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Fantasy Agathia (CLOSED)


New Member

Agathia, a land that rose from the ashes of a nearly destroyed civilization, is split in half. One half is made safe for the Magicals that have finally emerged out of their hidden sanctuary due to having been pushed into the shadows for years. The other half made of humans, decedents of those who had survived the destruction of their previous world. Agathia is a wide open world full of new magic and new discoveries to be made. It is only ruled by one King, a man who lazes around like a sloth, eating whatever food he could reach for, not giving a damn about the cities he has to oversee. Thankfully there are those who are willing to do anything for their beloved land.

The Speros.

Known as the 'Hope'.

The gates of the Academy are opening. Students who aspire to become Speros are gathering.

The guards are readying their swords.

The merchants opening their stores.

Magicals, prepare yourselves.

Welcome to Agathia! This an open world for you to create your own adventures.


1. In this world, you can be anything you want. Human or a Magical, which means any supernatural and mythical creature you have in mind.

2. You can have any profession that you think will be good for your character. Scientist, explorer, hunter, a politician, a Spero (please see the overview for what a Spero is) or even a Emperor if you are seeking to overthrow the current Emperor (if you are please talk to me about it!). Anything you want to be just as long as it fits in with the setting!

3. Strong language and cursing is allowed but no explicit sexual scenes (as by the rules of the site). If there is a necessary sexual scene, you can simply imply.

4. Please do not control other characters that do not belong to you. Please stick to your own characters or side characters! Also, please don't kill off other characters without the permission from the owner of said character.

5. If you are wanting to skip or have your scenes go in a direction you want, please talk with your partner about it in the OOC section.

6. No one has to interact with every single person. You can interact with anyone you want to or form a group. (see overview about groups)

7. You can be on the good side or on the evil side. If neutral is what best fits you, then go right ahead.

8. If you have a plot in mind or if you want to add onto the world, please talk to me!! I'd love to see what you have in mind!!

9. Please keep the OOC talk in the OOC section.

10. If you are stuck or in need of something to do, please come ask me!!

With a long, drawn out sigh, Airi placed her elbow on the top of the counter, a bored expression permanently etched onto her face. She stood behind the bar of Camilla Inn, finding the emptiness of the place starting to sink into her very soul. There weren't many who traveled these days it seemed and the ones that do did not stay in The South for very long. She supposed with such nice weather like this, no one seemed to want to come into her dreary Inn, even though it wasn't hers to own. The actual owner was never around to show his face very much, so she had to step in for him every now and then. There weren't any other employees either, which was a shame since she didn't have many people to talk to. This placed used to be bustling with lively customers and jolly drunk travelers. However, she understood the reluctance to travel these days. There was news of many foreboding events that were to occur in the future, rebellions, wars. Whatever was happening, she hoped that it would not affect her business.

Finally, as if her prayers were being answered. The door to the Inn opened for the first time in hours. "Good afternoon, traveler!" she called enthusiastically to the new arrival.
As Raygou reached the South, he sighed. "Why I have to do such a job...?" He asked himself and entered the South side. Some guys start to look at him and his (a bit too large) sword. The people start to talk about him. You hear a Wolf Warrior here and a Wolf Warrior there. Raygou scratches his head, holding hus sword with hus other hand. He turned to a group of people. "Yo! Do you know a bar or something? Somewhere I could grab a drink!" He asked. The people pointed to the Camilla Inn. "Thank you!" Raygou said and smiled at them. He entered the Camilla Inn. "Yo!"
Upon the wolf's entrance, Airi straightened up from her position and tugged at her apron. "Hello! Welcome to Camilla Inn!" she gave him a bright grin. "Can I offer you a warm drink? Or perhaps something to eat?" she asked, eager to finally talk with someone that wasn't herself. Her previous customers didn't like interacting with her much once they discover that she was a witch, however, considering the man was obviously a fellow Magical, she probably would not need to hide her power. Grabbing a clean rag from behind her, she wiped the counter clean so that the place would look a little more presentable.
Kou and the area's recruiter both entered the Camilla Inn in black hoods that hid their faces, they made their way over to the darkest booth in the inn to discuss their business. Once they both sat down Kou said quietly almost inaudibly "I heard recruitment in this area is down considerably. Maybe you should consider moving onto another area rather then this town." The Recruiter replied just as quietly "Sir, though the recruits that come from here are few they are of good quality and twice were Spero." Kou shifted while considering that fact. "Fine but what else do you got for me?" The two began to discuss other matters in whispered tones.
Ignis and his children Daniel and Stella walked into the Camilla Inn and stood in the entrance. Ignis pulled his hat down in the front to cover up his eyes which were currently glowing bright blue and placed his hand on Daniel's shoulder and quietly spoke to him. "You and Stella go register for a room alright? I'll be in the bar." He took his hand off of his shoulder and began walking towards the bar and past the register counter glancing shortly at the female standing on the opposite side and still concealing his eyes.

