• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom Advent Online

Wind watched as Yui expertly dispatched the wolves, smiling as he did feel safe around Yui, knowing he could handle himself a bit, but Yui had sort of that big sister feeling to her. No, I can just let you level up, you are close right? he smiled as he leaned back a bit, sliding his hips to the side like a black Madonna.

She was a very gifted warrior, but perhaps the people who dispatched the boss were equally, possibly better, or worse than Yui, but he didn't know anyone else, and him, and Yui were close, and he wouldn't change that for anything.

Although leaving sounded tempting, being somewhere sunny, and bright sounded way better. Wind snapped out of his little day dream, I mean, after you kill those wolves, what are we going to do exactly?, he flexed out his right hand, the underside of his arm showing like a majestic turnip after dusk, the electricity on his body still fresh, surrounding his figure with a staticky blue hue, the electricity making his eyes shimmer, it also caused small deep blue blankets under his eyes, small static racing across his skin.

  • User: Dancing Wind

    Level: 14



    Lightning Style cool down:

    Lightning Style: Active

    Grass Style cool down: Ready

    Supportive Star: inactive

(So sorry for not posting! >.< Had no power for about a week.)


  • User - Atria

  • Level - 1

    Health - 93%

    EXP - 95%

    Lightning State
    Inactive [Cooldown:0]

    Double Image State
    Inactive [Cooldown:0]

Stabbing another monster in the chest, Atria ignored it as it burst into pieces before whirling around to face Colt. "Seriously?" she asked, trying not to laugh as he just laid there. She found it funny and slightly stupid. "I hope you get stabbed in the gut." she joked, before going back to her own fights.

While she could see a group of people planning on taking care of the main group, all Atria wanted to do at the moment was level up. Figuring that could be done easier if she was fighting the horde, she stayed. That and she thought it was pretty safe to assume that Colt wasn't going to leave her for dead.

As she continued to fight, the brunette cursed as she realized that she had almost gotten herself surrounded by a small group of monsters. Eyes flicking back and forth, Atria glanced at her stats which seemed fine before realizing she had an ability that could be useful.

Double Image State: Active

Grinning, Atria saw a carbon copy of herself appear. This would be good, she thought before charging at the nearest creature. With a thought, the copy also charged, going after the other half of the monsters.


  • Level: 4

    Experience: 50/60

    Health: 122/155

Ari relaxed, the boss now defeated. She walked over to Midori. "That was fun." She said. She looked up at him, her ears twitching. She looked around and asked him, "Is it weird that I have long ears?" She asked. Some of the others had been staring at her in an unfriendly manner. She didn't like it very much. She wanted to hide behind him.[/tab]
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Midori's sight flicked to Ari as he pulled her out of the line of tension. "I had been wondering about those ears, but you need to stay wary if you expect to keep them," he responded, looking back to Primo.

"What's the matter Primo?"

  • Hero's Staff

    Floor 8 Pass

    Armor Set


(The Crescent Moon Portal, Interior)

Gwen put her dagger back in its sheath, and offered the boy her hand, smiling. He accepted her offer with a shaky grip. At first, Gwen thought that the boy’s shakiness was due to recovering from an adrenaline rush, but then he started to speak.

“C-call me Midori…” the boy stated, his voice quivering with nervousness.

Gwen then realized that it wasn’t adrenaline that was making him shake, but timidity!

The boy quickly looked away from Gwen, and turned his attention back to Primo, who was now getting flooded by players seeking to ask questions of him. Not wanting to fluster either of the boys any further, Gwen decided that she would remain quiet for the time being, and instead, open the message that she had received earlier.

Gwen opened her menu, and scrolled down to find her recent messages, and just as she was about to open her inbox, another notification appeared:

  • The Summoner has successfully been defeated. All players active in this battle receive a pass to Floor 8.

Floor 8, huh? Gwen thought to herself, amused.

At level 40, she should be able to get to at least floor 30 or so before encountering any real trouble, so a pass to floor 8 really didn’t do that much for her. Still, perhaps she could sell the item to someone with a lower level for some gold. Mostly disinterested, Gwen accepted the pass and closed the window before returning her attention to her inbox.

Gwen opened her inbox to see her one-and currently only- unread message. She poked her finger at the ‘read’ button, and opened it; but the message was somewhat perplexing:

  • ‘Congratulations on defeating the Summoner; I knew someone like you would be able to do it. I must ask though, why did you make Rose a rogue this time around?’

“What…?” Gwen mumbled quietly to herself, confused.

The message made absolutely no sense, and there were quite a few things wrong with it. Firstly, she received the message before she had actually entered the portal to fight the summoner, which means that the person would have needed to assume that both:

1. She would, in fact, go to fight the summoner- and win.

2. That she would not read the message until after the battle.

The other thing that was wrong was the question; what did they mean by ‘this time around’? Gwen hadn’t played Rose in GGO, or any other game for that matter; the only other game she had played on Rose in was SAO, and the only people who would have known that she wasn’t a rogue back then were people who had actually been there. So either that too, was an assumption, or the person who sent the message had also been in SAO…

Gwen looked around the room she was in; in particular, she looked at the other players.

