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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fandom Advent Online

Colt let out a short laugh at Atria's ability to go along with a joke. Another plus was that she seemed rather easy to get along with, and not some overly timid player that would stutter every second word. He couldn't stand serious people, so he was pretty glad that she wasn't some all-business player who let his humor go completely wasted. There were too many times where he would try to be friendly to a new player, only to have them treat him like an NPC. Of course, with these situations he couldn't help but tease them and joke around even more.

He stretched out his arms wide as if to showcase the landscape behind him. "Not sure what to do? In this world, you can do just about anything! Buy, sell, eat, sleep, fight, it's all doable right here!" He couldn't help but chuckle at his own statement. He sounded like a sales person trying to sell a car. That was kind of what he saw himself doing, except he was selling a world. "Of course, having a few levels helps quite a bit, so doing some grinding would probably be a good idea, maybe a simple quest or two." Leveling was always a task he usually found boring, but since VRMMO's it became much more interactive. It was something he did off and on, and he would probably do so even if he didn't need to. Besides, since she was knew getting in some combat would be like a whole new world.

Noticing her mouth shut close suddenly, he smiled and leaned forward playfully. "Oh? You have a question? Well, don't hesitate, shoot away! I accept any and all questions!" He bent down on one knee and bowed his head, changing his tone to a jokingly professional one. "I am but a simple servant ready to help any way you need me to. Whether it be about myself, this world, or some philosophical question, I will do my best to satisfy your curiosity." He always had fun just acting silly, especially around new people. He found it gave them a special sense of welcoming and made everything seem much more approachable. Plus, it was just in his nature to do so. Some people found it off-putting, but he couldn't help it.
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------ Gwen ------

At first, Gwen expected that the boy might not reply, but after about a minute, another notification arrived. It was a message, from Primo, which she immediately opened.

“I’m fine, thanks for asking. Nothing ever changes for me.

I’m at the Crescent Moon on level one. Come meet me if you want to party up.”- J

The Crescent Moon, huh? The girl thought to herself, curiously.

Gwen pressed her index finger on the ‘reply’ button, opening another text box.

“Cool!! I’ll see ya in a bit!”

Gwen stared at the message for a second, contemplating whether or not to insert a smiley face, but decided against it, and simply hit ‘send’.

Gwen did not know exactly what the Crescent Moon was, not yet anyway, but judging from the name, she figured that it was either an inn, or a pub. Or maybe an inn that was also a pub? It didn’t matter really, as after opening her map, which currently only possessed information on the starting town and some of the immediately surrounding area, she found it- and her guess was right, it appeared to be a pub. After taking a moment to find out where she was on the map, and after she had orienteered herself, she began heading to the location of the Crescent Moon.

On her way, she took note of the scenery of the city before her. It was a lot like SAO, almost shockingly so, actually. The architecture, the people, even the city layout seemed to remind her of the Town of Beginnings. She almost expected to see a sign that would direct her to the Monument of Life, the place in the original SAO where the names and times of death of players were recorded. Sure this city was a bit bigger, but it still had the same overall feel to it. As made her way through the city streets, and through the crowds of people, all the while being plagued by a bittersweet nostalgia, she couldn’t help but think to herself that maybe the developers weren’t simply bluffing when they called Advent Online an SAO remake. It wasn’t exactly the same, obviously, but this, Gwen felt, was pretty darn close to it.

Shrinking back into her mind, Gwen began thinking again about what exactly she was going to say when she finally made it to the meeting place, and also, about the last time she saw him.

They, along with a whole group of others, had just defeated the boss of the 72nd floor, a giant monstrosity made entirely of lava. The battle had been won, but it had come at a cost. Kevin, Gwen’s last remaining friend from the real world, had been killed because of a foolish mistake on her part, and she was still sitting in shock.

It wasn’t really much of a conversation, Primo pretty much asked Gwen if she was alright, to which she responded by asking to be left alone. He told her that he was sorry for her loss, and that was it; he left, and she sat there for another hour or so trying to absorb what had just happened. Kind of an awkward way to part, but that was how it happened.

Gwen snapped back to reality as she realized that she had arrived just outside the entrance of the Crescent Moon.

“I wonder if he’s here already…” she mumbled to herself. She brought up her messaging system to prepare to send the boy another message asking if he was already inside, when suddenly, the doors to the pub flew open, a man with no shirt and a bandana practically flying out of it. He landed on the cobblestone ground with an audible ‘thud’, which, had this not been a game, Gwen imagined would probably have been quite painful.

“What in the-“ Gwen started.

Suddenly another figure stepped out of the pub- it was Primo- who then shook his head at the man currently sprawled unconscious on the city floor.

“…Someone you failed to notice would beat dat’ ass today.” Primo said aloud, probably not intending for anyone else to hear.

Gwen approached the boy, but stared down at the man on the ground.

“Boy, looks like someone had a nasty fall, huh?” she asked the white-haired boy. “I wonder if we should help him?”


He placed his free hand on his side, nose crinkling slightly at the sight of the unconscious man. When Rose had finally made chance timing to witness the end of the spectacle, Primo only looked up to her for a moment before looking back down. The young man wasn't sure at first how to respond to her when she asked if they should help him.

Well... Primo really didn't want to. On top of it, he was having a hard time finding a good reason. However, Primo was never one to kill off people without it just happening from the results of battle, so he would let the man sleep where he belonged - out in the gutter.

Primo put his sword back onto his side, connecting it to one of the latches of his belt. The chain at the end was useful for carrying it around, anyway. Connected straight to his pants via loops. When he finally turned his attention back up to Rose, he bowed his head slightly.

It's good to see you. Let's get a drink." If he could smoke, he would. For some reason, marijuana wasn't something that was converted from the real world into the digital world of Advent Online. Seemingly ignoring her initial question, he figured she would get her answer.

Assuming that she followed, he would lead her back into the establishment. The young-looking woman thanked Primo for his help, and he responded in the familiar Primo-esque fashion that he had always seemed to employ.
"It's better we stick together rather than fall apart." Something quick while he passed, but nothing that was long enough to tell the woman that he was willing to sit down with her and have a chat about the digital weather.

