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Colosseum After Hours Bar & Lounge [NO SIGN-UP REQUIRED]

"Name's Joker. Jack for sort. I don't really look the part as sone of the other folk in this place do," Jack stated sincerely as he gave a pause, hopefully for his new "friend" to examine the room for some comparison, "I'm looking for some fights. Maybe to partake in, maybe to spectate. You think you can do that?" What was his business showing up here in the first place? Yet, his opening line is looking for trouble. It was better than staring a brawl right here in the bar anyways. "You seem like you've fought before. Tell me, did you win?"
"Hm?" Locke took a drink, glancing sideways at the person paying for his drink. "Of course - I'd probably be drinking something stronger if I lost, or not drinking anything at all. I was surprised by a bounty-hunter." He laughed. "It didn't exactly go well for them - or me, really, but at least I won. Blood magic is irritating that way. Why do you ask?"


Joker took a deep sigh and turned away for a moment to ponder his response. After what seemed like a moment, but in all honesty it could've been a few seconds, Joker looked right into Locke's gaze. "I find it a tad curious to get into people's heads. To understand what makes them the way they are. Fighting is a world all in its own. It is much more than a brawl between a few parties; there is a reason behind every decision," ranted the stranger quite academically. Quite a sporadic comment nonetheless, yet, Jack wasn't sure if he should even be here. "I also have other reasons that I can't exactly tell you at this moment."
JokerValentine said:
@The Chronicler Croi @ResonantStorm
Almost as if out of nowhere, a new voice spoke up in a confident tone. "I'll have what he's having, when you have time. I'll pay for him as well," the man known as Joker said rather generously. Who was this guy exactly? Had anyone seen him walk in? Did he even walk in? The man, not dressed as a warrior but rather as a traveler, took one of the few vacant seats next to the man whom he such charity. "I'm not trying to hit on you or nothing, by the by," assured Jack, hopefully breaking the ice.
"Pleasure to meet you names Takuari I'll be you waitress. OK single malt whiskey"

:gets whiskey from Mark and returns:

"Will that be all for the moment"
@The Chronicler Croi

Jack waved a dismissive hand, signaling that he didn't need the bartender anymore. Probably not the most rude way to dismiss someone just trying to make a wage. Then again: it wasn't like anybody here was going to reach over the bar to shake her hand.... unless they wanted to rob the establishment. Taking the drink, the man examined it, holding the beverage up to the light carefully. The sepia color seemed so foreign to him. It was just alcohol, though. Jack took a preemptive sip.
A generic business man walks into the bar with a confident saunter. He walks over to Jack and slips a crumpled dollar into his hand. He whispers in your ear "We still on right? For that thing?". He was new to this sort of thing but hiring a mercenary can't be that hard can it? His voice was smooth like "I can't believe it's not butter" and his dollar was as rough as an unpaved dirt road. He looked at you with a smug grin. Yea he knew you knew.You know he knows you know.
Locke took the glass in a hand, musing over what the man beside him- Jack - had said. Interesting to get inside people's heads? Well, maybe. Taking a deep gulp, Locke savoured the taste, as well as the familiar burn, lowering the glass and raising an eyebrow at the smartly-dressed man who had walked up to Jack and was now whispering in his ear. Well, that was... weird. And unsubtle - Locke wouldn't have been surprised if the entire bar was watching the exchange happening.

@JokerValentine @Pyro Chromia
The thing is, he really had no clue what to expect. Looking down at his hand, Jack observed the rough currency. With a confused daze, the man looked up from his barstool. "Two things," Jack began with a burrowing of his frow, "I don't know who you are. From my guess, you want me to buy you a drink. If we were to conduct business, it certainly would not be in a bar of all places," Jack stamped as he took a sip of his whiskey. "Secondly, I am enjoying a drink with an associate of mine. So, if you would," finished the man as he made a gesture to leave him be. Perhaps if his "client" explained better, then he would be enticed to hear.

