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Fantasy Afflictions of Atavaria (ooc)

Me wishing rpn gave me stable notifs, I will pick in one sec lemme read through them real quick
@ x_Tasia_X x_Tasia_X

Come read, pick something, or think of your own idea for Nina/Rose plot.

Well the possible Nina/Rose plots i think looks something like that.

  • Knowing that Rose in the early days was a not so nice sister figure (at least in public) and Nina were her opposite in that regard (wanting to do anything for his happiness). We could go with a not so good yet tolerable relationship but more of a alliance centered around making Qin happy, and making those who make him unhappy suffer. Of course that alliance is kinda on the down low.
  • Rose seeing your interaction with Dae, or rather the lack off it finds it funny and often cracks jokes when around Nina that Dae is a big bad wolf, similarly she jokes about Nina being red riding hood [esque character you know fairytales and stuff from, the old human continent and stuff] when around Dae.
  • Or we can go with the simplest idea. Rose would try approaching Nina to befriend her several times but it would go horribly knowing Rose. As while she is an extrovert, and social she ain't good at making new friends or engaging in the necessary small talk. So she her attempts might have come out a bit mean if not harsh.
  • Or we can just go with an even simpler idea. While their relationship isn't great but its not that bad either [you know acquaintance level of sort], but both of them appreciate and support someone for who they want to be. [examples being. Vir, Kara]
  • Or the last resort being this. Nina knows about Rose trying to learn how to be more ladylike in secret from Talora. [well that first would need to get Talora to agree to teach Rose,]
  • Ok last last resort. Nina saw Rose trying to imitate Taloras dance to obviously not good results [like the moves were ok but the tempo was all wack, the moves were either turtle slow or "i need to kill someone real quick" type fast], so she might have tried to at least help Rose learn how to dance properly.

Ayama Ayama

as for the plots for the quide to durfen i will do them after work, since i first have to re read his mini thingy and maybe the cs before i get to it.
Them interacting probably wouldn’t have gone that bad. Nina is pretty tolerant of people being harsh or mean to her, as long as they approach her first, that’s them signaling that they don’t mind being around her and Nina won’t avoid them. I think if Rose did try to befriend her and sounded overly harsh Nina probably wouldn’t have minded and could tolerate it. Nina assumes the best in everyone, especially as a kid.
i mean im double guessing everything now since my memory isn't so great, and my ability to find stuff is lacking.
and i don't think you agreed per say to Talora teach Rose, it was more of its a good/ok idea.
so no confirmation there, at least to my thinking.
so knowing that it is accepted, leaves me with only one character I'm left to plot with.

the one with not plots whatsoever;
Sunsmiter Sunsmiter Megilagor Megilagor @animegirl20 Lost Echo Lost Echo
AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa @Caffeinated Joy x_Tasia_X x_Tasia_X blue tea blue tea

Quick recap so everybody can find everything- would really like to have all missing info in by the end of the week! ^^

Missing plots:
-Anything with Sa'id

+ Royal family lore for Najud
+ Royal family lore for Ig-Kilar

-The Heir of Aldor (Kara) [here]
-The Heir of Muliah (Qin) [here]
-The Heir of Ig-Kilar (Nina) [here]
-The Heir of Najud (Gabe) [here]
-The Heir of Le'Ven (Simi) [here]
-The Heir of Dur'Fen (Vir) [here]

-The Guide to the Heir of Aldor (Talora) [here]
-The Guide to the Heir of Muliah (Rose) [here]
-The Guide to the Heir of Ig-Kilar (Rila) [here]
-The Guide to the Heir of Najud (Alek) [here]
-The Guide to the Heir of Le'Ven (Dae) [here]
-The Guide to the Heir of Dur'Fen [not yet posted]

[b]-The Heir of Aldor (@animegirl20 )[/b]

[i][plots go here][/i]

[b]-The Heir of Muliah (@Sunsmiter )[/b]

[i][plots go here][/i]

[b]-The Heir of Ig-Kilar (@x_Tasia_X )[/b]

[i][plots go here][/i]

[b]-The Heir of Najud (@AriAriAbabwa )[/b]

[i][plots go here][/i]

[b]-The Heir of Le'Ven (@A-Northern-Bee )[/b]

[i][plots go here][/i]

[b]-The Heir of Dur'Fen (@Ayama )[/b]

[i][plots go here][/i]


[b]-The Guide to the Heir of Aldor (@Lost Echo )[/b]

[i][plots go here][/i]

[b]-The Guide to the Heir of Muliah (@Megilagor )[/b]

[i][plots go here][/i]

[b]-The Guide to the Heir of Ig-Kilar (@CaffeinatedJoy )[/b]

[i][plots go here][/i]

[b]-The Guide to the Heir of Najud (@blue tea )[/b]

[i][plots go here][/i]

[b]-The Guide to the Heir of Le'Ven (@Ayama )[/b]

[i][plots go here][/i]

[b]-The Guide to the Heir of Dur'Fen (@mizton )[/b]

[i][plots go here][/i]


Human - Female

Age on the day of the attack: 6
Current age: 18

Ever since she was a baby people had always said she had a doll like appearance. Her mother use to call her, her little Doll. When she was 3 Kara went through a traumatic experience. She was kidnapped by some crazed occultist group and unfortunately she did suffer injury from it. They were using her to try to perform strange rituals and summon spirits which ended up her losing her right eye and left leg. She has a glass eye that looks identical to her left one and she has a prosthetic leg that goes to up her midthigh. People later started calling her the Porcelain Doll seeing her as fragile. Because of what happened they hired a maid that was with her around the clock to watch and take care of her. Every since that happened to her she started see spirits. Things the regular mortal eye could not. She tried to tell her parents however they never took it seriously just thinking she was playing with imaginary friends. She see's good and bad spirits which she would call the bad ones the monsters under her bed. Also every now and then she has nightmares of that day and nightmares stemming from evil spirits. She hates what happened to her she feels like a burden and doesn't like it when people treat her as if she's fragile.

