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Fandom Akame Ga Kill: A New Era

Trust said:
Lucy was a little taken aback by her words before thinking about it for a moment. "What's my full name, what are my powers and how much do you know about me?" she asked in all seriousness, wondering how little Miyuki knew about her despite her relative fame, well, infamy would be a better word to describe it given some of her "unorthodox" actions
"Well um....I know that you can manipulate Wind and sound I know your name is Lucy but I forget your last name.I think your a bit insane? Are you"She said without knowing then laying her head on chest.
MrNeko said:
"Well um....I know that you can manipulate Wind and sound I know your name is Lucy but I forget your last name.I think your a bit insane? Are you"She said without knowing then laying her head on chest.
"Lucy Lucatiel is my full name, my powers you got perfect, and i may be a little mad sometimes, but am i really so wrong? I simply want to kill everyone so they cannot be tortured!" She said with a grin before Miyuki put her head in her bust. Lucy covered her nose as a little bit of blood began to seek up while her face seemed to become the same temperature as the sun
Trust said:
"Lucy Lucatiel is my full name, my powers you got perfect, and i may be a little mad sometimes, but am i really so wrong? I simply want to kill everyone so they cannot be tortured!" She said with a grin before Miyuki put her head in her bust. Lucy covered her nose as a little bit of blood began to seek up while her face seemed to become the same temperature as the sun
A muffled yell can be heard until she pulled up her head getting a view of them"Their so soft and yours are big compared to mine."She got a a little embarrassed from her putting Miyukis face into her bust but it felt nice"Your great alright I love you very much"She then put a hand on her face feeling the warmness of her face"My your face is really warm is it something I should be worried about?"
MrNeko said:
A muffled yell can be heard until she pulled up her head getting a view of them"Their so soft and yours are big compared to mine."She got a a little embarrassed from her putting Miyukis face into her bust but it felt nice"Your great alright I love you very much"She then put a hand on her face feeling the warmness of her face"My your face is really warm is it something I should be worried about?"
"Mmrmmngh" she mumbled, muffled by her hands as she tried to stop her nosebleed, not helped by Miyuki's comments. Once she had her nose undercontrol, she called out for help from. Anyone nearby, about to die of embarrassment. "You are making me blush so hard I'll pass out!" Shr giggled, reaching and taking a large fulp from her flask
Trust said:
"Mmrmmngh" she mumbled, muffled by her hands as she tried to stop her nosebleed, not helped by Miyuki's comments. Once she had her nose undercontrol, she called out for help from. Anyone nearby, about to die of embarrassment. "You are making me blush so hard I'll pass out!" Shr giggled, reaching and taking a large fulp from her flask
"Its okay I stay near you it's that okay lucy"She said giving her a kiss on the cheek."How will this even work out me and you I will take care of you well and Ive been experimented once when I was younger it was terrible"She said looking down
MrNeko said:
"Its okay I stay near you it's that okay lucy"She said giving her a kiss on the cheek."How will this even work out me and you I will take care of you well and Ive been experimented once when I was younger it was terrible"She said looking down
"I was tortured for years until night raid saved me..." She mumbled, sitting down again in an attempt to make her blush go away while taking another slug of the strong alcohol she had. "S-so! How about we get some food, I don't know about all of you guys, but i am famished!" She smiled, attempting to change the conversation topic
Trust said:
"I was tortured for years until night raid saved me..." She mumbled, sitting down again in an attempt to make her blush go away while taking another slug of the strong alcohol she had. "S-so! How about we get some food, I don't know about all of you guys, but i am famished!" She smiled, attempting to change the conversation topic
"I am hungry make some pancakes I really want to eat I can eat you up right now"She said playfully to her.She took Lucy's hand and led her to the kitchen and got the ingredients out to make the pancakes "Would there be anything else you want to make?"
Mitchs98 said:
Anne Solaire

Anne hadn't gotten much sleep the entire time Rin was on his mission. Sure, Biological Teigu didn't require as much sleep as normal humans, but she had barely slept for an hour the entire time. She knew it was highly improbable for him to fail or die, but this was the Minister. A high value target that the Empire likely had higher value guards guarding. She knew he could handle himself, but she still worried. There was always a possibility any member of Night Raid could die while on a mission, a possibility she hated..but knew all to well was there and that it couldn't be prevented. Nevertheless, death was uncommon for Night Raid. Ever since this second Revolution started they were getting stronger and more skilled members, such as herself, Rin, and Stacy. She sighed and shook her head to get her mind off of it. Rin would be fine, he had to be. Though..he was running a little late..-No. He was fine. Any second now he'd come and knock on her door, a formality she'd insisted he stop doing; especially considering they were in a serious relationship.

