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Fantasy Agathia (CLOSED)

It had been a while since Mara had walked on a real road. Most of her time was spent in the wilderness or on the rough dirt paths that connected most smaller hamlets. The feeling of solid stone beneath her feet was almost nostalgic. Her feet and her halberd's shaft thudded softly as she plodded her way toward the city's outskirts, scanning her eye across the horizon. The tall tower that loomed above the nearby cityscape drew her attention – the academy, no doubt, puffing out their collective chests for anyone in a mile to see. It would make getting lost more difficult, at any rate.

Entry to the city was uneventful, for the most part. The sentries had questioned her, of course. In these parts, any magical walking around armed was lucky if they were only stopped and questioned three times a day. A few minutes of having her arms and equipment inspected later, she was within the walls. She had apparently entered a gate by a poorer district of the city, judging by the state of disrepair most of the buildings – and people – were in. Traffic seemed sparse at this hour, which wasn't surprising considering the cold. A few heads turned in her direction as she started walking, but none lingered long. Fine by her. The distant visage of the academy acted as her compass as she began picking her way through the cityscape. Not being an idiot she kept off the back alleys and small roads, keeping herself out in the open. After about ten minutes she happened on what seemed to be the main street, running nearly straight to the academy from what she could see. The buildings grew slowly less ramshackle the closer she drew to it, though the atmosphere stayed just as dreary. A cloud of smoke off in the distance drew her attention. Apparently someone had been a little too desperate for warmth and excitement.

After about twenty minutes of walking, she was quite near to the academy. The size of its towers was even more apparent now. Anyone living nearby probably lost an hour of sunlight each day. She tore her gaze away; she'd have plenty of time to gawk tomorrow. Today, she was tired from traveling.

Finding an inn wasn't difficult, not that it ever was in a city this large. The Camilla Inn looked as dreary as anywhere else in the city, though it looked like it could be fixed up without much effort. She glanced once more at the academy's spire before entering the inn, pushing past a young girl who seemed to be content standing in the doorway. The place was...oddly crowded for a dingy little inn, but maybe being close to the academy made it a popular place. Not that it particularly mattered, a bed was a bed. Mara made straight for the bar, taking a seat and leaning her halberd against the counter. The barkeep seemed to be engaged at the moment, so she occupied herself getting comfortable, fiddling with the straps of her helm for a moment before setting it aside.
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If looks could kill people, Lazarus would have been responsible for a horrible massacre at the Camilla inn. After what the witch had said he decided he didn't want to give her more chances to him; took out a few coins, tossed them on the counter and said: "Three it is. You can be sure that I will come back some day, but you won't know if my intentions about this place will be the same." Not waiting for an answer, he turned around and headed for the door outside. Just as he had started heading towards the exit, he could hear a lady scream in one of the inn's rooms. He turned back to the innkeep and asserted boldly: "There better be no trouble, any problems in here will be yours."


Slowly, carefully, he turned towards the room the noises came from and stepped towards the door, his hands ready to draw his sword. He didn't really have to do this, but he felt like he needed to show those people in here that he had authority that was not to be questioned. Just as he lay his hand on the door to open it, it swung wide open from the other side and the Captain saw a blue-haired kid in the doorframe. He gave her a suprised look, then asked her: "What is going on in here?"


Meanwhile, in his head a plan of action was developing. He planned who had to know about this inn and who would be responsible for keeping the order here. They would need search parties to find the missing owner and question him. He felt like the entire population of the South was plotting against him, and he was determined to find them all and exterminate them. Nobody would keep secrets from him unpunished.
Deltas heart raced as she drew back the makeshift wooden bow and arrow she crafted aiming it at a still deers heart. Her breathing slowed but her heart went faster with adrenalin and readiness. She had to make this shot. Then the arrow flew through the air separating the air and the animals skin. The deer cried out and fell to the ground whole delta howled and barked in excitement her human lungs changing to wolf as she shifted. She called to edge, telling him she had made a kill it was only minutes until he would appear so she bounded over to the deer. She leaned her head down and began ripping at the tough skin to get to the meat she loved. "Finally." She mumbled happy she had caught a deer. It had been 3 days of eating berries.