After finding a table with two seats located somewhat near the bar, Primo sat down at the far end; his back facing the bartender, his eyes occasionally drifting to the front door. That was one thing about Primo - he never sat anywhere that his back could be turned to multiple avenues. Awareness was one thing, but lounging still needed to be done in a somewhat safe manner. Before he sat, he even moved Rose's seat out like the gentleman he was. His mother always taught him to treat women right, after all.

His fingers dragged across a couple of letters which were holograms projected from the inside. He ordered a large glass of Cognac for himself, figuring that if Rose wanted something that she would order. He had no problem paying, but the table literally did all the work. It was absolutely beautiful. Considering that Primo got lazy from time to time himself, it was the perfect place to gather and talk about game plans.

"It's been a long time." He leaned back in his chair slightly, his cup of Cognac pixelating into a visible state on the table as he did so. His tongue escaped his mouth to provide some moisture to his lips before the young man parted them to speak once more. "Why is it that after all this time you've decided to come back into contact?"

It was a perfectly viable question. Sure, Primo wasn't exactly the type of person who was always easy to understand, but they parted ways in terms of working together in various parties far before the end of Sword Art Online. It was normal for people to lose touch, or have a falling out - but this had lasted far longer than that, even. His fingers would curl around the glass before him, bringing it to his mouth slowly in order to take a sip.

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Aedon had expected this game to be relaxing and fun like all of the other MMORPG's he had played. However, as soon as the NerveGear catapulted him into the Virtual Reality of Advent Online, he was shot out of his comfort zone. Now he felt an invisible wall creeping up behind him as well, threatening to fall on top of him. He couldn't just back out, he'd never be able to show his face in the game again! Or so he told himself.

On top of his fears, there was this strangely cute girl violating what he believed to be one of the requirements to being a girl -- don't talk to Midori. There was just something fishy about the whole thing. Speaking of fish, Midori's ADD kicked in again and his stomach began to grumble.

Bringing his mind back to business, he wondered why someone would be asking to hang out with a total stranger. She was probably some higher level cheat hoping to take advantage of his noobness. He looked back to her, trying to make a decision. Her eyes seemed innocent. Yet in some cases, innocent eyes were the ones with the most to hide.


Suddenly, she asked why he was so tongue tied. In a normal situation, Aedon would have come up with some lame answer that would make him look utterly stupid. Like a cow. Yet he had to save face. Midori was his new life, it had to be perfect, he had to play it right.

"Tongue tied, what are you talking about? I've just got a lot on my mind. Anyway…" he started to say. The girl chimed in with another remark. Her words seemed like sugar. Yet the sugar was really salt burning as she stabbed his feelings. Again, Midori had to save face.

"E-everyone would change colors if they were as cool as I am," he stated, clapping his green chest plate, "Besides, red's a popular color."

Midori ran his hands through his hair in an attempt to bring attention to it's redness. As he did so, a soft ring resonated in his ear. What was that? A white menu had slid open in front of him.

  • Attention all players present on floor 1, there will be a PvE Action within the hour. It is located at The Crescent Moon Pub. This is the first official fan submitted action objective. Rare item prize available. Advice: Random contestants might have to work together in order to complete this mission.

Without thinking, Midori reached out to jam his finger into the accept button. There was another ring as his finger passed right through. The message shrunk into nothingness. Then he looked to back to the girl then, still wondering about her character.

As the small girl walked down the town, she took out her twin blades, a green one and an icy blue one, both glittered in the sun. Holding onto the intricately designed yet comfortable handles she made her way down the cobblestone path. As Haru ran, her avatar's long brown hair flared up behind her. Noticing a pack of wolves, the small girl stopped. "Bring it on." She smiled, nothing like killing some monsters to get the game started right? As the first one lunged at her a second one tried to claw her. Quick as lightning, she kicked off of the first wolf, doing a high speed somersault while slashing the two wolves who had previously attacked. Haru watched as their HP quickly waned from green to red, and then they disappeared. Turning onto the other wolves, she activated her Speed style and whirled through the ranks, killing the wolves with gusto, and too soon it was over. Not even winded, she stood among a group of corpses who were already turning into holographic polygons. Slashing her blades, which were boss drops that she had collected from another game, she sheathed them on her back before walking again. She checked her purple kimono, "Aw, I cut it.. I'll have to go fix it now.." The small girl groaned inwardly as her keen eyes noticed a small cut on the green seams.

  • Attention all players present on floor 1, there will be a PvE Action within the hour. It is located at The Crescent Moon Pub. This is the first official fan submitted action objective. Rare item prize available. Advice: Random contestants might have to work together in order to complete this mission.

A small translucent white notification popped on the brown haired girl, and her long nimble fingers hovered over bright green accept button. It would be a good time for her to meet other players, and maybe even have enough luck to start a conversation on yaoi. A small ring appeared at the part where Haru's finger had passed through the green screen. As quickly as the message came, it disappeared into thin air again. "The Crescent Moon Pub... Huh.. I'm not sure I know where that is.." Haru mumbled to herself, not wanting to seem crazy to the people who had just seen her kill the wolves. Jogging back to town, she wandered aimlessly until she noticed a small pub which said Crescent Moon Pub. Gingerly stepping in, she waited for her eyes to adjust to the dim environment. A loud crash resounded the now silent pub, startled, she looked to see the commotion. A whitish haired avatar had just slammed and broken a chair on another male player.

"Oh my god, are you alright?" She rushed forward helping the guy who had just had a chair broken on him. Not sure of what else to do, she ignored the other player and took a seat at a small table in the corner. Ordering a coke, Haru readjusted her small cat eared headband. For some reason, this was part of her avatar's appearance, and she did quite like it. Sipping the cool fizzy drink, she waited for more to arrive for the PvE.
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  • df_zpsac622fc5.png

    • Magical Revolver (x1)
    • Useless Sword (x1)
    • Elite Mage Outfit (x1)
    • Quest Items (x5)
    • Health Potion (x5)
    • Mana Potion (x7)
    • Pet Egg (x1)

  • Level 0

    Exp: 0/20


    Health: 20/20


    Mana: 0/20


    Happiness: 16/20


    Strength: 0/20


    Warmth: 20/20


Walking through the forest and the little meadows of Level One's floor along with fighting off some level one monsters, Yui finally made it to town square. And as usual, it was flooded with players of many either chatting, shopping or doing whatever they were doing that Yui didn't really care for. She only came here to maybe do some shopping while finding her companion but with all these people, it may take her a while just to find her friend so she decided the best way to get his attention was by messages, pulling out her menu and writing a little message for Wind.