And sure enough, she soon heard a knock on the door. She popped up from her chair and quickly ran around to the door, her footsteps easily audiable from the other side with just how fast she was going. She quickly opened the door and, sure enough, it was Rin. "
Rin! I missed you so much!" She cheered, quickly bringing him into a tight hug followed by a kiss.

I'm so glad you're back..I was worried. But I knew you'd be okay!" She told him, leaning her head on his shoulder with a happy smile on her face. After a minute or two she released him from the hug and basically dragged him into her office and over to a couch that sat in the middle before sitting down herself and patting the space beside her. "C'mon, sit down! Tell me how it went. I assume you were successful though anyways, 'cause I know you wouldn't of given up otherwise." She told him cheerfully.

Rin Shinohara

Almost in what seemed an instant, many things had occurred. Anne had practically pounced from her seat as soon as he had knocked on the door, and then she brought him

into a tight hug, followed by a kiss, and then followed again with her dragging him into her office and sitting him down. All of these things happened so quickly that the man had no time to even react to any of it. Sitting beside her, Rin gently kissed her cheek before smiling at her. Although it was only a few days that he was gone, Rin missed Anne terribly.
"I missed you too." When the woman asked him how the mission went, Rin simply chuckled slightly before speaking. "Yes, Minister Leonard is dead." With a smile, Rin then preceded to give Anne the run down of the entire mission. "First I spread rumours around the capital of a planned Night Raid attack on the bal, thus the empire had practically every guard out on guard ready for it. So when it never happened, everyone calmed down and thus guard activity decreased. Making it easier for me to pursue my target. Then I headed to his estate and took out the two guards that were there, his their bodies and then smashed all the lights so that I could use the shadows for cover when he arrived. I stabbed him with Kyūketsuki and reduced him to an empty husk of flesh. The area around him practically turned into a pool of blood." With a chuckle, Rin continued, "I even carved the Night Raid symbol into his desk, just for extra effect." With that, Rin smiled. "Anyway, how have things been here during my absence?" He said as he looked straight into Anne's eyes. "It's good to see you're doing well, no one has been giving you a hard time have they?" His tone serious and terrifying as he said that final piece.
Kazehana said:
His silence didn't come as a surprise to her, but it was unhelpful nonetheless. She knew for a fact that her leisure time was spent in a much different manner than Krieg's, so her suggestions would most likely not be too welcome to Krieg. Stacy swung her legs around to sit on his lap, still holding on with one arm snugly wrapped around him. "You'd better speak up now before we do what I want to do," she warned, though still smiling. If at all possible, she tended to make the situation positive, so she usually bore a smile around Krieg. In her mind, it tended to lighten his attitude and made him more fun. She was already preparing for the possibility that Krieg wouldn't respond despite her warning, so she was already sorting through her chaotic mind to find her desires for the day. So far, she had already thrown eggs, unnecessarily shopped wood, and watched the clouds roll by. The next item on her agenda was simply to find Krieg, which she had just completed. But she was just too efficient with her time, so she was already finished with the day's tasks. Now to think of something Krieg might enjoy.

Krieg Stein

Krieg let out something of a sigh at her response. Not angry, just..slightly annoyed? He didn't exactly mind what they did, and they usually just did whatever he wanted to at that. Honestly as long as he was with someone that liked his exsistance and had fun being with him he didn't care. It felt good to have a real friend after so long, he didn't want to jepordize it at all. Thus, he simply silently shrugged and hoped she wasn't annoyed by it.