None of them looked familiar, save Primo of course; but he wouldn’t send creepy messages like this. At least, Gwen didn’t think he would, anyway. Then again… who else was there? The only person online on Gwen’s friends list was Primo, so he would have been the only one to have been notified that she had even gotten this game, let alone exactly where she was in it. Gwen also hadn’t told anyone in real-life about her buying Advent, not even her roommates. There was literally no one else who could have sent the message, except Primo.

Maybe she was just thinking about it too hard… maybe it was just a prank, or maybe it was meant for someone else. No… the message specifically said ‘Rose’, so it was obviously meant for her. The only explanation was that Primo had sent the message, knowing that they would be victorious. But then… why the anonymity?

Gwen frowned before closing the message.

Maybe I should ask Primo about it? she wondered.

No, that was a bad idea. If Primo was doing it to mess with her, then biting the bait would only make it worse. She would just need to ignore it and pretend she didn’t notice

  • Character: Rose

    Level: 40

    Exp: 77/100

    HP: 85/100

    Energy: 70/100

    Speed Style: Inactive

    Shadow Style: Inactive

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Level 62

Exp: 8(%)

HP: 100(%)

Stamina: 100(%)

Cooldowns: None.

When he had finished swinging his sword around in that Primo-esque, show-offey fashion, he kept his hand on the hilt at his side. When Haru drew her blades, it made Primo curious as to what; turning around in response, he realized there were no monsters behind him. Did she draw her swords toward him? Only when Midori stepped between both Primo and Haru with a strong posture, asking what was going on, did the young man finally come to the real conclusion as to what was going on.

Taking a step back, he bowed to the both of them to show respect.
"I'm sorry. When I threw my sword at the hooded boss, it landed a couple of feet away. Then I found it, and merely meant to pick it up. That's all." He lifted his torso back to it's upright position, taking his hand off the hilt of his Way to Dawn. "I don't turn my sword on players without rational reason." NPC enemies, on the other hand, all would meet their end, irregardless - so long as they were in his way.

Waiting for Midori to move from between them, Primo would finish answering the female's question before the misunderstanding took place. "
Yes, i'm the man who removed those rapscallions from the bar." When he said rapscallions, he used an obnoxious accent - bending the syllables and rolling the 'r' sound. Sometimes, Primo liked using obnoxious accents. It was his way of showing the amount of care he had to keep professional. He knew when it was appropriate to joke around with others and when not to - but at this particular moment, it seemed the chemistry between the three could use to be taken a bit less seriously. Then, Haru would receive a notification aside from the one letting her know that the first part of the dungeon had been completed.


Party invitation from Primo.

[ Accept ] - [ Deny ]


If Haru accepted his friendly request, it would make for a party of four all together. And that was just off the bat - Primo had the idea that if he could get a troop together, that his party would surely beat the rest and win. On the surface, it was something that could have been seen as a mad thought. How was someone who was only level 62 supposed to surpass a sea of players who were so much higher, or even maxed? They couldn't possibly do it alone, and the problem lied with just that fact. However, the trump card available was unbeknownst to anybody; including himself, yet. Where were those all-knowing game players? The ones with game intellect that regarded everything in the game when you needed 'em!?

"I'll meet you guys on floor eight. Don't take too much time messing around, all right?"

A simple statement within itself. He let off a small smile, raising his gloved fist slightly toward the three and showing them the back. This was a familiar gesture that he used, to signify strength. The undying will to fight, teamwork and pride. Primo was cheesy that way sometimes, but he took playing the game seriously. Most of the time, he felt as though it was much more enjoyable than real life was... So that was probably the reason as to why, rite? :D Turning from his party, he began walking away, toward the shadows that enveloped the next area to be traversed. As he moved forward, he dropped some of the more useless items he had in his inventory.


** Are you sure you would like to drop these items? **

4x Iron Ore

Valiant Axe (unuseable)

[ Accept ] - [ Cancel ]


Primo pressed accept before opening up his inventory and using an elixir on himself. This replenished both his stamina as well as his health points, effective immediately. Feeling much more energized, Primo sprinted into the darkness. When he passed it, he basically jumped up the entire flight of stairs belonging to a decently long staircase. It eventually led to large, white double doors, blocking the view of floor 8 which rested just beyond the oddly-colored metal. Presenting the floor eight pass from his inventory, the doors slowly creaked open. Five seconds later, and Primo was staring at the first area of the eighth floor.


A bit of the view was hampered by some green leaves that were haphazardly placed, so Primo walked through the door. It disappeared behind him, leaving him no way to go but forward. His feet led him from the shade under that thick three, down the staircase and onto a main walkway that belonged to the city. Weird... They made a dungeon level a city? There had to be more. Not advancing until more players arrived, Primo took a seat against the trunk of a small tree and opened up his inventory. When he hit the -use- option, he would bring the beautifully crafted object to his lips. As Primo began playing the instrument gracefully, he waited for the others to arrive after him.

  • 150,232 gold

    Black Ocarina.