@ResonantStorm @Pyro Chromia
He coughed *what is this guy trying to stiff me? Or did he forget that easily*. "Ohh I get it now." He pulled out an even coarser 5 dollar bill and slipped it into your other hand. "I get it you need me to uh.. wet the whistle" He pauses then winks "Before you.. take out the trash" He winks again. He elbow nudged you a bit still winking trying to refresh your memory. "You know what I mean." He took the nearest seat next to you he could find, even if it meant sacrificing someone's lap to the god of chairs. He always knew 2 things through out his life. How to crumple his dough and that people made the best chairs. So straightening his suit out he sat on the lap of Locke. "Now about that drink guy." He smiled at you giving you a thumbs up. Truly this is the face of incalculable evil!


Either this guy had never seen a mercenary before, or he was seriously not getting the message. Jack took another look around the room, before noticing his "client" now was sitting on his bar-mate. Did this guy not know he wasn't a mercenary? Maybe he knew that, and was really trying to cause a scene. "Well, tell me about your trash," Jack said with conviction. Maybe he could run with this gimmick, see where it took him, "and, get off of my associate here. Sit on the ground, or no dice on the deal."

@ResonantStorm @Pyro Chromia
"You have three seconds to get off me." Locke spoke coldly, blue energy curling around his arm. How dare this stranger sit on him, after sauntering in here and failing completely at anything even approaching subtlety? How dare he? "Three... Two..."

@JokerValentine @Pyro Chromia
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He glared at you. He picks his chairs like he picks his nose throughly and he'll be damned if he's beaten by a nose or a chair! He sized you up from the beginning and he knew youre weakness! Dun dun dunnnnnnn... tickling. He slowly positions his arms and insterts them into your arm pits. With a loud dbz yell he screams" LET IT BEGINNSSSS" He begins to vibrate rapidly while still sitting on you chanting in ancient Aramaic. "tickle tickle tickle.."
@ResonantStorm @Pyro Chromia

Well this was sure embarrassing. If Jack were Locke, surely this salaryman would have been dead. Of course, this was not the place to be touching people you barely knew, especially if one wanted one's legs to work anymore. It somewhat pissed Jack off that this man acted like this. Maybe he was underage and wanted some soda from the bar. Did the bartender have to call home and phone a mother? Maybe he just wanted the attention. He figured that this man would stop disrupting soon. "I have a propsition for you, Locke. I would like to train with you. Not like I want to fight, oh no. I would like to coach you. You seem like you know what to do, but I can be of great aid. For example," stated Mr. Valentine as he examined the preposterous doofus touching his hopefully-to-be-acquaintance, "What do you see? Where is this kid most vulnerable? You could punch anywhere. Make it count."
Boredom. Annoying, exasperating, ah...erm...boring boredom was what plagued the young man's mind as he strolled down the side of an unnamed street. His bright blue eyes hungrily scanned the buildings on that street as he passed by, searching desperately for something interesting with which he could quench his unbearable boredom, but to no avai- 'After Hours Bar and Lounge' He stopped abruptly in his tracks as he silently read off the sign of the only establishment to stand out on this immensely average street, his curiosity immediately piqued. Without hesitation, the young man strode up to the doors of the building with renewed vigor, pull- 'Oh...They're push doors...Whoops.' The young man sheepishly corrected his mistake, pushing the doors apart with an almost childish enthusiasm, and putting one foot in front of the other as he eagerly stepped in.