LeSoraAmari said:

Rin Shinohara

Almost in what seemed an instant, many things had occurred. Anne had practically pounced from her seat as soon as he had knocked on the door, and then she brought him

into a tight hug, followed by a kiss, and then followed again with her dragging him into her office and sitting him down. All of these things happened so quickly that the man had no time to even react to any of it. Sitting beside her, Rin gently kissed her cheek before smiling at her. Although it was only a few days that he was gone, Rin missed Anne terribly.
"I missed you too." When the woman asked him how the mission went, Rin simply chuckled slightly before speaking. "Yes, Minister Leonard is dead." With a smile, Rin then preceded to give Anne the run down of the entire mission. "First I spread rumours around the capital of a planned Night Raid attack on the bal, thus the empire had practically every guard out on guard ready for it. So when it never happened, everyone calmed down and thus guard activity decreased. Making it easier for me to pursue my target. Then I headed to his estate and took out the two guards that were there, his their bodies and then smashed all the lights so that I could use the shadows for cover when he arrived. I stabbed him with Kyūketsuki and reduced him to an empty husk of flesh. The area around him practically turned into a pool of blood." With a chuckle, Rin continued, "I even carved the Night Raid symbol into his desk, just for extra effect." With that, Rin smiled. "Anyway, how have things been here during my absence?" He said as he looked straight into Anne's eyes. "It's good to see you're doing well, no one has been giving you a hard time have they?" His tone serious and terrifying as he said that final piece.
Anne Solaire

Anne only grinned and leaned slightly against Rin as he sat down and kissed her cheek. One would figure a few days wouldn't matter much to an immortal weapon, but it did, especially when it came to Rin. Though now she could rest easy since he was back. Nevertheless she listened intently to his mission report, nodding when appropriate. He did everything perfectly, which was precisely why she sent him on such a high class mission. It was a bit nerve wracking that her best assassin was her boyfriend..but..that couldn't be helped. Or at-least, he was the best in her opinion. She giggled as he got all intense, asking if they'd been giving her a hard time. "
No, no. Everyones' behaved nicely. They were just as excited for your return as I was, infact they're probably celebrating right now." She replied.

Everythings' been great, though it'll be considerably better now that you're back." She added, leaning her head on his shoulder and wrapping her arms around him. She wouldn't tell him she hadn't gotten any sleep worrying over him, that'd just make him feel bad. Plus it was her own fault for overthinking things anyway.
MrNeko said:
"I am hungry make some pancakes I really want to eat I can eat you up right now"She said playfully to her.She took Lucy's hand and led her to the kitchen and got the ingredients out to make the pancakes "Would there be anything else you want to make?"
"I'm not much of a cook" she mumbled. "Doesn't this place have a chef or something? I should get onto Aden about that... If he will wake up that is!" she shouted in an attempt to wake the unconscious commander that still had some blood trailing from his nose. "How about you make them!" she grinned. "I mean, you must know how to cook if you just found all the ingredients! right?" @T h e F o o l

Krieg's indifference hardly bothered Stacy, mostly because she didn't even register it at all. "Alright!" she chirped. She rested her head on his chest while she thought, lowly humming to herself as she tried to think of something fun for the both of them. "I got it!" she exclaimed suddenly as she bolted upright. "We can go pick berries, bake them into pies, then give them to the less fortunate!" she said happily, lumping out of his lap and onto her feet. "Won't that be fun?" she asked, her eyes gleaming. After a few moments, she could hardly contain herself from her own laughter. "Ahaha no. Let's go see if we can't find ourselves a job or something. Can't have you being unproductive all the time," she teased. Her hand darted to his and grabbed it as she pulled him in a leading fashion. If there was anything Krieg really liked, it was murder. Stacy wasn't going to argue, but she couldn't participate herself. But she was the perfect support for the big guy, and she was happy to help him in his quest for destruction and homicide. Then after she might coax him into berry picking. But they would eat the pies because who doesn't want to eat a pie?

"Well I.......Uh sure do know how to cook!"She said quite happily but she knew she cooked pretty horribly making most of the time a mess.She began to walk over to get a bowl and a whisk then placing it on desk she began to think about what to do next she remembered to get the ingredients and place them next to her."What do I do next? Oh right I should um....crack these eggs!"She began to crack some eggs some broke while they were in her hands but she atleast managed to put at least 3 yolks in it and put the flour in the bowl and milk she began to move it in circles to mix it then some of the batter went on the desk and on her clothing and it went on floor from her moving way to quick through the steps"Ahhh!! Its on my clothing and on the desk I should of told her I'm not that great a cook"She she slipped on the batter making it all fall on her clothing and on her she had a disappointed look and looked like she wanted to cry.