    Modern Assassin (full outfit)

    Way to Dawn (soldiers' weapon)

    7x Full Elixir

    Dungeon Crawler's Cap
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  • df_zpsac622fc5.png

    • Magical Revolver (x1)
    • Useless Sword (x1)
    • Quest Items (x5)
    • Health Potion (x5)
    • Mana Potion (x7)
    • Pet Egg (x1)

Yui pouted a bit at Wind's respond, wanting to fight together but she couldn't force him into doing something as she sighed in defeat,"Fine, since I am close, I'll get back to you once I get 4 more wolves down." Yui said and threw her blade once more at another wolf to get it over with until Wind asked her a question, turning her attention at him while still holding on to the chain. The question almost caught her off guard but now that she think about it... what was she gonna do after this?

Pondering on the question, Yui shrugged and pulled on the chains making the blade slip out on the wolf's stomach with pixels flying out and the wolf soon following after,"Well... we could go have a nice cup of tea and enjoy our day eating some nice sweets with potatoes." Yui said,"And while we do that, we could make some fanfics all the while. Up for some Ereri?" Yui asked while having a mischievous grin smudged on her face as she went off after three more wolves, pixels flying everywhere until she started to glow and a little "Level Up" menu popped up in front of her.

  • Congratulation! You have leveled up to Level 24! Here is a gift for leveling up!

    Gold x100

    Mage Robe (beginner) x1

    Long Sword x1

Staring at the menu, Yui smiled in joy of her success to finally level up and accepted her little gift for leveling up. The gift wasn't much but some gold and some other junk that Yui didn't need,"What bothersome stuff, I rather have a lollipop then just these." Yui mumbled tossing the junk in onto the floor and walking back to Wind who was still blazing with his lightening style, Yui giggling at how amazingly badass he looked,"I could use you for roasting a potato now but enough jokes, we can finally leave!" Yui exclaimed delighted that she was finally done though it wasn't even that hard for her to level up,"I'm ready to have that tea now but where should we have it? How about we go to somewhere relaxing away from this floor, it's too noisy here." Yui said trying to think of a nice place for them to relax without disturbance.

-Sorry if this was fast! I was in a rush DX-



  • Character: SnowFox

    Level: 29

    Guild: Sparrows

    Exp: 34/100 (%)

    HP: 100/100 (%)

    Stamina: 100/100 (%)

While on the floor, another notification popped up into Aila's viewing area. Super! The dungeon was officially over. Though she didn't participate in the dungeon, she was still awarded a pass to Floor 8. Sweet. But why Floor 8? What's so special about Floor 8? It's just a bunch of forest. Aila continued to eye the pass a little bit longer as it sat in her inventory. She had two options, she could either head over to floor 24, to go after the Laughing Seal, or, she could go with the rest of the group out through the door to Floor 8. Well..At this level, Floor 24 will be a little hard..It wouldn't hurt to mooch a few levels off of these guys..Smiling at her own supposedly "ingenious" idea, she jumped up off the floor and headed up the pathway to the door out.

Man. This place is full of some characters. A boy holding a potato. A girl with two different color eyes? A white-haired boy, the ice-user, the shadow rogue, the one who no one listened to, a girl running around with...two copies of herself? Ahh...my head hurts. Just let me shoot something please. But wait, where was the other Gun-blader? (@Liir Ko )

Closing her eyes and letting out a breath, she opened them again, holding out the pass to Floor 8 into the air. "Open Sesame," she giggled. As if on cue, the doors opened up, leading to a city of buildings covered in leaves, vine, and moss. Looking to her left, she saw the player everybody was talking to afterwards: Primo. Playing an instrument. Hmm. After jumping off the body of a girl to kill the boss, which was so cool, he had the gall to have a seat and start playing some music? Very weird. It truly boggled the mind. Hmm. I should do a little tracing just in case. Pulling out her gun-blade in blade form, she purposely "dropped" it a few inches behind Primo's back, creating a loud *clang*.

"Ahaha. Sorry, sorry," laughed Aila, picking up the blade. As she was rising up, she placed a hand on Primo's shoulder, activating the Tracking sub-skill "Tracer," then quickly backing away and apologizing once again. Now, wherever he went, she'd be able to track him down, just by footprints alone. Suddenly, an idea sparked into her head. Come to think of it..I might as well trace all of them! Her body shook with excitement as she turned around, figure facing the entrance portal, waiting to see who she could tag next. This should be fun.

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Tempest stayed hidden throughout the remainder of the confrontation of the boss. He had finally been able to activate Shadow Style, cloaking him from the view of the monster and other players. Cooley, he ran his fingers through his blonde hair as his amber gaze watched the spectacle unfold.

Staying a distance away from the fight, he replenished his stats. Hidden in the shadows he sat down, and waited a couple of minutes until the dungeon was completed.

Congratulations, it said as words appeared before him. With a smirk he checked his inventory at the rewards he had gotten.

Floor 8? Tempest shrugged his shoulders before rising from the floor. Might as well. Using the pass he received he opened a portal, sneaking through still invisible due to the shadow ability.