Cheerful and high-spirited, Kara is a playful, active, and generally positive girl that always finds something to be excited or passionate about. She struggles to read the mood of a situation, which means she sometimes does or say things that don't help or make no sense. She loves reading, she mostly tends to read romantic books and tearjerkers. She enjoys making and eating sweets. She also likes cute things like clothing and stuffed animals but she wants to be seen as cool, strong, brave and grown up by others.


Theriander - Male

Age on the day of the attack: 7
Current age: 19

Qin is a careful, reserved theriander. While quiet, he is willing to go to the ends of the earth to uphold his own ideals. Due to his upbringing, he is rather antisocial, and sometimes deadpan when confronted. Qin isn't shy, just rather...quiet. He's not really capable of understanding humor, and his cold pragmatism has to lead to many believing he's either pessimistic or completely devoid of most emotions. He's compassionate, but far too mute to express that, pressing affection through words instead of actions.

He bears ursine traits, with bear ears and a heavyset build. Qin isn't "fluffy"(or so he claims), but his hair seems oddly...soft. As the youngest child, Qin survived the attack solely because one of his older brothers had thrown him to the ground and shielded him with his bulk. He huddled under a dead ursine's weight for hours before finally mustering up the courage to leave the sanctuary of a brother that had died protecting him.

None would say so directly to his face, but he knows they blamed him. They blamed him for the death of his brother.

He was never the same afterward, always too silent, too quiet. The suffocating silence was deafening. The theriander himself wasn't the same afterwards, always grieving for his lost father and fallen siblings. Qin learned to grow up in silence, in quiet exile. His brother had died for him, and perhaps just some of his blood still runs in the unworthy youngest brother. he would die for even a single friend, a single person that would talk to him.


Mer - Female

Age on the day of the attack: 7
Current age: 19

Ig-kilar’s rulers were not the best parents, they favored their duties over raising their child. Allowing Nina to grow up feeling rejected and lonely. The only time she received attention was from scoldings or lectures about how she was to be the ruler of Ig-Kilar one day and that she must meet the expectations of that role. The amount of pressure that was placed on Nina was unacceptable, especially for a child. No matter what Nina did, someone would always be unhappy with her performance. Nina was in a constant state of stress for her entire childhood.

There were sparse moments when Nina would be allowed to relax, when her parents would act like parents do. Mostly her birthday, or yearly celebrations. But her favorite day of all was when the six kingdoms would meet and she could see the other heirs and play with them. She considered the other heirs to be the only people who could understand her, and she would always swell with a humble sort of happiness when her parents would dote on her at the events. Nina was a shy, but sweet child. She was also very intelligent and a quick study, the epitome of a gifted child. Her parents showed their daughter off, going on about how proud of her they were. They were harsh and negligent at times, but they loved her. And Nina loved them. And she spent her entire life up to that point doing her best to make them proud.

Then it was all stolen from her and there was nothing she could do about it. The murder of her parents was a permenent stain on her conscience, she never saw them but she can remember the sound of them being cut down clearly. The old geniune version of herself died with them and she quickly learned how helpless she was. A servant helped her escape and flee to the wild mountains, despite her cries for her parents. She was angry with the orcish servant who saved her at first. But Nina is grateful to her guide nowadays. She grew to be a cheery woman, doting and sympathetic even in the harsh terrain she hid in. This is her way of protecting herself, she used her kindness and uses people’s guilt to manipulate them. She purposefully hopes that people underestimate her so that she can attempt to coax them into a situation that benefits her and the people she cares about.


Mer - Maid

Age on the day of the attack: 18
Current age: 30

That night, Talora wasn’t the strongest in illusions or enchantments. Her strength was her knowledge of the human world. She’d begged to come to learn more about them: she took every chance to mingle whenever they stopped on their journey to the capital. So when it was time to flee, she was the fastest, then the best at blending in on their journey to the sea.

She’s a performer. Each day she wakes up, pretending to know what she’s doing and hasn’t failed the act yet.


Human - Female

Age on the day of the attack: 13
Current age: 25

Rose hails from a family that served the royal family of Muliah for ages in many different ways. Some were knights, others were servants, and some were even mages. Rose although not related by blood to the family, for she was a foundling, was raised by them as one of their own, and upon becoming seven years old was sent into the capital to be a loyal friend and servant to the young Qin.

Rose is a calm collected and caring person although the ways she shows it to the world might appear weird for the many times she nagged at Qin as if she was his elder sister. Although she tries to appear as ladylike as possible sometimes she forgets about it and slips back to her tomboyish days of early youth. Her biggest weakness is being honest to a fault which at certain times does lead to trouble, but her being her means any trouble that comes her way makes her life a bit more fun. She might seem unapproachable at times but its just her not knowing how to properly convey her emotions to others.


