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Colosseum After Hours Bar & Lounge [NO SIGN-UP REQUIRED]

A moment passed by-- Jezebel was breathing rather heavily, exerted from her paroxysm. Then, she shook her head slightly, discarding the spinal column and composing herself with an adjustment of her collar. She cleared her throat, resuming her previous pose, beforesking, "Are you this man's guardian angel, come to apologize in his stead?"
"Guardian Angel? Of course not. I would hardly be a very good guardian if I allowed him to die - By your hand, it would seem. Now, why would you do that?" The tall man smiled at the Indian woman, taking a seat on a nearby table. "Killing people isn't very nice - but then again, everybody here has killed, no? I've heard that the people in this bar have no mercy, and no qualms about destruction." As the man rose his voice, a slight accent became identifiable. He didn't sound angry - in fact, he sounded amused, perhaps slightly mocking. "I don't suppose anyone here knows a mercenary contractor called Blood and Steel? They seem to have taken something of mine, something I would very much like returned. I'm not offering you a job, although I can pay for information - But first, a drink. This is, after all, a bar, and it would be a pity not to sample its wares."

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Jezebel let out an exhale, somewhere between a grunt and a breath. Perhaps she was agreeing with this newcomer, perhaps she was sneering at him-- perhaps she was simply still a tad bit flustered.

"Well, I wish you luck; thus far all I've found in this dive is dumb muscle, with an emphasis on the 'dumb' and a rather lacking in the 'muscle'," her gaze rather pointedly swept across Lila as she mentioned this, "I for one will be taking my business elsewhere."

There were another pair of taps, and just like that, she was gone. One would suppose that she'd brought to herself an entirely alternate location, and thus departed from this one quite instantly.
What had he missed?

The young man blinked himself out of his daydream, as he'd zoned out at around the same time that Indian woman had tried to catch everyone's attention...Perhaps he was a tad too quick on the draw with his counter magic. He'd managed to throw his own awareness so far off course from what she'd directed that he ended up stuck in his own head, completely missing the chaos that had ensued. So it was that the young man, dressed rather sharply in his red-on-black tuxedo, tilted up his matching fedora to regard the aftermath of what he'd missed. Crystal blue eyes swept the room as he curiously inspected its inhabitants, both new and old.

The Joker seemed to still be around, so at least there was one familiar face (@JokerValentine)...There was a rather tired looking woman sitting not too far from him, he vaguely remembered seeing her enter, but hadn't paid much attention(@JayfeatherRaven)...A rather perturbed looking man with a surgery mask leaning over the bar, 'Wonder why he wears that'(@Genon)...It seemed he wasn't the only one out of place in terms of age as a there was a rather young girl, even younger than him, who seemed to also inhabit the bar. She was rather well armed, and perhaps a little...well...cute, though she seemed to be looking a little worse for wear.(@NightCasterZ) Come to think of it, there was also a spine on the floor, accompanied by the now spineless body of a man-cyborg?-he didn't remember seeing enter. The young man tilted his head at the sight, and turned his eyes up to yet another unfamiliar man, who looked as if someone had just rudely disengaged from him.(@ResonantStorm) "Hmm..." Seems he'd found a mystery...But first, to address the elephant in the room. A yellow, rather furry being occupied an area of the lounge not too far from him, an odd looking anthropomorphic creature that seemed to bear the likeness of a fox...or perhaps a squirrel.(@MrMopp) 'How curious...' He mused to himself, his blue eyes casting an analytical gaze upon the...Whatever she was as his curiosity got the better of him. This however, did not last for long, as there was one aching question that wouldn't stop bugging him as he idly observed the room.

Everyone looked to be in various stages of distress, and that one woman was nowhere to be found, 'I wonder...That woman with the cane is the only one absent...Except for that one mercenary, but I doubt he would've caused this. She must've been the one who injured that girl, ripped out that cyborg's spine, even so rudely interrupted that man over there.' The young man furrowed his brow as he thought, rather perturbed by his conclusion. 'How would she have...I'd take her for a mage, so the teleportation isn't surprising...But she definitely didn't seem like the type who'd kill a man by ripping out his spine, and why injure a girl physically when she could have used any form of element? Force magic? Hmm...' The boy's eyes flicked to a nearby clock as he thought. It was midnight, the witching hour, that hour of the night when magic is at its most powerful...Particularly black magic. 'Perhaps...It's foolish of me to try to pigeonhole a magician. What matters is she's likely the culprit...Mystery solved.'