  • Character: Tempest

    Level: 40

    Exp: 67/100 (%)

    HP: 100/100 (%)

    Energy: 100/100 (%)

    Acrobat State: Active Cooldown Remaining: In Use

    Shadow State: Active Cooldown Remaining: In Use



(The Crescent Moon Portal – Interior)

“I’ll meet you guys on floor 8. Don’t take too much time messing around, all right?”

Primo’s statement managed to pull Gwen out of her confused stupor, and back into reality. The boy then ran off towards a newly revealed hallway, which Gwen assumed was probably the way to the 8th floor; several people trailing behind him.

Gwen decided to let the strange message go for the time being, and figure it out later. She was playing a game after all, what point was there in worrying herself? She should just ignore it and have fun. With that, she began to make her way towards the stairwell that Primo had ran off to a few moments ago. On her way, she decided to examine the new item that she had received from the boss.

It appeared to be a dagger; it was a bit longer than the one she had been given from the start, the blade was about as long as her forearm. The blade was a dark red, with an eerie, scarlet colored aura surrounding it. The handle and sheath were both dark black, and when sheathed, the aura seemed to dissipate. Although it was just her opinion, she thought that the thing looked pretty freaking cool. She still didn’t know what it was called though, or what it’s abilities were for that matter. That aura had to give some kind of bonus. She was eager to get it appraised.

Gwen arrived at the hallway to the stairwell, and began the long ascent upward. There were a few others climbing the stairs as well, some of whom were chatting with one another as they climbed. They climbed up and up, and pretty soon, it was difficult to see the entrance to the boss room down below.

Just how high did the stairs go? It should only be 8 floors, right? It couldn’t have been that much further. The stairwell was rather poorly lit, and so it was difficult for Gwen to judge just how many floors she had already climbed, but she figured it had to have been at least 6 or 7.

Just as Gwen was beginning to get tired of walking, and had begun to consider activating her speed style to quicken the trip, she heard a voice up ahead.

“Aha! Here it is!”

Apparently someone, a younger girl from the sound of it, had just arrived at the door to the 8th floor. A small knot of excitement began to form in Gwen as she charged ahead, hastily finishing her climb up the stairs. She arrived just in time to see the doors closing behind another player. She tried to squint to get a look at what lied beyond the doors, but they closed too quickly for her to see anything. All she was able to see was a bright light.

Gwen stepped forward, and stood before the doorway, and selected her floor pass from her inventory.

“So… how does this work exactly…?” Gwen wondered to herself aloud, her pass now in hand.

Curious, she held the pass out to the door, not sure of what to expect. Apparently she had hit the nail on the head however, as the pass began to glow brightly, the door seeming to glow in response. After a moment of glowing, Gwen heard a loud click, and the doors began to open.

As they opened, Gwen eagerly stepped through them, and she was awestruck by what she saw.

----The 8th Floor, Secret Entrance----

After her eyes had taken a moment to adjust to the bright sunlight, the sight of an enormous and beautiful city was unveiled to her. Gwen stood at the top of a stairwell leading to what appeared to be a huge city walkway, where dozens of other newly arrived players were beginning to scatter about- no doubt going to explore the new floors hidden treasures. Gwen couldn’t see very well from where she stood, being as her left side view was blocked by tree leaves, and her right a building, but from what she could make out ahead, the city seemed to stretch out for miles. From where she stood, it almost looked like the city might just take up the entire floor. The city scenery was a brilliant mix of trees and bridges, which apparently crossed over various pools of water. It kind of reminded Gwen of what she imagined Venice to look like, only the buildings had a more fantastical feel to them.

“Whoa…” Gwen sputtered, amazed.

Gwen began to make her descent down the stairwell, taking her time as she went to take in the beauty of the enormous city before her. Once she reached the bottom, she noticed Primo leaning against a tree trunk, playing a simple tune on an Ocarina. There was also a younger looking girl wearing an interesting white and red outfit standing not too far from him, examining her weapon. She seemed to be a bit clumsy however, as she awkwardly dropped the blade a few feet behind Primo. She then went to go pick up the weapon, and nearly stumbled as she got back up; using Primo as a safety rail to catch her balance before apologizing once more and running off nearby.

Laughing a bit to herself as the girl ran off, Gwen approached the boy.

“Hey there, I don’t suppose you know a place I could get this thing appraised do you, Primo?” Gwen asked, taking a seat on ground next to the boy.

“Unless you happen to run appraisal; that would work too I guess.” She added.

  • Character: Rose

    Level: 40

    Exp: 77/100

    HP: 85/100

    Energy: 65/100

    Shadow Style: Inactive

    Speed Style: Inactive


Midori stepped back when the conflict was resolved. People were too jumpy. This trait had arisen in the commotion of modern progress. Thus, so many players would never experience the full depth of the middle ages, when the need for rush was almost non-existent.

Players began to make plans for Floor 8. All of the floors had already been opened by early bird players, thus a new feature was added to Advent Online. Every floor, with exception to the first two, held a level requirement. Floor 8 required Level 10 experience. However, with the floor passes, it was possible to travel to these floors, disregarding the requirements. If a floor pass privileged player died on said floor, which happened quite a lot, they would respawn on the highest floor their level could reach and loose the floor pass.