Orc - Female

Age on the day of the attack: 16
Current age: 28

Rila is from a family of highly respected, great warriors who rose to high ranks in orcish society through their service to the King and Queen of Dur’Fen. Everyone in her family has served as retainers, advisors, teachers and bodyguards to Vir’s family, and it was Rila’s job to teach Vir how to fight and conduct himself. Many of their training sessions ended in her giving him a sound beating, either through defeat on his part, or out of frustration on her part when he insisted he didn’t want to fight. She served as his guard during the summit where the coup happened, and, though she kept him safe, they were separated. She hasn’t seen him since. She thinks this is for the best, because she doesn’t even want to think about the mewling, weak man he probably is now.

She is every inch a proud orc. Tough, strong, blunt and more than happy to accept any challenge to fight tossed her way. She’s been known to get into a riotous brawl with someone, and then be seen with them less than an hour later laughing over a drink and bleeding onto the table.


Djinn - Male

Age on the day of the attack: 98
Current age: 110

Undoubtedly the oldest of the group; at times acting incredibly immature prankster despite that, and at other times taking on the grown airs of a flirt. Gabriel has remained in a childish stature up until he reached a century's worth of age, only then growing to take on a slightly more adult physique. His white hair is long and disheveled, and tattoos cover his strong arms.

Carefree and adventurous, Gabriel typically gets himself in many troubles among all walks of life. From smoothly traveling the terrains to worming his way into a lady's heart, he's the type of person that can fit in anywhere. But his playful attitude doesn't carry him forever.

Partly thanks to the everlasting lives of djinn, Gabriel became mellowed and unambitious long before the incident that shook the kingdoms. With his father serving Najud for the past decades, watching as other generations of rulers come and go, Gabriel believed that the position was one of the least important things for him to worry about at the time. It was peaceful, and his father surely could never die of natural causes. As such, the heir let go of himself. He developed the mischievous demeanor still with him today, using his unlimited freetime to enjoy himself—even if the end result was a scolding.

But as fate would have it, the long-lasting eternity he took for granted hit a turn in the road, and all he knew fell apart when he was forced to go into hiding.

Gabriel has become more resigned to his life than ever before, indulging more and more in his momentary pleasures and desires. He did not take the throne seriously, and now somebody else has. And he'd much rather live the carefree life he's found himself in than to die trying to take back something he was never truly ready for...


Elf - Female

Age on the day of the attack: 14
Current age: 26

Elves are supposedly elegant, slender, peaceful and serene. Our girl Simi is messy, sinewy, rash, and passionate. She sure does her people proud this one.

What started out as a quiet, timid little girl, has blossomed into adulthood as a loud, energetic and rather coarse individual. While one of the oldest of the lost heirs, Simi is currently within the depths of a second adolescence of sorts, perhaps it's due to the manner in which Elves age. Almost full to the brim of turbulent rebelliousness and unruly attitudes on a day to day basis, she currently funnels her energy into labour, working as a hired sword. Well, supposedly a hired sword that is. I'm pretty sure 'Hired-Swords' carry out the wishes and actions of their employer specifically, and don't go about quashing petty wars between rival tribes in Muliah, using cheap guerrilla tactics and then just flouncing up to whichever side ended up 'winning' and demanding fair pay for her efforts 'Or else'.

But that's just a theory.

Simran's family was a prime member of the Elven council of La' Ven, known as the Edhellen. Her Uncle was the Council's 'Revas', the elected ruler and representative of the whole of La' Ven. Within the Edhellen's rules on Titles, Simi's Father and his own family fell under the banner of being known too as 'Revasan', even though a large number of the Edhellen wished they didn't. Simi's Father had had a far more unpleasant experience with the Edhellen than that of his older brother. For he had married someone of 'Common-stock', ranking far below his own position of nobility. Simran was the first child of a genuine, loving marriage. She was adored and cherished by her parents from the very start, and for that she is forever grateful. For little else of her world ever showed her equal affection. She spent her early years growing up within the boundaries of her Mothers Tribe. Her time spent there was by far the easiest, the members of the tribe had grown up with Simran's Mother and her family, they regarded and treated Simi the same as they would any of the other village children. No petty jabs or whispered comments to be found here.

When Simran was a little older, her Father began to take her with him to his trips to the Edhellen. At first, the aim of these visits was to try and encourage a kinship between Simran and her more, 'esteemed', cousins. She was the same age as the oldest of the Revas' children after all. Perhaps then at least, her life would be a little easier within the realm of Aristocracy and Politics. However it only worked somewhat. Simi formed a timid friendship with two of her cousins, but the others only saw her occasional visits as little more than ripe opportunity to play out childish mimicries of slander and defamation of their own.

Needless to say, Simran was not overly fond of visiting the Edhellen gatherings. And remarkably less keen at the idea of attending a Summit where countless other despicable spoilt little offspring would undoubtedly dwell.


Orc - Male

Age on the day of the attack: 9
Current age: 21

Vir is the Heir to the clan of Fen'Ilar (meaning 'Great Ones', in orcish)- a legendary clan of warriors and leaders that has led the orc tribes since the start of the Great Peace. When his parents were killed, the other tribes immediately tried to take the throne and, if he ever returned to Dur'Fen, he would almost certainly be killed.

Vir is a rather gentle soul, who doesn't really fight or stand up for himself, though he will protect others if they are in need. This sort of attitude is frowned upon in orcish culture, and he's always been a bit of an outcast among his own kind. Outside of Dur'Fen, the assumption is that all orcs are savage brutes, and he has a hard time convincing anyone that he would prefer to grow flowers over tearing them limb from limb.