Anyone who might turn their eyes to scrutinize the new arrival might note that he, other than the fact he couldn't be older than eighteen, almost seemed to look as if he belonged in such a place. He donned a jet black suit, a tuxedo to be specific, accompanied by a scarlet dress shirt and matching black tie. Topping it all off was a matching black fedora resting atop his golden blonde hair, and in his right hand he loosely carried a rather sleek looking black cane, with some sort of crystal imbedded into its handle. Speaking of scrutinization, the young man's own icy blue eyes swept across the room almost hungrily, scanning for anyone or anything that might catch his interest. It didn't take him long to find a person that fulfilled such a roll, as sitting at the bar before him was a man with some sort of blue energy coiled around his arm. 'Oooh, I wonder what kind of magic...Hmm, I guess it doesn't have to be magic, but I wonde-...Oh dear, looks like he isn't getting along too well with that business man...' A little smirk crawled its way onto his face as he idly strolled over to the bar, taking a place just a couple seats away from where Jack, Locke, and that guy were having their little...confrontation? He couldn't tell. 'Well, in any case, that energy seems to be combat focused...I wonder if I'll get to see it...' He thought to himself with a bit of curious glee, resting his head on his hand as he tried to make his observation of them a bit less...Obvious.
@drabberrouge Jack looked behind him, eyeing the man eyeing him. It was odd, how youthful this man looked. Did school get let out early? Did some parents forget about their children? Was there no sign to tag over in this town? These seemed to not be the fighting type, especially the business boy about to have his ribs explode. Was drinking age 18 or 21 these days? It was hard to remember anyhow. Having finished his drink, Jack began to laugh quietly and nasally, realizing that everyone was coming close to him. Maybe they really liked Locke. Maybe the kid in the tuxedo wanted to propose to him. It would make sense, considering both the businessman and himself had had some sort of love-related miscommunication. "I'll let you do you for a moment," Jack said to Locke as he got up from his bar seat.

Jack slowly made his way over to the newest entry, gazing him up and down. "I.D., please," said Jack jokingly. This kid was much younger than he was. Was he really a fighter? Not even Jack himself was, not anymore at least.

'Ah...I must be really bad at this...' The young man thought to himself as one of the three he was eyeing took notice of him. He'd never been too good at observing without being noticed, which often led to rather awkward situations, particularly where girls were involved. When he asked how they spotted him so easily, they always said something about the feeling of 'eyes burning into the back of their neck' and being 'creeped out.' He of course had made many efforts to experiment with this rather convenient sixth sense that apparently everyone other than him had, but to no avail. For some reason he was never able to replicate it within himse- 'Oh dear, now he's stood up...' The boy's rather self descriptive train of thought was interrupted as one of the three he was scrutinizing disengaged themselves from their interaction, choosing instead to begin approaching him.

The young man lifted his head up from his hand as Jack approached, putting on a more friendly expression in an attempt to disguise the intense gleam of curiosity in his bright eyes. He'd wanted to spend the evening observing the other one, perhaps learn more about that blue energy coiling around their arm, but the mysterious traveler-looking person would likely entertain him just as much. 'My my, I wonder...Am I the one studying him? Or is it the other way around?' He mused to himself with a tilt in his head, that little smirk still decorating his pale face.

An undercover cop? An off duty bartender? Quite a few possibilities immediately entered the boy's mind as the much older man asked for his identification. He of course hesitated before responding, as any eighteen year old would, having not quite expected such an inquiry. In fact, he was so caught off guard that the joking tone of the request initially went completely over his head. His smirk faded just a slight bit as his confidence had a mild waver before returning even more amused than before, as he had a solution to such a situation. The young man actually nodded at the request, reaching into his coat pocket. He kept it in there for...Actually a bit longer than one might expect, before removing the totally legit, totally not illusionary, actually rather professional looking I.D. card from within that pocket. He was about to hand it to the man before realizing mid movement that the older person was in fact being facetious. 'Oh wow...How did I miss that?' He internally facepalmed at his own lack of perception. 'Ah well, all the better! I bet he isn't expecting an actual I.D.!' He thought to himself as he finished the action of offering his most certainly not illusionary identification, his smirk seeming to grow just a bit wider. The identification actually listed his age as twenty-one, and right above that his name: Thomas Argent.
This kid was looking for something, but what was that something? A drink? A girl? A mercenary? A change in direction? Perhaps in time he could learn why. The clean-shaven adult sighed as he looked over to the duo. Wasn't really his problem anymore. They had a new chair now anyways, no more need to whine. But the more important question at hand was: who was this kid? "They must start fighters at an especially young age now. You seem like you are about 17. Don't you know where you are?" said Jack with authority. the truth was, he didn't know where he was. All he knew what that there were fighters here, some winners and some losers. It dawned on him that this kid was not at all comfortable being here. "Why so afraid? They seem to only have one rule here, and it's to not shoot the bartender. They probably have a soda dispenser for you if you want one," joked the man. Boy, he sure was bringing out the spicy jokes on this one.