Midori figured that he might as well use his pass too, while it was still useful to him. Anyways, if it was to be dangerous, it was smarter to travel with friends. Midori peeked back at Ari, opening his game menu and scrolling through tabs. Finally, he sent a message.

  • Party invitation from Midorikawa

    [Accept] [Decline]

Wrenching around to open his small rucksack, Midori initiated his inventory. He pointed at the Floor 8 Pass item, opening it's action menu.

  • [Activate]

    [Activate/Travel To]




Midori paused, waiting to see if Ari would accept his invitation.

  • Hero's Staff

    Floor 8 Pass (In Use)

    Armor Set
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  • Level: 4

    Experience: 50/60

    Health: 126/155

Ari stood looking around. She jumped a bit when she got a message.

  • Party invitation from Midorikawa

    [Accept] [Decline]
[tab=Party Invite]

Ari pushed her finger on the accept button before turning to Midori. She gave him the thumbs up and a grin before activating her level 8 pass.[/tab][/tab]

The small girl laughed at the way Primo said the word Rapscallion. "That's a lovely accent you got there." She winked at him, her blue eyes twinkling.


Party invitation from Primo.

[ Accept ] - [ Deny ]


"Of course." Her nimble fingers tapped the translucent white screen. A second later the window disappeared.

"I'll meet you guys on floor eight. Don't take too much time messing around, all right?" Primo said before turning his back on the rest of his party members.

"Meet you there!" Haru cried, tapping again at her translucent screen, she dropped a few unnecessary items that she wouldn't be need like a few food items that she would never get around to eating and a few more objects like that. Following the same footprints as the previous player, Primo had. She stared at her surroundings as her feet collided softly with the alabaster stairs making little swish swish sounds. The green leaves ruffled gently from the breeze that cascaded around them, causing a few to detach from the steams and flutter to the ground like a butterfly. Upon reaching a door, the small girl's avatar pushed hard on it, causing it to open up and reveal even more stairs. Slipping in, she looked up, startled as the door closed behind her and disappeared, leaving her no choice but to go forward. Walking down cautiously with nothing but the sound of her avatar's artificial breathing and footsteps, she reached a thick tree, signally the end of the first flight of stairs. Gambling along the stairs, Ara walked aimlessly for a few more minutes before she heard the sound of a beautiful tune from an instrument that she could not recognize. Stepping forward she saw Primo sitting on a seat of a trunk playing an instrument. Not wanting to intrude, she stared from a distance, eyes staring, mesmerized.

Level 62

Exp: 8(%)

HP: 100(%)

Stamina: 100(%)

Cooldowns: None

The ability to listen was quite a beautiful thing. At higher levels, the range at which one could hear even furthered and amplified. So, when that blade dropped onto the floor behind him, Primo was able to make out the fact that it wasn't a regular blade. He had no idea just wha type of weapon it was, but it certainly wasn't a regular sword. His eyes, which had been shut momentarily while he played his instrument and waited for others, shot open. Primo didn't stop playing, but he certainly was paying attention.

When the woman got up and placed her hand on his shoulder, he looked at her username and instantly recognized her as the same person who sent him a message during the last boss fight. Why had she been following him? He hadn't spoken a single word to her, at all. Ever. She attempted to apologize and seem genuine about disturbing him, but Primo wasn't buying it in the slightest. He even had to stop playing his intrument, putting it into his back pocket as a means to deposit it into his inventory once more.

As the user Snowfox hastily backed away while apologizing, Primo's consciousness rhythmatically streamed words which lasted only briefly. Despite this, the overall meaning of his mental note would remain. "I've got my eye on you." For some reason, she was starting to rub him the complete wrong way, and there wasn't even a particularly crystal-clear reason as to why.

He couldn't see the woman's level, but username was something that was always clear to other players. His eyes followed her frame until she stopped, before turning to look at some of the players who happened to find their way past the gate leading to the eighth floor. At first, Rose had asked him if he could appraise one of her items, or if he knew where to. Primo shook his head horizonally from side to side, rejecting both notions.
"We can go find one, though." That was when he noticed another name flicker onto the left corner of his screen. Within Primo's party, there was now five players. The first was obviously his name, followed by Rose. Midori was after that, and Haru was last. Now, a new player with the username Ari had joined.

"Hopefully she'll be an asset." Primo spoke under his breath, looking at the letters contained within the name. He hadn't said it to anyone in particular, more than himself. Turning his hues from the list of his party, he used a hand to shift the party members' list to the bottom right corner of his screen, before switching it to a horizontal layout. This allowed for a larger, in-depth version of what exactly was going on; most importantly, his team's HP from member to member.

Shifting his hues from the list up to a more centered area of his line of sight, Primo would notice that one of his party members was gawking at him, for lord-knows how long. Haru probably had been just listening to him play his instrument.
"You can come with us to find an appraiser, if you want. Hopefully, this isn't some sort of trap and just a town to rest in." A small comment, but what he mentioned could very well be true.

