Alcott [Inactive]

- - clara brianna johnson - -

Clara, without looking through the peephole opened her door and frowned when she saw Tyler. "What do you want?"
- - tyler flynn - -

"A chance," he said with a straight face. "These are for you," Tyler told her and held out the bouquet of roses.
- - tyler flynn - -

"Just one chance," he repeated, ignoring her insult. "Please, take them." Tyler grabbed her fingers, guiding them around the plastic.
- - clara brianna johnson - -

Clara leaned forward and kissed him. She sure as hell wasn't going to admit to him that she's going to forgive him.
- - tyler flynn - -

Clara's lips smashed against his. Tyler's hands fell around her waist. "Is that a yes?" Tyler asked with a smirk after pulling away from the kiss.
- - tyler flynn - -

"I want to hear you say it," he said as he slid his hands down from her waist. "Just one word," Tyler said with a smirk.
- - tyler flynn - -

"Yes, I will," Tyler said with a smirk. He brushed his finger tip over her lips. "Even if I have to pry it out of you."
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Tyler dodged her lips teasingly, placing a hand on her stomach softly to hold her against the wall. "Just one word."
- - tyler flynn - -

"Okay, if you want to play games," he said while letting go of her body and heading towards the door, "then game on." Tyler walked into the house locking the door behind him, as Clara stayed outside. He pulled out his phone, jabbing at the letters on the screen. A message was sent to Clara's phone saying:

Ready to say it?
- - clara brianna johnson - -

Clara went over to the closest window so she could watch what he was doing and rolled her eyes when she realized what that was. Her phone was in the house.
- - tyler flynn - -

Tyler looked up from his phone and walked slowly over to the window when he saw Clara. He pushed open the window with a smirk. "Say it."

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