Alcott [Inactive]

- - tyler flynn - -

Tyler lightly tapped her jaw to directly meet eyes with him. "I'm not taking no for an answer," he whispered, his hands still brushing against her jaw. Tyler teasingly brushed his lips against Clara's without fully kissing her.
- - clara brianna johnson - -

"So you're going to force me to go out with you against my will, just like in barbarian times?"
- - tyler flynn - -

"You're only scarred of trying," Tyler stated before allowing his lips to finally meet her's.
- - clara brianna johnson - -

"I have tried and it didn't work. So stop trying to make me do something I don't want to." She said and got up from the couch, pulling an oversized t-shirt over her head.
- - tyler flynn - -

"That doesn't mean it's not ever going to work. But what do I know? I've never been on a date before, so do what ever the hell you want," Tyler said, a bit of anger in his voice. He grabbed his boxers and pulled them into place as well as his pants, and he pulled a t-shirt over his head. "I better go."
- - clara brianna johnson - -

"You should. Bye." She said and turned her back to him, went up the stairs and slammed her door shut.
- - tyler flynn - -

"Don't forget to just call me if you wanna fuck again!" Tyler yelled sarcastically so she could hear him.
- - tyler flynn - -

"Well maybe because I'm a virgin, which I'm sure you're very far from, slut!" He walked out the door and slammed it shut, somewhat regretting his choice of words. 
*week later*

- - tyler flynn - -

His fingers jabbed at the keyboard of his laptop, the silence of the library filling the air.
- - clara - -

The tall girl was browsing through the fiction section of the library when she spotted Tyler but gave no indication that she did
- - tyler flynn - -

All of Tyler's focus was towards the computer. His eyes did not dare to wander elsewhere.
- - clara - -

she let out a grunt as she sat down and rested her head on the palm of her hand. a seemingly wicked idea came to her and she decided to act upon it. she took the straw from her iced coffee and put a small piece of paper in her mouth before shooting a spitball at tyler.
- - tyler flynn - -

Tyler felt a small tap on his forehead—one of Clara's spitballs. "Really?" he whispered quietly to Clara before flicking the spitball back at her.
- - tyler flynn - -

Without saying a word, Tyler moved his laptop to the next table. Annoyance was written within his expression.
- - tyler flynn - -

Tyler got up from his seat and slowly walked over to Clara. "Do you need something?" he asked with raised eyebrows.
- - tyler flynn - -

"I don't know what games you're playing, but I'm trying to work and don't really want to talk to you."
- - tyler flynn - -

Tyler put his face close to her's. "What are you five?" he said before snatching the straw out of her hand.
- - tyler flynn - -

"Clara, stop, I'm not kidding," he said nudging the front side of her shoulder.

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