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Fandom Akame Ga Kill: A New Era

Czeshire said:
The sun shown high in the sky, a beautiful day in the Capital. The citizens went about their day, children played happily in the streets. A perfect time for a formal execution. In the center circle of the market district, two men had stood there. One appeared to be a young man with long, snow-white hair and crimson eyes. His stance was firm as he stood before the other male who was on his knees, a young man in his mid-twenties with short, unkempt hair. He kept his head down, his body shaking as he knew his impending fate..

People had begun to stop and circle around the two men, talking among themselves as they witnessed the scene. The white-haired male had waited until a fairly large crowd had formed around the two, before he began to speak. "People of the Capital City, today you see before you a low, and desperate man who dared to try stealing from our fair citizens..and get away with it. He speaks of Night Raid, and how they will 'punish' us for our wrongdoings. But does he not know who he dares pledge his allegiance to? The murderers and heretics that have claimed the lives of many of our friends, family, and loved ones.." The crowd began to uproar, lightly at first but soon becoming louder. "We no longer have to live in fear. We will no longer tolerate the scandalous thieves, murderers, and traitors in our grand city. As commander of the Imperial Army, I give you this promise; Night Raid will no longer bring any pain to us or our families." His eyes scanned around, before turning back to the cowering young man before him..

"And for any members or affiliates of Night Raid who are watching today, I implore you to listen." His ash-white arm reached down, holding the sheath of his blade as the other came around to grab the hilt of the blade.

"Night Raid, I offer this once. Never show your faces again.. or I promise, I will erase your existence from this world." His hand moved, pulling free the first few inches of the shimmering blade before letting it slide back into the sheath. Turning to walk away, his face was stern as he maneuvered through the crowd of people, who were now watching the male on his knees gushing blood through several

eviscerations on his body, before his head rolled clean off his neck, tumbling to the ground. Many gasped in shock, others clapped and cheered for joy..

Regardless of the people's reactions, the commander had done his job; sending a message to Night Raid. His patience with the assassins has grown thin, and is ready to eliminate the pests from the Capital City..
Morgan smiles widely and walks towards the captain and says" job well done shame i didn't get to kill any myself but there's time for that, well now that's done what's the plan from this point". ' i wonder what's going at base and with tensions so high, it's perfect to cause confusion and such maybe i should hire a double agent so we can increase our odds beating them to the punch'. ' On another note the captain seems reliable that's puts me at ease an extent but that doesn't mean i should become complacent'.
[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]Spice sighed and says" yes it was a rival gang hit their called the nonkisa their a powerful dragon criminal group, wei- kun was able to identify several of the members she killed in the fight, their ring leader is xisada a slippery and nasty piece shit but if anyone can find them it's wei-kun and thanks for being supportive i didn't want to assume anything i was planing to go on my own but i don't think i'd be able to be fully calm with out you so there you have it".

Sera Lightbane

Sera nodded slowly as Spice spoke. Good, they knew who did it at-least, and she had been able to take out a few of them before they killed her. She might not of known her personally but she obviously meant a great deal to her wife. She smiled slightly, tightened the hug a bit, and kissed her on the cheek. "
I would of worried about you if you went alone anyway. Of course I'll go with you as soon as we can, I promise." She told her before finally releasing her from the hug and stepping out of the shower to dry off. "Enough talk about depressing stuff, lets get dressed and go eat, okay?"
Mitchs98 said:
Sera Lightbane
Sera nodded slowly as Spice spoke. Good, they knew who did it at-least, and she had been able to take out a few of them before they killed her. She might not of known her personally but she obviously meant a great deal to her wife. She smiled slightly, tightened the hug a bit, and kissed her on the cheek. "
I would of worried about you if you went alone anyway. Of course I'll go with you as soon as we can, I promise." She told her before finally releasing her from the hug and stepping out of the shower to dry off. "Enough talk about depressing stuff, lets get dressed and go eat, okay?"
OOC: hope your ok with a quick ff

