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Fantasy Afflictions of Atavaria (ooc)

I have a question: What type of appearance pictures are you looking for? Do our character need a realistic face-claim or are you alright with anything?
story thoughts/talks so far:

  • Evil queen/empress killed off the main character's families.
  • Either every nation the royals represent are all united under the empress.... or there's a mix bag. Empress maybe taking over certain nations?
  • there's some kind of prophecy that will dethrone the evil queen

  • characters are from different species/classes (idk... elf, human, demon, magic clan, etc)
  • characters were all together as kids probably just enjoying this seemingly normal diplomatic meeting at one of the castles
  • present is 10-15 years later, all kids are now young adults doing their own things.

starting idea:
  • there's a celebration of the nation and the queen. The characters have met up at the old castle that is been long since destroyed, trying to keep to the tradition of their parents one last time....... then they get attacked by evil knights or something?
  • characters are all doing their own things, all get attacked separately by evil knights cuz evil queen found out that the kids are still alive, this leads them all to meeting up at the ruined castle?

what do you all think?
I have a question: What type of appearance pictures are you looking for? Do our character need a realistic face-claim or are you alright with anything?
Huuum... I'm always partial to more illustrations, especially for a fantasy, but what are you comfortable with? :D
Huuum... I'm always partial to more illustrations, especially for a fantasy, but what are you comfortable with? :D
I'm fine with either! But since characters are allowed to be a different race, anime/drawn appearances might be easier to use.
sounds good! I was going to look through pinterest for some ideas.... but then apparently the past couple days pinterest isn't letting me search anything.
It's so weird!

Part of me is thinking of a guy though. Just gotta find the right inspiration :)
I'm most likely going to do a girl. As for her species, I was thinking something along the lines of a mermaid/siren.
story thoughts/talks so far:

  • Evil queen/empress killed off the main character's families.
  • Either every nation the royals represent are all united under the empress.... or there's a mix bag. Empress maybe taking over certain nations?
  • there's some kind of prophecy that will dethrone the evil queen

  • characters are from different species/classes (idk... elf, human, demon, magic clan, etc)
  • characters were all together as kids probably just enjoying this seemingly normal diplomatic meeting at one of the castles
  • present is 10-15 years later, all kids are now young adults doing their own things.

starting idea:
  • there's a celebration of the nation and the queen. The characters have met up at the old castle that is been long since destroyed, trying to keep to the tradition of their parents one last time....... then they get attacked by evil knights or something?
  • characters are all doing their own things, all get attacked separately by evil knights cuz evil queen found out that the kids are still alive, this leads them all to meeting up at the ruined castle?

what do you all think?
That all looks good- here are my ideas to flesh it out a little:

-The land of Atavaria was divided into six kingdoms: the central kingdom of Aldor, realm of the humans. To the west, the great forest of Le'Ven, home of the elves. To the south was Najud, realm of the djinn. To the east were the great plains, home of the giants. To the north were the wild mountains of Dur'Fen, home of the dwarves. And off the coast was the island of Ig-Kilar, home to the Mer people.

-The six kingdoms lived together in harmony and peace and, each year, one of the kingdoms would host a summit, where the royal families of each would gather and feast and throw a great big party for all.

-Twelve years ago, the peace summit was being held in Aldor, and all the royal families and their children were present at the event. There were games, and feasting and merriment, and all were happy until the arrival of the sorceress Diatarenn. She had been a part of the court for years but had always wanted greater power and position, and decided to take them for herself.

-With the help of her dark magic and a horde of demons at her command, she took over the kingdom and murdered the royals right there, declaring herself Empress of all Atavaria. The children, with the help of a loyal servant, were able to escape the slaughter.

-They ran long and far, always under cover of night, staying hidden and spending nights in muddy ditches and hollow trees. Finally, they got far enough to take stock of their situation and it was decided that, for their safety, they should split up and go their separate ways.

-They did so, not knowing if they would ever see each other again.

-Now, 12 years later, the children are grown. They've taken up regular jobs and new identities, blending in with the general population. Under the cruel rule of Diatarenn, Atavaria is dying. The people are poor, hungry, and miserable, and the royals want badly to help but don't have the power to.

-Then a disturbing rumor emerges from her palace- the Empress has apparently heard a prophecy that's driven her quite mad, and it seems she's now hunting for six people; six very special people. She's dispatched her evil demonic guards to all corners of the kingdom searching for them, and won't stop until they're dead.

