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Fantasy Aether




The year is 1756, and floating islands dot the horizon. There is no solid ground, it's all floating chunks of earth, and below it lies an endless abyss. Aether, an important mineral for everyone. It keeps the islands floating and the airships sailing. Enter the Teoterra Empire, a vast empire that has ruled over most of the larger islands for thousands of years. It is currently ruler by emporer Ivan the third.

When the price of Aether skyrockets due to the Emporer hoarding it, this sparks the people to stand up. Sadly whoever says anything has to face the royal navy and the Behemoth, the world's largest and most powerful ship. A few more years pass and prices for other essentials rise, food, tools, wood, ect. People now take up arms to get rid of the monarchy. They call themselves the Teoterra Republic.​

Dorter, a small trading city located in the souther isles. Ships go in and out stock full of different merchandise, from wheat, wood, precious metals, and everything in between. On one particular ship stands a young man named Ashton, he leans onto the railing to watch his hometown inch closer twords him. A musket is slung over one of his shoulders, and a bag over the other. He's wearing his military uniform, but it's unbuttoned revealing a white shirt underneath.

Once the ship lands safety onto the dock Ashton waves goodbye to the captain, and exits the ship. Ashton weaves his way through the crowded dock, and then traverses the city until he reaches a part of town that is dedicated to farming. Large friends of wheat spread across the land with wooded houses and barbs scattered about. Ashton picks up his pace and heads straight for one of the houses. It's good to be home.
“It seems we have lost them” said Quentin as he meticulously searched the horizon for signs of their pursuers. He put the spyglass down and took a deep breath, feeling at peace for the first time in days. The royal navy was clearly unwilling to let them walk away with their ship and their attempts at recapture had been relentless. However, the crew of the Hagalaz had some time to rest, for now.

A quick glance at the men was enough to tell the journey hadn't been a pleasant experience for anyone. The crew was exhausted and famished, the morale was low and still plummeting. They agreed to dock in the closest friendly settlement, where they would be able to rest and resupply. The vessel set course to Dorter, expecting to arrive in just a few hours.

Quentin retired to his quarters and dropped heavily on his bed. The pursuit had taken a toll on his mind and body as well. Exhausted, he fell asleep quickly, hoping nothing would interrupt his well deserved nap.
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Docking into the port of Dorter was not part of Red's plan but been low on supplies and in need of a new crew member left her with little choice. The Withered Rose would make port here and she would take what she needed. Looking over the rails as it docked, Red made sure her katana was secure before jumping off the ship once it was properly docked in. Looking round the town, she headed toward the market area. Her eyes scanned the area and she took note of the young solider who just came off a neighboring ship before she walked off toward the market. Time to make a living.
Nearby, a hammer could be heard pounding an iron bolt into wood. Ebony was nearly done. Just two bolts... one.... and done. Ebony took a rag from her pocket and wiped off the sweat and dirt from her face. She gazed up at her work, hands on hips and feeling proud.

In front or her was a storage house, built for the farming community to store more grain and other products. Now all she had to do was to find the one who asked her to build the storage house in the first place. Straightening her cap, she began wandering the community, careful not to tread on any crops or risk getting yelled at and losing some of her pay.
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Cynthia looked at mess before her with confusion. She had made a little experiment just for fun, and it hadexploded in herface. Not that explosions weren't fun, but it wasn't supposed to explode. It was supposed to rise and become foamy. The little girl sighed as she started to clean up. While putting everything back to place, she noticed something, or more accurately, someone through the window. Is that ...?

Cynthia stopped cleaning and walked out. She waved at the young man walking towards the house.
As soon as the fugitive bomb vessel arrived at Dorter, the crew members organized themselves to acquire provisions. Quentin, however, was not among them; he was ordered to check out the latest news and estimate the town's general opinion about the revolution. If the support for the crown was strong, they wouldn't be able to stay in Dorter for long.

Quentin entered the market area and immersed himself in the crowd. After a while, he started to feel he was being watched. Worried, he decided to distance himself from the masses, and wandered into a quiet alley.

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