All Alone... (RP)

Max didn't laugh or look at him in disbelief, she simply nodded her head with a thoughtful look on her face. 'That's what I saw earlier. Good thing I avoided it.' She tilted her head down slightly as she thought about what has happened so far, her voice very quiet when she spoke. "We might not want to stay here then, attracting unwanted attention wouldn't be good."
"Z-zombies" Cam said looking up at Charlie eyes frightened. "Things will be okay buddy," she reassured him.

"Yeah I agree I think we should find a ... safer place than out here in the open...." she agreed with the girl.
Hunter: Well I suggested my house, it has a pretty stable basement and the house has supplies, and it isn't in that shitty of a condition compared to all the other houses, but it would leave us pinned and it has a big hole in the back of the house , although we could try and head towards the building crash see if there are people, but we could find some unwanted "company" there..thats all the suggestions I have

Hunter nervously twirls the duct tape around in his finger, spinning it. 
((Gtg and I guess we continue this tommorow :) good first day))
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Jessi looks up at Hunter "Okay.. im up for it." she says quietly, staying by her brothers side
Neku walks down the empty streets over and over, keeping an eye out for any survivors of the sort, always glancing behind him in-case of someone sneaking up on him, so he keeps his hand on his only holstered firearm, just a simple pistol.

"In times like these, I'm going to guess most people want something more than a pipe or crowbar."

He was desperately trying to keep his cool, although on the inside he's cowering like a child as he flinches at every sound that falls upon his ears.
"Who's that," Cam said taking Charlie's hand and pulling her towerds the man, he was carrying a pistol and looked scared, that wasn't a good combanation. They were close to him they hid behind a turned over car close by the group.
Hunter notices Cam taking Charlie's hand and pulling her to someone, he raises an eyebrow and then gets a clear view of the man, he looked like a soldier, he was carrying a pistol but he looked a bit frightened.

Hunter: Hmm..

He stays quiet
"I need to find more units, then maybe we could actually assess the situation..."

He finally moved his hand off his holstered pistol, and took out a military gps from the inside of one of his pouches, but it was going absolutely crazy, totally useless.

"Pure static, that bomb really f*cked everyone and everything up, eh?"

He sat down against car in a driveway, until a person inside hit there bloody hand on the inside of the window, shocking Neku, forcing him to jump off the car and turn around, firing tons of rounds into the car.

"holy sh*t!"

He held his chest as it beat fast from the fright, realizing that firing tons of rounds probably wasn't the quietest solution
I small squeal escaped Cam lips as the loud gun went of, and Charlie held him closer and covered her little brothers mouth, hoping that the man with the gun didn't hear but probably did, she stood still her brother in her arms.
He held up the pistol again, looking around.

"I-I heard that! W-whos out there?! I won't hurt you as long as you don't decide to try and make me your next meal"

He was frantically glancing around, on alert for anything that was alerted to the sound and decided to follow it, although the large crash in the building didn't bring in alot at first, although must be swarming by now.
"Cameron," Charlie said as he wiggled out of her grip and poked his head out of the side of the car to get a better look at the man, plain in sight. He then turned to his sister. "He said he won't hurt us Rosy," he told her.
Hunter hears the shots and Cam screaming,


He starts heading towards them slowly, wondering what happened
He lowered his pistol down.

"Civilians, im surprised you actually survived that bomb...more or less i'm surprised I did as well..."

He slowly made his way over to them, still gripping his pistol, but only in-case of an offensive 'militia' he thought in his head, even though in such a situation, who would really do that?

"Have you seen anyone else that looks like me? Dead or alive it doesn't matter"
Hunter stares at the armored man coming towards the group now, he sighs, thinking he isn't any threat and lets Charlie talk to him, he heads back to the group to help the others
Charlie stood up and pulled her brother away from the man with the pistol, just in case. "No, we haven't ," she answered shortly.
"Alright then, that means there is a chance they're alive taking hold somewhere..."

He was speaking outloud to himself, he didn't care much for the civilians in a time like this, dressed how he was they probably didn't think to highly of him that he was a 'victim' of this anyways, but one who caused it, that's what he atleast thought.
Jessi whimpers softly, her hand holding her hip, she slowly sits beside her brother, blood seeping through her pants, and down her leg, Jasper looks down at her, then quickly looks up at everyone, he takes her hand away, Jessi winces and he moves aside her shirt and pants, a large gash going deep into her body, bleed profusely, Jasper looks at Jessi's face, her eyes filled with pain "Its not..." she whimpers as Jasper touches it slightly.
Cam had looked back at the girl in the group, she was bleeding. "Rosy, Rosy, fix her she is hurt," Charlie attention went off of the man for a second then on the girl she saw the gash. She walked up to the girl, she was good at helping. "May I please help?" she asked the girl, waiting for her permision to help her.
Jessi looks up at Rosy frightened, "Are you bitten? Jess?" Jasper chokes out, his eyes flickering from Rosy, to Jess, to Hunter, and then to the unknown man, Jessi shakes her head "No... i dont think i am..." she says, Jasper furrows her brow "What do you mean, you don't know?!" he snaps, Jessi flinches slightly "It all happened to fast! i didn't feel it!" she says her blood soaking more into the shirt and pants "Please.." she looks up at Charlie "Please help..."
(I am taking that as a yes? lol)

Charlie went down on her knees in front of the girl. "You might want to sit down," she suggested to the girl and she took of her jacket.
Hunter walks back to the group and sits on the hood of the car again, looking at the duct take he got again then setting it aside, he opens the kit again and looks at what's left

Hunter: Hydrogen Peroxide, some gauses, a bit of cloth tape, some aspirin, 1 pair of latex gloves, ointment, sewing needle and stitching stuff, blanket, and some antiseptic wipes..Hmm it lasted pretty good.
Jessi sits down and cries out slightly, the wounds blood was surprisingly bright red, and around the massive hole her skin was red and inflamed, the area swollen, she tears up "It burns!" she whimpers "She hasn't touched you yet.." Jasper says quietly and sits beside his sister "I know that!" she grunts "It just hurts!" she says and whimpers loudly.
He hears Jasper shouting and walks over to them with the first aid kit,

Hunter: What happened- Oh..

Hunter starts opening the first aid kit again, pretty sure it's going to run out on this. He hands it to Jasper, and he starts unwrapping the cloth tape a bit

Hunter: The adrenaline must have taken care of the pain but we should clean up the area then use whatever stitching we have left to close it up but we need to head somewhere safe.
"Can I see it?" She asked Jasper for the first aid, she knew she could help, and Cam went and sat next to the crying girl and took her hand. 
"We need to clean the wound or it will get infected and she will get really sick then we need to close it," she explained to him.

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