-The six, meanwhile, are each visited by a mysterious stranger, who lets them know that their lives are in danger, and they have a chance to take back the kingdom and defeat the queen, but first they must rejoin the others. So they set out in search of their friends, and of their destiny.

... or something like that xD
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That all looks good- here are my ideas to flesh it out a little:

-The land of Atavaria was divided into six kingdoms: the central kingdom of Aldor, realm of the humans. To the west, the great forest of Le'Ven, home of the elves. To the south was Najud, realm of the djinn. To the east were the great plains, home of the giants. To the north were the wild mountains of Dur'Fen, home of the dwarves. And off the coast was the island of Ig-Kilar, home to the Mer people.

-The six kingdoms lived together in harmony and peace and, each year, one of the kingdoms would host a summit, where the royal families of each would gather and feast and throw a great big party for all.

-Twelve years ago, the peace summit was being held in Aldor, and all the royal families and their children were present at the event. There were games, and feasting and merriment, and all were happy until the arrival of the sorceress Diatarenn. She had been a part of the court for years but had always wanted greater power and position, and decided to take them for herself.

-With the help of her dark magic and a horde of demons at her command, she took over the kingdom and murdered the royals right there, declaring herself Empress of all Atavaria. The children, with the help of a loyal servant, were able to escape the slaughter.

-They ran long and far, always under cover of night, staying hidden and spending nights in muddy ditches and hollow trees. Finally, they got far enough to take stock of their situation and it was decided that, for their safety, they should split up and go their separate ways.

-They did so, not knowing if they would ever see each other again.

-Now, 12 years later, the children are grown. They've taken up regular jobs and new identities, blending in with the general population. Under the cruel rule of Diatarenn, Atavaria is dying. The people are poor, hungry, and miserable, and the royals want badly to help but don't have the power to.

-Then a disturbing rumor emerges from her palace- the Empress has apparently heard a prophecy that's driven her quite mad, and it seems she's now hunting for 6 people; 6 very special people. She's dispatched her guards to all corners of the kingdom searching for them, and won't stop until they're dead.

-The six, meanwhile, are each visited by a mysterious stranger, who lets them know that their lives are in danger, and they have a chance to take back the kingdom and defeat the queen, but first they must rejoin the others. So they set out in search of their friends, and of their destiny.

... or something like that xD
I love this
I'm wondering though, since they're trying to blend in... Giants... we could change that to like Oni or some sort of animal creatures? Unless giant's magic is what makes them huge/powerful? 🤔

Dwarves could also change too.... angels/bird people? idk xD just spitballing.
Oddly, that could be kind of fun... giants look like normal people, but it's their magic that changes them. Kind of like barbarian raging kind of thing? xD
I'm wondering though, since they're trying to blend in... Giants... we could change that to like Oni or some sort of animal creatures? Unless giant's magic is what makes them huge/powerful? 🤔

Dwarves could also change too.... angels/bird people? idk xD just spitballing.
How about half-demons? 'cause that would be my jam ;P So in the caves, half-demons and on the plains, half-animals?

:O dang now I'm like kind of being inspired by a frost giant. xD Like the kid could have been a bit of a brat when he was younger but then that boldness will need to be found again
How about half-demons? 'cause that would be my jam ;P So in the caves, half-demons and on the plains, half-animals?
That could make sense! Unless if wanting to keep the "demons" with the evil queen.

We could still do giants... but reflavor them? I'm trying to find some fun other mythical creatures that could be fun to pull from....

My mind is oddly thinking like: descended from the giants are [name] who share the same stature of the others in the world, but posses a deep power to overtake their opponents. The more focused and raged they get, the stronger their stature and magic get.

ie like weakened prince can basically go into My Hero Academia All Might mode if pushed hard enough? 🤔

granted half demon could work too, interesting rage mode vs normal mode? xD

idk I'm just following my picture inspiration :D
Hay wondering if I could hop in here and stuff I had some ideas for Najud, realm of the djinn.
I was just reading over what you guys came up with it sounds great! So like are all six spots taken? could there be characters that's working for the evil empress?
I was just reading over what you guys came up with it sounds great! So like are all six spots taken? could there be characters that's working for the evil empress?
Based on the amount of interest we will, no doubt, be adding spots- not sure yet if they will be on the side of good or evil though; we'll keep you posted ^^
Same as AG20!! the helpful servant role sounds rlly interesting to me ngl,

But down to see what you guys come up with for sure!! ☀️

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