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Colosseum After Hours Bar & Lounge [NO SIGN-UP REQUIRED]

She was in the floor, grasping for air. She stumbled up, pulling herself up using the bar stools. "I'm pretty sure you don't need a damn mercenary..." Lila muttered under her breath. "If this was an actual fight, you would've already lost..."
Jezebel closed her eyes, and listened to the words of those around her; a chorus of protests from weak minds breaking-- crying out that their own inadequacy was an error, a mistake, a fluke. It lifted a smile upon her cheeks, for 'twas music to her ears. Then, she tapped her cane twice, and with her reverse-diving rod, she brought to herself, and the room as a whole, silence, as severe as a crypt.

"I won't deign to repeat myself," she spake, voice cutting through the quiet she'd summoned like a knife.
Lila cursed under her breath, pulling out a small pistol from a holster by her side. "How bout you fight me like a man and not a coward..?" She muttered, clutching her chest still. "Now die." She aimed, much slower than last time, and fire all 5 bullets in the mag quickly.
Lola would hear an unexplained click, and then find that her trigger would not depress properly. If she was excruciatingly observant, she may manage to notice that her sidearm's safety had somehow been switched on-- a pair of sightless arms seized her under the armpits, hoisting her up and tossing her into a nearby table, sending her crashing into the chairs arranged around it. The poltergeist assailants did not relent then, however, lifting Lola once more and hurling her into one of the bar's support columns. Then, a pugilistic whirligig pounded against her body: swings and hooks and jabs that blanketed her continuously from head to toe, rapid as a hummingbird's wings.

Jezebel did not even glance towards the beatdown taking place-- which abated after ten long, arduous seconds-- she simply kept her eyes on the other patrons of the bar.
She growled angrily. "You'll pay for this..." She yelled, pulling out twin knives and charging forward with speed. Suddenly, she had disappeared, not even a speck of dust could be seen of her. If her opponent was observant, she'd feel the taste of sharp metal in both her sides. If you was even more observant, she'd feel a pierced lung. Then, if she was undeniably observant, her opponent would feel her throat being ripped out...
Lola even standing at this point would have been a Herculean act of endurance, taking into consideration the multiple fractures and breakages that would have marred her skeleton after the beating she had taken. Her assault on Jezebel was the same as the flight of Icarus: doomed for failure from the start. The mercenary's invisibility was a non-factor; she succeeded in taking no more than a single pace, before being grappled by the same imaginary limbs, her arms both restrained in holds, her head put into a lock, hands pressing against her shoulders. There were at least four entities, each as large as grown men, but ostensibly far stronger and far faster.

Jezebel turned towards her, and tapped her cane twice. Lola became opaque once more. She looked at the girl, directly in the eye, and asked her: "Do you have a death wish?"
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(Dude, I'm pretty sure that's classed as godmoding by controlling my character and also it's really OP by being able to see through my invisibility and attack me without me being able to react.)

Lila wasn't attacked due to her invisibility. How could you attack something that left no trace and you couldn't see? She used her dagger to stab him in the throat twice and throw him all the way across the big bar. (Notice the disregard for your last post? How does it feel?)
A yellow, furry creature walked into the bar. She was a scrawny thing that stood about 5ft tall on the tips of her digitigrade feet and resembled a cross between a fox and squirrel, with her narrow, canine face and a long bushy tail. Over her shoulder, she carried an overly stuffed purse, and around her neck, she wore a choker with a bright, turquoise colored gem.

This creature oserved the fight going as it came in with a look of... Oh how do you describe it? Discomfort? Her ears lay flat as slunk over to the bar and she sat down, pressing her fangs into her bottom lip as she watched the two exchange blows.

Shesh! Gunns at a bar fight! She sincerely hoped it wasn't like this every day. She was planing on asking for a job here. ( if that's ok. I won't be offended if it's a no.@Corrosion )

... All the same... The creature began pawing through her bag, clumsily dropping loose pens, pencils, granola bars, candy wrappers and various knickknacks all around her as she unearthed her art kit and sketchbook. Then she ripped out a page, laid across the bar counter and began to sketch the fight. This was too crazy not to immortalize on paper.