He had walked through a space that once had a door and led to the bar. Completely bypassing the counter that was selling drinks he continued to a peculiar booth that was more lit than the one behind it which was completely shaded in darkness...oddly. He took a seat in the partially lit booth and all that could be seen was his white suit and his left eye glowing blue.

The raven haired witch gave a small, wary, glance towards the two men shrouded in black that stepped into her establishment, but didn't allow her gaze to linger on them for too long just in case they wanted to start something. She could handle herself just fine of course, but she did not want to clean up after a fight. Right after the two mystery men had disappeared in a booth of their own, three new customers entered. Another man, this time in a white suit, and two young teens. After the hatted man whispered something to the boy, he parted from them, leaving Airi to wonder just how many more peculiar people she would get tonight. "Welcome to Camilla!" she greeted who she assumed were the children of the hatted man, and smiled happily. "May I help you with something?" she asked, cleaning her hands on her apron.

She briefly glanced over to the three mystery men and contemplated approaching them to ask if they were in need of anything. But she decided it was best to tend to the more friendly first.
In the outskirts of the human kingdom of Agathia, the massive, red dragon known a Grangar slowly flies towards the large city. Upon reaching the large human settlement, Grangar unleashes numerous streams of fire all over the city before flying back to his lair within a mountain.
Æthelwulf never liked the cities of the South. The smoke that billowed from the factories choked the air he breathed. It was burdening his lungs and sending him into coughing fits. During the day, soot-faced laborers worked endlessly on the streets. Builders were constantly moving construction materials through the crowds, with a handful of scientists trying to peddle their strange concoctions. For a foreigner, it could be very difficult to move through the streets quickly. When evening fell, Wulf managed to find the Camilla Inn. From the outside it looked rather cold, cheerless and dark, but Wulf decided he'd rather not sleep on the streets. It was hard to see through the small, fading stained glass windows, but he could still feel the depressing vibes from within.

Wulf hesitantly creaked open the splintering wooden door and slowly stepped inside. Only a handful of people seemed to be boarding at the inn tonight. The barkeep appeared rather cheery and bright in stark contrast to her tavern's bleak atmosphere. Wulf motions to the bartender with a small bag of coin in his hand, hopefully enough to rent him a room for the night.
It was a usual day for Lazarus. In the morning, he assigned various tasks to all members of the city guard, from mere patrolling up to more complicated jobs like setting up traps for petty criminals or spying on suspects. Of course, the regular guards wouldn't get those special high-pay-jobs, they were reserved for specialists. The city council didn't know he had employed a few bounty-hunters to help him keep the city away from danger. He didn't think the council would ever notice the missing money, they were just as corrupt as pretty much every other person of interest here. After all the guards had left the barracks to do their job, Lazarus cleaned up his office, had another look out of the window into the dirty streets of the inner city and left as well.

He noticed the hostile feeling everybody had about the city guard. People avoided him and took on detours only to not have to look in his face. Thinking about it, he thought it was better for them to do so. In theory, he had the right to arrest them for absolutely nothing, a method he would only resort to if he found someone gravely annoying.

There was nothing much to do in town now, his guards would be doing their jobs, so nothing was really left for him. He always did that. He always assigned jobs like this so that he didn't have to do his work. Was he bad Captain for this? Maybe, he thought, but not necessarily. He was doing his job, after all, leading the city guard.

