• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom Advent Online

Wind smiled back at Yui, he was glad she liked his new little friend, a talk of it being a familiar kind of scared him, since he had no skills on communicating with them, maybe he was a special offer? He didn't have an item appraisal skill, so he couldn't classify it, at least not very detailedly. The little potato stared at Yu as she was jumping, he began to lightly dance around in Jake's arms, he was squealing, and making small huffing noises as he was dancing around, his eyes sparkled more.

I think he likes the attention, Yui, he's just so adorable when he does his little dance, we need to get him a suit! Or a dress! Oh he'd look so cute in one! Jake practically squealed causing the potato to squeal to, a small yellow aura erupted from it, and small sparkles appeared around it, Jake raised his eyebrow suspiciously as he looked at his player stats, seeing he got a temporary health buff for two minutes. I guess he's a supportive familiar...I've never seen one like this though...all potatoy

When Yui talked about a portal in the pub he looked at her in a dumbfounded manor, what did she mean by a portal in the pub? A portal to where? A portal that did what? Was it a random boss, or was the game already breaking? Why was this all happening so fast? Why was a dancing potato in his arms? Why was Yui a girl!? Answers raced through him, but was interrupted by the potato makeimh a sort of questioning squeal, for some reason Jake had a small thought of what it said, : Yui is like a kawaii French fry mama, she- that was al he could understand, the rest came out as babbles, and so,e slobber appeared on his little potato face, he grinned innocently, Jake almost doubled over in laughter, almost completely forgetting about the whole pub thing, a small breeze rolled in, and the potato shivered, he mumbled some more gurgles, and a small umbrella appeared in his right side, as if to hide him from the sun or rain, even though it was a cloudy day, with no rain in sight.

Jake stopped his laughing process, and switched to a full-time fangirl blow-out, he squealed, and his cheeks went pink, Oh god Yui! He's so perfect! I didn't know things like this even existed in-game! He was full of happiness, he'd forgotten about most troubles in his life, and in game, he was truly in a state of temporary bliss.

  • User: Dancing Wind

    Level: 14



    Supportive Star: inactive


  • df_zpsac622fc5.png

    • Magical Revolver (x1)
    • Useless Sword (x1)
    • Elite Mage Outfit (x1)
    • Quest Items (x5)
    • Health Potion (x5)
    • Mana Potion (x7)
    • Pet Egg (x1)

  • Character: ???

    Level: 0

    Exp: ????

    HP: ????

    Stamina: ????

    Hatching Rate: 85%

While Yui was squealing around the potato also squealed, doing a little dance on Wind's palm that made Yui's heart flutter more and Wind's suggestion for putting on some kind of clothing for this guy was brilliant,"Yes! We totally should make him wear a cute frill dress or an adorable suit with a mustache and a top hat! It would be perfect." Yui exclaimed rambling on about her many ideas that kept on popping up in her head. While her little daydreaming, Wind then squealed along with her and the potato along doing the same but it started to glow a bit and sparkles suddenly appeared.

Just above Wind was a health buff for exactly two minutes, Yui astonished to see that the little guy had some tricks up his sleeve or... fries? Who knows but the little guy was something that Yui never seen before,"He has some trick... he could have more secrets." Yui said staring at the potato with curious eyes while it was trying to say something, Yui not quite getting it except for french fry mama which Yui couldn't quite understand, dumbfounded by what the heck the guy was saying but she soon joined in with Wind when it started to have some slobber and such an innocent look that shot arrows at Yui's heart.

Blushing in delight of how cute it was, it then took out a little umbrella, shivering slightly. Yui didn't need to say what's on her mind as Wind already seemed to read her mind, Yui nodding in agreement,"Oh my goodness! He truly is amazing! Wind you just bought the most greatest thing yet!" Yui exclaimed again and tackled him once more but she quickly stopped when she remembered that the pub was still on the list, grabbing Wind's hand,"Snap, we need to go now Wind. The event is still on going." Yui said and tugged Wind with her to the pub.

Opening the door of the pub, Yui pushed her way through to see the portal that everyone has been talking about. Looking back at Wind, she grin and let his hand go,"Here we are. Seems there really is a portal... I'll see you on the other side Wind!" Yui said taking out her weapon. Opening her menu bar, she pressed on the slot of her elite outfit, her clothing started to glow and transform into a red and white dress with cross designs decorated on it,"Hope potato can help us fight as well." Yui said and jumped into the portal without hesitation, leaving Wind behind with the potato.