Bending his forearms at his elbows while lifting his hands slightly in front of his upper torso, he would stretch both of his shoulders back. Then, Primo's right hand made a fist. He slammed both his open palm and his fist together, before looking between the two while showing off those brilliant, bright white choppers in the form of a grin.
"Let's go find us a weapon shop. Not like we're gonna be bothered on the way." At least not with him leading on forward, of course.

  • 150,232 gold

    Black Ocarina.

    Modern Assassin (full outfit)

    Way to Dawn (soldiers' weapon)

    7x Full Elixir

    Dungeon Crawler's Cap
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Jake shrugged, I mean, whatever you want. He smiled at her, I wouldn't mind eating a potato or two, I mean we have fan fictions to write, right? he noticed the mood change from a more frantic tone, to a more relaxed, and calming feeling. He thought back to places Yui, and him had been to before to relax, usually away from another human players, or NPC's, although he occasional wild bore, or wolf would show up, but it was nothing they couldn't handle. The little potato began to wiggle in his pocket, and making little gurgle sounds.

Shh, no no see the pink little potato spoke out quietly, Jake furrowed his brows In suspicion, Don't see what? His voice filled of wonder, and curiosity like a young Mariah Carey, the potato just wiggled, and mumbled some inaudible tone. Well, I guess he's just shy or something, I mean, he probably has been listening to us this entire time, right? he made the sudden realinization, and of course had a little bit of regret. The electricity continued to tinge, causing an annoyed sigh to erupt from his esophagus, When does this stuff stop? he asked to particularly no one as he opened his menu, glancing at the active effects.

Apparently three minutes, unless I use it, but I'm not too excited about shooting bolts carelessly he wasn't like most people when they spammed their abilities around, he didn't like that, people flaunting around their abilities like that, it made little to no sense to him. So, we probably should head out now... he spoke as he glanced back at the exit portal opening up. I don't know about you, but for some reason I'm quite interested In clearing out more dungeons, and caves a he maybe do some typical laborious tasks like all randomly generated quests are.

  • User: Dancing Wind

    Level: 14



    Lightning Style cool down: 2:56

    Lightning Style: Active

    Grass Style cool down: Ready

    Supportive Star: inactive


  • Big Orange Hammer

    Colorful Ocarina

    Purple Bunny Hood


    x3 Health Potion

    x3 Antidote Potion

    Floor 8 Pass

The cheerful player was sitting on the floor, eating a pancake on a plate with a fork and knife along with his avian pet. He did this as a celebration for every player's victory on the pve, he wished he had maple syrup though. He had leveled up during the whole battle and even somehow received a unique ability. A mook fell at the hand of his big hammer when he received it. The ability probably was a reward for beating it, though he didn't understood why he got it for the defeat of some random enemy. He didn't worry much about it cause it healed him.

Another thing he received was an Floor 8 pass, it was the reward for surviving and winning the pve. He had never been there before, admittedly the highest floor was 5,not because he was weak but because he was so satisfied with the game that he has been making effort to explore everything in the first floors. This virtual world was so revolutionary.

He ate the last remaining piece of pancake before the plate and utensils dematerialized. Neon stood up and looked around. It seems people are already using the pass. He thought for a moment on whether to to explore the first floors first or have a sneak peak at the new floor. He finally chose the later as he opened the menu to use it.

"Ooooooooh!" he said as soon as the floor was in his sight. The floor had a beautiful city, it was so grand and tall. He was starting to regret not visiting the city sooner.


(8th Floor City)

“Let’s go find us a weapon shop. “ Primo started, putting his Ocarina away. “Not like we’re gonna be bothered on the way.”

Gwen nodded in agreement. She hoped that the other members of the party wouldn’t feel like they were being held up by her wanting to visit a shop. They probably wouldn’t, considering everyone in the party had taken part in the boss battle, which meant they would probably all have things to do before heading out on another adventure, but still, Gwen didn’t like the thought of being the one to hold people up.

Even if she was going to hold someone up though, she really wanted to get her new weapon appraised. She didn’t know what it was yet, but she had a strong feeling that it was going to be something good.

“Lead the way, Captain!” Gwen said to Primo jokingly, her face full of excitement.

  • Character = Gwen

    Exp: 77/100

    HP: 85/100

    Energy: 65/100

    Shadow Style: Inactive

    Speed Style: Inactive

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((Sorry for not posting Haru's stats and the short post, but I was in a hurry.))


She blushed sheepishly as Primo noticed her gawking at him playing the Ocarina. Another player in their party walked up to him and started a conversation with him. Mesmerized by the beauty of the eighth floor, she couldn't help but think about maybe purchasing a flat and living here in the game. The lush trees grew in clumps, the tops of there forest green leaves basked in the golden sunlight of the computerized sun. "Yeah.. Let's go to that Weapon Shop!" She cried, jumping up and down excitedly like a younger child, Haru's avatar's brown pigtails bobbing up and down, streamed behind her, persuaded by the soft warm winds, pregnant with the exotic scents of the summer flowers blooming here.

