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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy Afflictions of Atavaria (ooc)

oh yeah, heads up my English is weird cause I had to learn a few different versions. So I'm sorry if someone has an aneurysm cause of the grammar, as I can't really differentiate between them
[Australian English, Englands English, American English and New Zeland English]
oh yeah, heads up my English is weird cause I had to learn a few different versions. So I'm sorry if someone has an aneurysm cause of the grammar, as I can't really differentiate between them
[Australian English, Englands English, American English and New Zeland English]
Oh yeah my English is American/British/Canadian, so you're in good company xD
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Happy Hump Day everyone- hope you're all surviving!
Is anybody getting the rest of this week off? ouo

Today's update:

Sunsmiter Sunsmiter Megilagor Megilagor animegirl20 animegirl20 Lost Echo Lost Echo

Waiting on finished plots~

Terrier B Terrier B AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa Caffeinated Joy Caffeinated Joy
x_Tasia_X x_Tasia_X mizton mizton blue tea blue tea

Waiting on posted plots~

If your character and mine don't have anything yet, please reach out :3
I always get Thursday, Friday and Saturday off. Today's actually going not too bad (no Incompetent Boss today), so here's hoping I leave at a reasonable time. Fingers crossed!
I always get Thursday, Friday and Saturday off. Today's actually going not too bad (no Incompetent Boss today), so here's hoping I leave at a reasonable time. Fingers crossed!
Don't say that cause from my experience when you say stuff like that you are just adding salt to the injury.
its not much but it should be finished unless someone finds a fault with what is written and wants me to edit it.

  • -The Heir of Aldor ( animegirl20 animegirl20 )

    Rose sees Kara as a strong little lady, for despite her circumstances she tries to be the best version of herself at any point. Rose also loves the contrast in her [being cute and liking cute but wanting to appear cool and strong], as well as her quirk of not reading the mood in the room, she finds it especially amusing. Rose thinks that Kara will be a great morale booster to anyone she lives with.

    -The Heir of Muliah ( Sunsmiter Sunsmiter )

    Cares for him like an elder sibling would do although a bit mean at times. After the attack, she cares for him even more and becomes his guide, she tries hard to fill in the empty space in his heart after his family died to the best of her ability.

    -The Heir of Ig-Kilar ( x_Tasia_X x_Tasia_X )

    Rose through her personal experience knows that no one is a saint, everyone has some dirt on them or a weakness that they want to hide, so seeing Nina appear all Saint-like made her question herself "Is it worth it torturing yourself to appear Saint-like just to hide something?" So Rose wants to slowly approach Nina and help her slowly break away the armor around her heart so she can cast away the worries about any weakness or dirt. But she probably isn't the best at it.

    -The Heir of Najud ( AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa )

    All I know is that Rose would find their mischievous and trickery of his annoying for she would see that behaviour as unfit for an heir to the throne especially if said person is supposed to be older than her.

    -The Heir of Le'Ven ( Terrier B Terrier B )

    Rose didn't interact with Simi too much, to be honest, Rose tried to actively avoid her, which proved hard since she did want to spend some more time with Dae. The reason for avoiding of elves, in general, is caused by a bad experience with a few elves while she was young so now she views all of them as snobbish know-it-alls with an ego as big as the continent they live in, although she knows that they probably those few elves were an exception she still doesn't like hanging out with one on the off chance they are like them.

    -The Heir of Dur'Fen ( Ayama Ayama )

    She respects him as a person and thanks to him knows that orcs being brutes is just a stereotype. Although she doesn't understand his tendency towards pacifism.

Our little ray of sunshine xD
oh i am the brightest ray of sunshine where i live. i just had way to much bad stuff happen to me to be optimistic about stuff, so I'm the brightest ray of sunshine realist edition, so pack your sunscreen cause you will get burned by it.
Don't say that cause from my experience when you say stuff like that you are just adding salt to the injury.
Just running our system maintenance, then I'll be leaving almost 2 full hours early. Only 8 hours today.
Edit: 9 hours, but still better than 10, 12 or 14.
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PLOTS FOR THE Heir of Ig-Kilar (Rlia)

  • -The Heir of Aldor ( animegirl20 animegirl20 )

    Kara's constant upbeat, good cheer personality is enough to grate on Rila's last nerve at times, but she respects the heck out of her for her strength and spunk. Though, it would really burn her backside any time she tried to inject herself in orc business by trying to come to Vail's defense any time Rila yelled at him.

