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Fantasy Aetherspark OOC

Group question: What is everybody’s favorite hobbies outside of roleplaying? ^^
Well for me it would be going out with exploring whatever place I am at during downtime or hanging out and doing stuff with friends. My best friend has been making me play a lot of games recently.
I've been collecting Pokémon cards since high school, still like stuffed animals even as an adult, I also like to buy knick-knacks in regard of statues of such like dragons or anything along those lines or anything that I think would look good displayed wise!
I'm a dungeon master for my own dnd group, and I draw, which you know, I want to start selling my work at conventions eventually, and finally finish the pilot to a comic I'm working on.
I've been collecting Pokémon cards since high school, still like stuffed animals even as an adult, I also like to buy knick-knacks in regard of statues of such like dragons or anything along those lines or anything that I think would look good displayed wise!
What’s your favorite Pokémon, and why?
I'm a dungeon master for my own dnd group, and I draw, which you know, I want to start selling my work at conventions eventually, and finally finish the pilot to a comic I'm working on.
That’s really cool! What’s the pilot/ comic about?
Well for me it would be going out with exploring whatever place I am at during downtime or hanging out and doing stuff with friends. My best friend has been making me play a lot of games recently.
What games have you guys played?
can't wait to learn D&D today, because i just find the idea of a tiny little fox with a big ass dragon hilarious.
What’s your favorite Pokémon, and why?
oh boy, there so many pokemon now that whatever pokemon i like goes in my big pile of favorites, so i might as well go by generational order as it's time for a big old rant.




the starter I always picked for Gen 1 was the Venusaur line, I was around for the time everyone was throwing shit at Bulbasaur, and me having a tendency to lean on underdog characters, so I felt bad for the poor thing and I decide if no one else was going to love it I will love it then.



I never liked the middle Evolution but I really like the baby stage and I super like the final stage, it first from is probably the most generic design for Fantasy bird but I think is a really good design for the reason it serves and I like to spiky little hair tufts, I really like his final evolution because I find a long hair feathers to be really cool looking and it actually has one of the very few Mega Evolutions I like.




I'm a normie when it comes to my favorite animal as I am obsessed with foxes as I'm not sure why but I know a fact of it is because I really liked there laughing noise, and I also like myself some Japanese stuff so it's not surprising that I really like this one, especially the regional form I think they really nailed the design of a ice Kitsune.


compared the most I actually didn't like Meowth in the anime as I found him annoying than anything else but is someone who loves cats and own a cat I can appreciate it for being a cat design so I would say I like meowth on that part but there's also parts that I'm not a fan of, I can't explain why as there's just something about the design that has that one thing that rubbed me the wrong way, I know the two leg Factor plays in the play as honestly you see it so much on two legs it gets tiring to constantly see it ases only pose when they can go on all fours whenever they want. Now my love shows when it comes to Persian, I don't care that is literally just the cat with a forehead gem, I love the vibe that this Pokémon gives off from its design alone and attitude and honestly looks badass to me minus alolan one.



I will be honest my love stems from damn having skull mask as I always enjoy designs where the character where they skull mask of some kind, not human ones but I think it's a neat design trait to add because I just think it looks cool. I also like its alolan form for that reason plus the fire dancer motif being kind of neat but especially the vengeful flame of bone and to be honest look badass.

One of the very very few people out there that loves dewgong, is it basic? yeah but I honestly think it works so well in the Pokémon's favor because I find it designed to be beautiful and super pretty for being what it is, Seel I cannot say the same as I actually like the rest of design but I agree the sticking tongue needs to go as if it could retract it then I wouldn't have much problems but it does stick in there just kind of look not good.


the iconic bull Pokémon, incredibly basic one as for sure for a fantasy bull but I think for it being a generic fantasy Bull then design actually exceeds quite well while doing the perfect in between of not too basic but having enough little flare as I honestly really like it for a simple bull design, sadly I did not pick the version because it wasn't the corresponding legendary i like Blaze breed Tauro and got stuck with the water buffalo as I really don't like the water buffalo just because I really just don't see a water buffalo fitting Tauros, but Blaze breed oh my God is able to pull off the design so well with Tauros, also the glowing forehead parts and the horns are just a nice touch.

honestly I just think it's a really nice and unique design that pulls off really good together and has its own distinct tone from the rest it took me too long the Plesiosaur part which just made me love it so much more, i mean i just think it's a pretty flipper dinosaur water turtle and that all.