He decided he might just settle down and have a drink somewhere, so he looked for the nearest tavern or inn while he kept walking through the streets. He noticed an unusual number of armed people roaming the city. People had swords, bows, even guns. Normally, he would stop them and ask what they were up to with that piece of metal, but he didn't bother now. He was too thirsty and there were just too many to ask.

Finally, he found an inn where he could drink something. It was very hard to spot in the street, it looked just as dirty as all the other houses, apart from the fact that a little sign "Camilla Inn" was hanging above the door. Lazarus decided to enter anyway. The first thing that struck him was the variety of races in here. He hated this. The city had been built for humans, not wolves, not witches, not anything else that was not human. But he decided not to say anything, since he was heavily outnumbered and simply approached the counter, planning to ask for a cold drink.
"There's talk that the Emperor may be training his eye of the Rebellion because of all the people we have managed to recruit and how he can't tell who is loyal to what now being we haven't called to our recruits out there all to arms yet. But we should soon before they begin randomly attacking people, we both know they'll get many more innocents then rebels." the Recruiter said. Kou was about to say something until the Recruiter motioned for him to be quiet as the Guard Captain walked in. Kou understood and simply leaned back

Kou then motioned for the Recruiter to leave, he promptly made his way to the door. Kou himself began to rise up and leave until half way to the door he turned and looked back at the bright blue eyed individual who was in eavesdrop range of the last part of their conversation. Kou showed his own glowing red eyes to the man but as someone came through the door Kou walked out of it.

@Cloud Nagasake
Ignis tilted his head to the men behind him to listen in on their conversation though he only heard the last few statements. Something about the emperor and the Rebellion whatever it was it couldn't be left alone. Then there was sudden silence as a another man walked into the bar and following up with the men sitting behind Ignis getting up and leaving. He glanced over to one of them just ever so slightly revealing his glowing blue eye and the hooded man revealing his red eye.

A small sigh left Ignis as he leaned back in his seat tilting his hat to cover his eyes from the two other men that remained in the bar. He was struck with confusion and so many questions that he was tempted to chase after the two hooded men to get the answers he needed, but he couldn't leave his children behind in this place without protection. Though his son was capable of protecting himself and his sister he didn't want to risk anything else happening to his family. He placed one hand on the table and slid out of the booth and began towards the door back to the Inn entrance.


The two walked up towards the counter where the young female stood on the other side ready to assist anyone in need of a place too stay. Stella had never been to an Inn before and though it was rather odd and uncomfortable to be away from home she quickly took Daniel's right arm and held it tight a bit too tight. "Stella...your hurting me." Daniel said to her in a rather calm and blunt tone. "S-sorry Dan...i'm just not comfortable being here."

With the arrival of two new men, left two other. Airi watched them go in slight confusion, wondering what they had planned to do there. They had simply sat in one of the booths, talked for a short while, then left. Humans. Maybe she would never truly understand them. Turning her attention back to her young patrons, she gave the teens a smile and picked up the register sheet from behind the counter, laying it down in front of them. She assumed they were hoping to rent a room. "One room, or two?" she asked, tilting her head. She attempted to look as friendly as possible, though with the amount of strange travelers starting to gather in the inn, she would not need to try too hard to seem approachable. "Are you two new to The South? Are you here to attend Bellatro Academy?" she asked curiously to try and make them feel more comfortable. She wasn't much for small talk, but it was probably best that she at least say something a little more than 'one room, or two?'.

@Cloud Nagasake

She briefly turned to the other two men that had recently entered and offered a small smile. She recognised one of them. Captain of the city guards. Though she did not remember his name, she had seen him patrolling around the streets every now and then. The people didn't take too kindly to his men, finding them too imposing. Too much of a threat. The streets were littered with humans and Magicals alike and now that the city guards have been keeping a watchful eye on everyone, more people were afraid to roam; too frightened to be a part of normal human society. The Magicals were no longer feeling welcomed and that needed to change.

The other man, she didn't recognise the face of, waved a pouch of coins at her. She gave him a small nod and allowed the teens to register for a room first before she would move to him.

