Alone [Inactive]

she looked up at him, "was that not in the book or did you skip that part because you were embarrassed?" she smirked and sat back up. "a mate is basically a boyfriend or husband..but in a pack they are refered to as mates. but they are only mates when they are two beings whos souls seemed to be connected in a way that no one could ever replace that person. so you could have a boyfriend but he couldnt necessarily be your will always know when your with your mate or when they are close when you have opened that part of yourself to them. a lot of times when you find a mate and say that mate dies you cant be with anyone else because that person was your world and your only other half. it was like that when my father died"
Jack looked down at her, " first off I skipped to the werewolf parts and second the reason I ask is because... well... you opened a part of yourself to me and I opened a part of myself to you and I was thinking we could be mates in the boyfriend and girlfriend sense." he was really blushing now he just probably destroyed there friend ship. He sat there holding her waiting to see how this turned out
her jaw dropped a bit and the blush spread across her face, did he really feel that way about her or was he just teasing? did she feel that way? she thought maybe she was just opening up to him because he was a lupine as well, "i-i...are you teasing me? if your being dead serious you need to prove that to me..because this happened once before and it didnt go well.." she still was more red than the very gown she wore and she had trouble making eye contact.
Jack grinned and looked at Ardetha he then leaned in and kissed her passionately and held her closer to him as if protecting her. He finally knew how he felt he really liked her but was still unclear if he loved her
she stiffened once more as he kissed her and her eyes were wide, she hadnt been kissed before what was she suppose to do? she could feel her hands shaking and it suddenly hit her. the feelings that he had, how he felt now and how close he was to her, like he himself had become apart of her. she relaxed and melted into him holding his shirt in her hands kissing him back warmly.
Jack drew back and grinned," is that proof enough or will I have to try even harder to show how much you mean to me?" he still held her close like if he let go he would lose her forever and didn't want that to happen.
she wrapped her arms around him and shrank down so far her head was now pressed against his chest and her eyes was closed, " i think you proved it pretty well now.." she could hear his heart beat and could feel hers even more strongly, "just because im yours now though doesnt mean im gonna change my dark outlook to fit your sunny cheery one" she stuck her tongue out at him.
He grinned and kissed her, then said," hey I wouldn't have it any other way and what you got on right now isn't that dark its about as red as your face was when I kissed you. You won't get much by me." he felt as though they were the only people in the world.
she looked down at her gown, "well i like red sooo.." she rolled her eyes and grinned sitting up some to kiss him again. she felt she couldnt get enough now that she had him and she belonged to someone. she pulled her him down with her onto her bed so they were facing each other. "you must know now you have gotten yourself mixed in with the crazy people"
He looked down into her eyes," I never considered myself as sane, and with you some of the action I did because of you were completely insane. " he smiled and kissed he passionately and started to caress her body gently and felt so close to her he could feel her heart beat with his chest
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"i wouldnt allow any sane people in my you can see visha is not one of them..whether she admits it or not" she kissed him back passionately and felt all her deepest desires and any remaining darkness and hate have flowed from her heart and mind. she tucked her body into his so they both fit comfortably on her bed.
Jack grinned then started to kiss her neck and gently rub her leg, he never felt like this before. He seem to be a bit more feral and felt a warm sensation as he kissed her neck and felt the beast wanting to come out he just barely managed to keep it back.
she closed her eyes and sighed happily, she loved his touch and knew that both their canines wanted to be set free and have each other. it tugged and pulled at her as she wrapped her arms around his neck and wrapped her legs with his. it only made it more intense as the light from the rising moon filtered her dark room.
Jack slowly ran his hands along her body it was soft to the touch. When he got to her gown he slowly slid his hand up it. He knew if he wasn't care his more beastly side would take over and he didn't want that to happen. Yet he could fill the urge grow as the moon light engulfed the room
she felt the blush flood through her cheeks and she buried her face in his neck kissing it gently and one hand rested on his hip, "jack.." when she spoke his name it came out as a whisper, panting gently as their bodies became warmer and her beast was begging to be let out and be with his.
Jack whispered," yes" when he said that he said it more in a breath. His body was heating up and his heart beat was increasing. He found it getting harder and header to control his feral side.
"what we are doing..i can feel it the same from you..our animals want to open all the way up to each other..i-i..i want to as well.." she felt shy for the first time in a long time and she felt the butterflies in her stomach go crazy, "i-i want to be with that i dont feel like i want anyone else. that is if you want me as well"
Jack realized his next words would seal his fate and he meant every word he was about to say," Ardetha I love you with all my being and I want you just as much as you want me now we can stop now or we can let our animals run free. Its your choice how we go from here he held her tightly
she held him tightly, she didnt know what they shared but knew it was powerful and felt like he was hers all along and that she was his, it was like they had been together all her life. "i want to let go with you..see what this really is and how powerful this is between us.." she kissed his jaw and took his scent in making her beast jump around on the inside and her eyes slowly changed to a red instead of their usual black.
Jack nodded he let his feral side out, and his features turned more feral and he felt his lust wash over him and he let it take over and let his human side drift farther away as his lust slowly took over, he had now left Ardetha at his feral sides mercy he didn't wolf out he just allowed his more beastly side to come out
she growled a bit but in passion as she opened herself up and let it all out to him she ran her hands all over him and had her lips brush against his cheek and lips. the want that her animal felt made her whimper like she couldnt get close enough and she rolled and lie under him while her hands found his chest and clutched onto him.
His feral ran its hands all the way up her gown and continued to passionately kiss her neck and with his other hand hold on to her hand as if to be sure that they couldn't be separated. He let out a growl of pleasure and when he felt the beast fully take over it pressed itself against her again and again. All the while their hands were still locked together
she held his hand tightly and growled with pleasure as she held her and gave herself to him. she wrapped her free arm around him andtilted her head to the side her breathe almost visible in the light like the fire she had withing was coming free. "im ready when you are jack.." she arched her back and looked him in the eyes, her own glowing brightly in the darkness.

(shall we fade to black here?) 
ardetha had pulled her blankets over them as not to expose their bodies out in the open, she was facing him and still panting a bit as her animal calmed and rested inside, her head rested against his bare chest and together their bodies stayed warm. "i love you jack..i dont know how i came to love you so soon and so quick..but i feel it. i feel it more than ever..since you bonded in such a way with me.." she kissed his chest gently.
Jack looked down at Ardetha and kissed the top of her head and smile his feral side resting now," I love you to I didn't understand why I stuck my neck out for you. But now being here with you I finally understand my decisions. I did everything I did out of a bond that I felt you and I had, and right now I wish the world would just disappear and leave us be." he pulled her in closer not wanting this moment to pass
she laughed quietly, "you realize what you and i did..and what we are doing now is against rules..better hope they dont find us" she smirked and kissed his neck, "but i want you to stay here with me and sleep..with a moon like this i dont want to pass it up" she curled in close to him "and god knows why i put up with you..but i guess love does weird things" she smiled teasingly at him.

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