  • Message sent to -Dancing Wind-

    Fellow Fanfic buddy! I'm in town and I was wondering if we could meet up somewhere if you're here of course.~

    Meet me at the merchant shops next to that inn... or was it a bar(?)... I think it was called something with "C" but anyways I'll be there shopping for a bit!~ See you then Wind! \(^o^)/

    From the President of Kawaii Potatoes, Yui

    [Send] [Save Draft] [Delete]

Pressing the send button, Yui felt she had accomplished something today and closed her menu bar. Squirming through the crowd, Yui made her way over to the merchant spot and checked around, looking for some kind of item worthy enough for her to buy,"Hmm... I could buy some clothes but I really wanna buy something to quicken the pace on my egg." Yui thought taking out a soccer ball sized egg from her bag as many eyes were on her for having such a huge egg in her possession.

The egg was much bigger than her hands and had a strange symbol crested on the front of it. The egg itself was pure white and spotless with nothing on it other then the crest that symbolism the beast it would become. From the knowledge of gaming, there were many ways to get a pet. One of the easiest ways was getting one from the pet shop but Yui wanted to raise her own just like her own baby. Getting a pet in the shop, it didn't feel like she had made a close bond like she wishes to have with a pet.

Though this was just a game, she still liked how you could interact with these virtual creatures. She didn't care that it was a game, game or not, these guys could still feel some things just like how she feel. So she took on a quest to get him, searching long and far to slay the beast until she was rewarded the egg. She couldn't express how happy she was when she got it but it must have been how a mother would feel being pregnant with their very own child.

Holding the egg close to her, she went over to one of the merchant that sold pet related things, scrolling through the items for anything to help her egg but the only thing she could find was stuff for other stuff for pets, frowning at how they didn't have anything,"I guess patience is the only way to hatch it." Yui thought looking down to her egg curious of what she would get. Though she did defeat a monster just to get this little guy, every egg was different and were very different from what they suppose to be.

Monsters and Pets are two different creatures. Pets though are classified as monsters too, they have some difference to them from monsters like their powers and how they act. Monsters usually come and attack you but a pet would assist you in battle, keep you company and grow stronger each day with you. This was why Yui wanted a pet, to have someone who she could count on to have her back and be beside her no matter what. The idea of what her pet could only come to Yui's mind until a sound of something ringing disturbed her from her thinking.

Almost dropping her egg, Yui sighed in relief that she didn't drop her baby, holding the egg protectively in her arm while opening her menu to see what message she got,"It could be Wind." Yui thought but she was wrong as it was a notification about some kind of event going on.

  • Attention all players present on floor 1, there will be a PvE Action within the hour. It is located at The Crescent Moon Pub. This is the first official fan submitted action objective. Rare item prize available. Advice: Random contestants might have to work together in order to complete this mission.

"Wait?... Crescent Moon?" Yui thought as she turned to her right to see a sign hanging over that read "Crescent Moon Pub" and Yui mentally smacking herself for choosing such a spot to meet up with Wind. But maybe Wind would assist her on this fun, she kinda wanted some action for a bit and something to pass the time so she wouldn't have to be sitting watching her egg, waiting for it to hatch as if her forceful will of love could hatch the darn thing.

Sigh... I need to be patient."

    • Levi (The nickname he gave his sword)
    • Lui (The other sword)
    • Health Potion (x8)
    • Mana Potion (x5)

The merchants of Floor One had nothing useful for Casper, expected of them since he was a higher level and didn't have to be here but this floor became more of a hang out spot for many to come to when you're bored or just want to recruit some friends for battles or what not. For Casper, in this case, he was just hanging around for the fun of it all. He was kinda in the mood for some action, walking out of the merchant shops and going deeper into the crowd for someone interesting but he saw no one that interested him.

With a huff of breath, Casper decided today was gonna be a slow day when he heard a beeping noise like some alarm going off, opening his menu and to the message bar. Seeing a new message at the top of all the other messages he had, Casper was surprise that his wish came true, in bold words were the words he needed to see.

  • Attention all players present on floor 1, there will be a PvE Action within the hour. It is located at The Crescent Moon Pub. This is the first official fan submitted action objective. Rare item prize available. Advice: Random contestants might have to work together in order to complete this mission.

"Perfect! Some fun at last." Casper thought and accepted the challenge. Turning on his heels, Casper went off to the location of where the great event was occurring. It take him long just to find the place, looking up to see the sign of the pub,"Crescent Moon... wonder what happened here?" Casper thought and pushed through the door walking into the room only to see a that the fight had already started, the place messed up and wooden pieces from chairs/ tables scattered all over the place with a guy unconscious on the ground,"Wow... something really did happen here." Casper mumbled looking around until he saw a guy with pure white hair and a name floating over his head with the name he knew so well,"Primo. As expected of that guy." Casper mumbled but he noticed that he was chatting with a girl, Casper finding amusement in this,"Hitting on a girl too?" Casper snickered and walked up to the two not noticing that he was disturbing their little conversation.

If it isn't Primo, nice to see you again. You may not remember me since I changed my user name but maybe you could guess who I am." Casper said leaning on the bar counter as the bartender came up to him asking if he wanted a drink, declining the offer.

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The Crescent Moon

"It's good to see you. Let's get a drink."

Primo replied with a slight bow of his head; and with that, he headed back inside the pub.

Gwen looked down at the man on the ground, pitifully. She kind of wanted to help him, but she knew that Primo didn’t usually attack other players without good reason; so if he had ended up beating this guy up, it was probably because he deserved it. Following Primo into the bar, Gwen immediately took notice of the woman who thanked Primo for his help. He offered her a friendly reply before heading towards a two-seater table near the bar.

Before he sat, he pulled a seat out for Rose, motioning for her to sit. Gwen was going to make a silly comment, but decided against it, and instead simply thanked the boy, and sat down in the chair. After Primo sat down, he immediately pulled up a menu using what seemed to be a menu that had been built in to the table.