At the caribbean called the jerk hut spice drinks some of her run punch and says" i feel a lot better now that's off my chest, they do a fried fruit called plantains and there yummy they also do all kinds of patty and other bits so your not short for choice" Spice playfully then drinks some more of her rum punch and looks around the place and smiles gently.
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"Hm that's I guess....but you show the strength to fight other which I like but what are you exactly are you human or not?"She said questioning her.Rika observed every little thing of hazel "you sure are interesting aren't you. Now tell me every little thing about you"


Aden Khrysaor


'Utterly Ignored huh.' The thought went by, sighing as the toon had no response, although he would continue to tease her until he managed to get the slightest sort of reaction from her.

Aden frowned at the two asking to be on a spy mission, he would be hesitant to any of his students. However, he was even more hesitant simply due to them both screaming 'odd'. Krieg could manage a decent conversation before it goes off about blood and gore where he would appear too excited, chances are a conversation about that wouldn't happen... 'His appearance... he wouldn't be able to fit into many roles. Bodyguard maybe... but he works best under conditions where he gets hurt too and he would have to climb into their ranks.' The odd thought in a perverted male's mind changed gears to Stacy 'Stacy's appearance would definitely help ease people's thoughts on Kreig and she would keep a conversation although it might seem weird and awkward to others...' He seemed to have to come to conclusion that Stacy by herself would be fine, although he disliked it. He had no other qualms about it. However, Kreig was coming along too,
"Ugh, I'm thinking too much. You know what, I dislike the idea of you two going together as spies. However, If Anne has no problems... I guess I have to agree with her." He said sighing, "To be honest. I think you by yourself Stacy would be enough for a spy mission and I'm not sure myself if 'Big Boss' thinks it is a good idea to start spying right after a murder. Suspicions would be up..." He shook his head as he went off thinking too much and too far ahead in the future thanks to his imagination.

Tags: @Mitchs98 @Kazehana

In company of: Krieg Stein, Stacy.

Hazel paused, rubbing the back of her head, she pondered the question. "Well, I can't exactly say I'm a human like you, however, I am biologically human." she shifted her attention to her arm and continued,"if I wasn't, I don't think I'd be allowed to be in the Empire.". Holding her hand out in front of her herself, she smiled "anyways, I'm a lab rat, I was created, not born. But I like to believe that it doesn't matter how you were made, rather, what you do is what defines you."

@Mitchs98[/URL] @Kazehana

In company of: Krieg Stein, Stacy.



Krieg Stein

Krieg had silently followed Stacy to Aden's office, curious as to what exactly she'd ask him. Of course, per usual, he had flirted with the both of them. And although he never said anything, it both made him confused and uncomfortable. He never really thought to much into loving someone, even so, he was almost completely positive he was straight. Thus it made him uncomfortable when the other male casually flirted with him, and confused him as to why. Sure he flirted with everything that moved, but, still. Nevertheless he looked between the both of them as Stacy spoke. A spy mission? Him? This made the big man chuckle slightly to himself. He was the furthest thing from stealth anyone or anything could be. A brick to the face would be more subtle than him.

Nevertheless, if she was so insistent on it, he'd go along with it. He just didn't understand how he could effectively spy on anything. Krieg drew attention to the room just by entering it, although maybe that was Stacy's plan. He'd draw attention while Stacy spied, simple enough, he guessed. Though he wasn't sure how well it'd work, he'd give it a shot if they were infact sent on a spy mission.
Mitchs98 said:
Sera Lightbane
Sera had for once not gotten an alcoholic drink, and instead getting sweet iced tea. She nodded as she explained about the food. She hadn't really ate this kind of food before, so really she wasn't sure. "
Well. How about we just get some kinda combo plate that has a little bit of everything? Either that or you can order something for me that you think I'll like." She asked. It was as good a plan as any, really. It was either that or she'd order what sounded good to her.