Yet, intrigued him, in all honesty. The crowds drawn here were so incredibly, odd. "I'm Joker Valentine, or Jack. I take it you are new here."

"Hmm..." Was Tom's initial response, seems this guy hadn't bought his little I.D. trick. Anyways, fighters? A bit of an odd phrase to fling around in a such a pla-... 'Wait a sec...Is this...?' The young man's eyes lit up with realization as he finally figured out where he was. He'd heard rumors of course, a bar and lounge dedicated to all kinds of fighters and the like, but he didn't think they were true. He swept his eyes around the room once more as Jack spoke, only catching some of the words he said as he was no longer paying full attention, he wasn't even focused enough to be annoyed at the 'seventeen' comment. Something about being afraid...Don't shoot the bartender...His eyes finally returned to Jack at the soda dispenser comment, just in time to catch his introduction.

"Joker...Like the card?" He inquired with a smile, his blue eyes twinkling in the light of the room. "But yeah, I guess you could say I'm new." Tom finally provided an actual response as he extended his hand to Jack, the hand that was holding th-...The hand that was holding the now nowhere to be found I.D. card...

Jack was delighted. Someone had finally not been so serious, per se, and compared him to the right object. "Exactly so. Joker is an odd name, but when your dad likes to gamble..." Jack did a shrug to symbolize the ending of his statement. Such an odd move that people made anyways. What was the point of the gesture? To pretend like one didn't know the rest to the end of the story? "My name was not the only thing I learned. For example, I learned how to do this," Jack said as he held the ID card in his hand. The old pickpocket trick, as old as time. "I'll keep your secret if you keep mine: I'm not a fighter. i am looking to train a few, you know, like a coach."

Perhaps this kid was new to the fighting scene after all. Then again, this kid probably knew as much about this community as he did.

"You think you can keep that quiet?"

'Right out of my hand...' Tom was quite impressed with this Jack figure, and very intrigued. Even his name had an interesting backstory, and now he'd even confided a secret. This particular young man had what could almost be considered an infatuation with secrets. Learning about them, keeping them, theorizing about what they might mean... "Of course, secrets are secrets for a reason." He responded, that amused smile still lingering on his face. "You know, they say you have to know a subject twice as well as the person you're teaching it to...I take it that means you were a fighter some time in the past?" As he asked this new question of his, he idly made a little gesture with his hand. As he did so a light blue, barely noticeable mist gradually fogged the ID Jack had 'liberated' from his hand. This mist lingered for a few seconds before dissipating, revealing th-...The card seemed to have grown a bit in size, and now depicted a red joker. That boy does love his illusions.
"Nice trick. I mean, sure, real magic is fine by me, but I like the sleight-of-hand tricks," Jack said passively with a sigh. How purist was he? Magic just tends to be magic. "Your assumption is very correct. I fought for a bit, but I retired out of necessity," the man replied cryptically. What was he not saying about retirement? That wasn't really a quick decision to make for someone. "But, I coach now, well, trying to start. I hopefully would've recruited that man over there if Bozo the clown minus the makeup didn't come in so suddenly," he said as he leaned against the bar. "Where is home for you? Certainly not here," he asked, adding to his onslaught of questions and comments. Thus, was the nature of a bar, quick drinks means quick friends. Thank goodness he only had the one whiskey, or else he'd probably be spewing uncontrollably ridiculous things.