“Oh, that’s neat.” She muttered to herself inaudibly; watching as the boy sifted through the menu.

“It’s been a long time.” Primo said, initiating the conversation. “Why is it that after all this time you’ve decided to come back into contact?”

Gwen thought about that for a moment.

Why had she contacted him? Had it really been simply because no one else was on line to party up with? And if it was- would he buy it? It couldn’t have been because she was bored, that’s for sure. After all, this world was entirely new to her, finding something fun to do would have been simple- even if she had needed to do it alone-, so… why did she reach out to him now, after all this time?

“I don’t know, really.” the girl replied with a smile, “I guess I just felt like getting into an awkward situation!”

Realizing that her comment would probably only make the situation more awkward if left to stand, she immediately decided to change the subject. She eyed the status bar above Primo’s head, and examined his character’s level. Although she had started at half of her original SAO level, which had put her at an even 40, she still couldn’t help but feel inferior seeing how high his already was.

“So anyway… I see you’re at a pretty high level already, how long have you had this game now? Since it came out? You aren’t capped already, are you?”

The boy was currently taking a sip from his brandy, which caused a short silence to ensue. Gwen knew that silences were a natural part in any conversation, but that didn’t stop a small ball of nervousness from shifting around in her stomach. Just as the boy placed his glass back down on the table, Gwen received a notification.

· Attention all players present on floor 1, there will be a PvE Action within the hour. It is located at The Crescent Moon Pub. This is the first official fan submitted action objective. Rare item prize available. Advice: Random contestants might have to work together in order to complete this mission.

Unsure of whether to accept or decline, she looked up at Primo, who she figured must have also received the notification, as the message had stated all players, and waited to see what he would decide.

  • Character: Rose

    Level: 40

    Exp: 0/100 (%)

    HP: 100/100 (%)

    Energy: 100/100 (%)

    Speed State: Inactive Cooldown Remaining: 0

    Shadow State: Inactive Cooldown Remaining: 0

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Ari giggled at his response. Then suddenly a message came up. It read,

  • Attention all players present on floor 1, there will be a PvE Action within the hour. It is located at The Crescent Moon Pub. This is the first official fan submitted action objective. Rare item prize available. Advice: Random contestants might have to work together in order to complete this mission.tab]
[tab=PvE Action Que][/tab]
[tab=PvE Action Que]

Ari blinked once before pressing the accept button. She went back to looking at Midori. He seemed wary of her. He probably though she was a cheater. "I am in no way shape or form a cheater." Ari said, flicking her ears. She shuffled, looking at him. He seemed as if it was code to not talk to him, but Ari never really cared.[/tab]



Level 62

Exp: 4(%)

HP: 98(%)

Stamina: 100(%)

Cooldowns: 2/3 posts (Air Style)


The Crescent Moon

Those light eyes lifted from the glass containing his alcohol, up to Rose's face. The corners of his lips twisted upright, slightly parting to reveal some of those white front teeth. Placing the glass down on the table before him, he cocked his head slightly to the side. He rested his elbow beside the glass, burying his chin into the palm of his hand. With his fingers sprawled over his lips, Primo finally replied after a couple seconds worth of a pause. "Good enough for me."

A young man came around the table, asking Primo if he was hitting on the female before him. Of course, the man who had interrupted their conversation wouldn't get a response to his statement, rather only a gaze into his eyes. Obviously, this man knew who Primo was, but the white-haired man could not reciprocate such a gesture. When offered, he declined.
"I'm not one for guessing games. Sorry."

This was the same time that Primo received a notification, much like everyone else. If you don't know what it looks like, look at any of the posts immediately before this one. That'll give ya a good idea of what it entailed, and whatnot. Of course, without thinking, Primo hit accept. There wasn't ever much time Primo wasn't involved in PVE events, because he considered it the one of the best ways to get stronger.

Always improving by meeting new players with new fighting styles who have something different to throw on the table. Primo was rarely matched correctly, but he never minded. His focus would eventually drift from the notification, which evaporated into the air, back to Rose's face.
"You should accept it. We'll enter as a party and get paired with some randos." A 'rando' to Primo nearly meant a random person or player, usually one he did not know.

"I'm definitely not capped out. I hear this season only runs to 75." Primo wasn't planning on stopping when he reached the cap, because there was still a lot left to be done. In the end, he had plenty of stats he could focus on, materials he could farm and mix, armor he could create, runes to collect for his sword. Just because his level was maxed didn't mean he had a reason to stop - if the game was good enough, he was all the more eager to keep going.

Lifting one of his feet onto the opposite knee, his arms would interweave across his chest. All they had to do, when Rose accepted the PVE notification's contents, was wait. This was a perfect place to do it, considering that the tournament was going to end up taking place on the ground they were sharing momentarily. Not only that, but Primo actually enjoyed being lazy from time to time. This was nothing more than a perfect excuse to lounge about and possibly stuff his face as violently as possible.



150,000 gold.

1x Black Ocarina.

Modern Assassin (full outfit)

Way to Dawn (soldiers' weapon)

10x Full Elixir


*Items in orange are rare.

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Tempest continued to relax by the fountain peacefully until a sudden ping caused his amber eyes to open suddenly. Removing his arm from the surface of the water, he hovered his fingers over the menu. A new message huh, and it’s not a regular message either. Clicking it open, he smirked as he silently read the notice:

· Attention all players present on floor 1, there will be a PvE Action within the hour. It is located at The Crescent Moon Pub. This is the first official fan submitted action objective. Rare item prize available. Advice: Random contestants might have to work together in order to complete this mission.

Closing the message, Tempest scrolled through his inventory just to make sure he was prepared for whatever event this was. “Looks like the other quest are going to have to wait,” he muttered to himself as he rose from his resting place by the glimmering fountain. As he rose, he noticed that other players were getting similar notifications.

“Well I better get moving.” Tempest strode past the crowd heading over Crescent Moon Pub. Once he got closer he noticed others standing by.

  • Character: Tempest

    Level: 39

    Exp: 67/100 (%)

    HP: 100/100 (%)

    Energy: 100/100 (%)

    Acrobat State: Inactive Cooldown Remaining: 0

    Shadow State: Inactive Cooldown Remaining: 0

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When Ari mentioned that she wasn't a cheater, he gave her a suspicious look. Only a cheater would be paranoid about others thinking they're cheaters.

