Alone [Inactive]

" yeah I know it seems like you rubbed off on me a bit." he ran his hand down the length of her body and then reached across her stomach to pull her as close as she could get he kissed the back of her neck for a second then said," good night I love you" he then closed his eyes and waited for sleep to over take him.
she got close to him and sighed happily, "i know its great" she blushed with their bodies touching so much even though they were intimate only a few minutes before. "i love you too..sleep well my dear" she closed her eyes and drifted into a calm nights sleep, instead of her usual nightmares she felt a calm warming embrace and a warm voice.
Ami didnt like this night. Her vampire hearing had picked up what was going on and right about now, she was buried under a mountain of pillows along with her blankets. Whatever she tried, she couldnt un-hear what was going on. SHe growled under her breath "Stupid wolves. Any vampire in this building would have heard that!" she said into her pillow, but her voice was so muffled that no one could hear it. She then got out of bed once it was over and cleaned up her room from the mess she buried herself in and she soon went to bed.
Suzaku was walking around the orphanage, just as tired as he had been when he had gotten up though sleep alluded him yet again thanks to his insomnia. The house wasn't all that quiet, his ears picking up some strange noises though he didn't bother checking in on it as a strange feeling took hold of him. Part of him knew what it was. He stopped midstride as he heard shuffling in another room, walking over to it slowly and realizing it was Ami's. One hand in his pocket, he raised up his other to rap his knuckles on the door. "Everything alright in there, Ami?" he asked, his voice low as he worried that maybe he'd misheard.
Ami looked over towards her door. Whoever it was, she didnt care who seen her in just her underwear and her button up shirt. Thats how she liked to sleep (See her picture for detail xD ). She walked over and opened the door "Everything's fine." she crossed her arms "Just had the most discusting dream." sure she heard it happening, but she wasnt going to rat out on the 2 mutts. "Probably disturbing too." she shuttered "Never again do I want to be in that damn dream." she looked over to the side. "What brings you to my room?"
He considered walking away when he heard footsteps followed by the door opening, blinking a few times behind his glasses upon spotting the light haired girl in bedtime attire. He offered her a small, genuine smile as she explained what sounded like a bad dream. "I was just passing by," he said, reaching up to slid his hands under his scarf and rub his neck. "I just wanted to make sure everything was alright. If you were trying to sleep, I'll go."
Ami shook her head "Its hard to sleep at night for me. It always was." she shrugged and walked to her desk, sitting on the chair and looking over at him "So im up for a while longer till I could actually fall asleep. Im still not used to the fact of sleeping at night. Seeing as I was chased for days before being dragged here. Better then being outside anyway." being as careless as she was, she just chilled in her chair. "Whats your story? I want to hear someone elses for once rather then people listening to me rant all the time."
He watched her walk over to her desk, stepping in behind her once he felt that she'd invited him in even though she didn't use those exactly words. "I'm afraid I've never been the best at holding conversations," he said, letting out a soft laugh as he smiled down at her. "When you get to be my age, you find that talking to younger people is hard. They always seem so bored." He walked over to her bed, sitting down on the edge with a bit of a groan as he folded his hands in front of him. "I'm not good at sleeping at night either," he admitted as he looked over at her.
"Im never bored unless i'm just staring at you with a blank face. If I was bored, you wouldnt be in my room now would you." she grinned, being a smartass she was. But she lost the grin and just watched him "You sound like a vampire." she laughed softly and lowly so she wouldnt wake anyone up "But its ok. I heard tea or hot chocolate could make someone fall asleep because of how warm it is. Im not sure how it works since im not really human." though, she always wanted to try it. "Maybe it'll work for you?"
(I'm just posting this ooc instead of character was dull in the kitchen waiting for a respond she simply talked to the vampire girl so ami had some one to reply to and she is technically still there. Also role-playing between two people while other s aren't replying happens in almost every rp like you two are doing now. It's not like what went on while your guys were gone effected your characters. That is all)
He laughed along with her comment about him sounding like a vampire, his head shaking a bit as he said, "No, no, I'm very much human. I've just had some difficulties as of late." His laugh turned a bit nervous as he rubbed the back of his neck and admitted, "It's fine. I'm actually very use to being up this late. I use to do it all the time and now I'm sort of off the norm."
