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Realistic or Modern All about Life


The Cat Snuggler

So you are either a schoolgirl who is just starting on the new high school in town, a experienced artist or just a old grumpy man sitting in the park all the time. It doesn't matter, everyone lives in Nishimoto, an exciting and small city!

Please come live with us!



I'll say when the rp may begin ^^

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Hayashida unlocked his front door and grabbed the pack of cigarettes out of his pocket. "There we go, my first and last cigarette of the day." The guy chuckled and stuck the thing between his lips, lighting it up with his brand new lighter which displayed a naked woman, something his mother gave him with the hope he would get in a relationship with a female. 'There we go." Hayashida breath out the smoke and zipped up his jacket. It was monday and the city started to wake, it was time for him to head towards the cafe where he worked all day. The man didn't mind though as he loved his job.

Half on his way the guy was stopped by the traffic light for walking people. "Just when I decide not to right my bike.." He sighed and threw his cigarette on the pavement, stamping it out with his black gentle shoes. "No smoking with other peeps around check." While Hayashida waited for the light to turn green he started staring at others. He liked to pick the guys out he would find 'hot' or 'interesting'. It was something he secretly did, although he wasn't a playboy. NO no not at all, Hayashida liked the romantic side of the idea and believed in love at first sight and the word 'forever'. But nobody would get hurt by only checking them out right?


Yuri was awoken by the calls over her mother. "Yuri, Darling it's time for school" Her mother usually did this, even though Yuri already had an alarm clock set for twenty minutes later. For some reason parents seem to believe their children need an abundance of time to get ready for school. Nevertheless, Yuri got up out of the purple and black bed that her parents had bought her just last year. As she walked to the bathroom that she use to share with her brother, who was now moved out, her mom peaked her head around the corner of the hallway. "It's fine...I'm up already" She muttered to her overbearing mother.

Yuri slipped into the bathroom and did the morning necessity's, brushing her hair and teeth as well as concealing a little pimple that was on the right side of her forehead. She always brushed her teeth before breakfast, because she heard that if you brush them after breakfast then all the sugars would rise to the top of your teeth and destroy the enamel. Now she wasn't sure if that was true or not, but better safe then sorry anyways her teeth were white so she had to be doing something right.

She walked back into her purplish bedroom and over to the dresser that was in-front of a window. She closed the curtains and pulled out her cheerleading outfit, as well as pink loose fighting sweater pullover, some shorts and black thigh high stockings. She quickly changed into the outfit then headed downstairs, grabbing her shoes and her book bag. On the way down, she shoved the cheerleading outfit into her bag and then set it down on the table.

Yuri's mom always made her breakfast in the morning and today it was pancakes, her favorite. She scarfed down the food and then drank a whole glass of orange juice, not the best combination, it created a bitter taste in her mouth as she put two notebooks into her bag. Yuri slung the bag over her shoulder and grabbed her car keys off of the counter. As she walked out of the house, her black worn down car sat in the driveway. Yuri opened the door and slid into the drivers seat, taking a moment to tie her peach colored hair back with a bow. She started the car and headed down the street to the school.


The morning had arrived and it was that time once again for Masao to wake up to his empty apartment, payed for by his parents and also his bouncer gig at the Sugar and Spice Cafe. His university hours were the same as the kids high school hours. Masao worked the hours that the cafe was most popular, so it seemed fitting that he went to school at the same hours as most people did.

As Masao got up off of the couch he fell asleep on last night, there was drool all over his chin.
"I guess the couch must have been comfy" He muttered to himself in a gruff voice. His apartment was small, the bedroom and living room were practically the same thing and the kitchen was only separated by a room divider. Basically the small place only had two real divided rooms, that would be the main room and the bathroom...But at least he had a shower, that was certainly a plus. Speaking of the shower, Masao hopped in and turned on the warm water although it quickly turned to freezing water within the next 7 minutes. He had been use to this, having lived in the same place for 2 years, somehow he managed to only take the exact 7 minutes of the warm watered shower. Masao always showered in the morning, since that was the routine he had been on his whole life. Yuri showers at night and Masao showers in the morning.

