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Fantasy Alimarea Academy

Charlie panted and caught up to Alex. "It's....o-o-k PHEW oh my goodness I can not run that fast" slowly she catches her breath and looks up. Suddenly, a loud gasp can be heard from her "OH MY GOSH THERE ARE SOO MANY BOOKS!!" Charlie jumps onto Alex and jumps around whilst holding him, he changed into and cloud of dust sending Charlie crashing to the ground. @FalseUser12
( Charlie X Alex lol )

Kira eventually arrived at the courtyard and sat under a large tree. "I might as well relax " He muttered to himself as he closed his eyes
Aimi smiled, "Nice to meet you too," she seemed to have most of the energy out of her system. "Saity, we forgot to look at our dorm match ups," she said looking at the paper. She started to look scared.....again.. "Saity, why does the headmaster hate us?" she asked grabbing ahold of his sleeve.

"Like I said, we'll worry about that later, for now let's go explore around the campus..." Saito had a plan, though wasn't going to carry it out until tonight. He looked at the girl with red hair, "Uh..."

Aimi grabbed the girl's arm, "Yeah! Let's go explore!" she said with a giggle. Aimi was no longer grabbing her brother. She pulled her all the way out of the room, "C'mon!" Saito rubbed his head as he followed the two.

@Yoghurt )
"W-woah, wait- don't-" Aki was pulled down to the hallway. She kind of had no choice, plus she had nothing else to do. She gave out a deep sigh, "Alright....let's go.." she said taking her arm out of her grasp and went to 'explore' with the tiny girl. At least Aki didn't feel so short around her, but the brother was the problem. She looked back at Saito and quickly looked back in front of her, letting Aimi lead the way.

@xX Insanity Xx
Akari stood up and circle-shaped glyphs appeared in a row with each one higher than the one before it. " I wonder what the school looks like from the air. " He said as he stepped on the glyphs like stairs.
"ya it's strange" she said as she nodded she had been in the middle of a swamp when she got hers. She played with her hair hoping he would say something more, she was never good with conversations.

Gears moved around and ended up sitting on the arm rest facing her. Feet on the cushion and one elbow on his knee "Why where you in a swamp?" He asked. He was hoping there was a good story behind it.

@Srion Receno
"well... Ahh....i was looking for my father.... " she started a little surprised he was interested in her back round. " he had left me and my mother when I was young and I heard he was there.....but when I went to go look I didn't find him... I had to go up agents a few water demons wile I was there just to get in the swamp" she had faced him a bit as she was talking to him. The whole time she was talking Her face became darker as she remembered her time there.

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Gears looked into space a little bit while he was thinking of his past "Hm...well at least you knew yours..."

He snapped back to reality when he relised what he had said. His cheeks went a deep crimson"Oh um sorry about that....Anyway! Do you have any idea where he went?" He asked looking into Lins eyes

@Srion Receno
She looked away and tried to cover her face with her hood, with a slight blush then shook her head she was never good with eye contact mostly because she didn't how her eyes looked. "no I have no idea.....were ether of them are really.....I guess it's a good thing though..." She looked down sadly then back at him with a small smile "what about your parents?"

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Gears put his elbow back on his knee "Moms dead and i never met my dad" He said scratching the back of his head "Not really much to go on huh? The closest thing i have to family is and old engineer called Graham Smith. Taught me everything i know!" He threw Lin a childish smile.

@Srion Receno
She smiled sadly "I'm sorry about your mother but, it's good you have someone who cares for you and you for them" she was glad he wasn't like her but felt bad about his mother. She started to feel relaxed around him and decided to face him, moving around she leaned her back agents the other arm rest and crosses her legs with the book in her lap.

"Ah don't worry about it" He responds shrugging his shoulders

"So!" Gears clapped his hands in front of him "Lets see some awesome magic!" He lent forward like a kid about to be told a story.

@Srion Receno
"oh ummmmm....ok " she was nervous as she opened the book and flipped through the pages "ok" she said finding one she wanted. Holding out her hand so her palm faced up she read out "in the cold in the light let the snow be in sight" she knew it made no since but it sounded pretty. Her hand started to feel cold as a black snowflakes formed and floated just above her hand. Looking at it she sighed "grate another disappointment" she mumbled

Gears looked in astonishment "In what world is that a failure? Look at it! Its a black snow flake! its sooo cool!" He was poking at the little black snow flakes as he was taking "That some sweet magics" He said trying to grab one.

@Srion Receno
"Wow, you can change the world with that power. Science has never been able to change colours before. I'm really impressed." He sarcastically said watching the hamster change colour.

metalcity said:
"Wow, you can change the world with that power. Science has never been able to change colours before. I'm really impressed." He sarcastically said watching the hamster change colour.
Meredith glares at him and throws one of the spell books at his head, "I was trying to get my wings to change, you idiot! Plus, it was just a trial to see if I could accurately read the language. If you think you can do better, than here, read this one. Its a simple undoing spell. If said correctly, it can turn the hamster back into a table. Granted, the table might still be purple..." The Fae was obviously irritated and had thrown a pretty heavy book at him. @Yoghurt

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