"You're not a cheater? We shall see about that won't we? I'm going to this PvE Que and you're coming with me," said Midori. he didn't really care if she was a thief or anything, because he didn't have anything of value anyway. Well, except for his fighting staff he had acquired the day before.

Now that was an interesting story. Right after he had defeated his first player -- the one who Midori hit accidentally and ended up getting into a fight with -- he received an anonymous package. No matter how he tried, he could not find the identity of the sender. In this package was his staff and a small message.

Midori had found it strange, since most people would go for a sharp weapon, but the staff was one of his favorites. On top of that, when he opened the weapon stats menu, his low his appraisal skill disappeared. For some odd reason, he was given a five second glimpse of the stats. it was a blur of numbers, never staying the same. This had confused Midori, and he hadn't had a chance to try it out yet.

On top of this, the message was even more confusing:

  • What is a hero? A hero without his weapon is broken. A hero without his companions is merely an attention seeker. Thus wouldn't you say that a hero is the sum of his parts? In this game, heroes may be needed, and they will appear. When that time comes, will you be standing among them?

This information still sat at the back of Midori's mind. This PvE action could be the perfect place to try out the new weapon he was given. Thus, he opened his map and located the pub. This would be an entirely new experience for him. He had never been to a pub before, he had never had someone following him before, and he didn't know if he had what it took to be a hero.

He approached the pub, assuming Ari had followed him, and went inside. He went to sit down, but the pub was completely packed. Whatever the action was, there were definitely enough people to handle it. At that moment, another message appeared:

  • Enter the Summoner's Gate and defeat the evil that lies within. If you fail, the Summoner's evil minions shall ravage this floor. If you succeed, something of value shall be earned.

A large blue swirling door opened on the far wall of the pub and Midori froze. What was on the other side? He had to be ready. As he thought, some of the other player began to leap through the portal excitedly, not knowing what was beyond.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Wormhole.jpg.237fb9732f021db888dcc32ebafc64dd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21547" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Wormhole.jpg.237fb9732f021db888dcc32ebafc64dd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Ari followed Midori to the portal. She was relatively unarmed, besides some gift that she was given when she accidentally bumped into a monster the day before and killed it. She had already prepared herself for this fight, having her sword on hand. She prepared to jump before yelling at Midori "Last one in is a rotten egg!" as she jumped though the portal in to the vast lands.

  • Big Orange Hammer

    Colorful Ocarina

    Purple Bunny Hood


    x5 Health Potion

    x3 Antidote Potion


After selling a variety of items to a merchant, CN currently has 1,110 gold. He was pretty satisfied with the amount and was about to head off to find some quest when he suddenly received a message.

Attention all players present on floor 1, there will be a PvE Action within the hour. It is located at The Crescent Moon Pub. This is the first official fan submitted action objective. Rare item prize available. Advice: Random contestants might have to work together in order to complete this mission.

"Momentous." He said, receiving this opportunity and quickly accepted it. It sounds like it might be difficult judging by the advice they gave, but he felt that he could handle it. He was growing fairly fast in the game, which is thank to his large amounts of gaming experience. He took a note of the pub's location on the map. "Wake up, Dia!" He said as he reached under his bunny mask and took out a small, white bird that was starting to wake up. Dia was a pet he had received as a reward for completing a quest involving bringing items to a farmer and they gave him the bird as reward. He is pretty small but he is a fairly ferocious fighter. "Come on, we are going to a special event." He then began skipping towards the pub.

As soon as they arrived, another message was received.

Enter the Summoner's Gate and defeat the evil that lies within. If you fail, the Summoner's evil minions shall ravage this floor. If you succeed, something of value shall be earned.

Neon and Dia entered the pub soon afterward. The place looked nice, at least he thought so. He might have a drink of the non-alcoholic variety. What really caught his attention was the portal on the war as mentioned in the latest message. He hasn't had a chance to meet up with people to prepare, but better late than never if he does it while inside whatever place the portal will take him. "Ready Dia?" He said as he took out his hammer and with enthusiasm, hopped inside the portal along with Dia after a girl did

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(The Crescent Moon)

“If it isn’t Primo, nice to see you again. You may not remember me since I changed my username, but maybe you can guess who I am.”

Gwen turned around to get a look at the new comer; he was a bit tall, and had jet black hair which fell just barely above his shoulders. His eyes were blue like Rose’s, but with a pleasant icy sheen to them. One interesting thing that caught Gwen’s eye was the fact the he seemed to be holding two swords. For a moment, Gwen remembered the face of Kirito, the Black Swordsman with the one-of-a-kind ability to duel wield, or battle wielding two weapons at once, but Gwen knew that this guy wasn’t him. She hadn’t known Kirito personally, but she did know what he had looked like from fighting alongside him during boss battles, and this guy was definitely not him.

After getting a good look at the person, and offering him a wave, Gwen turned back to Primo, waiting to see how he would respond. The look on Primo’s face suggested that he was slightly irritated by the interruption, and simply replied to the mysterious stranger:

“I’m not one for guessing games, sorry.”

Turning his attention back to Gwen, who was still waiting to see whether or not Primo planned to accept or decline the PvE invitation, he said, “You should accept it. We’ll enter as a party and get paired with some randos.”

Thinking nothing of it, Gwen pushed her finger on the ‘accept’ button, causing the notification to vanish. She was glad that he had chosen to accept it, as she was eager to explore the game’s combat system a bit. She had read up on it a bit before buying the game obviously, but that wasn’t the same as actually experiencing it first hand.

“I’m definitely not capped out. I hear this season only runs to 75.” Primo added, answering Gwen’s other question.

“Oh, well that’s good then.” Gwen replied, her Avatar’s sky-blue eyes meeting with Primo’s, “I’m not as far behind as I thought I’d be.” She added with a smile.

While 35 levels was still a bit of a ways to go, it wasn’t nearly as many as Gwen had expected. It would take some time to catch up, but nothing a few marathons shouldn’t be able to help with. Of course, catching up level-wise was just one of the things she planned on doing; she also wanted to start farming alchemy ingredients- immediately. She had read online that alchemy was a high-gold making profession at the moment, as apparently certain types of potions were in high-demand in the markets. Making and selling those would hopefully help her to rake in gold quickly, which, after looking at her current funds, she realized she needed.