Casper is still postponed ._.


  • Big Orange Hammer

    Colorful Ocarina

    Purple Bunny Hood


    x3 Health Potion

    x3 Antidote Potion


Neon downed two health potion after getting several hits from the eternally spawning mooks, he also took the time to heal Dia, whose health was running. " Oh wow , now I know how those gaming heroes feels like in these type of situation." He said, being empathic to those fictional people.

Suddenly, the previous bold low leveled player once again to the others to attack to the boss, which they followed successfuly. " Oh! We better get over there!" Neon said to his animal partner as he started levating over to the boss. Soon afterwards, the big bad did some sort of earthquake attack which sent various players flying away, one in particular seemed to actually enjoy being blown away. He and Dia managed to easily avoid it thanks to them not touching the ground. "Wow.. That seems to be really fun, wish I could have experienced that." He said in response that player's gleefulness. Immediately afterwards, his light style deactivated, now making him stand on the ground " Huh.. maybe I will soon!' He was starting to get too excited at the prospect of being blown away.

Back to the issues at hand, there were still some players facing off the boss despite that attack so he went to support them. " For the EXP!" He yelled. He started playing a defense boost song. He only had three songs that each boosted temporarily boosted Attack, Defense and Speed and thankfully, they were all he needed for now in this kerfuffle.
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Wind was caught off by Yui dragging him, she was really strong, or he was really weak, as she dragged him to the event his heart began to pulse, he'd never been to an event like this, he didn't know what it'd be like, or if he'd lose his character, and possibly his life? What if the game hadn't been repaired? What if the game was just as broken as before? But now he couldn't worry, they both were going to have fun completing something, and his stupid video game anxiety wasn't going to change that! Who really has vide game anxiety? Like really...

As Yui pushed him in he saw the portal, he almost drowned everything she had said out, until he noticed her changing into her battle uniform,

Are you sure about this? he called out, but it was already too late, she jumped through the portal, Jake sighed, he opened his tab, and looked at the appeal slot, clicking on tang brought up a small list. He placed his finger on the combat uniform, and the mist appeared around him, changing his outfit to a black overcoat, with golden buttons, the potato jumped more. He smiled down at it, I wonder if I could win something for you I'm there... he mumbled as he pet his little potato on the head. he than took it, and opened his jacket a bit, placing it In there, Just don't come out unless I'm in danger, okay? The little potato did a small salute with his umbrella, his face turning slightly stern, Jake smiled, and looked back at the portal, taking a deep breath, he let go of his jacket, and began to walk closer to it. Here goes nothing... he walked into the portal, being warped inside.

  • User: Dancing Wind

    Level: 14



    Supportive Star: inactive



  • Character: SnowFox

    Level: 29

    Guild: Sparrows

    Exp: 34/100 (%)

    HP: 100/100 (%)

    Stamina: 100/100 (%)

"OOOH! THAT'S SO COOL," bellowed Kiki, as she raised a fist into the air. A girl with brown hair had just created a wall of water, turned it into ice, and used it to trap the boss against the cavern. It was amazing. Wow. These people are great. They all have their own style and way of fighting. It's something beautiful to watch. Her eyes closed as she sunk into a smile. This is what I love for. OH! Aila had just witnessed another player using a shadowy skill, attacking the boss, running away from it at unbelievable speeds. Aye. I would definitely have a problem if I ever went up against any of these people. Yet, despite this, Aila's body tingled with excitement. She had an overwhelming urge to get in and be a part of the action.

Well, it looks my cool-downs are almost up. Just a bit longer and I should be good.

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(Crescent Moon Portal – Interior)

Just as Gwen was beginning to fear that the boss might catch up to her, a new buff appeared on her display; it was called- Bard’s song of defense, and it apparently reduced damage taken across the board. The duration was short, but it would hopefully last long enough for Gwen’s stealth to reset. In the meantime though- she was going to be taking reduced damage, which meant that there should be no problem with her standing her ground to land a few hits on the giant beast.

Gwen skidded to a halt, and turned to face the hulking hooded creature behind her. The creature roared as it charged, raising a large arm above its head in preparation to slam it onto Rose’s frail form. As the creature brought down its mighty fist however; Gwen dove and rolled to the right, avoiding the blow, but taking slight aoe damage from the resulting shockwave of the beast’s fist crashing into the ground.