Elf - Male

Age on the day of the attack: 8
Current age: 20

he is charismatic, radiating mischief and sunshine. possessing elegance yet a bit of clumsiness. a sense of humor with a sarcastic undertone, often being the object of laughter. despite everything, aleksander continues to keep an optimistic outlook, even with the heavy burden of survivor’s guilt resting on his shoulders. tearing him down bit by bit. aleksander possesses an inferior complex, tearing himself down while others rise above him. another trait - alec can’t stand being alone. the thought of being abandoned terrified him. he is always seen surrounding himself, lost in the crowd to drown out his thoughts, feeling whole again. he may act confident, but the reality is alec craves physical touch and validation. he can be stubborn, but willing to cooperate. someone who is protective of his people, willing to risk his life. the thought of losing the people he holds close again, terrifies him.

he is the youngest — by a year — of three. kavan and adriel being his older brothers. those he looked up too and idolized as a young elf. it should have been him that died. but that wasn’t the case. living in an abusive household with an absentminded mother. his father was a high elf of le’ven ( having been warriors for generations ) until he was trialed for treason. betrayed by his own brother. the new family was banished to the outskirts of le’ven where alec’s father drank his pain away while their mother grew mute, refusing to eat and ignoring the needs of her children.

she would pass away when aleksander was four. he never really knew the real reason she had died. later, aleksander would watch his father die at eight-years-old. seven years after his mother died, leaving kavan and adriel to take care of aleksander.

it had been the day the summit was attacked. their father having made plans to sell them for more booze money. amidst the chaos, aleksander witnessed his father dying right before his eyes. shortly witnessing his eldest brother; kavan push him out of the way of a sword. killing him instantly. adriel followed shortly afterward leaving aleksander with nothing but guilt. he was alone. and that terrified him.


Theriander - Male

Age on the day of the attack: 10
Current age: 22

Dae is a member of the Feralhearts- the wolf clan that took over Muliah when the bears were killed. He sided with the bears and was cast out by his family to roam the wilds alone.

He's a rather reserved, quiet person, though when roused he will lash out with the fury of a thousand angry wolves, and only a few people are able to cut through the haze and calm him down.


Djinn - Male

Age on the day of the attack: 8
Current age: 20

Sa'id is a young Djinn, though he tends to forget. He's restive, seeing mortal toils as his own and tends to take matters into his own hands, instead of letting things run their course. He has yet to mellow out in a way that's characteristic of immortal beings. Since the incident, Sa'id has only ever known a life of uncertainty. Despite this, he often finds humor in dim situations. He's adaptive & socially confident, able to talk circles around his odd jobs' employers in order to sway his pay or other conditions.

His been able to support his heir and himself for so long thanks to his own resourcefulness. He finds it difficult to trust people, so he's become highly perceptive of others, if only to protect himself. As a result, there are often times when he'll carry an otherworldly, all-knowing air about him; these are perhaps the only time one is reminded of his nature as a Djinn.
i mean im double guessing everything now since my memory isn't so great, and my ability to find stuff is lacking.
and i don't think you agreed per say to Talora teach Rose, it was more of its a good/ok idea.
so no confirmation there, at least to my thinking.
so knowing that it is accepted, leaves me with only one character I'm left to plot with.

the one with not plots whatsoever;
Trust me, as bad as your memory is, mine can be worse. It's possible I assumed I had and didn't. Sorry.

  • -The Heir of Aldor (@animegirl20 )

    Sa'id might find her irking at times but ultimately resolves to keep her well shielded from the terrors.

    -The Heir of Ig-Kilar ( x_Tasia_X x_Tasia_X )

    Nina would like his sense of humor and confidence. But she wouldn’t get too close to him because of his extreme perceptiveness. She’s got a facade to keep up and stuff

    -The Heir of Najud ( AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa )

    Sa'id does not appreciate being underestimated nor being treated as a child.

    -The Heir of Le'Ven (@A-Northern-Bee )

    Ironically, Said appreciates her messiness. A lot less distrust and mental gymnastics required.

    -The Heir of Dur'Fen ( Ayama Ayama )

    Having taken Vir under his wing, Sa'id does his best to try and get Vir to...y'know...Ork like an Ork, and stand up for himself, but it hasn't worked yet. He's exasperated, but still determined.

    -The Heir of Muliah (Me)

    Gets along surprisingly well, despite how much Sa'id "complains" about Qin's softie tendencies. Probably someone Sa'id actually would trust a teeny bit more than the others, if only because of the fact Qin probably can't do much harm even if he tried.

Last edited:

  • -The Heir of Aldor (@animegirl20 )

    Sa'id might find her irking at times but ultimately resolves to keep her well shielded from the terrors.

    -The Heir of Ig-Kilar ( x_Tasia_X x_Tasia_X )


    -The Heir of Najud ( AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa )


    -The Heir of Le'Ven (@A-Northern-Bee )


    -The Heir of Dur'Fen ( Ayama Ayama )


    -The Heir of Muliah (Me)

    Gets along surprisingly well, despite how much Sa'id "complains" about Qin's softie tendencies. Probably someone Sa'id actually would trust a teeny bit more than the others, if only because of the fact Qin probably can't do much harm even if he tried.

Nice ones~ All the plots that got established for Sa'Id and Vir are listed in Vir's plots, so feel free to go over them.
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I went ahead and drafted up some stuff for Najud lore :3

An old tale tends to float around every now and then—a tale that a sultan, blinded by greed and fame, owned a magical lamp with a djinn homed inside. One rub of the lamp, and it flew out, ready to grant any wish within its power. The sultan’s first wish was for wealth. The second, for his rise to power. The third, for a legacy to be remembered in history.

