscathed. He recalls when he told Sky about Katherine calling him incompetent. Maybe he was a bit too far for calling him a conspiracy theorist. Still... with the people's opinion on GLASS one can never be too careful. A woman approached him asking where the nearest bathroom was.

"It's right over there ma'am," he said pointing to the nearest facility.

"Thank you very much erm...," she inspected the nametag. "Robert. Yes thank you very much Robert." With that she took her leave. Soon a stale wind passed by James as he would kneel down in despair.

"Right Robert... eh hehehe.... it's definitely not James." He sighs.


A twelve foot panda was sprinting down the streets, chasing a car. "PANDAAAAA!" Hugo's tongue was flying wildly out of his mouth, aiming to smack the car in the trunk. When the car stopped, Hugo slammed head first into the trunk and quite literally destroyed the back end. "Panda." He then stuck his tongue between the trunk and the car and pried it open, then started munching on the floorboards the driver had carried in the trunk. The driver wore a ski mask...

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JPax42 said:
A twelve foot panda was sprinting down the streets, chasing a car. "PANDAAAAA!" Hugo's tongue was flying wildly out of his mouth, aiming to smack the car in the trunk. When the car stopped, Hugo slammed head first into the trunk and quite literally destroyed the back end. "Panda." He then stuck his tongue between the trunk and the car and pried it open, then started munching on the floorboards the driver had carried in the trunk. The driver wore a ski mask...

James got up seeing the scene being displayed before him. "Oh mah god it's a fucking panda!" He exclaimed as he would steadily approach it. "Wait... haven't I seen this before? Hmm..." He began to think hard. "Wait... I got it. Yes now I know where I saw it. Your... PANDA FROM TEKKEN!"


Hugo tilted his head with a floorboard in his mouth. "Panda." He bit down and finished eating the floorboard. A honk of a truck was heard and Hugo stepped off the street angrily before licking James on the helmet. He then flopped on the sidewalk and put his paws over his nose. "Paanda..."

@YoungX (Panda from Tekken xD I'm laughing too hard at this)
JPax42 said:
Hugo tilted his head with a floorboard in his mouth. "Panda." He bit down and finished eating the floorboard. A honk of a truck was heard and Hugo stepped off the street angrily before licking James on the helmet. He then flopped on the sidewalk and put his paws over his nose. "Paanda..."

@YoungX (Panda from Tekken xD I'm laughing too hard at this)
James would wipe the saliva off his helmet before looking at the seemingly docile creature. "Oh I think I recall now. Your Hugo from TEST right? Katherine mentioned sonewhere... I think." He then gently approached Hugo as he notices that it seems... longing for something. "Excuse me... Hugo? Do you need something?" In truth despite the size... James thought it to be an adorable creature. Sure it can kill him and end his incomprehensible life... but he has a soft spot for animals. Even giant squids.

@JPax42 (Hue.)
"That it is" Pike says while backstroking. He stands up when the wave hits Anella, which was meet with the appropriate response. A laugh. "I probably did too though sadly I can't remember" William said in a light tone. Pike had a stood there after Anella dived under water, not really knowing to expect. After she kissed him on the cheek, he did an overly dramatic surprised expression. "Oh really" Pike said diving under water, grabbing her leg. Pulling her up he kisses her on the cheek "Tag your it" Pike jokes before swimming of underwater. @JPax42

Hugo opened his mouth to say something but something caught his eye. He looked at a girl who was crossing the street, a girl with black hair and a seemingly flawless flare to her walking. His eyes then trailed onto a boy with red hair that covered his eyes, and then they trailed down to James. "T...Tristin. T-Tommas."



Anella smiled when she was kissed and dived into the water again. After a few seconds she was swimming almost directly under Pike with her face up. She landed a kiss on his stomach before swimming to the surface and wiping the water from her eyes. "Now you're it!" Anella then lay back in the water with her eyes closed, wanting to be surprised by Pike.

JPax42 said:
Hugo opened his mouth to say something but something caught his eye. He looked at a girl who was crossing the street, a girl with black hair and a seemingly flawless flare to her walking. His eyes then trailed onto a boy with red hair that covered his eyes, and then they trailed down to James. "T...Tristin. T-Tommas."



Anella smiled when she was kissed and dived into the water again. After a few seconds she was swimming almost directly under Pike with her face up. She landed a kiss on his stomach before swimming to the surface and wiping the water from her eyes. "Now you're it!" Anella then lay back in the water with her eyes closed, wanting to be surprised by Pike.

"Tristin and Thomas? They're GLASS subcommanders... AH!" Good old James... a bit slow on the uptake sometimes. "I get it you want to see them both well alright!" He would take his right hand into a fist and smacked his chest. "Leave it to me, James definitely not ROBERT! Follow me." He would lead Hugo back to the GLASS building.


