Alcott [Inactive]

- - clara brianna johnson - -

"I don't need your help and I don't f*cking asked you to care." She said with a roll of her eyes.
- - tyler flynn - -

"Bye, Clara," he said with a clench of his jaw and walked into the woods. I ruined everything, Tyler thought. He threw his hands up on his face with anger making a grunt.
- - tyler flynn - -

Tyler walked into Starbucks, getting his usual smoothie and sitting at an empty booth.
- - clara brianna johnson - -

The girl was already seated in a booth next to the window when Tyler walked in, but she pretended that she didn't notice him and continued sipping her black coffee.
- - tyler flynn - -

Tyler moved over to the lounging chairs and couch near a artificial fire place near Clara's booth. He didn't notice her at first, and he plopped in his seat. He clutched the book in his hand and began to open it. But something got in his way. Tyler's eyes spotted Clara, and he immediately got up from his seat with a, "Ughh."
- - clara brianna johnson - -

Clara rolled her eyes at Tyler's grunt and continued drinking her coffee, still pretending as if she hadn't seen him.
- - tyler flynn - -

He sat in the booth behind Clara, his back facing her's. Tyler was mad at Clara, but couldn't just get over her. I ruined it, Tyler thought. He smashed his face with his hands, smearing his cheeks down in stress.
- - clara brianna johnson - -

Clara had absolutely nothing to say to him. He's the one with the feelings, not her. Why couldn't people these days just hook up? But heavens no, feelings have to be involved too.
- - tyler flynn - -

"Clara," Tyler said, twisting his body to meet eyes with her. "I know you hate me. But, please, I don't want to stop talking to you for forever."
- - tyler flynn - -

"I can ignore them," he says, placing his hand on the top of the booth to keep his body twisted.
- - clara brianna johnson - -

"Alright then." She said and turned around. "In that case sit with me, not alone like the loser you are."
- - tyler flynn - -

Without saying anything, Tyler rushed over to the seat across from her. "I'm sorry. Again," he said with a slight smile.
- - tyler flynn - -

"So, um, what's up?" Everything seemed different, now that he admitted his feelings. He couldn't talk to like he could before.
- - clara brianna johnson - -

Clara didn't say anything, instead drank her coffee. She really wasn't the small talk kind of person.
- - tyler flynn - -

"Well,"Tyler admitted, "I'm being a bit awkward." His thumb pressed against the side of his lip, his eyebrow raised.
- - clara brianna johnson - -

"You're always awkward, so why is this time special?" She asked wit ha roll of her eyes.

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