    -The Heir of Muliah ( Sunsmiter Sunsmiter )

    Would eat the cookies, and demand the recipe.

    -The Heir of Ig-Kilar ( x_Tasia_X x_Tasia_X )

    Rila finds Nina annoyingly bubbly and chipper, but she would move heaven and earth for that girl. Just as Nina has learned to be more resliant from Rila, Rila has learned a little of how to be more understanding to others v. They both share a love of jewelry, and Rila often comes home from work and tosses and gift of earrings, or a necklace or something jewelry-ish at Nina.

    -The Heir of Najud ( AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa )

    She's very protective of the people she cares about. If she sees someone appearing to hurt or threaten them, and they can't, or won't (she's looking at YOU Vir) defend themselves, she will. No questions asked.

    -The Heir of Le'Ven ( Terrier B Terrier B )

    Rila would be glad she's not another fluffly, flouncy puffball of an elf, and would get along with her fine, but the lack of discipline would grate.

    -The Heir of Dur'Fen ( Ayama Ayama )

    This is another person Rila would move heaven and earth for. She sees a lot of potential in Vir to be a great king of Dur'Fen, and worries he'll never see it in himself. He is the only person who knows of her difficulties with reading and the reasons for it, and she can't help but feel resentful for how easy it comes to him.

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Caffeinated Joy Caffeinated Joy Noice. I think Dae and Rila would probably get along fine, bc Dae is most at ease with tough, no-nonsense women (hence his close friendship with Rose).

Also therianders are humans with animal traits, not shapeshifters- not sure where the confusion is coming from ^^"
Caffeinated Joy Caffeinated Joy Noice. I think Dae and Rila would probably get along fine, bc Dae is most at ease with tough, no-nonsense women (hence his close friendship with Rose).

Also therianders are humans with animal traits, not shapeshifters- not sure where the confusion is coming from ^^"
i honestly thought Qin could turn into a bear? My bad if that's not the case. I will change it.

Edit: Changed
i honestly thought Qin could turn into a bear? My bad if that's not the case. I will change it.

Edit: Changed
Yeah therianders get traits from their animals, so bears can get angry and protective, wolves have good nocturnal vision, eagles can fly, etc., but none of them can shapeshift.
Yeah therianders get traits from their animals, so bears can get angry and protective, wolves have good nocturnal vision, eagles can fly, etc., but none of them can shapeshift.
Got it. Sorry for my misunderstanding. I blame foggy, stressed out brain.
No worries. It's finally your weekend, right?
Get some well-deserved rest!
Yes it is! And I will! Also, I think Dae and Rila would get along great, as long he doesn't mind her crass sense of humour.
Yes it is! And I will! Also, I think Dae and Rila would get along great, as long he doesn't mind her crass sense of humour.
Nah he wouldn't mind it, though she might get disapointed in his reactions as sometimes he'll laugh raucously and others he just won't react at all ;P
-The Heir of Ig-Kilar ( x_Tasia_X x_Tasia_X )

Rose through her personal experience knows that no one is a saint, everyone has some dirt on them or a weakness that they want to hide, so seeing Nina appear all Saint-like made her question herself "Is it worth it torturing yourself to appear Saint-like just to hide something?" So Rose wants to slowly approach Nina and help her slowly break away the armor around her heart so she can cast away the worries about any weakness or dirt. But she probably isn't the best at it.
Nina’s response to this would be subtly avoiding her, She thinks Rose is a good person and doesn’t dislike her or anything. But Nina doesn’t think she’s worth the effort. She views her suffering as atonement and stews in guilt and self-blaming so she can convince herself that the terrible things that happened to her were in her control. Her true self isn’t anything worth seeing and pretending brings her a shallow sense of peace, so she’s going to cling to her unhealthy coping mechanisms and avoid anything that tries to take them away #gaslight #gatekeep #girlboss
The Heir of Ig-Kilar ( x_Tasia_X x_Tasia_X )