Hugo followed James without question, but when he realized he knew where they were going he stopped for a second and kneeled down, pointing a paw to the massive saddle on his back. "Panda." The saddle came with seatbelts, foot rests, and even the most important thing that Katherine enjoys the most...



"CUPHOLDERS!" Katherine leaned forwards and stared at the newly installed cupholders on Trinity. She then ordered GLASS to make fifty new types of drinks. "Wait! Don't put alcohol in the last one it seems like kids will drink it. Oh, and cupholders need to be installed in every single room!" Katherine couldn't wait so she just grabbed the toolbox out of the officer's hand, prepared to give everybody cupholders.
JPax42 said:
Hugo followed James without question, but when he realized he knew where they were going he stopped for a second and kneeled down, pointing a paw to the massive saddle on his back. "Panda." The saddle came with seatbelts, foot rests, and even the most important thing that Katherine enjoys the most...



"CUPHOLDERS!" Katherine leaned forwards and stared at the newly installed cupholders on Trinity. She then ordered GLASS to make fifty new types of drinks. "Wait! Don't put alcohol in the last one it seems like kids will drink it. Oh, and cupholders need to be installed in every single room!" Katherine couldn't wait so she just grabbed the toolbox out of the officer's hand, prepared to give everybody cupholders.
James looked with glee. "Oh a saddle! And are those... cup holders?! Katherine loves those... for some reason. Anyways," he hopped himself onto the saddle on Hugo. "Then onwards!" He pointed in the direction to head off towards.

Pike enjoyed swimming completely submerged by the water, it was almost a zen like experience. Made a change from having to sneak around or be shot at. Pike was impressed by the uniqueness of her kiss. Swimming up for a bit so that he could see, he watched Anella just lay back in the water. Swimming until he was underneath her, he picked her up, holding her in his arms. "Well my dear, I'm weak and you are surprisingly heavy" Pike joked before kissing her. "Tag" he said before dropping her back in the water and swimming off. @JPax42

"Panda." Hugo went forwards into a sprint towards the GLASS building. It was almost a dream, Hugo was a trusty steed for the knight in shining armor (the knight with plasma pistols and antimatter rifles) and he was riding through the thick of the terrain for a quest to find two important people. Hugo, the trusty steed and mount of James, the hero of our story, was unfortunately halted...by a red light! Hugo grumbled and waited at the traffic signal.



Anella yelped slightly when Pike kissed her and lifted her up. However when he swam off, Anella followed him. This time she went in front of him and gently kissed him on the mouth under the water. This time, instead of swimming away and waiting to be tagged, Anella floated in front of Pike and embraced him again.

JPax42 said:
"Panda." Hugo went forwards into a sprint towards the GLASS building. It was almost a dream, Hugo was a trusty steed for the knight in shining armor (the knight with plasma pistols and antimatter rifles) and he was riding through the thick of the terrain for a quest to find two important people. Hugo, the trusty steed and mount of James, the hero of our story, was unfortunately halted...by a red light! Hugo grumbled and waited at the traffic signal.



Anella yelped slightly when Pike kissed her and lifted her up. However when he swam off, Anella followed him. This time she went in front of him and gently kissed him on the mouth under the water. This time, instead of swimming away and waiting to be tagged, Anella floated in front of Pike and embraced him again.

James would also wait for the signal to turn green. As he waited he thought back to Sky's questions about crime in the city. He actually wondered about that now that he thought about it. Usually he was never really told important details... for obvious reasons. It sort of bugged him now that he thought about it. In any case he would wait for the signal as he petted Hugo by the ears.


Hugo started padding on the car in front of them, licking the spoiler and windshield. When the light turned green, the car accelerated away and Hugo ran to the GLASS building. It was time for the hero to dismount his trusty steed and continue the journey on foot. Or...not. Unlike a horse, Hugo simply nudged James off and stood up on his hind legs, walking up to the door on two legs before using his right paw to ring the doorbell. "Pan-da." Hugo imitated the doorbell sound with the word 'Panda.'

JPax42 said:
Hugo started padding on the car in front of them, licking the spoiler and windshield. When the light turned green, the car accelerated away and Hugo ran to the GLASS building. It was time for the hero to dismount his trusty steed and continue the journey on foot. Or...not. Unlike a horse, Hugo simply nudged James off and stood up on his hind legs, walking up to the door on two legs before using his right paw to ring the doorbell. "Pan-da." Hugo imitated the doorbell sound with the word 'Panda.'

As James got off he would stand next to Hugo as he attempts to ring the doorbell. It was adorable to James and he couldn't help but have the urge to cuddle Hugo. As a GLASS Soldier he has to control himself, and before long he regains his composure. He would open the door himself and lead Hugo inside.


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