My favorite gen one Eeveelution if we're only talking about the Gen one, sadily this Pokemon has been cursed by the fandom but doesn't mean I love it any more because honestly I adore designs that have that fin tail even if it doesn't make any sense for the creature to have it I'm like here where it makes sense, for a water cat design I mean I don't think you would be able to pull it off any better than this, the ear fins and also the head spike fin they are also really cool and fitting as the thing I don't like about this design is the Neck Frills actually, something about it looks off to me and I don't like how it's not a separate part connected to neck being its own separate fin frill, instead actually being connected to a mix between the neck but also above the head around the cheeks area, you can tell it's actually connected to the skin by the blue back and it really doesn't look right to me.

being one of those dinosaur obsessed kids and still having a soft spot for my dinos and there's actually a reason why I'm a scalie to show off my love a dinosaur because we have enough foxes, a pterodactyl mixed with a dragon is no surprise why I freaking love Aerodactyl and has a spot in my large group of favorites.

my favorite legendary bird out of the legendary bird Trio gen 1 wise, ice is my favorite Elemental type as I will say right here and now I don't like its wings at all because they're wonky as old heck looking and apparently are meant to be solid ice and translucent? yeah I'm not a fan of that but I can look past that as I absolutely adore the rest as the diamond head crown looks pretty gosh dang cool and fits really well for its nice typing, my absolute favorite part is the flowy looking ribbon tail which I'm aware is not a ribbon but the way they flow in the air is hypnotizing and magnificent, very unutilized designed trait that I wish was used more.






onward Gen 2 where my favorite starter line out of all of them is, Totodile was just way too happy and too pure and innocent for this world, the energy that this Pokemon gives off is so much fun as how could you say no to that cute little happy face, and then when the anime came around and it made those cute little noises while having its own happy dance, oh my God it was so darn cute showing how innocent and a little angel precious this Pokemon really is, and its final evolution doesn't disappoint as for a crocodile or alligator design because darn does it look cool and Nails it pretty damn well, is a perfect example of a good not to basic but not to overcrowded design.

Now onto why Cyndaquil also shares a spot in my favorites, as when I played Pokémon Crystal on the 3DS I didn't want to pick the same starter I pick for my first playthrough so I went with Cyndaquil, now does it make me like Cyndaquil more, as I will admit the fire quill spikes are pretty darn cool but I really don't like how it has it eyes closed 24/7 because even for me that's unrealistic, yes it can use touch, scent by sniffing, and hearing my hearing, but the accuracy that Cyndaquil is showed to have really does not line up because there's no way it should land with flame wheel because I can't even see what it's meant to be hitting. but I am greatly adored the two other revolutions because well yes I did get connected to it as my starter, at first I was unsure but now I like to bugger with his fire flaming neck, would I pick over my Totodile boy? no but it has it special place.

I despise the base form with a burning passion but when it evolves into its final form, yes it can be simple as adding some glowing orbs and I will find it cool and love that fact, it might be a ripoff of a angler fish antenna but doesn't mean it look cool!



A Pokémon that strangely has been a coincidence to be on many of my playthrough teams, just honestly no reason why I love it as much as I do as some Pokémon are simply like that, I'm surprisedly I like the little glowing orbs on this one too like with the fish as at first I like this middle Evolution but for some reason I have developed now really like it, the baby stage is honestly just a cute simple good sheep design with adding a little light up tail and horns to make a not simply a sheep, the middle evolution is my least favorite as I know it's meant to be a shear sheep but the wool design this kind of looks a little wonky, the final evolution is of course to favorite but I still question how this thing has flipper hands for some reason.


my answer for always when someone asks what's your favorite pokemon is girafarig, and again just one of those Pokemons I can't explain why I love this little stinking giraffe so much that it takes the spot of my favorite when people ask but I just legitimately love to thing to Kingdom Come as well as its evolution


A Pokémon that honestly has been forgotten by a game freak and one their experimental and shot in the dark designs when they actually did experiment around with design aspects and traits to build something up together from their experimentation, I honestly love the design of this freaky little lad.


taking inspiration of the little weasel that has little sickles for legs i honestly like myself some prominent cool looking sharp claw especially feather in designs when they're used as an accessory in some way like sneasels ear having a feather for a ear, and also again I like myself some gems as I actually like both female and male for its final evolution but I only like it's male when it's in first stage, the shorter feather as I think they could have made it a little bit shorter than just making it really shorter looks goofy to me.

Also, Weavile was my main for basically Pokémon Tekken simulator because out of all of them that's the one I played most well with.

Pokken Tournament DX/Weavile - SuperCombo Wiki


still confused how you can use legendaries in that game like suicune with no rhyme and reason.
or maybe because suicune literally has no thoughts behind those eyes.