As he walked to the basket that held all his clean close he frowned, there was one clean pair of underwear and pants to wear. He slipped both of those items on before going to the dirt laundry pile that was located next to his bed. He picked up one of the black shirts and sniffed it.
"Smells okay" he said, then pulled it over his head. Since Masao's parents bought him a car before he moved out, he actually had one to use even though the school was close enough for him to walk there in 20 minutes. Some days he would drive to school, and others he would use it as a warm up run. Today though, Masao decided to run to school.

As he grabbed the apartment keys and he laptop bag, which he put over one shoulder, he walked out of the apartment. He ran down the stairwell and out onto the street, ready to start his day.

"Bounce pogo pogo pogo bounce pogo pog.. *slam* Oishi woke up and hit his alarm almost through his drawer. "Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck its 10am already?" With his eyes still half closed from the sleep he stumbled around the room, trying to find some clean clothes between a pile of junk for that day. *sniff* "This will do." The guy said while he put on his shirt. Walking to the bathroom he realized how much of a headache he had. "Well this monday can't start worse" Oishi said while refreshing his face.

After Oishi got ready cleaning and eating he went outside and headed to his class for that day. Human reactions was his lesson for today. He knew he would have to play as an racist worker in front of the class so his fellow classmates could try to get him a better image as an assignment. Because of this he really didn't want to go. When he was waiting for the bus to arrive Oishi thought: "Maybe if I report myself sick I don't have to go. No no no no I've done that already one to many times last time I did that I got the warning:(In a very serious and mean voice) If you do this again you don't have to come back." He went on the bus and tried not to think about ditching school. At least not for that day.
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Mariah had just got to work. She owned a beautiful care in town called SUGAR AND SPICE. It was very popular especially among the teenagers during lunch and adults during night. Mariah loved owning her own spot it gave her a certain feel of power.

As she walked in she started setting up tables and preping the food and everything she liked everything a certain way.


After she had finished setting up the cafe she switched the sign from CLOSED to OPEN. It was the morning shift 7am-11:30am. The mornings weren't always packed just a few stragglers here and there so she just checked on the performance list for tonight
Hayashida stumbled through the door that would let him inside the most loved cafe in the city. He didn't quickly see Mariah but knew she had to be here. The cafe was opened after all. He took off his jacked and hung it over a chair. "Mariaaaah...where are you?" Hayashida chuckled and took his usual place behind the bar. It felt comfortable to be surrounded by exotic drinks and alchol he had yet to mix. But that would be for tonight, it was rare to get a customer wanting a mix this early. "Let's see I guess I'll go clean some glasses." Hayashida grabbed a towel and a couple of glasses to start cleaning. "Mariah I am here please don't be scared, it's Shida." The male chuckled and looked over his shoulder to look if he perhaps could see her already. The girl was his boss and he was glad she was. She was nice and knew how to stand on her two feet. Hayashida liked people like her.

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Hobbesisalive said:
Hayashida stumbled through the door that would let him inside the most loved cafe in the city. He didn't quickly see Mariah but knew she had to be here. The cafe was opened after all. He took off his jacked and hung it over a chair. "Mariaaaah...where are you?" Hayashida chuckled and took his usual place behind the bar. It felt comfortable to be surrounded by exotic drinks and alchol he had yet to mix. But that would be for tonight, it was rare to get a customer wanting a mix this early. "Let's see I guess I'll go clean some glasses." Hayashida grabbed a towel and a couple of glasses to start cleaning. "Mariah I am here please don't be scared, it's Shida." The male chuckled and looked over his shoulder to look if he perhaps could see her already. The girl was his boss and he was glad she was. She was nice and knew how to stand on her two feet. Hayashida liked people like her.
Mariah crept up behind him

"BOO!" She said trying to scare him giggling.

"Hey handsome. How's my favorite employee?" Mariah loved making her employees feel more like friends And family than just people who worked for her. She especially loved Shida because of his personality it always made her place shine.

She hugged him and gave him a kiss on each sitting at the bar with a bottle of cranberry juice and some finance papers.

Smiling at him.

Coaxch yawned as he held onto the handrails of the bus, one headphone in his ear and the other on the low buzz of the crowd. He ran a hand through his ruffled hair and rubbed at the sleep still stuck in his eyes. He wasn't usually a morning person, and that showed. Still, he wanted to get up before the florists opened at 10 am, and sit at the café and watch for cute guys.