MrNeko said:
"Well I.......Uh sure do know how to cook!"She said quite happily but she knew she cooked pretty horribly making most of the time a mess.She began to walk over to get a bowl and a whisk then placing it on desk she began to think about what to do next she remembered to get the ingredients and place them next to her."What do I do next? Oh right I should um....crack these eggs!"She began to crack some eggs some broke while they were in her hands but she atleast managed to put at least 3 yolks in it and put the flour in the bowl and milk she began to move it in circles to mix it then some of the batter went on the desk and on her clothing and it went on floor from her moving way to quick through the steps"Ahhh!! Its on my clothing and on the desk I should of told her I'm not that great a cook"She she slipped on the batter making it all fall on her clothing and on her she had a disappointed look and looked like she wanted to cry.
"To be honest i will eat anything, being starved for days and being given nothing but a sliver of bread which has practically withered away and a glass of water with a few drops of salt water in it does that to you" she grinned, her eye twitching slightly at the thought of it. "It also makes me a horrible chef considering i think everything tastes fine. She reached down in an attempt to pull her up, hand-extended before slipping directly on top of her from all the mess she had made. "S-sorry lovely lady!" She apologise, shuffling this way and that, scrambling to get up again
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Kazehana said:
Krieg's indifference hardly bothered Stacy, mostly because she didn't even register it at all. "Alright!" she chirped. She rested her head on his chest while she thought, lowly humming to herself as she tried to think of something fun for the both of them. "I got it!" she exclaimed suddenly as she bolted upright. "We can go pick berries, bake them into pies, then give them to the less fortunate!" she said happily, lumping out of his lap and onto her feet. "Won't that be fun?" she asked, her eyes gleaming. After a few moments, she could hardly contain herself from her own laughter. "Ahaha no. Let's go see if we can't find ourselves a job or something. Can't have you being unproductive all the time," she teased. Her hand darted to his and grabbed it as she pulled him in a leading fashion. If there was anything Krieg really liked, it was murder. Stacy wasn't going to argue, but she couldn't participate herself. But she was the perfect support for the big guy, and she was happy to help him in his quest for destruction and homicide. Then after she might coax him into berry picking. But they would eat the pies because who doesn't want to eat a pie?

Krieg Stein

Pick berries and make pies? Followed by giving them out to people? Well..if she wanted to, it didn't actually sound all that bad to the big guy. Sure, now, Krieg was a mass murdering somewhat psychopath. But he also had a heart equal to the size of his fist, which was about as big as Stacy's head. So, pretty big. If that's actually what she wanted to do, he'd do it. Thus, he slowly nodded. How bad could it be? Though soon she started laughing, causing him to narrow his gaze in confusion. What was so funny? Then she explained that it was just a joke, and that they'd be going to get themselves a job. That worked for him just fine to. It'd been a decent amount of time since he got to rip anyone apart. He stood up as she started pulling at him, pretty much instantly dwarfing her more than he already had. "Let's..go.." He replied. Around Stacy, he had been trying to work to sound at-least somewhat normal as far as tone of voice went. Though, it was still considerably louder than anyone else spoke, he wasn't shouting loud enough to burst an eardrum or three.
Spice out in the back of the training yard on her own with the two sword style she finally got to advanced level, she channels some of the energy through her blades and with two swift cuts she cuts the tree on both sides and then tree falls forward instead of backwards so spice spins on her heels and then swipes upwards several times and turns it into fire fire and it lands in to neat piles and she says to herself" Duel wielding is bad ass i'm going to look up more techniques so i can be even more efficient in battle". @Mitchs98
"Its alright Lucy the only thing I do know how to make is sandwiches I burn food I spoil it I do so much wrong to food"She then pulled her self up by the sink and twisted the valve for warm water and splashed some on her face "I need a clothing change and a shower I'm so dirty"She said giving a disgusted look then going back to a slightly happy look."In my opinion you should really eat some great tasting food I have money but I don't want to spend it but......I'll save it! But you should eat more than bread and water"

Sera Lightbane

Sera had decided to sleep in late for once. Luckily with her promotion to Branch Captain both her and Spice didn't have to work as much, mostly because she could get the guards under her to do all the work. In hindsight it might seem like she was as corrupted as the rest, but she honestly wasn't. Far from it, infact. She just liked abusing her posistion to make things easier for her and her wife, they'd worked hard after all. They deserved some time to themselves. That said, they DID still actually work. And they were at the party the previous night, which was a complete bust as far as fighting. But they did have some fun at-least.