"I see. You're not like a man who has a bedtime and is all: Oh its so late! I should have went to sleep at 9 o'clock!" she said it in a english accent which made it sound funny. She giggled "Man, I havent laughed in so long. Feels like ages." she sighed happily and she studied him "At least you're not scared of me or anything. Some of the kids here think im mean just because of how I act. Its not my fault I act this way."
Suzaku slipped off his glasses, cleaning them with his jacket as he looked down at the ground. "You're abrasive. Nothing wrong with that," he said, breathing on his lenses before wiping them a few more times. "It'll just take some getting use to. Don't worry, I just know you'll have plenty of friends before you know it." He slipped his glasses on before looking over at her with a smile. "You'll see."
"Thats what everyone says. Only the opposite happens. The only friends I have made is Jack and you. Oh and lookie there, they're males." she rested her head on her fist "I never was the one to make friends with girls because its just too much drama. Too many fights." she rolled her eyes "Im sorry, im ranting like an annoying teenage girl."
He chuckled as she apologized, leaning forward and folding his hands in front of him. "I'm glad you can be that open, actually. It's a nice change to some of the walls I get from the others. Plus, you are a teenage girl so I would expect you to rant like one," he said, his weak smile growing. "Please, try not to fret over it. It'll come naturally."
Ami was liking this guy. He actually listened and didnt mind her rants "I might look like a teenager but im a vampire, remember? We dont age." she fixed herself in her chair "I'll try. Just expect me to get into fights if someone says something." she looked off to the side, looking at the ground
"I'd rather you didn't get into fights," he said, his voice worried as his smile disappeared. "I don't like the idea of pulling two kids apart, especially if they both act like I'm taking sides on whatever caused it. As for the age bit, I know you're sixteen, Ami. You wouldn't be here if you weren't a teenager. Not to mention that's only half true." He tilted his head ever so slightly as he said, "You age a little. It usually stops when you reach your prime though. It'd be inconvenient if one of you got stuck in puberty. Or, God forbid, a baby."
"Yeah, I guess that makes sense." she spun on her chair "As for fighting, most likely its someone saying about my race. If not, commenting on me and what I look like." thinking about babies, she sighed knowing she wont get one being the way she was. She brushed it off and brought her attention back to the man sitting in front of her "Being human must be easy for you, huh?"
Ami nodded "And you arent catogorized as a monster." she bit her lip "Plus, you dont have to hide all the time."
He smiled again as she spoke. "That's only because there's so many of us. Others races are so much more gifted than us but we were merely blessed with quantity. And even then we don't always get along with each other. Nationality, where you were born, how you were raised, politics, religion. I wish people were more tightly knit like your races are."
"Ok most humans sound like buttheads..." she laughed softly "But not you. You're cool." who wouldnt think he's cool? He's so nice. And actually caring. "Thanks again for listening and talking with me. Its been a good night talking to you after that..nightmare." she shuttered thinking about it "Trust me, dont ask what it was."
As the two were talking, Charcoal was walking around, trying to remember why he was here again. "Why...why can't I remember anything? Did I come here by mistake or was I forced, but by who and why? Maybe a nice walk would help me remember." As Charcoal was getting ready for his walk, he started to get the feeling of remembering why he was here. "Oh yeah, I came here because I ran away... why did I run away again?" As he continues to wonder, he herd someone outside.
Yori got up and sat on a chair eating a cookie that he had stolen from the kitchen. He was listening in-case some-one came into the living-room and caught him. His little sister was sitting on the floor, also eating a cookie silently.
Bendyador has recently decided (or really , re-discovered this part of his personality) to be more outgoing. So as the two were talking , he decided to go from Gus usually shadowy pockets into the living room. "HEY! I'm bengyador! Why are you eating cookies. Can I have one? Wait where do you get them? Who are you? What are you? I am a vulpoid." He didn't know they stole these cookies , but the way he usually talked as if he was talking to an arena of people made sure everyone could here him anyway. He instantly started to try and hug Yori. Wherever this part of him came from , he liked it. Anyway , this person looked all right. "Hey , also , am I talking to loud?"

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