The bus stopped, and Coaxch got off, hurrying to the café at the corner. He stepped inside, and stepped up to the counter, stifling another yawn. "Just a coffee, please." He said, looking the man behind the counter. Had he always worked here? He sure was worth the trip to the café this morning.
BornWithoutFear said:
Coaxch yawned as he held onto the handrails of the bus, one headphone in his ear and the other on the low buzz of the crowd. He ran a hand through his ruffled hair and rubbed at the sleep still stuck in his eyes. He wasn't usually a morning person, and that showed. Still, he wanted to get up before the florists opened at 10 am, and sit at the café and watch for cute guys.
The bus stopped, and Coaxch got off, hurrying to the café at the corner. He stepped inside, and stepped up to the counter, stifling another yawn. "Just a coffee, please." He said, looking the man behind the counter. Had he always worked here? He sure was worth the trip to the café this morning.
Mariah sees a customer come in She smiled at him as Shida prepares his drink

"Hello how are You this beautiful morning love?!"

As Yuri drove away from her street, she glanced at the time on her phone and thought for a moment before she turned onto the road to school. Since the Sugar and Spice cafe was on the way to school, she decided to stop by and get some coffee for her and Masao. When she pulled into the parking lot, she noticed one guy walking in. She parked quickly and grabbed the keys out of the ignition and got out of the car. While walking to the doors, she clicked the button on the keys and heard the honk of the car, telling her that it was locked.

She walked inside and gave a smile to the three inside.
"Hey Mariah, Shida. Just getting some Coffee" She spoke loudly, slipping her keys back her sweater pocket. Yuri walked behind the counter and over to the coffee machine. She grabbed two of the coffee cups and put them under the coffee machine, pushing the button and replacing each cup once they were full. "So I haven't seen you around here before" She said to the man behind the counter. She pulled out a five dollar bill from her pocket and put it in the register.
Hayashida acted like he was scared when Mariah bumped into his shoulder. "Hey girl, I thought you got lost." Again the male chuckled but quickly looked at the customers walking in. "Coffee you say? Good choice for a fine morning as this." He winked at both customers and turned around to prepare the coffee. "Black, sugar, milk?" Shida looked over his shoulder and smiled at the two. "I can make it all in one second!" His grin got huge and he quickly grabbed two glasses, put them underneath the machine and waited. The male leaned against the bar and faced Yuri. "Hey Yuri, don't you have school?" He asked. It was nice how everbody knew each other. Although he didn't recognize the male at the bar.

@MariahChanell @Still Crazy @BornWithoutFear
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MariahChanell said:
Mariah sees a customer come in She smiled at him as Shida prepares his drink
"Hello how are You this beautiful morning love?!"
"I'm fine." The man smiled, already chipper despite the fact that he wasn't a morning person, "Excited for work, at the florests, today. How fairs you?" He inquired at Mariah.
[QUOTE="Still Crazy]

As Yuri drove away from her street, she glanced at the time on her phone and thought for a moment before she turned onto the road to school. Since the Sugar and Spice cafe was on the way to school, she decided to stop by and get some coffee for her and Masao. When she pulled into the parking lot, she noticed one guy walking in. She parked quickly and grabbed the keys out of the ignition and got out of the car. While walking to the doors, she clicked the button on the keys and heard the honk of the car, telling her that it was locked.

She walked inside and gave a smile to the three inside.
"Hey Mariah, Shida. Just getting some Coffee" She spoke loudly, slipping her keys back her sweater pocket. Yuri walked behind the counter and over to the coffee machine. She grabbed two of the coffee cups and put them under the coffee machine, pushing the button and replacing each cup once they were full. "So I haven't seen you around here before" She said to the man behind the counter. She pulled out a five dollar bill from her pocket and put it in the register.