The creature was now bent down, low enough that Gwen should be able to strike at its face if she moved quickly enough. Her speed style was almost up, but there was definitely enough left for her to charge one last time. Gwen bolted towards the creature’s head. Her speed style made her foes’ reaction speed seem sluggish, and she had little trouble making it to her target.

Take this!

Gwen drove her dagger into the creature’s hood, causing the words ‘critical strike’ to appear above its health bar. The creature stood back up, and stumbled backwards, stunned from the stabbing that it had just taken to its face. A small box also appeared beneath her enemies health bar, showing that the poison from her dagger had sunk it to its target. The creature’s health was now very low- its health bar having dropped into red-, and it now seemed to be angry. Very, very, angry. It raised both of its arms, and slammed then into the ground once more, recreating the shockwave effect from earlier- which Gwen easily avoided- but now there was another, bigger problem that she had to worry about. As the beast’s arms smashed into the ground, a warning popped up on her interface- no doubt one that was being issued to all players in the vicinity.


Gwen knew from other MMOs that Enrage pretty much spelled only one thing: trouble.

Realizing that her shadow style’s stealth had finally finished its cooldown, she wasted no time in activating it; immediately returning her to the shadows, and causing the boss to switch targets.

  • Character: Rose

    Level: 40

    Exp: 2/100

    HP: 85/100

    Energy: 75/100

    Speed Style: On Cooldown (100% remaining)

    Shadow Style: Active (75% remaining)
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The boss, as a result of getting stabbed in the head, lost fourty points due to the critical hit. Holding on by a thread, the hooded monster goes into a special mode which grants buffed attack speed and damage at the requirement of the boss being within the last 10% of health available. Hopping from point to point erratically, his feet would extend into the ground and cause a ginormous earthquake. Players who weren't stunned and damaged, were killed. A key few would certainly be able to avoid atacks such as this, or even parry them, depending on their level of course.

Each hit into the ground recorded a loss of more and more players. This was only the first level, and the populous of players who were still participating had already dwindled down to 25%. Such losses are usually recorded in the higher levels, so the situation should immediately seem bleak to players who are familiar with these sorts of PVE events. When you die during the event, you can't rejoin; it's an elimination process.

Primo's eyes kept locked on to the monster who bounced around continuously. Every time it came near him, he would simply parry with his sword and effectively reflect the boss' momentum in a different direction. He didn't want to kill it, but it looked like he might have to if no one else was willing to step up to the plate. Primo decided to wait and see for himself, not wanting to seem like he was stealing anybody's thunder. At such a high level for a puny boss, he wouldn't impress anyone anyway, unless they were super-new.

Not particularly focusing on one person, he would shout out to anyone who could hear. For anyone knew who would listen, they might get some advice.
" The back of the neck is weak!" Referring to the boss. "It's immune from the front! Don't bother trying to attack it head-on!" There was no time to explain for now, he didn't want to distract anyone further just because he was trying to help them avoid death in the first place.

Primo kept his sword at his side, swinging every once in a while to take out a minion or parry the boss' advances. The boss continued to kill players here and there as it continued, with no signs of slowing or stopping. It was unfortunate, but Primo simply couldn't save everyone. Not only that, but it wasn't his job to. He liked to think of himself as a team player, but he wasn't going to get anything if he sacrificed his own.

  • Primo

    Level 62

    Exp: 7(%)

    HP: 98(%)

    Stamina: 95(%)

    Cooldowns: Three posts (Both styles)

    Unique- Super Form (x2 stats at all times)


((I'll be posting first thing in the morning tomorrow, sorry for the delay guys.))
As players started to attack the boss from behind, Midori responded to Primo. "Yes, the extra points is nice, but a lot of unsuspecting lower leveled people are going to die unnecessarily if you don't help them out," he said. Then he looked to the boss again and yelled out, "That's his weak point, but that's also where I saw him summon the large bird from! Be careful! All may not be as it seems! Rangers, it'd be safer if you took aim on it now!"
(Sorry, I don't know what floors you've been on yet..

Also, someone please tell me where everything's going down?)