As were half the things she saw. Being an alien, everything she saw was alien and worthy of showing the folks back home if ever she went back

Whenever. She meant, when.
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The quintet of Etiäinen which guarded Jezebel, being spiritual in nature, had not the slightest difficulty in continuing to perceive Lila despite her invisibility; her continued assaults all failed just the same as the first ones had. Nothing she had done changed the fact that there were five beings of rather incredible strength and speed between her and her target.

Speaking of which, Jezebel found herself growing quite bored of the petty mercenary's banality. If Lila was too unintelligent to realize when a tactic simply wasn't working, then she would be of very little use for the job which Jezebel had in mind. The well-dressed woman returned her attention to the remainder of the bar.

"As I said, I will not repeat myself. Those of you who are interested in my offer, speak up. Elsewise, I will depart."
Apathetically gazing at the fight, the silver-haired man shrugged, dismissing it and casting a quick, scanning glance to the yellow creature that had followed him in and was now drawing, surrounded by random debris that it had unearthed from it's bag.

"You said you had a job offer? What type of job, and what's the pay?" The man momentarily considered activating his nano-scale armour, but decided against it. If the crazy lady who had just been watching bullets fly at her wanted to fight him, he was relatively certain he could engage at least a few aspects and use Chronos, despite the damage to the bar. He folded his arm, letting his non-committal, apathetic posture do the talking.

@deadpool42 @MrMopp (Mentioned)
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Jezebel rubbernecked over her shoulder at the silver-haired newcomer. Seems he hadn't been around to hear her initial offer. She supposed it would not wreck her reputation, to reiterate her statement, in this situation.

"This cane of mine, it is no simple walking-stick," she explained, gesturing with it, "It is a reverse divining rod; whereas a divining rod brings its wielder to the object of their desire, this brings the objects of my desire to me. There are very few things it cannot obtain-- unfortunately, I am in need of one of those few things."

If this man wasn't intelligent enough to glean from Jezebel's explanation what she wanted, and that funds were a non-issue to her, then he would be useless for her purposes.
(I'm staying out of this.)

The creature decided she was thirsty, and leaving her art-stuff sprawled across the counter, she stood up raised her hand and said "EXCUSEME? MR DRINK PERSON!" She was trying to address the bartender. "YAHLIE LIKE ROOTBEER, PLEASE!"

(Someone next to her with a hang over groaned and mumbled. "Shuddup, lady.")
"Working for your kind-" The silver-haired man cast a hard, appraising glance at the woman who'd spoken- "...never ends well. If I'm going to do a contract, then I would prefer to know information going in, architectural plans ideally, as well as the amount I'd be paid and a 60% down payment." Of course, he really didn't expect the lady to accept these terms - but he didn't exactly need the money. Besides, it was always interesting seeing peoples reactions.

Jezebel's brow hardened tremendously as she wheeled on the man, clenching her cane in a white-knuckled vise.

"Excuse me?" asked the Indian woman, "Just what exactly is 'my kind'."

Some trigger-happy gun-for-hire assaulting her was one thing, but a person bigoted against her race? She wipe him from the face of the planet. Already, she'd quick-drawn her flintlock-- a blink would have missed it-- and pointed it at the silver-haired schmuck before her.

"Repeat those words, I dare you," she hissed, through gritted teeth.
"I mean the type of employer you seem to be - you all tell the person you're contracting as little as possible, making vague statements, and then blame them when you fail." The man didn't blink as the woman drew her flintlock quickly, engaging his muscle-based servo motors as well as his optical cybernetics, iris's glowing a slightly brighter blue. "You thought I was referring to something petty like skin colour? Ultimately there's no difference between people of different ethnic origin - other than small details like language and appearance, which don't matter and are easily overcome."

"There's no difference, is that so..." spoke Jezebel, her voice and her demeanor calm (as the eye of a hurricane.) Slowly, she replaced her flintlock at her hip, and looked at the silver-haired man straight in the eye. "Why don't you tell that to your pasty, mayonnaise-skinned ancestors, who believed the entire world was theirs for the taking? Why don't you tell them that, you robo Aryan-wannabe PRICK!"