Krieg Stein

Krieg had silently followed Stacy to Aden's office, curious as to what exactly she'd ask him. Of course, per usual, he had flirted with the both of them. And although he never said anything, it both made him confused and uncomfortable. He never really thought to much into loving someone, even so, he was almost completely positive he was straight. Thus it made him uncomfortable when the other male casually flirted with him, and confused him as to why. Sure he flirted with everything that moved, but, still. Nevertheless he looked between the both of them as Stacy spoke. A spy mission? Him? This made the big man chuckle slightly to himself. He was the furthest thing from stealth anyone or anything could be. A brick to the face would be more subtle than him.

Nevertheless, if she was so insistent on it, he'd go along with it. He just didn't understand how he could effectively spy on anything. Krieg drew attention to the room just by entering it, although maybe that was Stacy's plan. He'd draw attention while Stacy spied, simple enough, he guessed. Though he wasn't sure how well it'd work, he'd give it a shot if they were infact sent on a spy mission.
Spice smiles and grabs a waiter and says" I know this an odd request but my friend he has never eaten this kind of food so i was wondering if you could make a platter for starters then some stewed chicken and some oxtail for me please". The waiter nods then writes down the request and then heads to the kitchen. Spice returns he attention back to sera chan and says" the stewed chicken is mix of spicy and tangy and we can always take the rest to go, that aside it's about time i taught you how to use your powers to create advanced moves, i'm sure it being you it won't take as long as most".
"Well that sounds quite honorable of you to say I like that.Would you want to be human? It sounds strange to say even for me"She begins to wonder about more about hazel she seems to be very interesting person that she has met."What do you fight for?"

"Honestly, I don't know. I ain't got a clue." Hazel sighs as she sits down in the grass. "On one hand, I wish I had a family, people I could count on to care for me," she said now lying down, "but, considering what I'm doing for the Empire, would they still love me? And, I do so many bad things for evil people." Hazel had closed her eyes, "As for what I fight for, I don't know either. You could say I'm a lost soul." It was noticeable that Hazel didn't feel comfortable with where the conversation led. "Let's not talk about me, So what do you fight for?" she said trying to shift the attention.

"I fight for the innocent the people who can't defend themselves I like to hunt criminals like night raid which will be exciting to fight against if I ever meet them."She said looking excited which most people have never seen only when she feels superior or wanting to kill.She begin's to calm down now giving a slight psychotic smile "Now I'm sorry how I've acted but when your the hunter hunting prey who is armed is the best feeling I've felt in a long time"

"G-gotcha," Hazel couldn't understand what Rika was feeling. The smile was definitely blood chilling. "Anyways, I'm going to go lift some more weights. Cya round." Hazel was quite startled by her new friend. Hazel started walking away waving at Rika as she walked.
She then began to follow a little behind her "Don't leave yet I'm getting excited!"She still had the same smile on her.She tried to calm her self down but didn't work very much her fingers began to transform into claws it seems the feeling of the hunt has gotten to her "I'm sorry for this!"
Mitchs98 said:
Krieg Stein
Krieg let out something of a sigh at her response. Not angry, just..slightly annoyed? He didn't exactly mind what they did, and they usually just did whatever he wanted to at that. Honestly as long as he was with someone that liked his exsistance and had fun being with him he didn't care. It felt good to have a real friend after so long, he didn't want to jepordize it at all. Thus, he simply silently shrugged and hoped she wasn't annoyed by it.

Anne Solaire

Anne only grinned and leaned slightly against Rin as he sat down and kissed her cheek. One would figure a few days wouldn't matter much to an immortal weapon, but it did, especially when it came to Rin. Though now she could rest easy since he was back. Nevertheless she listened intently to his mission report, nodding when appropriate. He did everything perfectly, which was precisely why she sent him on such a high class mission. It was a bit nerve wracking that her best assassin was her boyfriend..but..that couldn't be helped. Or at-least, he was the best in her opinion. She giggled as he got all intense, asking if they'd been giving her a hard time. "
No, no. Everyones' behaved nicely. They were just as excited for your return as I was, infact they're probably celebrating right now." She replied.