Midori nodded at Ahri, then activated his Floor 8 Pass. It wasn't until after that he wondered if she had obtained that herself. All he could do is hope to see her on the other side. At first he thought she was just trying to take advantage of him. Yet now she was starting to grow on him. She actually seemed nice. If that could even be said of a girl.

Prior to Ahri, the only positive experiences he had with girls was through his martial arts training. Needless to say, beating each other up is not a great way to learn social skills.

As he finally felt the solidity of Floor 8, Midori opened his eyes to see the majority of his party had followed. He searched for Ahri, but before long, a message popped in front of him. It wasn't a tutorial screen, it was an important event screen. It was labeled, The Coloseum. Midori hesitated to open it and looked around to see if anyone else in the party was receiving it. Was this normal?
Ari looked around as she arrived. She looked around level 8 until she found Midori. She waved and walked over. She was a particularly strange character, having a different appearance than normal and all. She looked at Midori and smiled. "Hey, once again." She said. She saw the way he fought and thought that it was very leader like.
Midori twitched when Ahri found him. "Oh, there you are! I was looking for you. I wasn't sure if you had gotten the reward. But hey, did you get this Colosseum message too? What's that about?"
Ari looked at her messages. Sure enough, there was a message labeled Coliseum. "I guess I did. I have no idea what it is about. This is new to me." She said, looking at him.


  • Character: SnowFox

    Level: 29

    Guild: Sparrows

    Exp: 34/100 (%)

    HP: 100/100 (%)

    Stamina: 100/100 (%)

Per-fect. Aila had just identified who her next two victims would be. The named Midorikawa and his feline companion Ari. I love my job. Starting at a trot, then turning into a light sprint, she hurdled towards them at break-neck pace. Upon reaching the pair, she jumped up and threw arms around both their necks yelling:

"MICHAEL, LARA! IT'S SO NICE TO SEE YOU! I THOUGHT YOU WERE GONE FOREVER!" Tracer activate. Instantly, the two players were registered into her system. Midorikawa and Ari. Piece-a-cake. She then turned to face the two people she had just assaulted, doing her best to feign ignorance.

"Uhh..wait. Who are you two?? You don't look like Lara...and you don't look like Michael...Oh my gosh..I must have the wrong people! UGH! I'm sorry! Bowing with head low to the ground, she walked backwards, giving an apologetic wave, then scurrying off into the distance.

Ke-ke-ke. Unbelievable. These people really have no clue! It was then fortunes smiled again as if seemingly from nowhere, a player clad in a ridiculous purple bunny suit, stepped out into the open. ColorfulNeon. Without breaking her gait and opening arms wide, a shrill voice pierced the area: "OH! I absolutely ADORE bunnies! Let me hug you please, please, please!" *Smash*. The walking bunny was now caught in a bone-crunching bear-hug. Tracer activate. *Ding*. Another name was added to the list. Now came the part of acting like it was nothing at all.

"Ahh. Sorry. I didn't mean to just rush over and grab you like that..it's just that I love bunnies so darn much. My mom bought a few for me at home and I play with them every single day! They play on my bed, I chase them around the house, I--oh! Haha, sorry! I'm talking way too much aren't I? Ughh. This happens a lot with me. I just don't know when to keep my mouth shut. Ah! There I go again! Sorry, sorry. I'll see you later."

You can bet on it.
Blushing, she did an about-face and ran off to a nearby cluster of trees. Wonderful, Wonderful. This is going much better than I expected! Pretty soon you'll all be in my book!...Now who's next....hey,.. where's the two-colored eye and the potato boy at? Come to think of it...I still don't see the other gun-blader...hmm. Seems like I still have a lot more work to do.


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Level 62

Exp: 8(%)

HP: 100(%)

Stamina: 100(%)

Cooldowns: None

150,232 gold

Black Ocarina.

Modern Assassin (full outfit)

Way to Dawn (soldiers' weapon)

7x Full Elixir

Dungeon Crawler's Cap

Primo looked between both the females, before nodding. "All right, let's get on it." He wouldn't bother sending the rest of his party a message as to where they were going. After all, if they were needed, they would know. Be it a message of some sort or whatever, they would be contacted. So, Primo began leading the way, down the small pathway that led past a couple of shops. It was littered with various players, but Primo had a hunch that it was nothing more than a disguise. They passed a couple of restaurants, a hobby store, music stores and inns. The only weapon shop existed at the end of the city, after a fifteen to twenty minute trudge. It didn't feel that bad, considering the fact that wasting stamina in AO was way less tiring than in the real world.

When his fingers gripped the handle of the glass door separating the item shop from the rest of the world, he immediately pulled it open toward him. Holding it open for the two other females, he would let them walk in before he confronted the NPC working behind the desk. Before he could say anything, the NPC spoke proudly. "Howdy! What can I do for y'all good folks? Ain't seen you 'round before!" Oh, great. A friggin' cowboy. Now Primo had to listen to a ridiculous cowboy accent that was coded in for this specific character. Why waste the time? Authenticity was nice and all, but to Primo, some accents he'd rather not listen to.

"We need a weapon appraised. You can handle that, right?"