Twice Jezebel's cane stabbed the ground, like a clock striking the Witching hour. She brought to herself an object-- what was it? What did she now brandish in her hand? Why, it was the spinal column of the man standing before her, disembodied from his form.
Before the witch could strike her cane to the ground. The creature at the counter (we can assume that Yahlie is her name) felt a strong... Wrongness radiating from Jezebel, all centered around her cane. Yahlie wasn't sure WHAT she was going to do do with, except that it was ment to kill the man she was arguing with.

Without thinking, Yahlie lept from her awkward, half-swatted position on the barstool, cleared the silver-haired mans head in an arched trajectory, and dropped ontop of Jezebel, tackling her to the ground.

"Ok, Yahlie think we need caaaaaaalm down now." Yahlie calmly told the witch she was sitting on. "Yahlie buy drink?"
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Unfortunately for Yahlie-- although, perhaps even more unfortunately for the silver-haired man-- she would find herself intercepted and knocked harshly to the side before coming within a few feet of Jezebel. Had she not seen Lila being assaulted by invisible forces a moment ago? What in the world made her think that tackling the Indian woman would work for her, when it hadn't worked for anyone else, thus far?
deadpool42 said:
Unfortunately for Yahlie-- although, perhaps even more unfortunately for the silver-haired man-- she would find herself intercepted and knocked harshly to the side before coming within a few feet of Jezebel. Had she not seen Lila being assaulted by invisible forces a moment ago? What in the world made her think that tackling the Indian woman would work for her, when it hadn't worked for anyone else, thus far?
Seriously, you don't give anyone any chance to do anything. That's godmoding. Please quit this RP or stop power playing.
NightCasterZ said:
Seriously, you don't give anyone any chance to do anything. That's godmoding. Please quit this RP or stop power playing.
I kinda agree actualy, by while I appreciate your sense of fairness and that you're sticking up for me, it's bad etiquette to angrily complain on a public thread. ( :( ) It Spoils mood for everyone.

I don't mean to patronize. This is a simple rp for fight role players, it's very easy to make slip ups like OPing. One Needs to be willing to forgive And give gentle critiques when needed.
MrMopp said:
I kinda agree actualy, by while I appreciate your sense of fairness and that you're sticking up for me, it's bad etiquette to angrily complain on a public thread. ( :( ) It Spoils mood for everyone.
I don't mean to patronize. This is a simple rp for fight role players, it's very easy to make slip ups like OPing. One Needs to be willing to forgive And give gentle critiques when needed.
(I guess but he did the exact same thing with me, giving me no chance of winning. It's unfair honestly...
A white, gleaming substance had started to quickly unfold in hexagons from several points on the mans arm as the woman let loose her string of angry, pointed words. Gravity had begun to distort, blurring the air, as the small, yellow creature had flown clear over the silver-haired mans head, before being knocked to the side by an invisible force. The man had been about to rip the woman in front of him apart - targets that didn't move were easy to hit, and even easier to trap in gravity wells - when her cane hit the ground for the second tome, and a distinct object appeared in her hand, accompanied by a searing pain in his back. The minute, almost invisible wires infused into the spine she held made it clear that it was his- and he'd been so close... Through the haze of pain, as he sank to the floor, he attempted to send the neural command that would end her, as well as much of the bar if he so chose - but it was too late, and his nano-scale armour shimmered and melted as his brain detected his impending death, causing both it's self-destruction and the safe dissipation of the forming gravity well as it's last act before it shut down forever. (Or at least until I want to use the character again. He was codenamed Icarus, if you were wondering.)

The heap on the floor that now bore little resemblance to the man who had been on the receiving end of the power of the woman was carefully stepped over by another man, this one tall, his face somber as he regarded the freshly departed man on the floor, and then the furious Indian woman not-so-innocently holding a spine and glaring at said dead man. He raised a single eyebrow at her, clearly expecting an answer.


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