Of course that didn't satisfy him, he simply had to know the details, and the only way to do that was to get a first person account. The young man slipped off the seat he'd been pontificating upon, grabbing his own glistening black cane, a faint white glow emanating from the crystal embedded in its handle as he channeled magic for one of the few healing spells he knew. His shiny black dress shoes clicked on the wooden floor as he strode over to the young mercenary who'd been injured whilst he'd daydreamed. He muttered a few arcane words under his breathe as he neared her, tendrils of white light emanating from the crystal of his cane and swirling around the girl in an attempt to heal her wounds. "You alright?" He asked as he offered his free hand to her, the light from his magic reflecting off his eyes.
"Yeah, I'm good." She sat up onto the chair next to him. Lila slings her rifle back over her shoulder, smiling slightly now. "My name's Lila, by the way."
The young man blinked a couple times after her response, even tilting his head a little. He was admittedly a little caught off guard by how quickly she recovered, was his healing that good?...Doubtful...Seems this girl, apparently named Lila, was considerably tougher than she looked...Or he was just bad at judging the severity of injuries, that was also possible. But tangential trains of thought aside, the girl had introduced herself, he'd be rude not to respond. "Lila, huh?" He reiterated her intro as he pulled a chair of his own from nearby, taking a seat as he proceeded to introduce himself. "Well, I'm Thomas, or Tom if you prefer. Pleasure to meet you." He suddenly took notice of just how formal he was being as he finished that sentence, how curious...Perhaps he was tired, how long had he been daydreaming?
"Nice to meet ya', Tom." She smiled. Lila had taken notice of his blinking and tilting of the head, giggling quietly when it happened.
It took Tom a second to pull himself off that little self-analytical train of thought he was on, he just found it odd that- 'You're talking to someone, Tom! Focus!' He internally admonished himself as he pulled his awareness back to the here and now just in time to see Lila smiling. Though he hadn't heard it, he inferred that she'd responded and so tried to keep the conversation flowing. "So..." Oh dear, he didn't have a question for her, that was unusual. He could've sworn he was talking to her for a reas-...Ah, yes, that's it! "...I was wondering, what happened to you?" Such a hamfisted way to steer the conversation in the direction he wanted, but the boy was curious. As much as he wanted to sit around and make idle chat with the cute mercenary, he wanted to figure out what he'd missed more.
Frowning at the sudden departure of the woman, and at the lack of responses too his question, he asked another one. "Well, if nobody knows of Blood and Steel, anybody know of Bound Silence, or the Scarlet Sisters (@NightCasterZ)? I'm told that they were also responsible for a raid on my vault, and I would much like some of the things they took returned." The man scanned the room, not missing the sharply-dressed man who had shot a scanning glance his way (@DrabberRogue), who was now talking to a young woman with a sniper rifle on year back. He might be one to watch out for. But then again, in this bar, wasn't everybody? No matter. Still, somebody had to at least know of one of the contractors.
(I'd like to respond but am too tired. It's 3:00 am where I live. Just assume Yahlie hit her head on the coffee table when she got flung to the side.)
(Suppose I can do this much)

Yahlie, who had been thrown over the lounge couch and knocked unconscious against the coffee table, got back up with a headache and staggered her way back to her stool. Unable to locate it- you see, she was seeing three of everything at the moment- she simply flopped over the bar counter and clung on so she wouldn't roll away like the floor was doing. "Bar tender!" She groaned dizzily. "Yahlie like asprin please!"

Then Yahlie realized she standing in something sticky, and looked down to find a de-spined corpse leaking all over the floor. "... Yahlie also like barf bucket, please" She added.
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Gene waltzed into the bar with no other intension than to wet her whistle. Her blonde hair was pulled back into a neat bun. She seemed to never be able to get away from that uniform no matter where she was or what else she was wearing. At the moment she happen to be wearing a simple, strappy, red sundress that showed off her shapely but scared legs. Nothing else was exciting about her. Flat shoes, minimal makeup, no jewelry. Maybe her steal blue eyes were the only thing that made her face slightly interesting. "Kamikaze," she ordered as she sat herself on the farthest bar stool from the door. Her long legs crossed as she scanned the bar. Where and who did she find now.
The next bit of clientele that made her way into the bar, on the other hand, was anything but uninteresting. Nearly every inch of Trivia Carmichael was in some way strange and exotic-- to an extent that some would call her a blatant attention-seeker. She wore bleached skinny jeans and a black tank top, with an odd belt around her waist depicting red teeth chewing against one another. Her head was half-shaven, the right side ground down do the scalp, the left side a shock of venom-green. Her skin had an almost vampiric pallor to it, and long tattoos could be seen trailing down her arms, written in what looked to be the Paracelsian alphabet.

Trivia sauntered on up to the bar and plopped down two seats adjacent to Gene (@ItAllGood) eyeing the other woman and casting a wink her way before asking for a, "Tequila, please 'n' thank you," rather laconically.
Not even halfway through his second drink and the bar was already getting to him again. Whatever spirits they were serving here, they were not strong enough at all. The faces, however, were memorable. After some silence, the men he had conversed with earlier (@DrabberRogue and @ResonantStorm ) were still here. Perhaps that was a testament to their prospects in life, all three of them. Drink in hand, Jack turned back towards the bar. Perhaps cooler heads would subside in the future.