Edge had been just wandering aimlessly around their territory to make sure there were no intruders when his sister called out to him. He was so happy. They needed this meal. The teen ran towards his sister excitedly. The pure joy obvious on his face. In mere minutes, he arrived at the scene. His sister already ripping at the fur of a deer she actually caught one! His thoughts went wild and he dove towards the deer he would share with his sister.
Uurne Greyflock

"What is going on in here?" The blue haired teen flinched before glancing up at the stranger that was in her way. Her feet shifted in uneasiness as she stared at the tall man. ".... In here?.... Weren't you inside before?..." She answered, with a small hint of insanity hidden in her gray orbs. A weird smile formed her face as she stepped into the Inn. Thank goodness Lady Uursylia had helped her deal with him quickly, because Uurne alone didn't know how. The long range magic worked well, but it made Uurne a little insane at times.

Lady Uursylia might be outside, devouring a few souls from the mortal bodies of humans. Uurne had tasted a few, it wasn't too pleasant, but it helped level her skills farther. Sometimes... Once every month she would find a bag under her pillow filled with unfortunate souls, and a note from Lady Uursylia. She would gulp them down because if she didn't, Lady Uursylia would get angry because she harvested all of those for nothing. But, it helped a lot. Every night, a shadow would come inside and ask her for information. Uurne would share because she knew this shadow was from Lady Uursylia and it was bugged with magic too. And tomorrow.... She had to go to school.... And spill some beans. Uurne didn't know how to deal with school....

The customers surrounding the Inn were spreading rumors all day maybe. But, Uurne didn't know how to deal with rumors. So she never sat and chat with any of them, just headed up to her room and waited quietly for the shadow to visit her. Hopefully nobody looked at her as she quickly dashed up the stairs....

@Newtype @Cloud Nagasake @Barbas @Lorkhan
Raikou proceeded through the woods away from Camilla, the sky began to darken and thunder as he prepared a long range travel method. He walk into a clearing and stopped in its center, he extended his hand to the sky and found it met with a blue lightning bolt from the sky then suddenly Raikou wasn't in the clearing. He felt himself traveling through the clouds at fast speeds. Then somewhere near the border a lightning bolt struck ground depositing Kou.


Kou looked around for a bit and then walked west bound towards what seemed to be giant canyon surrounded by mountains. But in this canyon is the Rebellion's fortress built in a hard to find and easy to defend location. He flew down the side of cliff using his lightning. He walked along one of the many bridges while assessing the magic defenses. Making sure the illusionary and cloaking barriers were active. He also check the structural enhancements to make sure they were operational. He didn't check the magic defenses due to beinf short on time to get to a strategy meeting. He entered the main fortress and proceeded with haste to the strategy meeting, when he entered his generals and strategists were all seated. Raikou took his seat at the head of the table and said "Begin!"
Airi returned to her spot behind the bar counter and picked up a key. "You can have room 03. I suppose your first job would be to clean up the place a little bit. Once you've settled I'll get you some supplies. Ah! Also! Please don't enter room 01. That's the owner's room. He...doesn't allow anyone to enter. Even I don't know what's in there," she smiled, handing the key to the younger man. Although Airi knew the owner, she didn't know him well enough. He had trusted her to look after his inn, but he never told her why. He was a mystery through-and-through. Perhaps he was just pitying a young witch, who had no home, allowing her to stay here in his stead, but Airi didn't believe that for a second. There was a reason he left and didn't return. There was definitely a reason why he forbade anyone from entering his room. She was curious, but she'd respect his wishes. "Also, mind telling me your name?" she asked.