Felix Ryser - Gyro

Felix sighed, and leaned back against a tree. His entire party had been wiped out. Man, what a bother. He pushed himself up from the wall. They hadn't been completely worthless, these last five levels were all thanks to them. The 8th floor was really getting easy, though. He looked down at his weapons. A voulge, and a broom. He sighed louder, he could really use an upgrade. He took a couple steps backwards again, leaned against the tree, and looked up. And just in time, too. A large djungle snake dropped down at him. He did half a frontflip away from it, and cut it while on one palm, and then pushed himself the rest of the way around, landing on his feet.

It was a low-level enemy, and another hit took it down.


Oh, what a satisfying sound. The snake seemed to have dropped something else, as well. "What's this..?" He mumbled to himself as he opened the menu. He let out a loud shout of joy. A scythe! F yeah! This pissy broom can go burn in hell now! He equipped it and spun it around a couple times. Yeah, yeah, this would work out nicely.

  • GYRO

    LEVEL - 24

    EXP - 0%

    HP - 74%


    Steel Style - None

    Air Style - None


Evyn Dale - Archaeo

"WHAT?!" Evyn was practicly steaming. "NO WAY THAT PIECE OF POOP SWORD IS WORTH THAT MUCH!!" She stormed out of the house. She was tired with all these high-level players trying to scam her. No way she'd make any money if they keep doing that. The 1st floor had become a semi-popular community. All the bigger estates had been bought by high levelers, so there was always someone there she could trade with. She checked through her stats real quick. Man, she hadn't been grinding for some time now, she was falling behind in levels. A successful merchant needs to have the power to back up her deals!.. Which she really didn't at the time. Meh. Time to do something about that then. She started walking out of the city to find some monsters to slay. (Feel free to meet her anywhere. Just dictate that she comes to wherever you are.)

  • Archaeo

    LEVEL - 21

    EXP - 74%

    HP - 100%


    Speed Style - None

    Acrobat Style - None



  • Character: SnowFox

    Level: 29

    Guild: Sparrows

    Exp: 34/100 (%)

    HP: 100/100 (%)

    Stamina: 100/100 (%)

*Bing*. Her ears were met with the familiar sound of elevator doors opening. It's about time. Her fire-style was finally out of cool-down. "Wow! Nice, nice," she beamed, as the hooded figure was taken down to low health, by a critical hit, from the girl running around with a dagger. A-mazing. She definitely has to teach me those skills sometime.

Although Aila held a gun-blade and carried the skills Battle Healing/Parry, fighting up close and personal was not her strong suit. Earlier in the game, most of her time was spent tracking down and killing different animals. These monsters weren't particularly strong, so it wasn't too dangerous for her, just time consuming, since they hid so well. Fighting with a sword or developing her combat skills, was never really a necessity. Use of auras however, was another story. In spite of the fact, that Aila was noticeably more proficient with wind than with fire, she could still mix and match the two, to an astonishing degree. This came from the many levels of pursuing an assortment of monsters, through various environments like thick forests, cavernous lakes, and rocky mountains.

Aila squinted to get a better view of the projection floating above. It was then that her heart skipped a beat, as she noticed quite a few familiar names, etched near the head of a handful of players.
Primo, Colt, and... Rose?.. Huh?.. They were players in the world of SAO..what in the hell were they doing here? Ah! Never-mind that! A better question right now would be: why are Primo and Colt just standing around?

Appalled, Aila swiped open her menu and started sending out two messages. One to Colt and the other to Primo.

To Primo(@Braxnond ) & Colt(@cojemo ):

Let me just say, I am so surprised and honored to see you here...but what's going on? Have you really become that jaded??? Weren't you in the world of SAO? I know this is just a game, and not as terrifying as it was before, but don't people's deaths mean something to you anymore?! Whether it's real or not, don't you feel a thing?-

Hitting send, with eyes glaring at nobody, she shut her menus with an audible *snap*.
Time to go.

Down on the ground, the streets were definitely more packed, much more packed than how it looked from up in the air. The walk from Viewing Park to Crescent Pub would have normally taken 3 minutes, but on this day, 3 became 7. Setting out, Aila plotted a course for the bar, and after pushing through about 20 players and rattling off nearly 17
"Excuse Me's," at last, the pub's entrance came into view. Needless to say, it was a mess inside the establishment. Tables were broken in half, chairs were strewn all over the place, and a guy near the entrance was complaining loudly about getting beat up by a boy with short, ghost-white hair. Ooookay then.