"Drinks, gentleman?" she asked them both, straightening her posture as the men approached the counter.

@mowiegan @Lorkhan

Just outside the Inn, a commotion was heard. Another fire it seemed. It wasn't a rare occurrence these days. Many fires have been started in the past and although many of the humans blamed it on the scientists who tend to experiment around those parts of the land, Airi knew that that amount of fire could not spread so quickly without something unnatural. A dragon, if she were to take a guess. She had no proof of course, but it was a very likely possibility. If it was some sort of Magical, then she hoped that a bounty would not be put up for their head.

Aethelwulf politely declined his drink. "I will pass, but thank you." Wulf took a seat at one of the barstools. He removed his headdress and gently placed it on the counter in front of him. His grip on his staff, however, only tightened. Tensions were rising quickly here. Talk of the rebellion and the clamor outside only seemed to make this place colder. Wulf knew something drastic was about to happen, and he'd rather not end up dead because of it.
He found this place very peculiar; he hadn't expected the lady at the counter to be that friendly. This place looked like the perfect hideout for smugglers, murderers, burglars or any other lawless creature in this city.

While thinking about what to order, he had a brief look around the room and saw people leaving the inn. He had never seen them before, but that wasn't a big surprise. He barely knew anyone in this city that wasn't working for the council and he didn't mind about it. He thought of the city's population mainly as poor peasants, folks he rather liked to avoid as much as possible. Lazarus also noticed both children and wondered why they would be in here. This was definitely not a place for kids, he thought. Heck, this wasn't even a place for lawful citizens.

@Cloud Nagasake

Just as he answered: "I haven't spotted a menu yet, but I would very much like to have me some mead, if possible" he heard it: People screaming in fear, the sound of destruction and of peril.

Instinctively he turned his head towards the source of the sound, but nothing was there to be seen for him, because he was inside a building. He turned back to the lady at the counter and thought about the noise.

Lazarus reckoned it was just another explosion caused by one of the many factories. The guards in the area would take care of it, so there was no need for him to rush outside and do something about it. He could talk to them at debrief tonight, after he had enjoyed a little tranquility and a cold drink.

@Damarious @Barbas

Just when he heard "I will pass but thank you" right next to him, he realized his perception had failed him again. He had seen everything in the building apart from the man right in front of him. He took a closer look at him while he walked past. For him, he looked like one of those despicable mages with his staff and his weird clothing. Another man who didn't deserve Lazarus' attention, he presumed.

Airi paid no mind to the ruckus outside, she didn't seem all that fazed by it based on her unchanging neutral expression. It wasn't that she didn't care, it just happened far too often and she was sure that someone was handling the situation well enough.

She turned towards the decorated man with the headdress and nodded once. "Is there anything I can get you? Although there's not too much to offer, I would like to make your stay at least slightly more enjoyable," she said politely, as she waved a hand in the air delicately. For a moment nothing happened and it seemed as though she was merely batting at the air, but a second later one of the wooden cups that had been on display on the shelves behind her levitated towards the counter, pouring itself some mead until it was brimming with the liquid. "We haven't been getting many customers lately, you see. Not many are willing to linger about a place like this when there's been some...words passed about," she cast a glance towards the Captain of the guards whilst his drink settled down on the counter in front of him. She knew the man did not particularly like Magicals, so she used her magic just to spite him. If she was going down, she may as well have fun.

@Lorkhan @mowiegan
Lucas sighed softly, running a hand through his hair. He looked down at a map he had purchased from a merchant serveral days before hand, despite his mothers' wishes. Lucas loved them dearly, don't get him wrong, but occasionally they just got on his nerves.

"This is the Inn, right?" He whispered to himself, looking down at his map. If he hadn't gotten horribly lost along the way, he was correct. Lucas had agreed with his mothers that he was going to stay at the inn during his time at Bellatro Academy, since the walk from his house and back every day seemed a little crazy. It was about an hour and a half.