Marcus exhaustively went for a nearby bar he was in this really unassuming street. Yeah, he needed a drink. After all that laser, plasma and that damn Half-assed moon-toilet gang, he was extremely exhausted and his endurance was being tested heavily. Even a hardboiled detective needs a rest sometimes, a day off. That was the closest shave one could ever have, he was close to being emasculated by some weird youngsters. He entered the bar before going for the nearest stool, before sitting on it. Finally relieving his leg and back from its duties. He then looked at the bartender.

"I need a scotch on the rock, please." He said as he slipped two dollar bill towards him. At least it wasn't one of those days he was asking for a beer, no.

(These are all from one of my Role plays,
Detailed - HOLO | GRAPHIC | DREAMS. The half-lidded moon gang is a property of Yumeno and all intellectual and virtual rights belong to him, and only him. Marcus belongs to me, of course.
'Necessity huh?' Tom would've followed up with another question to that matter, but it seemed the subject was already left in the dust, so he decided he'd leave it for another time. This style of quick conversations wasn't entirely alien to the young man, and he found himself actually quite comfortable as he sat there at that bar, chatting with cryptic man who carried the name of a card. In fact it wasn't too different to the average conversations he found himself in at school...Yes, he does actually go to school...He would occasionally approach those who weren't 'weirded out' by his intensely inquisitive nature or turned off by his scholarly interests, starting up idle conversation to pass the time, and learning more about them as a bonus.

'Bozo the Clown?'
He thought to himself incredulously, raising an eyebrow and chuckling a bit as he glanced over Jack's shoulder at the mercenary and the...Odd business man. 'He can't be that bad ca-...Nevermind...He's definitely that bad.' He thought to himself with a fair bit of amusement as he witnessed the business man's antics. His gaze snapped back to Jack as he asked his que-...Well actually his eyes first caught on the rather perturbed looking detective, shortly followed by the young man briefly speculating on what had happened to him, effectively resulting in a two or three second delay before he actually responded.

"My...Home?" Tom responded a bit ponderously, tilting his head a bit and looking away, as if in thought. "I...I don't really have one. I guess you could say I'm a traveler, wandering where my curiosity takes me, sticking around the general area of my school so I can get a decent attendance." His smile faded a bit as he spoke, and he didn't make eye contact. In fact his eyes ended up straying to that cane of his, which he had set on the bar, and which his hand had strayed to without him even realizing.
Not even 21 and already wanting to see the world. Where was his family, everyone he loved or vice versa? "What about family? friends?" Hopefully this wasn't a sore subject. jack wouldn't want baby tears at the bar. He'd be the one getting a stink eye. "Nevermind, don't answer that. How about this, I can tell exactly what you did in the past week, fighting-wise. I just need your trust," Jack asked rather suddenly. It was up to him if he wanted Jack to evaluate the stranger. That was always risky, trying new things on strangers. You never knew what to expect. "How you slouch, you have a bruise near your left shoulder, sort of in a downward motion. Your opponent was quite well-built, muscular, and taller than you. You seemed to do pretty well against him."

Family and friends...Not Tom's favorite subject to be sure, so he was glad when Jack proposed his new question, he definitely didn't want to go into his personal life at the moment. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and within a few seconds he'd turned his gaze back to Jack. His amused smile was back, as well as the curious twinkle in his eyes, as if he'd never strayed to the subject of his home. He tilted his head as the man described, with a fair bit of accuracy, a little bout he'd had with a rather disagreeable brute the other day. As Jack spoke, Tom idly straightened his posture, and his shoulder began to ache a little as he was reminded of the lucky shot that oaf had gotten on him. "Interesting..." He muttered as he set his elbow on the bar, resting his head upon his hand as he regarded Jack. "How did you...Hm, I guess you're pretty good at deduction then?"

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