Everythings' been great, though it'll be considerably better now that you're back." She added, leaning her head on his shoulder and wrapping her arms around him. She wouldn't tell him she hadn't gotten any sleep worrying over him, that'd just make him feel bad. Plus it was her own fault for overthinking things anyway.

Rin Shinohara

Rin smiled at Anne as she put his worry at ease and confirmed that no one had been causing her trouble while he was away. That was good. The fact that they were celebrating was quite weird, at least it was to Rin. "They're celebrating? What for? How very strange.." He said with a tone of curiosity in his voice. Although, it was good that the others could relax every now and then, and who would he be to stop them from doing that? Celebrating was a good thing, a fun thing, and Rin wouldn't stop them from doing that no matter how serious he was. When Anne put her arms around him, he did the same to her for a moment. "You know, I can tell that you've hardly had any sleep. Your movememts are quite sluggish." He said as he chuckled and looked at the woman. "Why don't you go and get some rest? I'll take over your duties until you wake."
[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]
Spice smiles and grabs a waiter and says" I know this an odd request but my friend he has never eaten this kind of food so i was wondering if you could make a platter for starters then some stewed chicken and some oxtail for me please". The waiter nods then writes down the request and then heads to the kitchen. Spice returns he attention back to sera chan and says" the stewed chicken is mix of spicy and tangy and we can always take the rest to go, that aside it's about time i taught you how to use your powers to create advanced moves, i'm sure it being you it won't take as long as most".

Sera Lightbane

Sera arched a brow as Spice called her a 'friend'. They were married, why not call her her wife? Oh well..it wasn't that big a deal she guessed. Maybe she just wasn't comfortable with spreading that knowledge publically everywhere or something. Oh well, again it wasn't that big of a deal. She nodded at what she said next, though she really didn't want to think of training in the middle of lunch Spice seemed excited about it. Plus she'd kind of be lying if she said she didn't have fun either. "
Sounds good to me. Maybe I'll get as good as you with my powers one day." She replied. "And I'm also counting on you being right about this food tasting good. It smells okay, but I dunno." She added.

LeSoraAmari said:

Rin Shinohara

Rin smiled at Anne as she put his worry at ease and confirmed that no one had been causing her trouble while he was away. That was good. The fact that they were celebrating was quite weird, at least it was to Rin. "They're celebrating? What for? How very strange.." He said with a tone of curiosity in his voice. Although, it was good that the others could relax every now and then, and who would he be to stop them from doing that? Celebrating was a good thing, a fun thing, and Rin wouldn't stop them from doing that no matter how serious he was. When Anne put her arms around him, he did the same to her for a moment. "You know, I can tell that you've hardly had any sleep. Your movememts are quite sluggish." He said as he chuckled and looked at the woman. "Why don't you go and get some rest? I'll take over your duties until you wake."
Anne Solaire

Anne grinned as he questioned their celebrating, "
News travels fast I guess, they're just happy you're home too." She replied. When he wrapped her arms around her and mentioned her getting some rest she whined slightly. Sleep sounded great, it really did, but she wanted to spend some time with him. But he had a point, she could only half enjoy it if she were almost falling asleep the entire time. "But..I wanna spend some time with you now that you're back." She told him, leaning her head on his shoulder. Even still, she was already slowly falling asleep leaning on him. "Stay with me for a little bit while I sleep at-least." She insisted, doing her best to stay awake until he agreed. Even if he didn't, she'd likely fall asleep soon anyway.
Hazel quickly turned around to face Rika. Holding her arm up to protect herself. "What are you doing?!" she growled, "Put your claws away!". Hazel didn't expect an attack like this, a little startled and anxious, she absorbed more energy preparing to punch in hopes of stopping her. The air grew thin and cold again, Hazel wound up her punch, ready to hit Rika.