If Lucas was correct, that is. He's a little clumsy. He folded the map up before putting it in his satchel. He entered the Inn, his eyes widening slightly once seeing a woman using magic. Sure, Lucas knew about magic, but it still surprised him every day. He shook his head a little, as if to shake away his thoughts. 'You need a place to stay, Luke. Not a teacher. You'll get one at the academy.' "Hello, is this the Camilla Inn?"
Returning to his large, treasure filled lair within a mountain, the extremely greedy dragon makes his way through his lair's entrance before laying on top of his hoard. While laying on top of his hoard, Grangar examines a large map of the human that he constructed in order to begin the second part of his plan.
Æthelwulf gave the innkeeper a soft smile. "I'll only need time to collect myself before heading to bed." he said. Wulf was surprised by the owner's display of magic. Very few mages resided in this part of town. However, he decided not to bring it up with her in conversation to avoid the ire of the city guard. Wulf had caught the captain glaring daggers at him a moment ago, likely because of his druidic appearance. This did not surprise him, as anti-mage sentiment is quite prevalent in the south. Still, a man of his high rank was not someone Wulf would want to cross.

@Damarious @mowiegan
The Magical's expression lightened and she gave a small gesture around the room. "Well, you're more than welcome to hang about here. You're a new face so I presume that you haven't been around these parts before," she lowered her hand to sweep her long braid over her shoulder then dipped down into a dramatic curtsy. "I'm Airi. My name is Airi, I'm not airy. Nor am I a fairy," she laughed for a moment before it died down into an awkward clearing of the throat. "Anyway, if there's anything you need I'll be here. There isn't anyone else here but me since the owner disappeared awhile ago. We're looking to employ some people, when I say we, I mean me. Myself. I am looking to employ people," she rambled, then sighed at her own carelessness around strangers.


When the door of the inn opened once more, Airi tilted her head to see who had entered.

"Hello, is this the Camilla Inn?" she heard the young man ask. A teenager. Not quite tall or well built, but appeared friendly enough. She would never admit it to anyone, but whenever she met someone knew, the first thing she would do was make sure she could take them in a fight. Maybe it was her need for validation or she was just very competitive. The latter sounded less pathetic.

She gave a firm nod at his question. "Aye! It is! If it isn't then that sign hanging outside is a lie," she joked, grinning warmly at him. "How may I help you today?" she asked, waving her hand once more to close the door behind the young man to keep the cold out. Though it was already chilly enough in the place.

Lazarus took the mug silently and gave the lady behind the counter a disappointed look as if she had somehow failed him. He had this feeling inside him again. This feeling that came up everytime he sees someone use magical powers, but he did his best to keep a straight face, if he had succeeded, he didn't know.

He was smart enough to know that getting angry and using violence now would not end well on his end and just tamper his image even more.

Trying to hide his anger, he took the mug and settled down to drink his mead in the corner, just thinking about what to do the next day. It wasn't long until he heard the door slam open and a creaky voice shouting "Hello, is this the Camilla Inn?" Lazarus slowly lifted his head from the mug and looked at the youngster who just came in. "There is going to be trouble", he mumbled to himself and followed the young boy with his eyes. As soon as he heard the lady's happy answer he knew there was definitely something up with this place. No kid like him should even be able to find their way to this dodgy business. And the innkeeper of such places shouldn't be that nice to their customers.

He tried not to think about how odd this place was anymore, suddenly he just wanted to drink his mead and then get as fast out of here as possible. It was definitely a place he would keep an eye on though. For a moment he thought about what the lady had said about employment; maybe he could send one of his hirelings or someone who owed him a favor to see how things rolled in here. He had a last look at all the patrons to rememer their faces, for future reference, as he liked to put it, emptied his cup and once again stood up to the counter. Dropping the empty mug from a safe height on the counter, he asked "How much for this? And the service?"

Lucas looked back towards the door as she closed it, as easy as the wave of her hand. "Oh, I'm sorry about that!" He turned back around, scratching the back of his neck. "And yeah, I want to stay in this inn. I'm not sure how much it costs to stay here, but I'm willing to work part-time to pay it off." He had some money in his satchel as well, mainly for emergencies and until he could get on his feet.

