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Colosseum After Hours Bar & Lounge [NO SIGN-UP REQUIRED]

She couldn't help but burst into laughter. "Yeah I guess I don't put on much of a show do I? Sometimes I forget how to be a woman. Work takes up most if not all of my time." Her arms stretched above her head and she arched her back. Pulling the tie from her hair she let her locks free. They were long. Almost to her ass. And shinny. Because she never left it out or styled it her hair was incredibly healthy. She leaned forward tossing her hair in front of her and then back. "Is that better," she asked with a playful smile. Her pinky searched for the hair that got caught on her lip. "Trust me, I ain't no gardener. I jump out of planes. Scary ones."
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Trivia's carmel eyes scanned up Gene's front as she stretched, the rim of her tumbler at her lips, and then followed the woman's golden mane as it cascaded freely down her back, lingering at that spot that it just barely reached for perhaps a heartbeat longer than was strictly polite. The other woman's next words snapped her attention back to reality, though, and caused her eyebrows to shoot up.

"You jump out of planes? Shit, that's awesome! What are you-- a skydiving instructor, or something?"
She sighed lightly. Quickly, she grabbed a drink over the counter and splashed some money into the table. Lila took a sip before continuing. "Some person came in, looking for a mercenary I think, so I figured I'd show him my skins by firing a smaller, weaker dart." She smiled a bit. "It wasn't much of a fight, think me getting my ass handed to me on a silver platter. Jeez, it was a pain..." Sighing once more, she drunk some of the wine she'd grabbed. "Anyway, I'm fine now."

An angel and a wolf pup entered the bar. Both stayed silent, not letting loose a word or letting one catch glimpse of their faces. Upon the angel's face was a smile, faint and barely visible. The wolf had clear markings on its body, clearly from an ancient, forgotten language. For those who could read such symbols, it read: I swear my soul only to my master, my friend and my companion. I swear my legion to Hope. And to the peace she brings. The 'Hope' it spoke of was the angel's name. They both stood close by the entrance.
Joker was so sick of waiting. The newly entered creature, whatever it was, seemed quite in dispose at the moment. Perhaps down the line he may open himself up. Yet, there was the other trouble-maker. Lila, was it, or was it Lilly-Anne? So many names to remember. She did get her ass beat, nonetheless of her own doing. Yet, Joker felt more sympathy for her than he did Rose the Hat.

"Hey," Jack called, waving his hand over, "come here. I have something to ask you."

"I...See..." Well at least he now knew why the girl had been accosted by that one woman, seemed she had a rather brusque way of offering her services...But he still didn't know how-...Was she drinking alcohol? The girl was even younger than him yet the bartender didn't so much as blink giving her that drink! Well, he supposed it wasn't the strangest thing he'd seen today, regardless he still hadn't gotten the info he wan-...Ah, now Joker wanted to talk to Lila. Seemed he wasn't going to be getting that information anytime soon, how annoying...But also curious, he wondered what Jack wanted to a-...Tom's attention was pulled in the direction of a rather interesting couple making their entrance, what looked to be an angel accompanied by a wolf. The young man's blue eyes glinted in the light of the room as they followed the two, actively trying to read the markings on the wolf...But to no avail. He tilted his head for a brief moment, wondering what those symbols meant, before wrenching his attention back to Lila and Joker. He figured he might as well observe the conversation between them, he could figure out what happened to the girl later.
Lila smiled, turning to Joker. "Yeah, it Lila. Want something?" She asked in a cheerful tone.

Another stranger entered the bar, this one much younger than those before her. Her white hair flowed gently out of the white hood she wore. The hood barely hid her face, revealing a small smile. Liz was her name and she was only 14. "Excuse me, I heard a fight had broken out?" Her tone was soft and sweet, showing clearly her youth. "I-Is everyone alright? Is anyone injured?" She continued nervously, walking closer to Lila and the others nearby.