    • Gold = 1000
      Assassin's Dagger
      Rogue's Tunic
      Rogue's Gloves
      Rogue's Boots
      Rogue's hood
      Health Potion x10
      Potion of Stabbing Poison x10



  • Character: SnowFox

    Level: 28

    Guild: Sparrows

    Exp: 54/100 (%)

    HP: 100/100 (%)

    Stamina: 100/100 (%)

Ding. Ding. Ding. While peering down at the ground, a notification expanded across her field of vision, effectively blocking out everything but it's content. Nice.

  • Attention all players present on floor 1, there will be a PvE Action within the hour. It is located at The Crescent Moon Pub. This is the first official fan submitted action objective. Rare item prize available. Advice: Random contestants might have to work together in order to complete this mission.

Ah! A group PvE event? That's pretty interesting! I wonder what we have to do? Scanning down through the message to see what other info she could find, her eyes reached the bottom, then creeped back up to the beginning. Which was routinely skipped when reading correspondence. Her mouth dropped open, letting a drawn-out zombie groan escape from her insides. Floor One? De-cliiiiine! The messaging system was shooed from her viewing frame, releasing her from its attention-grabbing clutches. Her lungs expanded and chest rose as she took a deep breath, activating her Tracking skill. Her now golden yellow eyes picked up some promising signs about where monster Number 6, the Black Scarab, could have gotten off to. Etched into the surface of the soil were hundreds of little tick marks, grouped together in narrow chunks, giving the impression that it knew somebody was after it.

With eyes closed and shaking her head from side, she sighed aloud:
"You never learn do you?" Aila was now hunched over, eyes to the floor, giving her Tracking program every opportunity to pick up something definitive; a hiccup in the Scarab's scampering that would ultimately seal its fate. What felt like hours passed by, as she was winding her way through the forest, jumping over logs, brushing branches out of the way, leaving numerous scraps of rocks behind, so as not to lose her way if she went in too deep. Then came a THUNK. Ow. What the heck? Who put this tree here? Her right hand went up to rub her head, but immediately dropped back down to her side, as she did a double-take. What the?... What she saw was incomprehensible. It was utterly incomprehensible. The Scarab's trail split off in two completely different directions. No, no, no. Anything but that! Aila took both hands and slapped her face on each side as she fell back first onto the floor, waiting for the most unreliable skill in the world to kick in. Her nose flared as she sniffed the air, her ears shifted as she listened to the wind, and her fingers dug deep into the dirt feeling for any vibration; she was doing everything she could, to spur the ability into action.

Without delay, her eyes flew to second trail, the one heading towards the west, as she felt a light pinging in her head. Ping...Ping...Ping.
"It's. About. Time. DETECTION," she roared, with teeth clenched and fingers now curled into a ball. In a flash, she was up and running, breathing getting sharper and shorter as her detection began to beep even quicker. Ping..Ping..Ping. Ping. Pi-Pi-P. In seconds, a blaring siren was going off in her head. She knew was was right on top of it...And that she was. Schwoom! Apparently, the Scarab thought the two trail trick would throw anyone off, so it was peacefully lounging away on a soft piece of loamy soil, right between Aila's quivering legs. However, it wasn't number 6 for no reason; it could jump. And that it did; right out of the five-fingered clutch of Aila's, stamping her foot and cursing herself for being so slow. IT CAN JUMP? Okay, things just started getting difficult. Knowing she would never catch up with the thing in a flat-out chase, a hand shot out to the hilt of her sword, gripped, and threw it towards the bounding Scarab. Shamefully missing the mark by half-a-foot to the left, Aila bit down on her lip, and started jogging at a leisurely pace; quickly turning it into a flat-out sprint.

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Jake heard the message ding, he got a little excited, and opened up his message.

Oh! Yui!

He scanned over the message reading it,

Hellu~! ^^ uh, I'm in the starting town, and by the market place like a plaza type thing...I don't know really :c I'm lost and lonely



He sighed as he pressed *Send*, he took the menu down, and got up, examining the crowd, everyone around him seemed to be in a rush, and didn't understand why, but he didn't really question it. He walked around the main plaza, seeing a vendor, he walked over, maybe he could get directions?

Uh, hello? Do you mind if I coul-

He was cut off when he saw a pink potato in the back of the shop

Is that potato for sale!

His eyes glowed, the NPC turned, and laughed, turning back to him,

"Yes it is for sale, 30 gold."

He frowned, Well...if you insist

He laid the gold on the counter, the NPC took it, and set it aside, walking back, and grabbing the potato, than laying it on the counter.

"Here you are!"

He blushed, and looked down at it, he grabbed it, and smiled.


He ran through the crowd with the potato, it began to rustle a bit, he looked down at it. It blushed, and grew little eyes out, La blur! it spoke out with a small little squeal.

His face nearly turned pale, he doesn't even have a familiar skill, or is this even a familiar? What if it was cursed? A cursed potato? Is this even a game!?

  • Character- Dancing Wind

    Level- 14

    Exp: 20/100

    Hp: 100/100



Atria laughed, listening as he continued to talk. "You sound like a salesman. But thanks for the advice." she said with a grin. "I'll be sure to follow it." she told him. When he told her to ask away she frowned slightly. Sure he liked to joke around but she wasn't entirely sure about how he would feel. Sighing slightly she figured she'd give it a go. "Were....were you by any chance....in SAO?" she asked him.

Blinking she jumped slightly. "I-I don't want to be rude or anything, but, it's just you seem very confident with this type of game." she started to explain. "That and the way you hold yourself...It kinda reminds me of my brother when he came out." she finished, blushing slightly. She hoped she hadn't offended him.

Scuffing up the rugged wooden floors of the overcrowded pub, Tempest strode through the vicinity his boots making light clunk noises as he pressed forward. His amber gaze flickered as he noticed the portal. This must be it; this better good considering it is on the first floor. After this I can make my way back up to the higher floors, so I can complete my quest. With a light yawn, he stretched a bit while letting his gaze travel across the pub.

