~Alone~ (RP)

Sabrina yelped at the snake curling around the cat and leaped forward. She grabbed the snake and pulled it off before it got a good grip, and the cat ran away. She gripped the snake by it's head and the end of its tail. "You don't eat cats..." she said calmly, turning to face Toa. "If you want, I can give you some real food..." she offered softly, handing him his snake back. She usually liked snakes, but not when they were about to kill cats.
Jason would then look at the group he was with and he would then stand up and looked around " I'm going to go find more supplies and any sign of life.. out there maybe there is more people that need help and by the way my Name is Jason.. " he looked up at the guy that was injured " i suggest you stay here for one night just to rest up.. then you can go if you want " he would then start to walk away drawing out both his blades has he started to venture deeper into the city looking around he kept his cat on his shoulders where he felt was safe for the time being and he would then stop at corner putting his back to the wall and he would then look down the road seeing nothing and started to walk down it and came up to a fountain that was barely standing and looked at it for a bit his yellow eyes scanning it then looked at the water and sighed knowing it was contaminated and couldn't be used for a fresh water source.. he then started to walk even deeper
The space was dank and cold but you could someone stayed there. The abandoned first floor appartment only had 2 or 3 rooms still standing, the rest had long since crumbled to the ground. But the space was hung with blankets and lengths of plastic to keep out rain and the cold. In the corner lay a bundle of blankets for a bed and in the center of the room was a small black clad girl with pale skin and hair that tumbled down her back.

Victoria snuffed out her fire and shouldered her bow and arrows. She had to hunt today if she was interested in eating.

As she stepped outside Crow, a raven, landed on her shoulder and nipped gently at her ear.

"'Ey boy. Lets go get some grub." Victoria smiled to her only friend. She started out of her appartment and raised her bow. One could never be too careful and she'd hardly turn her nose up at any thing she shot.

She trudged through the foilage watching for any thing that moved.
Jason would then look around then heard something he would quickly look around then would look to his right seeing an abandoned alley way and he quickly dashed towards it and hid in the darkness of it he stayed low and started to peak around the corner wondering if it was an animal or could be someone alive.. he had luck finding people but didn't expect to see if his luck was going to run out.. He would quickly look at tiger and put his index finger slowly to his mouth so he would be quiet and he would then turn his head to the left down the alleyway checking his back making sure no one was sneaking up behind him then he would peak slightly over again and saw nothing but he was going to wait a couple of minutes just to make sure..
Victoria pulled her arrow back tight as she heard some thing up ahead. What ever it was it wasn't particularly quiet. Wild dog maybe? Victoria could make a decent stew if she spent the rest of the afternoon gathering some fresh greens.

Watching for more movement Victoria let her arrow fly.
Tamika blushed slightly, "Uh, how much longer? My feet are killing me!" she said.

Sara rolled her eyes and made a heart around Jasper and Tamika.
"Well first I'm shocked you can pick him up. Second its just a cat." He lets the snake slither up on his shoulders and puts down his glasses and looks down at the girl with cat "They are all over the place ever since..." starts to reach in his bag slowly "and one more thing the cat was for him Shaka"
Aria somewhat upset now. "Moondance is not just a cat! she is my pet, and of course i can pick her up, she is a domestic cat and all that i have left......." she frowns as she trails off.
"think whatever you want about me. Moon dance is my only friend and....." she stopped and turned to walk away.she was starting to tear up and she didnt want to be seen as weak. the cat mewed gently and climbed up to her shoulder. "its ok Moondance. i promised Chase no one would hurt you and that is a promise i intend to keep." she whisper to the cat as a tear rolled down her cheek.
Before she walks too far away throws the bottle at a tree breaking it into pieces the bottle was full of chloroform
Moondance goes unconsieousand Aria quickly holds her breath and holds the small cat close. she reaches in here shoulder bag and pulls out a thick peice of cloth to put over here face. as she holds the unconscious cat, her tears overflow. i swear i wont let him hurt you. she quickly gets away from the tree and glares at you. "dont you touch me! if hurt this cat i will kill you with my own two hands! i wont loose Moondance the way i lost Chase! I....." it was too late. she had inhaled to much chloroform and fell to her knees, tears streaming, but she never let go of her precious companion. within a few minutes she blacked out.
Walks over to the girl and cat picks them both up and throws her over his shoulder. He starts to carry them toward the water where there is a large treehouse surrounded by shark infested waters. He swims threw the water careful to keep her head out of the water. Then he carries her up into the two story tree home and lays her on a bed with her cat. He takes a bucket and goes to the edge of the tree house to feed them some fish
Aria has a nightmare. No Chase stay with me! what? but Moondance is your cat! no! Chase! Sits straight up, crying. she sees Moondance next to her and panics "Moondance wake up! are you ok?"she puts heart ear to the cats tiny chest. theres still a heart beat. but, where am i? she wipes her tear stained face
"Ohh morning wahina you sleep for a long time. But its time for your medacine anyways" flicks a needle with green liquid in it "I haven't touched your cat since we got here" gets out another needle and fills it with a blue liquid and lays it on your lap "and I won't be careful not to kill him" starts to move the needle toward your arm
Aria grabs Moondance and slides off the bed, backing herself into a corner. "stay away! havent you done enough?" she held her cat protectivly and trembled as she looked a the needles. she had survived for months on her own but no matter how strong she got, her frail body frame was no match a guy like him.
"Oh don't be a cry baby. It's a natural deterant for insects and insect poisons" points at a red dot on her leg "eripidus meticus poison can be deadly. But if you want to run I won't stop you" throws a fish out the window and a shark jumps out of the water and snatches it "but they might" sits down on a stool
Aria looks at the bite on her leg. "well...." she starts to feel woozy "fine." she makes her way back and sits on the bed. she is still wary, but doesnt want to take her chances with poison.
Walks over to you and says "hey what's that" and waits for you to look away and injects you. He then gives you the cats needle "have at it" he walks over to a fire and turns a spicet with a pig on it
Aria cringes at the needles sharp sting. she takes the smaller nedle and carefully injects moondance. this wakes Moondance and the she mews. "im glad your ok little one..." she strokes the cat happily. "you could have thought of a less threatening way to help us"
"If I did that there would be no fun." Looks over at her "you hungry wahina" keeps the pig turning "the bathroom is in the back, kitchen is in front of you and my bed room is where your sleeping"
"pretty hospitable for someone who threw chloroform at me." she gave him a sarcastic look. "but, thank you for not letting me die of poison." she felt uneasy, but she didnt have anywhere to go seeing as the house was surrounded by sharks.
"Yeah yeah and if you go up top...well that's my fun room but are you hungry" takes out some extra blankets and places them beside you. He places a glass of water and a bowl of milk on the table beside you.

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