Whilst she had been distracted with her new helper, the witch failed to notice some new arrivals. "...You can be sure I will come back some day..." she heard the Captain tell her, though she didn't manage to get the other half of his sentence. A few things happened too quickly and she barely got the chance to introduce herself before the blue haired girl walked up the stairs. "...She doesn't even have a key..." she muttered, watching the girl hastily go up the stairs. "Which room does she expect to stay in without a key?" she blinked owlishly. She contemplated summoning the girl back but she had other matters to deal with.

@mowiegan @yumiyukifan1

Shaking her head, she finally gave her attention to the Magical that had recently sat down at the bar. "I'm sorry about that! May I help you with something?" she moved to stand by her, an expectant smile on her face. "We're busier than usual today, I hope you don't mind the noise."

@Not Sure
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"My name is Lucas Blackheath. You can call me Luke if you want." He smiled softly towards the bartender, taking the key. He was a little surprised towards her hospitality, but of course it was welcomed. It made him feel a little better about leaving home to live in a town he had no clue about. "I'll go put my things away then." Luke fixed the bag on his shoulder before going up the steps, unlocking the third room with his key. He paid no mind to the other person up there before he went in and started to put his things away in the dresser opposite to the door.

Æthelwulf had become tired of idling around at the bar and decided to turn in for the night. Before heading upstairs he left a modest tip for the innkeeper on the counter. Although Wulf knew he was short on cash, he felt that Airi deserved the gesture for her hospitality. As Wulf made his way up to his room, a young girl fearfully whisked past him. Æthelwulf had noticed the girl as she entered a while ago, but did not pay much mind to her. At first glance she appeared rather timid, but as Wulf paid attention to her, he realized that there might something off about her. Something about that girl gave Wulf the impression that she was hiding something. He made a mental note to himself to keep an eye out for her.

Wulf unlocked the door to his room and stepped inside. The room itself was rather tidy and the candles were already lit. He neatly placed his headdress and some of the other bulkier parts of his attire on the dresser across from the bed. He then laid himself down on the bed (which was amazing compared to the other places he normally slept) and slowly drifted off to sleep.

@Damarious @yumiyukifan1
Mara waved a hand dismissively at the young girl behind the counter. The inn was rowdier than she'd expected for sure, but as long as nobody started knife-fighting she didn't particularly care. She grunted softly as she slipped the shield and pack off her back, laying them against the bar beside her polearm. “I need a room.” she leaned forward a little, crossing her arms on the bartop. “A drink and something to eat would be nice too.”

Seeing the tip left for her on the counter, Airi picked it up before turning her head towards the stairs just before the man disappeared. "Thank you! Enjoy your stay!" she grinned, storing the coins in her pouch before turning back to her customer.


The woman didn't seem as strange as her other patrons, perhaps a little quieter, but she had a policy of not judging someone before she knew them a little better. The Magical was another new face, maybe she had been wrong about people not wanting to travel a lot these days. She had gotten a handful of travelers from just one night. "Your room," she placed a key down on the counter then moved to prepare a drink. "Unfortunately we don't have a chef, so I hope you don't mind some bread, meat, and cheese. I specialize in potions and brews, food-making is something I am not an expert in," she laughed sheepishly, flicking her finger in the air, a different gesture than the previous ones that she had made. As she placed the drink down before her, a platter of food landed not too far away. "Also, I'm Airi. If you have any questions, problems, I'll be right here."

@Not Sure
“That's fine,” she replied, pocketing the key and placing it in one of the smaller satchels on her belt. The girl was really being too apologetic when it came to the meal; she hadn't been expecting a five-course feast, and she certainly wasn't used to eating them. Of course, she also wasn't used to having her meals delivered by floating trays. She regarded the platter for a moment before glancing back to the barkeep – Airi, apparently. She was short and skinny, but she had scars on her face. Not quite your innocent barmaid. “Mara.” she introduced herself. She picked up her drink, and after sniffing it briefly determined it probably didn't have anything's piss in it. She drained about half the weak brew before speaking again. “What do you know about the academy here?”

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