True or not, the sultan’s final wish was granted. The tale is remembered to this day, and serves as a classic story of the djinns’ clever trickery; how it ensured the sultan’s legacy by convincing him to wish the djinn’s freedom, and in turn its permanent partnership to the day he died. And when he did, who better to inherit it all than the long-aged djinn who built the very empire? Now, whether the story holds any validity is not known—the royal family, though known for their constantly playful attitude, has never given a solid answer.

Throughout the history of Najud, the djinn family has ruled over the economy via imports and exports. Natural merchants, not only did they amass wealth untold, but with how many people were in their pockets, their status of power remained uncontested.

As for people who tried? Well, history has not remembered them, now has it?

Aside from their grasp on Najud’s trade network, the king of an earlier generation began the family’s encroachment upon the desert land’s significant gold deposits.

It wouldn’t be a stretch to say Najud’s royal family is the richest of the world.
I went ahead and drafted up some stuff for Najud lore :3

An old tale tends to float around every now and then—a tale that a sultan, blinded by greed and fame, owned a magical lamp with a djinn homed inside. One rub of the lamp, and it flew out, ready to grant any wish within its power. The sultan’s first wish was for wealth. The second, for his rise to power. The third, for a legacy to be remembered in history.

True or not, the sultan’s final wish was granted. The tale is remembered to this day, and serves as a classic story of the djinns’ clever trickery; how it ensured the sultan’s legacy by convincing him to wish the djinn’s freedom, and in turn its permanent partnership to the day he died. And when he did, who better to inherit it all than the long-aged djinn who built the very empire? Now, whether the story holds any validity is not known—the royal family, though known for their constantly playful attitude, has never given a solid answer.

Throughout the history of Najud, the djinn family has ruled over the economy via imports and exports. Natural merchants, not only did they amass wealth untold, but with how many people were in their pockets, their status of power remained uncontested.

As for people who tried? Well, history has not remembered them, now has it?

Aside from their grasp on Najud’s trade network, the king of an earlier generation began the family’s encroachment upon the desert land’s significant gold deposits.

It wouldn’t be a stretch to say Najud’s royal family is the richest of the world.
Nice- I love the part about them being rich xD

Just need the info about the family itself and we're good to go~!
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Sunsmiter Sunsmiter Megilagor Megilagor @animegirl20 Lost Echo Lost Echo
AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa @Caffeinated Joy x_Tasia_X x_Tasia_X blue tea blue tea

Hope everyone has had an okay week- here is our update for today~

Plots for Sa'id with Qin, Gabe, and Talora seem to be squared away, which leaves the plots for Sa'id and:

For Vir, as I mentioned, all the ideas are listed in his section.

For Dae, he might be a little uncomfortable with the prodding (mostly bc he's an uncomfortable guy at heart), but would tolerate Sa'id because he gets along well with Qin.

And aside from the Royal Family lore for Najud ( Sunsmiter Sunsmiter and AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa feel free to collab' on that if you want to), that's it! ^^

-The Heir of Aldor (Kara) [here]
-The Heir of Muliah (Qin) [here]
-The Heir of Ig-Kilar (Nina) [here]
-The Heir of Najud (Gabe) [here]
-The Heir of Le'Ven (Simi) [here]
-The Heir of Dur'Fen (Vir) [here]

-The Guide to the Heir of Aldor (Talora) [here]
-The Guide to the Heir of Muliah (Rose) [here]
-The Guide to the Heir of Ig-Kilar (Rila) [here]
-The Guide to the Heir of Najud (Alek) [here]
-The Guide to the Heir of Le'Ven (Dae) [here]
-The Guide to the Heir of Dur'Fen (Sa'id) [here]

Human - Female

Age on the day of the attack: 6
Current age: 18

Ever since she was a baby people had always said she had a doll like appearance. Her mother use to call her, her little Doll. When she was 3 Kara went through a traumatic experience. She was kidnapped by some crazed occultist group and unfortunately she did suffer injury from it. They were using her to try to perform strange rituals and summon spirits which ended up her losing her right eye and left leg. She has a glass eye that looks identical to her left one and she has a prosthetic leg that goes to up her midthigh. People later started calling her the Porcelain Doll seeing her as fragile. Because of what happened they hired a maid that was with her around the clock to watch and take care of her. Every since that happened to her she started see spirits. Things the regular mortal eye could not. She tried to tell her parents however they never took it seriously just thinking she was playing with imaginary friends. She see's good and bad spirits which she would call the bad ones the monsters under her bed. Also every now and then she has nightmares of that day and nightmares stemming from evil spirits. She hates what happened to her she feels like a burden and doesn't like it when people treat her as if she's fragile.

Cheerful and high-spirited, Kara is a playful, active, and generally positive girl that always finds something to be excited or passionate about. She struggles to read the mood of a situation, which means she sometimes does or say things that don't help or make no sense. She loves reading, she mostly tends to read romantic books and tearjerkers. She enjoys making and eating sweets. She also likes cute things like clothing and stuffed animals but she wants to be seen as cool, strong, brave and grown up by others.


Theriander - Male

Age on the day of the attack: 7
Current age: 19

Qin is a careful, reserved theriander. While quiet, he is willing to go to the ends of the earth to uphold his own ideals. Due to his upbringing, he is rather antisocial, and sometimes deadpan when confronted. Qin isn't shy, just rather...quiet. He's not really capable of understanding humor, and his cold pragmatism has to lead to many believing he's either pessimistic or completely devoid of most emotions. He's compassionate, but far too mute to express that, pressing affection through words instead of actions.