Nevertheless when she woke up and saw that Spice wasn't there she momentarily panicked, that was until she figured she was in the training yard. She sighed, she shouldn't of worried. But she wished she would of woke her up. "
Oh well..I'll just go to her." She mumbled before shrugging. Yawning she shifted and stood up out of bed. Grabbing her swords she placed them at her hip, she didn't bother to get shower nor change out of her sleep clothes which consisted of a baggy T-shirt and shorts. She didn't really care if other people saw her dressed like this, and she figured Spice might want to do the former with her after training. A bit of walking and she was at the training yard in the guard base, and sure enough Spice was there. "Good morning Spice. Up early I see?" She told her. Of course, it wasn't exactly early seeing as it was afternoon..but..details. "Wanna head home, get a shower, and go eat lunch? I'm starving." She asked.
Mitchs98 said:
Sera Lightbane
Sera had decided to sleep in late for once. Luckily with her promotion to Branch Captain both her and Spice didn't have to work as much, mostly because she could get the guards under her to do all the work. In hindsight it might seem like she was as corrupted as the rest, but she honestly wasn't. Far from it, infact. She just liked abusing her posistion to make things easier for her and her wife, they'd worked hard after all. They deserved some time to themselves. That said, they DID still actually work. And they were at the party the previous night, which was a complete bust as far as fighting. But they did have some fun at-least.

Nevertheless when she woke up and saw that Spice wasn't there she momentarily panicked, that was until she figured she was in the training yard. She sighed, she shouldn't of worried. But she wished she would of woke her up. "
Oh well..I'll just go to her." She mumbled before shrugging. Yawning she shifted and stood up out of bed. Grabbing her swords she placed them at her hip, she didn't bother to get shower nor change out of her sleep clothes which consisted of a baggy T-shirt and shorts. She didn't really care if other people saw her dressed like this, and she figured Spice might want to do the former with her after training. A bit of walking and she was at the training yard in the guard base, and sure enough Spice was there. "Good morning Spice. Up early I see?" She told her. Of course, it wasn't exactly early seeing as it was afternoon..but..details. "Wanna head home, get a shower, and go eat lunch? I'm starving." She asked.
Spice turned around and smiled and says teasingly " Morning sleepy head, party was a pain in the ass and sure i'm hungry as well duel sword fighting is bad ass but it takes a lot of effort and energy, by the ways as much as we don't want to much work be careful you don't ask to much of the guards that's how some turn you know". Spice could smell the sweat on herself and gently sighs and gives sera chan a look to say you should shower as well don't want it sticking to you and smelling really bad do you.
MrNeko said:
"Its alright Lucy the only thing I do know how to make is sandwiches I burn food I spoil it I do so much wrong to food"She then pulled her self up by the sink and twisted the valve for warm water and splashed some on her face "I need a clothing change and a shower I'm so dirty"She said giving a disgusted look then going back to a slightly happy look."In my opinion you should really eat some great tasting food I have money but I don't want to spend it but......I'll save it! But you should eat more than bread and water"
"I eat whatever is put in front of me" she giggled as she pulled herself up and moved back to the table then sat down once more. "No need to waste money on me, save it for whatever you want" Lucy told her, her face still pink from the alcohol. "And maybe let's try cooking when we're not drunk" she laughed as she pulled out her flask and atempred to drink from it, nothing came out, she had drunk the entire container. "Awwh..."
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[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]Spice turned around and smiled and says teasingly " Morning sleepy head, party was a pain in the ass and sure i'm hungry as well duel sword fighting is bad ass but it takes a lot of effort and energy, by the ways as much as we don't want to much work be careful you don't ask to much of the guards that's how some turn you know". Spice could smell the sweat on herself and gently sighs and gives sera chan a look to say you should shower as well don't want it sticking to you and smelling really bad do you.