(8th Floor City)

“Yeah, let’s get to that weapon shop!” Haru exclaimed excitedly, jumping up and down giddily.

From the way the girl was jumping, and the way her pigtails bobbed up and down, Gwen would have thought the girl was extremely young, if she hadn’t been able to hear the girl’s voice. Still, the sight looked adorable, and caused a slight giggle to escape from Gwen.

Primo nodded to the two girls in response, before beginning to make his way through the city, Gwen and Haru following just behind. As they walked, she couldn’t help but continue to admire the beauty of the city. The greenery that draped over the walls of the buildings helped to add a natural feel to the artificial architecture, without causing an awkward clash. It was quite awe-inspiring. There were many stores, as well as a few restaurants, all of which were littered with many players and npcs. The group must have walked for twenty minutes or so- in the same direction, and there still seemed to be no end to the city in sight. The place was huge.

Primo walked up to one building, outside of which had a dangling sign which read:

Forges and Anvils, Smithy

Primo held open the door to the building, allowing Gwen and Haru to enter first, for which Gwen thanked him.

As Primo began talking to the npc, Gwen took a look around at the scenery in the shop. There were swords and maces and axes of all shapes and sizes. Some of them were clearly low-quality, but there were a few that also seemed to be rarer. There was one sword out of all of them however, that caught her eye.

It was a one handed sword with a rather unique and familiar blade. The blade had 3 parts to it; there were the two white bladed parts, which were separated on opposite sides of a middle Bluish piece. It looked almost exactly like the sword that Gwen used to use back in the Original SAO, The Light of Justice. It was a sword meant to be wielded by tanks, or players who usually held the attention of monsters in order to protect their allies. Gwen had wielded it alongside her old Shield, The Wall of the Righteous.

Thinking back to her old weapons was beginning to arouse a bit of nostalgia, and brought a fond smile to Gwen’s face. This nostalgia was immediately overpowered by feelings of grief and regret however, as another, more painful memory began to surface. Gwen ignored this memory however, and immediately switched her thoughts to another topic.

She wandered over to Primo who was still conversing with the npc, who was now motioning for her to approach.

“Hey there, darlin’! My friend here says you got a weapon that needs appraisin’! Want me ta take a lil’ look see?”

Gwen nodded, and removed her weapon from her inventory, and placed it carefully of the counter before the npc, who’s eyes seemed to brighten at the sight.

“Whoo-wee! This here’s a really rare dagger! I’ve only seen it once, many years ago!”

Many years…?

Thinking back to the game’s lore, Gwen knew that the players had only began taking part in Advent in the last year or so, which meant that the weapon the npc was talking about hadn’t been seen since the game was released.

“May I?” the npc asked Gwen, holding his hand out for permission to hold the weapon.

Gwen nodded. “Please, do!”

“Wow, I really never thought I’d see this old’ Beauty again… The craftsmanship truly is remarkable isn’t it? Just look at the crimson aura surrounding it… Well, it’s actually scarlet, but details eh?” The npc paused for a moment, bringing the blade up to his eye, as though looking for scratches, continuing as he looked.

“Well, actually, I reckon that’s probably a pretty big detail, since that’s a darn’ thing’s name an all.”

Gwen’s eyebrow rose, confused. “Er… sorry, what did you say its name was?”

The gray-haired man gently put the weapon back into its sheath, and placed it onto the counter.

“Oh, excuse me!” He started, “Er’ name’s Scarlett, or at least that’s what its original crafter named it, supposedly. Everyone I knew mostly called it Scarlett, the Bloodletter, but er’ official name was supposed to be Scarlett, Avenger of the Fallen.”

The last statement hung in the air for a moment, a deep silence ensuing. Gwen simply stood, and stared at the blade, confused; a slight chill creeping up her spine.

At last, the silence was broken by the npc, who continued. “Welp, normally I’m supposed to charge ya for appraisals, but seein’ as this is such a rare weapon, I’m gonna let cha go for free this time. Just bein’ able to hold that beaut' again is price enough for me!” The npc smiled at Gwen, who simply gulped.

Scarlett, The Avenger of the Fallen? What kind of ridiculous coincidence was that supposed to be? Scarlett had been the name of the master of Gwen’s guild back in SAO, The Avengers of the Fallen, and was one of the few people who Gwen had been able to get close to back in those days. Was this supposed to be some kind of memorial thing for the players who died in SAO? It was doubtful, since Advent had been out for months, if there were memorials dedicated to the fallen players in the game, someone would have discovered one before now… right?

Gwen glanced over at Primo, looking to see if he had reacted at all. She wasn’t sure if he had ever met Scarlett personally, but he must have heard her name at some point; especially since she had been the leader of one of the last guilds involved in progression. She turned away before they could make eye contact however, and simply accepted the weapon from the npc with a weak thank-you.

“I’ll just wait outside.” She stated quitely to Primo and Haru before rushing for the door.

  • Character: Rose

    Exp: 77/100

    Hp: 85/100

    Energy: 75/100

    Shadow Style: Inactive

    Speed Style: Inactive
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