He bears ursine traits, with bear ears and a heavyset build. Qin isn't "fluffy"(or so he claims), but his hair seems oddly...soft. As the youngest child, Qin survived the attack solely because one of his older brothers had thrown him to the ground and shielded him with his bulk. He huddled under a dead ursine's weight for hours before finally mustering up the courage to leave the sanctuary of a brother that had died protecting him.

None would say so directly to his face, but he knows they blamed him. They blamed him for the death of his brother.

He was never the same afterward, always too silent, too quiet. The suffocating silence was deafening. The theriander himself wasn't the same afterwards, always grieving for his lost father and fallen siblings. Qin learned to grow up in silence, in quiet exile. His brother had died for him, and perhaps just some of his blood still runs in the unworthy youngest brother. he would die for even a single friend, a single person that would talk to him.


Mer - Female

Age on the day of the attack: 7
Current age: 19

Ig-kilar’s rulers were not the best parents, they favored their duties over raising their child. Allowing Nina to grow up feeling rejected and lonely. The only time she received attention was from scoldings or lectures about how she was to be the ruler of Ig-Kilar one day and that she must meet the expectations of that role. The amount of pressure that was placed on Nina was unacceptable, especially for a child. No matter what Nina did, someone would always be unhappy with her performance. Nina was in a constant state of stress for her entire childhood.

There were sparse moments when Nina would be allowed to relax, when her parents would act like parents do. Mostly her birthday, or yearly celebrations. But her favorite day of all was when the six kingdoms would meet and she could see the other heirs and play with them. She considered the other heirs to be the only people who could understand her, and she would always swell with a humble sort of happiness when her parents would dote on her at the events. Nina was a shy, but sweet child. She was also very intelligent and a quick study, the epitome of a gifted child. Her parents showed their daughter off, going on about how proud of her they were. They were harsh and negligent at times, but they loved her. And Nina loved them. And she spent her entire life up to that point doing her best to make them proud.

Then it was all stolen from her and there was nothing she could do about it. The murder of her parents was a permenent stain on her conscience, she never saw them but she can remember the sound of them being cut down clearly. The old geniune version of herself died with them and she quickly learned how helpless she was. A servant helped her escape and flee to the wild mountains, despite her cries for her parents. She was angry with the orcish servant who saved her at first. But Nina is grateful to her guide nowadays. She grew to be a cheery woman, doting and sympathetic even in the harsh terrain she hid in. This is her way of protecting herself, she used her kindness and uses people’s guilt to manipulate them. She purposefully hopes that people underestimate her so that she can attempt to coax them into a situation that benefits her and the people she cares about.


Mer - Maid

Age on the day of the attack: 18
Current age: 30

That night, Talora wasn’t the strongest in illusions or enchantments. Her strength was her knowledge of the human world. She’d begged to come to learn more about them: she took every chance to mingle whenever they stopped on their journey to the capital. So when it was time to flee, she was the fastest, then the best at blending in on their journey to the sea.

She’s a performer. Each day she wakes up, pretending to know what she’s doing and hasn’t failed the act yet.


Human - Female

Age on the day of the attack: 13
Current age: 25

Rose hails from a family that served the royal family of Muliah for ages in many different ways. Some were knights, others were servants, and some were even mages. Rose although not related by blood to the family, for she was a foundling, was raised by them as one of their own, and upon becoming seven years old was sent into the capital to be a loyal friend and servant to the young Qin.

Rose is a calm collected and caring person although the ways she shows it to the world might appear weird for the many times she nagged at Qin as if she was his elder sister. Although she tries to appear as ladylike as possible sometimes she forgets about it and slips back to her tomboyish days of early youth. Her biggest weakness is being honest to a fault which at certain times does lead to trouble, but her being her means any trouble that comes her way makes her life a bit more fun. She might seem unapproachable at times but its just her not knowing how to properly convey her emotions to others.


Orc - Female

Age on the day of the attack: 16
Current age: 28

Rila is from a family of highly respected, great warriors who rose to high ranks in orcish society through their service to the King and Queen of Dur’Fen. Everyone in her family has served as retainers, advisors, teachers and bodyguards to Vir’s family, and it was Rila’s job to teach Vir how to fight and conduct himself. Many of their training sessions ended in her giving him a sound beating, either through defeat on his part, or out of frustration on her part when he insisted he didn’t want to fight. She served as his guard during the summit where the coup happened, and, though she kept him safe, they were separated. She hasn’t seen him since. She thinks this is for the best, because she doesn’t even want to think about the mewling, weak man he probably is now.

She is every inch a proud orc. Tough, strong, blunt and more than happy to accept any challenge to fight tossed her way. She’s been known to get into a riotous brawl with someone, and then be seen with them less than an hour later laughing over a drink and bleeding onto the table.


Djinn - Male

Age on the day of the attack: 98
Current age: 110

Undoubtedly the oldest of the group; at times acting incredibly immature prankster despite that, and at other times taking on the grown airs of a flirt. Gabriel has remained in a childish stature up until he reached a century's worth of age, only then growing to take on a slightly more adult physique. His white hair is long and disheveled, and tattoos cover his strong arms.

Carefree and adventurous, Gabriel typically gets himself in many troubles among all walks of life. From smoothly traveling the terrains to worming his way into a lady's heart, he's the type of person that can fit in anywhere. But his playful attitude doesn't carry him forever.