"Hey beauty, glad you stopped by. How are you.? On your way to class?" Mariah loved her customers especially her regulars. Just like her employees they were like family.. Mariah laughed at Shida. Grabbing one of extra coffees. "Shida-baby you know Yuri likes making the coffees herself" she laughed as she drank the coffee
BornWithoutFear said:
"I'm fine." The man smiled, already chipper despite the fact that he wasn't a morning person, "Excited for work, at the florests, today. How fairs you?" He inquired at Mariah.
Mariah smiled at him. Her customers always made even her worse days feel like she won money for a lifetime

"Everyday is perfect when I see All of your faces" she made kissy faces at them. She knew they... appreciated her humor. One of the many of reasons she loved them.
Yuri gave a smile to Shida and Mariah as she put lids on the two coffees she had gotten. "Unfortunately yes. Just stopped by to get coffee for Masao and Me. On my way now, I'll see you guys later toady." Yuri said to them, glancing at Shida when she said her brothers name. She had been trying to set them up for years, although her brother always said 'Yuri, I can get a guy on my own'. She but her back to the door and pushed on it, blowing them a kiss and walking out. Mariah always loved to work with them. Alas though, when she graduate she feared that she wouldn't be seeing them much anymore. Nevertheless, Yuri unlocked her car and opened the door, putting the coffees into the cup holders and starting the car.

MariahChanell said:
Mariah smiled at him. Her customers always made even her worse days feel like she won money for a lifetime
"Everyday is perfect when I see All of your faces" she made kissy faces at them. She knew they... appreciated her humor. One of the many of reasons she loved them.
"Aww, it's good to hear you are having a good time!" Coaxch made a kissy face back at Mariah, leaning forward a little, then whispering, "Hey, how long has he worked here?" He motioned to Hayashida, "He's sort of dreamy..."
Shida looked at the coffee while Mariah drank it. "Really Yuri you got to stop doing that." The male looked at her while she left the cafe. Her lingering eyes made him question if she came here with a purpose, but that shouldn't be on his mind right now. Shida grabbed the other cup of coffee and set it to his lips. "And who are you? He asked looking at the male. @BornWithoutFear @Still Crazy
BornWithoutFear said:
"Aww, it's good to hear you are having a good time!" Coaxch made a kissy face back at Mariah, leaning forward a little, then whispering, "Hey, how long has he worked here?" He motioned to Hayashida, "He's sort of dreamy..."
She whispered back

"For about a year. He usually works late nights but he comes around some mornings and helps me out" she looks at Shida then Coaxch.

"I'm gonna go fill these papers out in my office. You guys introduce yourselves" Mariah winked at them both before running off in her office.. They didn't know but she could still hear.
Hobbesisalive said:
Shida looked at the coffee while Mariah drank it. "Really Yuri you got to stop doing that." The male looked at her while she left the cafe. Her lingering eyes made him question if she came here with a purpose, but that shouldn't be on his mind right now. Shida grabbed the other cup of coffee and set it to his lips. "And who are you? He asked looking at the male. @BornWithoutFear @Still Crazy
"Oh, hi, you." Coaxch batted his eyelashes as he looked at the new male, "They call me Coaxch, but you can call me Coa for sort. What do they call you?" the small man asked as he took sugar and poured it into his drink. Then he took his chin and rested it in his hands, looking dreamily at the other, already crushed.
Shida waved the girl goodbye not knowing what she meant with the wink she gave him. The male turned towards the other and nipped from his coffee almost breaking into laughter after. "Okay okay, way to go pal." Shida laughed. "At least try to flirt not this obvious." Shida started to laugh harder and set his coffee down. "Anyway I'm Shida regular bar tender here. The only one." Shida moved closer to the male. "And the best one they say" he whispered, holding back his laughter
Hobbesisalive said:
Shida waved the girl goodbye not knowing what she meant with the wink she gave him. The male turned towards the other and nipped from his coffee almost breaking into laughter after. "Okay okay, way to go pal." Shida laughed. "At least try to flirt not this obvious." Shida started to laugh harder and set his coffee down. "Anyway I'm Shida regular bar tender here. The only one." Shida moved closer to the male. "And the best one they say" he whispered, holding back his laughter
Coa blinked, "Why not make flirting obvious? If I didn't would you have known in gay?" He asked, sporting skinny jeans and a set of pink headphones. Then he waved a hand dismissively, "Never mind, I want to n be served by the best bartender there is! What's your specialty, huh? Not that I should be drinking before work, but I can hold my own." Coa puffed out his chest a little, "Gimme all you got!"