Yet, they were here to converse. Joker and Locke had done their part, now it was the other's turn. Still irate about the personalities of the bar, Jack took another sip. "The patrons here are quite friendly to one another," he jested with sarcasm, "and that's just it. People are always looking for trouble, one way or another. I've seen better situation handling in Romeo and Juliet than in here." Jack put his glass down for the moment, glancing at the auburn liquid inside. Perhaps he should stop, perhaps he shouldn't.

"Anyways, the 'conduit' over there, reminds me of a lovely girl I spent a week with in Ranomafana. She was a medicine woman named Jaki. She was so interesting, the way she made this special tea that just cleared the sinuses right out.... such intrigue. Isn't it so?" Joker lifted his head up to face the man. Perhaps the alcohol was getting to him, perhaps his mind was going away from him. "They both seem to be the center of the world, until things get tough."

It was just an observation, a rather rude one nonetheless. Just keep the head away from the action, and it would all be alright.
The corner of her mouth turned up and her brows furrowed. This woman was a sight to say the least. She was not used to being around people with such... Style? Gene's posture was relaxed. Her left elbow was propped on the bar and she faced her new neighbor at a 45 degree angle. From the moment the woman sat down to the moment the bar tender placed her kamikaze in front of her Gene stared, blatantly evaluating her from head to toe. "Ok, she can stay," she jokingly thought as she turned to face the bar and took the kamikaze in both hands. She sipped it sparingly. When the bartender returned with the strangers tequila Gene tapped her knuckle on the bar. "Put this one on my tab," she said making eye contact with the bar tender.
*Jim walks inside and makes his way to a table he sits there alone and orders a drink* what a long day it's been *he takes a drink and looks around*
Trivia cocked her head to the side at Gene's generosity. She eyed the woman, whilst taking a slow sip of her drink. The tequila was admirably strong-- made her tear up, just the slightest. When she was finished with her gulp, she smiled, and asked, "So, to whom do I have to thank for this act of random kindness?"

Trivia's voice was... surprisingly pleasant to the ears-- she'd have made a great singer, in another life. That was surprising, considering one may have pegged her as an avid cigarette-user, based on her garb and disposition.
Gene did not look at her, nor did she give any sign she heard her. Instead she watched the woman in the bar back mirror. "Not a random act of kindness," she said with a smirk, "more like a strategy." Gently she cocked her head to eye the woman just over her shoulder, "my name is Gene. Yours?"
"Trivia," she stated, then consumed the remainder of the tequila in one deep draught. "Ah~ that hits the spot. Trivia Carmichael, to be more specific. 'S nice to make your acquaintance, Gene. It'll be even nicer if you keep buying me these." This, she said with a smirk of her own, and a glance at her empty glass.
@Jim The Fox

Of course. Yet another person entered the bar, wanting a drink of the fine spirits that only temporarily promised solving problems. The new character, not too far away from Jack himself, seemed so innocent. Naturally, Joker of course was in his usual friendly state. He was used to addressing multiple conversations at once. It keeps the brain fresh. "What are you supposed to be, a salaryman?" he asked, feeling that his sudden presence and calm demeanor was rather odd. Perhaps he was not interested in Rose the Hat either.

"Tell me, friend, what makes your day so long? Do you know where you are?"

Jack himself barely knew the answer to his own question.
She smiled a bit. "She's funny," Gene thought. Her cocktail glass, now, empty, sat on the shiny bar top looking just as thirsty as she felt. With two fingers she waved the bar tender back and with a nod he filled both woman's glasses again. "Trivia huh? I'm sure a pretty little bird like you has no problem finding someone to buy her drinks."
Trivia snorted. "Yeah, the trouble is finding people who don't try to slip something inside while they're buying for me." She took another sip of her refilled glass, deciding to slow down the pace of her drinking a spell-- wouldn't want to squander her benefactor's gifts. "And what about you? Do you line 'em up for every little 'bird' like me to knock down?"
She chuckled. "I'm well aware of that annoyance. That is why I only trust the bar tender," she said as she winked to her very attentive bartender. He would be getting tipped very fine tonight. She turned to face her and cocked her head to the side to look her over again."I hope I haven't offended you by calling you that. It was a compliment. And you know, your bright green hair reminds me of, well, a bird." She cracked a half smile. She finished the last sip in her fresh drink and clinked it back to the bar triumphantly. No need to ask this time. It was instantly full again. "And no. I don't usually by drinks for others. I'm just feeling a little feisty tonight."
Trivia arched a brow. "The hell kinda birds you watching that have green feathers? Peacocks?" But she smiled, to let the woman know she just joking. After taking another sip of tequila, she found herself smirking at Gene's answer. "Feisty, eh? I hope I don't cause any offense myself when I say you don't exactly look like the 'feisty' type--" she gave off a chuckle, "--the sundress, the bun, you look like some sort've gardener."

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