I was waiting until Gen 2 to talk about this line but I enjoy seahorses in real life (my favorite is the leafy seadragon) so i was bound to like the seahorse pokemon line, second favorite has to be the first one as it's honestly just really cute to me third favorite has to be the middle Evolution as the spiky fins look dope and I absolutely love how they look design wise and in general, the reason why it's bumped down to third places the frilly things on the belly, they always look weird to me for some reason I think it's design would excel more if it didn't have them my absolute favorite is Kingdra because god damn it fits so well and so majesty for a fantasy monster design as it's a perfect example you can take a basic thing tweak it up a bit and then you have a really cool monster fantasy design for something as simple for a seahorse, also it's typing fits so well for it because it has a perfect mix of water but draconic traits.


a Pokemon I actually really liked for a long time because it was one of my few younger favorite mons, unsurprisedly as we can see this Pokémon gets my perfect so cute fix I sometimes there's some Pokémon that I simply like because they're just a cute little bugger, I was introduced by this line by the anime actually thanks to Ash having one and oh my God it was so cute when it was on screen, and then when it did its ball rolling thing my young mind went to "oh my God that's so fucking cool!" and I'm not going to lie I still find it really cool, its final evolution also translated over as I had a good hunch it would but for different reasons as it still had that rolling thing but I saw the track tire weirdly look cool and fitting for a literal track tire rolling elephant.

PS-there is this place that sells Pokémon stickers that I plan to get more to stick on my laptop or just to keep them to look at them in general, and the first two that I happen to pick out with one actually being donphan.

if there going to make a steel bird design I do think they executed it quite well while looking slick and cool and honestly a really interesting design, especially how the wing is and attached to be one big wing and actually every separate blade Moves In The Air in a synced rhythm going to the first upward to the first downward one, even if it confused me to hell and back how this thing can fly but I cannot lie that it's cool and hypnotizing to watch until they ruin it when they made the 3D model have the wings stick in one place, also this pokemon has a fun and cool cry in the games.


Now i'm my opinion on overpopulation pokemon that have been ruined by fans in a way that we here time and time again even though people think somehow we haven't heard about it, but there are exceptions as of course i'm not one of the people that go out and scream this pokemon is the next messiah every two point five seconds but if there is some origin or reason that i can find myself liking it and that not being the only reason why i like it.

i think it's pretty obvious but i love myself some magical, fantasy, folklore, mythology creatures, kelpie, minotaurs, gargoyles cedra, so if you make yourself a hellhound design with fantasy monster creature elements in it then you already sold me, give it a devil tail and prominent ram horns and backbone smooth spikes made out of some material that i always question if it hurt or not, one of them coming together to make a color as stony thing i don't like is the skull being a little bit tacky and i don't see a need for it there and it could be perfectly removed and it would be fine, the base form design with its head skull does it much more justice than when it evolves, and then you have yourself a pretty good hellhound design no matter how generic, it's mega evolution has to be my second favorite under my third favorite mega pidgeot.
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nevermind the thing starts at 9 so I will go back to my rant of Pokemon I like Aka my favorites when i can-
I'm someone who is a griper for anatomy And if it makes sense but that butterfly ear Design is so cool and good!
It's a sci-fi adventure starring adorable space dogs.
The plot is the hero and two companions traveling through the galaxy solving mysteries and bringing piece to the dog planets.

It's called Stardog.

Oh my goodness, that’s so cool and adorable! I love indie animation, if the pilot goes through I will support this show the first chance I get! Is it a dramatic action/adventure, or a more light-hearted story? ^^
oh boy, there so many pokemon now that whatever pokemon i like goes in my big pile of favorites, so i might as well go by generational order as it's time for a big old rant.




the starter I always picked for Gen 1 was the Venusaur line, I was around for the time everyone was throwing shit at Bulbasaur, and me having a tendency to lean on underdog characters, so I felt bad for the poor thing and I decide if no one else was going to love it I will love it then.



I never liked the middle Evolution but I really like the baby stage and I super like the final stage, it first from is probably the most generic design for Fantasy bird but I think is a really good design for the reason it serves and I like to spiky little hair tufts, I really like his final evolution because I find a long hair feathers to be really cool looking and it actually has one of the very few Mega Evolutions I like.




I'm a normie when it comes to my favorite animal as I am obsessed with foxes as I'm not sure why but I know a fact of it is because I really liked there laughing noise, and I also like myself some Japanese saying so it's not surprising that I really like this one, especially the regional form I think they really nailed the design of a ice Kitsune.

Great choices! I think Kitsunes are really awesome, I’ll probably have to include one in the future in the rp if I get the chance. If you could create a new Pokémon, what would you create?
and totally not going to make my own space dog character now design because I want a space dog oc now God dammit T-T
Great choices! I think Kitsunes are really awesome, I’ll probably have to include one in the future in the rp if I get the chance. If you could create a new Pokémon, what would you create?
i really have been wanting a electric gazelle design and trust me there's more i have to go because I'm going by generation order because there's so many now that one anyone that I like I consider favorite
as well as a ice poison type because we haven't got 1 yet but that is such a cool concept of element design, i can see it like being a narwhal that can go on land and water or a porcupine where the poisons are in the spine and you can see it but there's a layer of ice over it.

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