Sera Lightbane

Sera nodded, "
Yeah, I know. I'm not really making them do more than they should be doing anyways. Good thing about a mangerial posisition is work is fairly lax." She replied. "On the topic of dual-wielding..you are getting better at it for sure. With a bit of practice you might even get better than me." She told her. "And of course I was going to take a shower too. I literally just got up and walked over here. C'mon, let's go." She added, waving for her to follow her as she turned and slowly walked out of the training yard until she caught up. Honestly she felt it a good thing the guy had been killed, even if the party was a hoax. The guy was corrupt and really deserved it. She still hadn't told Spice how she felt about things yet..maybe later at lunch, or later that night. She knew she'd have to eventually, but..still. She wasn't sure.
Mitchs98 said:
Sera Lightbane
Sera nodded, "
Yeah, I know. I'm not really making them do more than they should be doing anyways. Good thing about a managerial position is work is fairly lax." She replied. "On the topic of dual-wielding..you are getting better at it for sure. With a bit of practice you might even get better than me." She told her. "And of course I was going to take a shower too. I literally just got up and walked over here. C'mon, let's go." She added, waving for her to follow her as she turned and slowly walked out of the training yard until she caught up. Honestly she felt it a good thing the guy had been killed, even if the party was a hoax. The guy was corrupt and really deserved it. She still hadn't told Spice how she felt about things yet..maybe later at lunch, or later that night. She knew she'd have to eventually, but..still. She wasn't sure.
Spice follows and says" Thanks but it's only because of your teaching i've learned so fast and sorry for busting your chops about the shower and guards there's a part of me that feels there's a few things out of place for one reason or the other maybe you feel the same". ' That women seems like the type that uses people to do her dirty work and men that love a trophy like her on their arms would be butter in her hands'. 'I don't like her one bit and if given enough reason i'd like to kill her my self'.
[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]Spice follows and says" Thanks but it's only because of your teaching i've learned so fast and sorry for busting your chops about the shower and guards there's a part of me that feels there's a few things out of place for one reason or the other maybe you feel the same". ' That women seems like the type that uses people to do her dirty work and men that love a trophy like her on their arms would be butter in her hands'. 'I don't like her one bit and if given enough reason i'd like to kill her my self'.

Sera Lightbane

Sera arched a brow as Spice spoke. She wasn't really bothered about either, besides she enjoyed taking showers with her. So she wasn't really sure why she was apologizing. "
It's fine, it's fine. I understand your concerns, and I was gunna get a shower anyway. I just wanted to come collect you first." She replied. "Besides, I figured you'd want to shower together like we usually do." She added with a shrug. Soon, they were back at their place, and Sera undid her swords and leaned them up against the wall. "Go ahead and warm the shower up, I'll lay our clothes out. What do you want to wear?" She asked, already selecting her own outfit at the closet.

She smiled back at him when he used his words, happy to see him communicating. The excessive decibels hardly affected her, so she could focus on how his speech was improving. Though she didn't know how to help him herself, it felt nice to encourage him to do his best. In her head, she tried to think of where her target was, ruling out his headquarters fairly quickly. After an amount of time simply tugging Krieg along and meandering, she found the commander passed out on the floor. Without a second thought, she started poking him with the end of her parasol, determined to wake him up somehow with this method. "Wake up, we need something to doooo," she informed him, still going at it.

@Mitchs98 @T h e F o o l
Mitchs98 said:
Sera Lightbane
Sera arched a brow as Spice spoke. She wasn't really bothered about either, besides she enjoyed taking showers with her. So she wasn't really sure why she was apologizing. "
It's fine, it's fine. I understand your concerns, and I was gunna get a shower anyway. I just wanted to come collect you first." She replied. "Besides, I figured you'd want to shower together like we usually do." She added with a shrug. Soon, they were back at their place, and Sera undid her swords and leaned them up against the wall. "Go ahead and warm the shower up, I'll lay our clothes out. What do you want to wear?" She asked, already selecting her own outfit at the closet.
Spice smiles as she's doing her thing and says" i'm not to fussed just a dress that looks good on me and thanks for understanding, i'm somewhat edgy at the moment because of of the news i heard from my friend wei-kun but i'll deal with that later" After a minutes the showers just the right temperature and then says" kay the showers perfect now it feels great on the mussels, for humans to train like that everyday must be tiring but your swordsmanship is always so graceful so i really enjoy watching".
She began to blush a little then it went back to her normal look but still drunk"Is the batter in my hair?Is all the poor alcohol all out that's sad I wanted more"She said jokingly putting her arm on Lucy's shoulder she looked around the room seeing the floor and desk a mess of pancake batter."We should get this cleaned up this place is a mess"


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