Yeah, the place seemed a little odd and cold but in the end it was the best he had. Well, as much as Lucas knew about, anyways. He wasn't sure if the academy had dorms. Or even which subjects it had...but either way, it was the best chance he had at making a life for himself.

Airi either did not notice the look she received from the Captain or she had decided to not acknowledge it at all. The witch had never been ashamed of her powers. Being a Magical was something she was immensely proud of. Her grandmother did not spend hours with her just so she could hate herself for being something that was 'unnatural' to the eyes of humans. She did not spend years in Bellatro Academy strengthening her will and power just to hide her magic once she had become a Spero. Airi was never too bothered whenever she was sent looks of disapproval or disgust. Being proud of herself was already a lesson she had mastered. There was no shame in being confident about what you were given. She was born as a witch and she will live as one no matter who tells her otherwise.

"Well! I'm very glad that you were happy with the service, sir! You're welcome to come back anytime! I'll give you the same service as I did today!" she smirked at the older man. Oh, she had dreamed of the day she could be a little shit to someone with a high status such as he. "As for the mead, that will be two shillings. However! Since you liked my magic show so much I'll give it to ya for three!" she placed her elbow on the counter, rested her cheek in her palm, and batted her eyelashes at him. She was digging her own grave of course but she was having far too much fun for her own good. She had heard that the Captain had quite the temper on him, and although she'd rather not start a fight, she was curious as to how he would react to her inappropriate behaviour.


Her attention shifted from the Captain to the young man a second later and her smile turned less hostile, it was almost downright enthusiastic. "Finally!" she grinned, hopping up to stand straight. "If you're hoping for a part-time job, you've got one! You may stay here as long as you would like in exchange for working here. I won't take any money from you today," she said, stepped out from behind the bar counter and wiped her hands down her apron that was surprisingly clean in contrast to her slightly worn outfit underneath. "You're hired," she thrust her hand out towards the teen for a shake.

Lucas smiled softly at the women, taking her hand in his and shaking it. "Thank you. Is there any certain job I should do?" He asked, taking his hand back after the shake. "Also, where are the rooms? I'll get started as soon I put my bag away." He didn't have many things in his bag, but he certainly didn't want to walk around with it either.

Uurne Greyflock

"....But..... But.... I don't know deal with Speros...", Mumbled slim fragile figure. The person kept her eyes low and a frown escaped her lips. "Lady Uursylia, I don't know...." She kept her pace as steadily as she could, because if she were to run into someone, she wouldn't know how to deal with it.... "Uurne, my child...", A silky voice cooed inside the figure's head. "All you have to do is just stay at the academy for awhile... and then when the day's done, you can inform me about anything important, ne." Uurne shifted her gray orbs to the left as she took her steps. "....Understood...." She then paused. "But... What'll happen if they find out?...." The thin teen shuddered as she thought of the worst case scenarios. Her right arm was grasped around her left and she stared at the ground in fear, before a sharp pain hit her back and something sprouted from the spot where her tattoo was located.

"HAH?!?!?! IF THEY DO, THEN IMA CUT ALL YOUR HAIR IN YOUR SLEEP AGAIN, UURNE!!!" The thing then started to noogie the teen as hard as he can. "Ah! Oww!!! I don't know how to deal with being bald again-- Ow!!!" Uurne tried to protest the noogies but it didn't help, Gomer was a big bully. "YOU BETTER NOT MESS UP LIKE THE OTHER TIME!!! SKINNY LITTLE FREAK!!!" "That hurts!!! I don't know how to deal with this!!!"

(*Coughs* After few minutes of interrogation)

Uurne heard noises outside of the buildings that surrounded her and Gomer and she shuffled her feet unsteadily. She had to deal with the people who were in the Inn. Lady Uursylia was doing her own tasks, trying to unbalance the scales of good and evil little by little, and her only child was part of the plan... She didn't know how to deal with all of this.... And she also had to stay in one of the Inn's rooms until Lady Uursylia gives her a different place to crash in. The blue haired reached for the handle of the door and pulled it open as Gomer slipped back into her flesh. She didn't want to deal with anything right now....

@Newtype @Cloud Nagasake @Barbas @Lorkhan

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