Partly thanks to the everlasting lives of djinn, Gabriel became mellowed and unambitious long before the incident that shook the kingdoms. With his father serving Najud for the past decades, watching as other generations of rulers come and go, Gabriel believed that the position was one of the least important things for him to worry about at the time. It was peaceful, and his father surely could never die of natural causes. As such, the heir let go of himself. He developed the mischievous demeanor still with him today, using his unlimited freetime to enjoy himself—even if the end result was a scolding.

But as fate would have it, the long-lasting eternity he took for granted hit a turn in the road, and all he knew fell apart when he was forced to go into hiding.

Gabriel has become more resigned to his life than ever before, indulging more and more in his momentary pleasures and desires. He did not take the throne seriously, and now somebody else has. And he'd much rather live the carefree life he's found himself in than to die trying to take back something he was never truly ready for...


Elf - Female

Age on the day of the attack: 14
Current age: 26

Elves are supposedly elegant, slender, peaceful and serene. Our girl Simi is messy, sinewy, rash, and passionate. She sure does her people proud this one.

What started out as a quiet, timid little girl, has blossomed into adulthood as a loud, energetic and rather coarse individual. While one of the oldest of the lost heirs, Simi is currently within the depths of a second adolescence of sorts, perhaps it's due to the manner in which Elves age. Almost full to the brim of turbulent rebelliousness and unruly attitudes on a day to day basis, she currently funnels her energy into labour, working as a hired sword. Well, supposedly a hired sword that is. I'm pretty sure 'Hired-Swords' carry out the wishes and actions of their employer specifically, and don't go about quashing petty wars between rival tribes in Muliah, using cheap guerrilla tactics and then just flouncing up to whichever side ended up 'winning' and demanding fair pay for her efforts 'Or else'.

But that's just a theory.

Simran's family was a prime member of the Elven council of La' Ven, known as the Edhellen. Her Uncle was the Council's 'Revas', the elected ruler and representative of the whole of La' Ven. Within the Edhellen's rules on Titles, Simi's Father and his own family fell under the banner of being known too as 'Revasan', even though a large number of the Edhellen wished they didn't. Simi's Father had had a far more unpleasant experience with the Edhellen than that of his older brother. For he had married someone of 'Common-stock', ranking far below his own position of nobility. Simran was the first child of a genuine, loving marriage. She was adored and cherished by her parents from the very start, and for that she is forever grateful. For little else of her world ever showed her equal affection. She spent her early years growing up within the boundaries of her Mothers Tribe. Her time spent there was by far the easiest, the members of the tribe had grown up with Simran's Mother and her family, they regarded and treated Simi the same as they would any of the other village children. No petty jabs or whispered comments to be found here.

When Simran was a little older, her Father began to take her with him to his trips to the Edhellen. At first, the aim of these visits was to try and encourage a kinship between Simran and her more, 'esteemed', cousins. She was the same age as the oldest of the Revas' children after all. Perhaps then at least, her life would be a little easier within the realm of Aristocracy and Politics. However it only worked somewhat. Simi formed a timid friendship with two of her cousins, but the others only saw her occasional visits as little more than ripe opportunity to play out childish mimicries of slander and defamation of their own.

Needless to say, Simran was not overly fond of visiting the Edhellen gatherings. And remarkably less keen at the idea of attending a Summit where countless other despicable spoilt little offspring would undoubtedly dwell.


Orc - Male

Age on the day of the attack: 9
Current age: 21

Vir is the Heir to the clan of Fen'Ilar (meaning 'Great Ones', in orcish)- a legendary clan of warriors and leaders that has led the orc tribes since the start of the Great Peace. When his parents were killed, the other tribes immediately tried to take the throne and, if he ever returned to Dur'Fen, he would almost certainly be killed.

Vir is a rather gentle soul, who doesn't really fight or stand up for himself, though he will protect others if they are in need. This sort of attitude is frowned upon in orcish culture, and he's always been a bit of an outcast among his own kind. Outside of Dur'Fen, the assumption is that all orcs are savage brutes, and he has a hard time convincing anyone that he would prefer to grow flowers over tearing them limb from limb.


Elf - Male

Age on the day of the attack: 8
Current age: 20

he is charismatic, radiating mischief and sunshine. possessing elegance yet a bit of clumsiness. a sense of humor with a sarcastic undertone, often being the object of laughter. despite everything, aleksander continues to keep an optimistic outlook, even with the heavy burden of survivor’s guilt resting on his shoulders. tearing him down bit by bit. aleksander possesses an inferior complex, tearing himself down while others rise above him. another trait - alec can’t stand being alone. the thought of being abandoned terrified him. he is always seen surrounding himself, lost in the crowd to drown out his thoughts, feeling whole again. he may act confident, but the reality is alec craves physical touch and validation. he can be stubborn, but willing to cooperate. someone who is protective of his people, willing to risk his life. the thought of losing the people he holds close again, terrifies him.

he is the youngest — by a year — of three. kavan and adriel being his older brothers. those he looked up too and idolized as a young elf. it should have been him that died. but that wasn’t the case. living in an abusive household with an absentminded mother. his father was a high elf of le’ven ( having been warriors for generations ) until he was trialed for treason. betrayed by his own brother. the new family was banished to the outskirts of le’ven where alec’s father drank his pain away while their mother grew mute, refusing to eat and ignoring the needs of her children.

she would pass away when aleksander was four. he never really knew the real reason she had died. later, aleksander would watch his father die at eight-years-old. seven years after his mother died, leaving kavan and adriel to take care of aleksander.

it had been the day the summit was attacked. their father having made plans to sell them for more booze money. amidst the chaos, aleksander witnessed his father dying right before his eyes. shortly witnessing his eldest brother; kavan push him out of the way of a sword. killing him instantly. adriel followed shortly afterward leaving aleksander with nothing but guilt. he was alone. and that terrified him.