It took Yuri about ten more minutes to arrive at school, and at the same time Masao was there cooling off from his jog. She hopped out of the car and ran over to him "Masao!!!" She called out, throwing her arms out, still holding the coffees, for a hug. "Whoa slow down there hotshot" He said to her, giving her a hug and taking the coffee from one of her hands. "Thanks sis" He said, giving it a sip. It was still too hot for Masao to drink it. "So what class are you taking today??" He asked his sister as they walked into the university/highschool building. Yuri replied quickly 'The same ones I take everyday..." She always said the same thing to him and as they got to the door of Masao's lecture room, there was a note on the door... 'Class postponed till tomorrow' Masao gave a groan and glanced at Yuri. "Guess i'm going to the cafe...Seeya kiddo" He told her, before taking another sip of his coffee. Yuri nodded and left him.

Masao walked out of the school and jogged down the street, I't shouldn't take him long to get to the cafe, although with coffee in his hand there was a danger of him spilling it on himself.

Leopold groaned as he was awoken by his alarm clock. He got out of bed and made his way to the curtains, pulling them open with the alarm still going off in the background. Leopold smiled, "What a beautiful day." He turned around and checked the clock to see what time it was. "Stupid Chinese manufacturing! I was supposed to wake up an hour ago!"

Leopold quickly began to get ready for the upcoming day, firstly with putting on his school uniform. He made his way to the bedrooms bathroom and continued with the process and after a few minutes, he finished. "Ahh... Leo, you're looking great as ever." Leopold smiled as he looked at his reflection in the mirror. Leopold ran to the kitchen and sneaked up on Maria (the household chef) attempting to scare her. He failed miserably and they shared a laugh.

"Maria, sunny side up eggs and some buttered toast. I'm starving!" Maria chuckled, "Well maybe you should have eaten dinner last night, I had to feed it to the dogs. Anyways, I'll get right to it." Leopold sat down at the uselessly large dining table and took out his phone. "Hmm... looks like Donald was just elected... may god have mercy on thy planet." He continued to read over American politics until Maria finally brought him his breakfast. He devoured it and within 300 seconds the plate was clean. Leopold placed the plate in the sink and made his way to front door.

Leopold went outside and began walking to the garage which John (the personal driver) was opening. "John, Hiroshima University." John nodded and entered one of the cars and Leopold followed. Around 15 minutes into the car ride, Leopold took out his phone and it was at that moment that Leopold realized that he had no classes that day. "Just realized that I have no classes today, can you take me to some venue or something." John replied, "Well... there's a café nearby that I regularly go to, it's called Sugar and Spice.. but you've never been there." Leopold stared out the window, "Well... every day is a new experience... take me there." The car arrived and parked outside of the café. "I'll be getting some coffee, wait here." Leopold exited the vehicle and entered the café.

He briefly examined the café and approached who he assumed was a worker conversing with a flamboyant patron. "Sorry if I'm barging in on anything, but I'd like to order an espresso and an iced caffè americano."
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"Today's Breakfast: Coffee."

"Well it's about time you got up!"

"Sorry Father, I Found Out Earlier That Class Got Canceled Due To A Stomach Flu."

"Still doesn't mean you can't get up at a decent time. And why are you still in your pajamas?!? Go get dressed, you got work to do before we open!"

Ah, The regular routine of 'The Book Nook.' A losing battle against his father to greet each day, and one that couldn't be avoided even if it meant waking at 3 o'clock in the morning. Even if Zane had woken up at a time deemed worthy by his father, it didn't matter because everything had already been done the night before-hand.

"Where are you going?"

"To Get Something To Eat."

"Why don't you eat here?"

"Isn't It Better If I'm Not Here To Bother You Until The Customers Come In?"

"Alright. Just be back before rush-time."

With his father's grudging answer behind him, away he went, a book in his hand, his bag on his shoulder, and the scent of cinnamon and sugar trailing behind. The foot-traffic melted into the background as the male studied the signs, the different smells a well-know greeting that was more preferred than his father's.

*Alright... What To Eat?... It's Been Awhile Since I Had Coffee I Didn't Make Myself... Perhaps The Sugar And Spice? It Would Be A Nice Way To Experience Them For The First Time.*

Following both his nose and the directions given by helpful strangers, he finally found his destination with not a moment to spare as two men arrived one after the other. Pausing to allow the others in first, he found himself a seat, breathing in the different scents of coffee and other treats as he waited for a waiter or waitress to serve him.

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