Mitchs98 said:
Sera Lightbane
Sera arched a brow as Spice called her a 'friend'. They were married, why not call her her wife? Oh well..it wasn't that big a deal she guessed. Maybe she just wasn't comfortable with spreading that knowledge publically everywhere or something. Oh well, again it wasn't that big of a deal. She nodded at what she said next, though she really didn't want to think of training in the middle of lunch Spice seemed excited about it. Plus she'd kind of be lying if she said she didn't have fun either. "
Sounds good to me. Maybe I'll get as good as you with my powers one day." She replied. "And I'm also counting on you being right about this food tasting good. It smells okay, but I dunno." She added.

Anne Solaire

Anne grinned as he questioned their celebrating, "
News travels fast I guess, they're just happy you're home too." She replied. When he wrapped her arms around her and mentioned her getting some rest she whined slightly. Sleep sounded great, it really did, but she wanted to spend some time with him. But he had a point, she could only half enjoy it if she were almost falling asleep the entire time. "But..I wanna spend some time with you now that you're back." She told him, leaning her head on his shoulder. Even still, she was already slowly falling asleep leaning on him. "Stay with me for a little bit while I sleep at-least." She insisted, doing her best to stay awake until he agreed. Even if he didn't, she'd likely fall asleep soon anyway.
Spice playfully pokes sera chan's face and leans and whispers" when i ever taken you to a place isn't good and who knows my beloved sera chan that may very well be true and no cold feet now life is about adventure remember that". Spice leans back and grins widely then starts to share the starters out with sera chan.
"You saw me that's exciting! We shall begin the hunt"She turned both of her arms into her claws.She then turned her small smile into a widened one "Let's have some fun shall we!"She began to charge at hazel "Their will be no stopping now I'll see how well your combat is here"

Willow yawned as she exited her house. She looked around, and yawn again. She thought about her role, as she took a stroll around the place. She then looked over store to store, and took her time to sit down at a Cafe chair. She enjoyed the breeze, and waited for herself to be called by a mission alert.
It was relatively cool at the Fortress that day, Mirizam realized as she stepped out into the sunlight for the first time that day. Wind was blowing from the northeast at about five miles per hour, which wasn't bad but the fact it was chilling was what made it particularly annoying to her. She was wearing her dress-down clothing; a sleeveless and mid-riff bearing undershirt and long black slacks, which was what was normally under her armor, and was now regretting making them sleeveless. She winced slightly at the tugging of chains that dug into her skin. The sword on her back was wriggling slightly, vibrating slowly at a point that only Mirizam could realize, which was what was causing the chains to tighten up on her arms. It was slightly annoying, but she shrugged it off and started walking, muttering under her breath at the weapon.

The sun was quite nice once she reached it, soaking nicely into her black clothing and making the cool air a bit more bearable. She couldn't shake the feeling of dread, however, that seemed to be carried by the wind. Plans were being made, Mirizam knew, but of what she wasn't sure. She was a trusted guard, and led the ones protecting the Emperor himself, and yet these were hidden from her. Whatever it was, Mirizam knew it had to be involving the Revolutionary Army, and the scum of Night Raid at their helm. But still, she found it troubling that she wasn't being let in on the information. What could it involve? A sneak attack? Individual hit jobs? If it was those, why keep her in the dark? She pondered this while she scaled a tree on one of the side paths, taking a place on a sturdy branch about half way up the tree and pulling open a volume you kept stuffed on the belt of her pants. It was of an Eastern land, and held the secrets of ancient military strategy, recently translated for the very first time and being poured over by all of the top advisers. Mirizam herself managed to steal herself an exclusive copy with notes form the editor, and was now pouring over it herself with shining eyes and a bit of drool running from the corner of her mouth.

Mirizam would be ready for this uprising, one way or another.