Lila let loose another smile. "Nice to see ya', Liz." She said simply.
Gene bit her bottom lip and shrugged. "Instructor?" she thought, "wouldn't that be nice." Her expression turned sad for a moment as she thought of her career. More specifically her career ending. "Sure, we'll call it that" she said looking back up to Trivia and catching the twinkle of her eyes before she could look away. Her eyebrow popped up. Well this was interesting. She smirked, "so, uh..." her crossed leg bounced gently tapping the bar front. "What uh, what about you? You know more about me than I know about you. That's just not fair. Tell me something... Interesting."
NightCasterZ said:
Another stranger entered the bar, this one much younger than those before her. Her white hair flowed gently out of the white hood she wore. The hood barely hid her face, revealing a small smile. Liz was her name and she was only 14. "Excuse me, I heard a fight had broken out?" Her tone was soft and sweet, showing clearly her youth. "I-Is everyone alright? Is anyone injured?" She continued nervously, walking closer to Lila and the others nearby.
Yahlie had used a napkin she swiped and some ice from her cup to make an ice pack for her bruised head. "Is this guy," she answered, pointing at the messy, spineless corpse on the floor. "Yahlie saaaaaaay is very, very, very, very injured"
(Anyone out there and ready to rp at this time of night. I would love to add a second character to interact with yours)
Trivia got the impression that there was something Gene (@ItAllGood) was withholding-- but, she decided not to press the topic further. She of all people should know to respect people's privacy.

"Something 'interesting,' eh?" she echoed, drumming her fingers on the table in contemplation. After a moment, she shook her head: "Nah, telling is for professors in lecture halls. I'd say you deserve to be shown."

This, with a wink, as Trivia picked up her tumbler in her left hand. She brandished it for a moment; then, the smell of rotten eggs filled the air, and veins and brimstone spiderwebbed across the surface of the glass, from her palm. The shot as a whole began to metamorphose, then, it's shape becoming slightly taller, hue changing from clear to bloodred, and fanglike ornaments adorning it's rim and base. When the process was comolete, Trivia smirked, and gulped down its contents.
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Tom leaned back in his seat, propping himself up against the bar as he returned to his natural state of merely observing, seeing as his conversation partner had been otherwise engaged. His icy blue eyes once again performed a sweep around the room while he paid idle attention to Joker and Lila's conversation, it seemed some other patrons had managed to get in without his noticing. He briefly wondered how exactly he'd managed to miss that half head of bright green hair as his gaze turned to the two woman sitting further down the bar. The rather punkish looking woman was engaged in conversation with another who almost perfectly contrasted her, someone who seemed to carry a professional air. The young man found himself quite amused by their contrasting appearances, it was always interesting to see people with such differing backgrounds interact with each other, and they even seemed to be getting along. The contrast was so perfect that the boy's attention ended up shifting in their direction as his eyes lingered on them for perhaps a bit longer than would be normal, intrigued by their interaction...Or perhaps he was just accidentally staring at the professional woman's hair...Tom's cheeks turned a little pink as he realized that's actually exactly what he was doing, and he proceeded to glance away, his blue eyes seeking something el-

The stench of rotten eggs hit his nostrils and out of the corner of his eye he caught the beginning of a transformation taking place in the punkish woman's hands. The pink faded from the boy's features as his piercing blue eyes flicked back to the two women, his interest reinforced as he witnessed the almost...demonic?...transformation of the green-head's glass and its contents. 'Now that...That is interesting...' He thought to himself as he found his eyes drawn to the green haired woman this time, looking on with great interest as she downed the contents of her newly decorated shot glass, though he was also interested in seeing the other woman's reaction to what had just transpired...No, not just because she had pretty hair either, that's not the reason his eyes flicked back to her-... 'Are you kidding me with this right now?! I really must be tired if I'm getting distracted by someone's hair...'

He gave a light sigh as he once again wrenched his attention away from the two of them, shaking his head at his own lack of focus as he directed his attention over the counter, trying to see if the bar had anything other than alcohol. 'Ah right, that's why I don't go to bars...Why are people so obsessed with filling their bloodstream with suppressants? I can't stand having my intellect impeded...Stimulants on the other hand...' He turned his attention away from the bar, casting his bright blue gaze across the room once more, this time searching for something specific. 'Didn't Jack say something about a vending machine? Hmm...He was probably joking, wouldn't put it past him...' The young man sighed in annoyance as his searching gaze found nothing, no vending machines to be seen from his current perch. Of course, he couldn't see the entire lounge from where he sat, maybe there was one in a corner somewh-