Tempest cautiously observed the other players that simply leaped into the portal without a real care. Who knows what could be beyond that portal. Slightly moving bit of blonde hair away from his face, he opened up his menu.
This can be a good opportunity to gain more experience points if anything. Just in case I better prepare myself.

Within a couple of seconds, Tempest vanished from the view of the other players,
Shadow Style stealth activated. This will me an edge for a bit. He thought as he swiftly maneuvered through the crowd trying to give himself away that he was entering the event invisible for now. Once he reached the end of the pub, he gazed into the glittering blue portal. Hopefully this is quick.

“Wait almost forgot,” he muttered to himself as he quickly summoned his weapon, clutching the gun-blade tightly Tempest silently walked into the bright blue light to face the challenge.

  • Character: Tempest

    Level: 39

    Exp: 67/100 (%)

    HP: 100/100 (%)

    Energy: 100/100 (%)

    Acrobat State: Inactive Cooldown Remaining: 0

    Shadow State: Active Cooldown Remaining: (In Use 4 post remaining before cooldown)

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Hearing SAO mentioned, Colt found himself standing back up, staring into the sky. "Sword Art Online...... yeah, I was there. It was an experience that truly changed my life." He had a small smile on his face as he reminisced on his time in the game. "What a game, it was. Your brother must be quite the person if he came out of it like me." He was kind of surprised that there were others who took the game in stride and came out positive. Most people he knew thought of it as a horrible experience. Realizing he was starting to zone out, he was brought back to attention by a soft ring in his ear, popping a notification in front of him.

  • Attention all players present on floor 1, there will be a PvE Action within the hour. It is located at The Crescent Moon Pub. This is the first official fan submitted action objective. Rare item prize available. Advice: Random contestants might have to work together in order to complete this mission.

He looked over at Atria after reading the message. He assumed she had gotten the same thing he did, as it said all players on floor one. "Well, I guess I'll have to tell you all about it some other time. You should accept it as well, could be a good introduction quest." He tapped ACCEPT on the notification, causing it to vanish. He didn't expect it to be extremely difficult, as it was open to anyone on the first floor. Still, there was a slight chance it would be dangerous, and if that was the case he was risking his life. It wasn't like he couldn't handle it, though. He just preferred to take things safe.

  • Character: Colt

    Level: 54

    Exp: 0/100(%)

    Energy: 100/100 (%)

    Speed State: Inactive Cooldown Remaining: 0

    Shadow State: Inactive Cooldown Remaining: 0



  • User - Atria

  • Level - 1

    Health - 100/100

    EXP - 0/20

    Lightning State
    Inactive [Cooldown:0]

    Double Image State
    Inactive [Cooldown:0]

Atria nodded, smiling slightly when he answered her question. When she heard a slight 'pinging' noise, the brunette was slightly startled, before seeing the notification pop up in front of her. Turning pink slightly, she read the notification.

  • Attention all players present on floor 1, there will be a PvE Action within the hour. It is located at The Crescent Moon Pub. This is the first official fan submitted action objective. Rare item prize available. Advice: Random contestants might have to work together in order to complete this mission.[/tab]
[tab=PvE Action Que]

Hearing Colt respond, she looked up, listening as he suggested her to accept. Nodding, Atria had already been thinking she would, but decided she definitely would now that it was suggested.
"Alright, I will then." she told him, smiling slightly. Tapping the Accept button, she watched the notification close.

"Uh..." she started, unsure if he'd be willing to help her any more. "W-would you mind if I went with you?" she asked. "I-I mean, just to get the hang of everything." she explained. "That is if you don't mind!" she added.

[tab=PvE Action Que][/tab]
Colt smiled at her request to go with him, putting his hand on his chin and closing his eyes, pretending to think about it. "Well, I don't know. A new player teaming up with a veteran seems rather strange, doesn't it?" He took his hand away from his face and laughed. "Of course you can go with me! Look, I'll even send you a party invite." Opening his menu, Colt went to the Friends/Guild section and selected invite to party, then inputted her name. "There, you should have gotten an invite." He didn't mind having someone tag along with him, as it was just like normal life. He'd worked with people significantly weaker in SAO, so he felt fine with a level one. Besides, she definitely seemed humorous enough to handle his form of comedy. "Follow me, the pub isn't that far away."

Assuming Atria followed him, he entered the packed pub. Either this was a huge event or people were just desperate for something new. He saw a blue portal on the wall, with people pouring into it. If Atria had followed him, he turned towards her with a smile on his face. "Well, time to venture forth!" With that, he hurled himself into the swirling vortex. He was especially intrigued by this quest, specifically because since he got that gift before that gave him info about everything, he should have known about this. He felt that same sense of intrigue he felt when he was first in SAO.

  • Character: Colt

    Level: 54

    Exp: 0/100(%)

    Energy: 100/100 (%)

    Speed State: Inactive Cooldown Remaining: 0

    Shadow State: Inactive Cooldown Remaining: 0



  • User - Atria

  • Level - 1

    Health - 100/100

    EXP - 0/20

    Lightning State
    Inactive [Cooldown:0]

    Double Image State
    Inactive [Cooldown:0]

Grinning, Atria hit the Accept button at the party invitation pop up. Looking up at him, she nodded. "Received and accepted!" she chirped, before hurrying after the veteran player. She was happy that he agreed to let her come with. She didn't understand why her brother was now so against these games! She was having fun!

Hearing her new friend exclaim they should venture forth upon entering the packed Pub, Atria laughed, watching Colt jump into the vortex. This guy was funny, she thought happily. She enjoyed people with humor especially since she's been told that she can be too silly often. "Let's go!" she laughed, jumping into the swirling blue vortex after him.


  • Hero's Staff

    Ranger's Cloak

    Basic Iron Chest Plate

    Ranger's Pants

    Basic Wooden Greaves

    Basic Bronze Dagger

As Ari jumped into the portal, Midori suddenly flashed to attention. He quickly reached out for her shoulder yelling, "Don't be a fool, you don't know what's behind…"

Yet Ari had been to quick for him. In a flash, Midori whipped out his Hero's Staff and hopped into the portal. For a moment it felt like he was in a vacuum, then his body was tugged through the other end of the gate.