Lucy "Lulu" Lucatiel


"What a wonderful day.." She smiled dreamily, wandering around town like any other person would be on a sunny day such as this. She was glad that there were no posters of her on any of the walls, taverns and inns around the place to ruin her moment of peace in the town controlled by the wealthy while the poor suffered. "I work to make this place a wonderful land among the rest of the hell we call our world. Wonder if I'll get any work today... I hope not" she sighed to herself, unwilling to give up her moment of happiness despite knowing it would have to come to an end at some point. Her thoughts drifting quickly from topic to topic, not really paying attention to her surroundings as long as she was in the golden shower of the sun

Mirizam found the book in her possession to be quite interesting, and was now completely assured as to why the top advisers were poking their heads into it. It was a book highlighting tips for combating against guerrilla warfare, which was a Night Raid specialty. Specifically, the opening portions of the book dealt with the handling of the battlefield formations. Truly interesting, but as the sun started crawling higher in the sky, Mirizam felt her stomach begin growling. So, a venture into town sounded like a better plan than reading. And so, she made her venture into town, leaping over the wall and heading down the main street, ignoring the rumbling coming from the blade on her back.

The town was as packed as usual, with people sprinting around, running each over, trying to get the best deals on their wares, etc. It was the sights and smells Mirizam recalled of her youth, which felt so far away. A bit of a pang broke out in Mirizam's heart at the thought of childhood, and despite walking with her arms up behind her head, she found her gaze traveling to the locket held around her neck. A slight frown crept up on her face, until she caught a glimpse of a white figure stream by. The sword on her back twitched, but fell silent right after, which was strange, but Mirizam paid it no mind. Suddenly, though, Mirizam heard the sounds of snapping, and someone yelling after a cart.

"My cart, someone stop my cart!" An older gentleman was chasing a cart heading down the road, closing in to an intersection that Mirizam had just crossed through. And, in that moment of looking back, Mirizam noticed that the white figure that had passed her, a cute girl who looked younger than Mirizam, was right in the cart's path. Mirizam sprung into action, ramming the end of her blade into the turf, and using it as a pole to fling herself back towards the girl in right, wrapping her in Mirizam's left arm, and rolling out of the way. The cart rolled off into the distance, eventually coming to a violent rest by flying into a wall. Mirizam pushed some bangs out of her face with her right hand, and smiled down at the girl she had saved.

"Are you hurt?"


Lucy "Lulu" Lucatiel


"h-huh..?" She asked, flustered by all the commotion. She had heard a rumbling sound and was planning on stepping to the side but someone appeared to have tackled her. She immediately glanced over the girl, checking her for weapons. She struggled slightly, putting her hand on various parts of the person's body to mask her actions. She felt what appeared to be... Chains? And a sword on their back too. "I'm quite alright, yes. Excuse me, but could you please get off me? This is a bit of a... Embarrassing position for me." She asked politely, the faintest shade of pink creeping up her face considering she was currently covered by the body of another. She was rather pretty. Armed, but still pretty. "I don't think I've met you before... Who might you be? My name is Lulu" she asked, deliberately using her nickname just in case she could alert the nearest guardian that there was a member of the night raid here

Mirizam blinked a few times, realizing a moment too late that she was lay on top of a girl in the middle of the street. With her title, this could end up looking a bit fuzzy, so she bounced onto her own feet and held her hand out to the girl. Lulu. She was a bit plain for Mirizam's taste, but her voice was gentle and she seemed kind enough, so she pushed the thought out of her head. "My name is Mirizam. Mirizam Gomesia." She smiled warmly, adjusting slightly as the sword on her back gave a sudden jerk when she touched the girl's hand. It was strange, usually Procyon didn't act up like this in town. Perhaps there was an enemy nearby? Mirizam raced the thoughts through her head, but didn't betray the thoughts on her face. "Sorry for taking you down there. I wasn't sure if you'd have made it out of the way in time! It's a pleasure to meet you, Lulu."

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Zenith watches from the shadows, he sixth sense nagging not sure why but it has saved him on many an occasion so he wasn't going to ignore it now, ' hmm 'i wonder what that was really about the girls covered in blood and how many women are covered in blood in the middle of the streets, well for now nothings happening but that doesn't mean i should be careless those hypocrites can hide in plain sight.

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