Rila finds Nina annoyingly bubbly and chipper, but she would move heaven and earth for that girl. Just as Nina has learned to be more resliant from Rila, Rila has learned a little of how to be more understanding to others v. They both share a love of jewelry, and Rila often comes home from work and tosses and gift of earrings, or a necklace or something jewelry-ish at Nina.
Nina cares a great deal about Rila, even if they don’t agree on a lot of surface level issues. Rila has kept her safe and she continues to view Rila as someone who brings her security. She doesn’t feel afraid when she’s around. Nina would probably sacrifice thousands to keep Rila alive. Nina also wears the jewelry Rila gives her a lot. Especially when she needs courage.
Sunsmiter Sunsmiter Megilagor Megilagor animegirl20 animegirl20
Lost Echo Lost Echo Terrier B Terrier B AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa
Caffeinated Joy Caffeinated Joy x_Tasia_X x_Tasia_X mizton mizton blue tea blue tea

Hey all, to everyone who has a day off today, enjoy. To everyone else, hope your day is lovely either way.

I really want to get these plots finished by the end of the week so x_Tasia_X x_Tasia_X AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa Terrier B Terrier B blue tea blue tea mizton mizton can you please get me at least an ETA on that ASAP?

-The Heir of Aldor (Kara) [here]
-The Heir of Muliah (Qin) [here]
-The Heir of Ig-Kilar (Nina) [not yet posted]
-The Heir of Najud (Gabe) [not yet posted]
-The Heir of Le'Ven (Simi) [not yet posted]
-The Heir of Dur'Fen (Vir) [here]

-The Guide to the Heir of Aldor (Talora) [here]
-The Guide to the Heir of Muliah (Rose) [here]
-The Guide to the Heir of Ig-Kilar (Rila) [here]
-The Guide to the Heir of Najud (Alek) [not yet posted]
-The Guide to the Heir of Le'Ven (Dae) [here]
-The Guide to the Heir of Dur'Fen (Sa'id) [not yet posted]


[b]-The Heir of Aldor (@animegirl20 )[/b]

[i][plots go here][/i]

[b]-The Heir of Muliah (@Sunsmiter )[/b]

[i][plots go here][/i]

[b]-The Heir of Ig-Kilar (@x_Tasia_X )[/b]

[i][plots go here][/i]

[b]-The Heir of Najud (@AriAriAbabwa )[/b]

[i][plots go here][/i]

[b]-The Heir of Le'Ven (@A-Northern-Bee )[/b]

[i][plots go here][/i]

[b]-The Heir of Dur'Fen (@Ayama )[/b]

[i][plots go here][/i]


[b]-The Guide to the Heir of Aldor (@Lost Echo )[/b]

[i][plots go here][/i]

[b]-The Guide to the Heir of Muliah (@Megilagor )[/b]

[i][plots go here][/i]

[b]-The Guide to the Heir of Ig-Kilar (@CaffeinatedJoy )[/b]

[i][plots go here][/i]

[b]-The Guide to the Heir of Najud (@blue tea )[/b]

[i][plots go here][/i]

[b]-The Guide to the Heir of Le'Ven (@Ayama )[/b]

[i][plots go here][/i]

[b]-The Guide to the Heir of Dur'Fen (@mizton )[/b]

[i][plots go here][/i]

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hellow everyone ~ as ayama said i'll be on hiatus until a little after december ! but i'd love to plot with everyone once i'm able too ! if you'd like to plot with alec bby then here is a character sheet with some of his info ! although i'll be editing it later on when i have the time but anywho ~ here is his pinterest and spotify if anyone is interested ^^ but please do message me or @/ and i'll get back to you eventually <3
just in case you forgot Ayama.
Didn't forget- just don't want to leave anyone out.
thats good that you dont want to leave anyone out and that you didn't forget.....
now i feel weird for pointing that out.

i probably should finish the CS. but i kinda don't want to right now, to low on energy.
thats good that you dont want to leave anyone out and that you didn't forget.....
now i feel weird for pointing that out.

i probably should finish the CS. but i kinda don't want to right now, to low on energy.
Nah don't feel weird- better safe than sorry. I mean what if I'd actually forgotten? xD

And take your time on the CS- I'm more focused on the plots rn anyway ;P
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i should be able to sit down and plot next week ? things are dwindling down a bit since it’s close to the end of the semester for me ^^ i have roughly 15 more assignments left ? but i do plan on sitting down sometime this friday ? since i have to finish character sheets for another rp ! i should have some plots for everyone by then ^^

o thank you Megilagor Megilagor for that too ! <3

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