Lila's voice pulled him from his search for caffeine as she greeted someone, a girl named Liz, apparently. His eyes flicked back over to the girl next to him, searching for her addressee, and coming to rest on an even younger looking girl. 'My my, I'm starting to feel a little old here...' He mused to himself as a tiny smile made its way onto his face. It seemed this Liz was talking to that...Whatever she was, fox/squirrel/anthropomorphic thing, apparently named Yahlie?...as they stood over the spineless body that still lay upon the floor. It was actually a little surprising to him that there hadn't been any staff coming along to clean it up, it was rather unsightly having a body on floor after all...Tom found himself wondering just how used to death the patrons of this bar were. Apparently he was a little too used to it himself, as he actually gave a light chuckle as he listened to their exchange. Perhaps it was the mild miscommunication the two of them had, perhaps it was simply Yahlie's speech patterns, perhaps it was just the concept of cleaning up a dead body with a mop, it amused him all the same...Almost a little disturbing he was laughing at it, in retrospect. Regardless, the smile remained as he opened his mouth to offer his two cents, his blue eyes glinting in the light of the lounge. "Necromancy's the only kind of 'healing' that could help him at this point, though I don't imagine anyone in here would approve of it...Or know how to do it. Although..." His eyes flicked to a nearby clock as he felt a profound thought occurring. He imagined he'd catch a bit of flak for bringing up dark magic, especially with that little smile on his face; but he was a problem solver, and since he'd brought a solution up, might as well follow that train of thought a bit further. "This time of night, it would be quite potent..."
A man fully dressed in tactical gear would walk in, he would sit down at a nearby empty spot, attempting to lean back and relax. To no use, as he was going to be back in a fight soon. He'd take off his helmet, placing it on the counter.

The helmet would have a communist
RED star on it. His clothes wielding a very light, greenish-brown tint. He himself appears to wield an M70 assault rifle, MK2 Fragmentation Grenade and CZ97 pistol. His gear appears to be from a 1990's period.
A armed man walked into the bar, full battle gear on, he appeared to be from the future, his armor looking slightly like a modern soldier, but with the added addition of an exosuit and him wielding a plasma-rifle. He'd sit down on a table, sitting there, as if waiting for someone.

He then looked over at @OfficialOG, pressing a button on his wrist which would make his helmet fold into his collar.
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Taylor stepped in calmly, with her USP holstered on her leg, bow and arrows, on her back, along with her katana. She spun an arrow in her hand while walking away. Her hood covered half of her face, hiding her blue eyes. She looked mysterious, as if she would kill anyone in the room, with no expression on her face. She walked up to the bartender, and said, "Beer. Coor's light."
Not long after Taylor (@TeaMMatE11), another person entered the bar. He seemed to be on the taller side, clad in a big, bulky suit of chrome-like plateworks, surmounted by a big, bronzed astronaut's helmet on top. The armor was fraught with various attachments and modules, as though it were infested with some sort of mechanical coral. This man marched across the room, then paused, and instead of sitting in the bar, went instead towards one of the side tables, where he took a seat rather clunkily.
Taylor looked over at the dude who came in behind her, and glanced at him when he clunked down on the seat. "Hey, you might break the chair," she said, in a serious, but joking way.

@OfficialOG @deadpool42 @TeaMMatE11 @TylerLemon

How much time had passed? Jack, finding himself alone at the bar, found himself in the midst of several soldiers. They all looked so gaudy with their armor and weaponry. Did they not have class anymore? This was a scummy bar after all, but there were societal standards that were definitely not met with these folk. Keeping to himself, the man continued to drink his Scotch, looking at the array of spirits upon the bar.
@ItAllGood @deadpool42

"Not really," Taylor responded. She sat down, and said, "Just trying to relax. I don't think anyone else has ever socialized since we were forcefully thrown into a bloodbath."
Cradling the drink he held, Karma took another sip, wheeling around on his chair as a few newcomers entered, before noting with irritation a small spot of dirt on his suit, brushing it off with his empty hand. Well, he was still no closer to finding the Fractured Mask. Hmph. He'd do it tomorrow. Or later.

Suddenly, he was overcome with longing for the small log cabin he called home. Wouldn't it be nice to take a break from the wild goose chase he had embarked on? With a mental headshake, Karma composed himself. This was a necessary sacrifice for the - heh - Greater Good. Maybe he'd gain more influence in The God's Game by handling this for them. That'd be nice.
A young man walked into the bar. He had dyed dark blue hair, brown eyes, and a face that looked just like a Mary Sue that had been attempting to join some battles. He had tried to enter a few fights, but was turned down due to his looks. He walked up and sat on a stool. Hopefully people hadn't heard of his doppelganger...

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