Theriander - Male

Age on the day of the attack: 10
Current age: 22

Dae is a member of the Feralhearts- the wolf clan that took over Muliah when the bears were killed. He sided with the bears and was cast out by his family to roam the wilds alone.

He's a rather reserved, quiet person, though when roused he will lash out with the fury of a thousand angry wolves, and only a few people are able to cut through the haze and calm him down.


Djinn - Male

Age on the day of the attack: 8
Current age: 20

Sa'id is a young Djinn, though he tends to forget. He's restive, seeing mortal toils as his own and tends to take matters into his own hands, instead of letting things run their course. He has yet to mellow out in a way that's characteristic of immortal beings. Since the incident, Sa'id has only ever known a life of uncertainty. Despite this, he often finds humor in dim situations. He's adaptive & socially confident, able to talk circles around his odd jobs' employers in order to sway his pay or other conditions.

His been able to support his heir and himself for so long thanks to his own resourcefulness. He finds it difficult to trust people, so he's become highly perceptive of others, if only to protect himself. As a result, there are often times when he'll carry an otherworldly, all-knowing air about him; these are perhaps the only time one is reminded of his nature as a Djinn.
Sorry sun but I really don't have any ideas for Sa'id-Rose plot.
I mean it could be stuff like this but its not proper plots:

Since Sa'id likes Rose brutal honesty, could mean that he trusts her more, since well being brutally honest does kinda mean bad at lying.
yeah i got nothing else on my brain right now sorry.

  • -The Heir of Aldor (@animegirl20 )

    Sa'id might find her irking at times but ultimately resolves to keep her well shielded from the terrors.

    -The Heir of Ig-Kilar ( x_Tasia_X x_Tasia_X )


    -The Heir of Najud ( AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa )


    -The Heir of Le'Ven (@A-Northern-Bee )


    -The Heir of Dur'Fen ( Ayama Ayama )

    Having taken Vir under his wing, Sa'id does his best to try and get Vir to...y'know...Ork like an Ork, and stand up for himself, but it hasn't worked yet. He's exasperated, but still determined.

    -The Heir of Muliah (Me)

    Gets along surprisingly well, despite how much Sa'id "complains" about Qin's softie tendencies. Probably someone Sa'id actually would trust a teeny bit more than the others, if only because of the fact Qin probably can't do much harm even if he tried.

I don’t have too many ideas for these two. I suppose Nina would like his sense of humor and confidence. But she wouldn’t get too close to him because of his extreme perceptiveness. She’s got a facade to keep up and stuff
Mkay lemme try to get this organized~

Sunsmiter Sunsmiter Plots have been proposed for Sa'id and
-Rose ( Megilagor Megilagor )
-Nina ( x_Tasia_X x_Tasia_X )
-Vir ( Ayama Ayama )
-Dae ( Ayama Ayama )
Let us know what you think so they can be added in and finalized ^^

@animegirl20 @Caffeinated Joy blue tea blue tea
Plots still need to be proposed/confirmed for Sa'id and

AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa
Plots for Sa'id and Gabe are good to go, but I still need the lore for the Najud Royal family ouo

Lost Echo Lost Echo
You are good to go, but of course you're free to keep plotting :3

If any of you are confused &/or stuck on anything, lmk and I'll try to help~
oh - i didn't realize i missed anyone ! i thought i figured out plots for everyone, unless these are just ones that haven't been accepted by the other rper ? hopefully that made sense - but i did update alec's plot for sa'id ! hopefully that works out since it was just a quick thing i tossed together ^^

but at some point ? could we have something that tells us who plays who now ? i'm still confused on what character belongs to who, but that might just be blue being dumb lol if so, then feel free to ignore me !
oh - i didn't realize i missed anyone ! i thought i figured out plots for everyone, unless these are just ones that haven't been accepted by the other rper ? hopefully that made sense - but i did update alec's plot for sa'id ! hopefully that works out since it was just a quick thing i tossed together ^^

but at some point ? could we have something that tells us who plays who now ? i'm still confused on what character belongs to who, but that might just be blue being dumb lol if so, then feel free to ignore me !
That'll be going up soon as all the plots are done ^^
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Sunsmiter Sunsmiter so since the Najud royals are djinn, their generations are a lot longer-lasting, so I feel like that'd mean stronger connections between kingdoms, and more knowledge retained, and we can build off of that?

Maybe they have networks of people that discretely oversee trade networks and economic stuff so they don't lose things without knowing, like a kind of secret service 🤔
Sunsmiter Sunsmiter so since the Najud royals are djinn, their generations are a lot longer-lasting, so I feel like that'd mean stronger connections between kingdoms, and more knowledge retained, and we can build off of that?

Maybe they have networks of people that discretely oversee trade networks and economic stuff so they don't lose things without knowing, like a kind of secret service 🤔
Love that idea~
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Sunsmiter Sunsmiter so since the Najud royals are djinn, their generations are a lot longer-lasting, so I feel like that'd mean stronger connections between kingdoms, and more knowledge retained, and we can build off of that?

Maybe they have networks of people that discretely oversee trade networks and economic stuff so they don't lose things without knowing, like a kind of secret service 🤔
Sounds about right!
For the late response I broke my arm slipped down the stairs and got a cold all within the last two days

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