As he emerged, he observed a large hooded monster surrounded by many smaller monsters. There were already a good number of unsuspecting players that had been defeated by these minions. Yet a few higher level players and warriors had stuck through the initial onslaught. However, these minions were quick and one was already in the air, flying straight for Ari.

Acting on instinct, Midori stepped in front of Ari and leapt in the air while spinning. As he came to face the incoming minion, he flung his staff in a swiping motion, catching the minion flat on the side with a loud 'whack'. However, when he looked, the health hadn't even been touched. Was it just that strong? Or was his staff just useless?

Unwilling to give up, Midori swung his staff around again for another strike as he fell. Yet the minion had flown out of the way. When he landed back on the ground, the minion dive-bombed him. Midori had no other choice than to fight with what he had.

He swung the staff around again with all of his might, putting all his belief in the fact that he could be a hero. Suddenly there was a large blast of energy as his staff made contact with the minion, which seemed to vaporize into blocks immediately. The blast of energy sent the other guarding minions back enough to give the other players a chance to gather themselves.

With this a few players charged randomly. One by one these placers were picked off. More fighters tried to run to the rescue and only met the same fate. This was a disaster!

"Everyone! Wait!"

  • Level: 1

    Experience: 25/30

    Health: 125/125

Ari stared at Midori. She would have been fine. She blinked at him, her red katana in hand. "What? I would have been fine, probably. She flicked her tails, only slightly irritated that he had interfered. She sighed, looking at him. "Want to team up fellow newbie?" She asked, looking at him.[/tab]


  • Character: SnowFox

    Level: 28

    Guild: Sparrows

    Exp: 54/100 (%)

    HP: 100/100 (%)

    Stamina: 100/100 (%)

A cut on the cheek, a cut on the nose, a gash on the forehead; the trees were mercilessly tearing her apart like vultures over a rotten carcass. Still, she barreled forward, arms pulled in tight and head down against the wind, using every trick to make her body as aerodynamic as possible. Ping.Ping..Ping...Ping....Ping. No...I was so close.. The Detection notifications were still pulsing in rhythm, but it could clearly be ascertained that Aila, was indeed losing pace with the Scarab. Her sprint, now a gait, was quickly devolving into a sluggardly saunter. Words simply could not express the depth of emotion running through Snow's being. In a moment, the floor was being pummeled by two fists, clamped together in shame and embarrassment for letting such sought after prey get away.

Aila gave herself a few seconds to kneel on the ground and stew in self-pity. She learned that letting it all come gushing out now, would save her much pain and grief later on down the road.
You suck, she told herself. "I know I suck, is that a problem," she replied back. Snickering, Aila was tickled by the thought of how retarded it was talking back to herself. With a grin, she patted the dust off her coat and stood up, intending to walk a little further and at least see what she could find. Her optimism was one of the traits she liked most about herself; if Aila was ever down and out, it was assured that it wouldn't stay that way for long.

While moving forward through the brush, the trees began thinning out, eventually transitioning into a large prairie grassland of bluestem turf and purple cauliflower.
Hm. I've never seen something like this before. It sure is beautiful. What made the scenery so breathtaking, was the fact that it was ringed around by a thick expanse of trees. The prairie grassland formed a perfect circle of sod; laying directly at center in the heart of the Crying Forest. At least this wasn't all for nothing. I discovered something amazing. I'll get you next time Scarab. Giving one last appreciative glance towards the newly discovered treasure, Aila heard an audible pinging in her ear. Ping..Ping..Ping..

Still in a peaceful stupor, she closed her eyes and felt the wind blow against her skin.

Ping..I know what that is..Ping..I've heard it lots before..Ping..It's my..Ping..My detection skill?..That means.. AH! It' must still be here in the grass!

She was back.

-Wind.Release Activated-

Her eyes shone with hope and awe, as gale force winds began whipping around her body, sending the surrounding spruce into a frenzied pirouette. Aila felt a gust of energy erupt from the core of her body to the tips of her fingers. It was as if the skill activated the soul itself. Ha ha! What luck! I'll definitely get you this time. No holding back. Her lungs expanded as she drew in a deep breath of air.*Paaaah*. She let it go. She drew in another deep breath. *Paaaah*. She let it go again. She narrowed her eyes and looked around. She didn't want anybody seeing what she was about to do. Stemming from the fear of her parents catching her in the wrong light, she had an extreme aversion to letting loose when not alone.

She crouched down low to the floor, veins bulging though the cream skin of her bent legs. In moments, she was soaring high in the air above the forest, eyes scanning below for the perfect position. Choosing right in the middle of the prairie grassland, she hovered for a second over the spot and drew in another deep breath. *
Paaaah*; blowing it back out. Ha! Ha! Ha! This is gonna be so crazy! Aila Yurrkin, Monster Hunter, Full Speed Ahead!

Sucking in another deep breath, this time pushing her insides as far as they would allow, she cupped her nose and mouth with her hands, not letting even the tiniest bit of air escape.

-Fire.Style Activated-

She let it all go in an instant; sending a plume of blazing hot air careening down towards the floor. Within moments, the prairie grassland was consumed by a raging fire, its burning tongues licking for any and everything unfortunate enough to be within its grasp. Fire, regrettably, had a negative effect on Aila's personality though. An effect she had yet to learn how to control. Aila, now bordering on euphoria, turned her increasingly manic gaze from the Scarab's now crispy hiding place. She drew in a sharp breath, and with aid of the wind, spit out flames towards random sections of the forest, sending the normally peaceful woodland region into a chaotic scene of running animals, dying monsters, and melting trees, disintegrating into nothingness.

It seemed as if nothing could be done to bring her out of the searing delirium, but a sharp *
ding* brought it all to a screaming halt.

-Fire.Style Deactivated-

Annoyed but at least back to her senses Aila opened up the notification, blinking in and out of existence for just a brief moment, as she read the contents from the unknown sender. "Go. Surprise them. They think you can only cut. But no, no. You can do much more than that. You can shoot too."

Reaching the period of the final sentence, an item popped up into her inventory: a Gun-Blade.

Huh. Well that's new. But for now, her thoughts were not on the item, they were focused on the forest still lit below her. Well....I know I should do something but...it can't be helped...it's not real anyway. Those were her last thoughts as she sailed off through the air, desperate to get away as far as possible, not caring that a still smoldering forest was being left in her wake.

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