Stepping over the debris and right up to the swirling blue portal, Aila peered inside, checking to see if she could get a glimpse of what was going on. Oh, well that sucks. All she could see, was a bit of the pub wall stationed on the other side.

Here goes nothing.

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Felix Ryser - Gyro

Soo... What now? Grinding was getting a bit boring, especially after all of his party members died. What could he do...? He scratched his head. Well, he could go back to his shitty little house on floor one again, and log off. Yeah, he hadn't been on for more than two hours, but whatever, he'd be back later.

Once down on the first floor, he got a notification. "A dungeon, eh? Godamnit advent, you sneaky bastard. Once I think I'm out, you suck me right back in." He started making his way toward the pub it was about. Due to laziness, he arrived quite late, and someone seemed to have trashed the pub. Oh well, at least the portal was intact. Some girl with a cute avatar entered it, and he didn't have any problems with following that.

He got a tickly feeling in his gut as he approached it.

"Oh, I love this." He said before disappearing into it.

(stats unchanged)

(Evyn don't give two shits about events)
After a moment, Midori was hit in the head and knocked out. He came to not that long after and set out looking for this Primo character. He had wanted to have a discussion with him. After a bit of searching, he caught up. "Primo! Once you're finished, I'd like to have a talk if you don't mind."
  • Character: Haru

    Level: 55

    EXP: 47/100(%)


    Stamina: 52/100(%)


The small brown haired avatar stared as someone said that the neck of the boss was weak. Drenched in her own sweat and dirt, she stared up. Players were lying everywhere, and the challenge had taken a nasty turn for the worst. Gripping her twin blades tightly in her hands, she raised them, her arms were trembling from exhaustion. A lot of players had already used there different styles, and there was no way anyone would be able to reach the boss' neck using even system assets without the help of there styles.

We're dead.. It was foolish to think we could win this. Haru thought to herself. Her speed style was almost ready, yet it looked suicidal to go and try to hit the boss' soft spot. Activating it, she jumped up, trying to dig the hilt of her sword into the boss' neck. The monster raised it's arm up, hitting the blonde haired girl's avatar before she could even scratch the boss. The small girl was flung like a rag doll onto the ground, the wind getting knocked out of Haru's virtual lungs. Haru's HP had dropped drastically as she fell, lowered by nearly half now, entering the red zone.

Noticing a particular lack of drive, Primo felt slightly annoyed. He had just received a message asking why he had done more, almost simultaneously as a blonde-haired female was flung toward the ground. Her HP was low, but she wasn't down for the count quite yet. Chances were good that she would live if she decided not to continue fighting. Ready to spring into the action for himself, Primo prepared to make an offensive attempt to finish off the hooded boss.

She hadn't hit the ground yet. The jump up to the boss' head was far, and he was constantly in the air. When the girl was hit, she had been striked from a distance far from the ground. Running as fast as he could toward the area that she was headed for, he prepaired one of his spare elixirs. He found her name on the dungeon list - one which existed for the current session, obviously, and waited until he got close enough to use her. It was a good thing he was healing her, because his next act of valor wasn't going to produce the most gentleman-like behavior.

Haru's health would regenerate by 75%. However, she was still rocketing toward the ground. Primo's cooldowns were currently in effect, so he had no other choice. In order to get the momentum he was looking for, he would have to use some of hers. Finally close enough, his feet would lead him quickly up the slopey side of a large rock and he sprung himself from the top. Barreling for Haru's form, his feet would retract as close as they could into his stomach. Haru's body traveled under him, and just as she got there, he extended his legs and kicked off of her stomach. This killed her momentum, allowing her to fall more gracefully toward the ground now that her direction had changed, while giving Primo some extra air time toward the boss.

As he got closer and closer, it became more apparent that Primo wasn't propelled at the correct rate to hit the monster. Neither enough of the speed nor power he needed had been delivered from the use of that poor girl's body, but it did get him into a close enough range where he could take a gamble. Lining up his shot as his body hit the peak of it's height, he cocked his arm back before releasing it forward. Following through with his motion, the entire right side of his body would curve forward slightly as his hand released his Way to Dawn, which sliced through just enough area of the boss' neck to take out the remaining percent of it's HP.

Extending his arms into the air, Primo chanted.

That was before the horrible, long descent toward the ground. Landing on his behind, he'd bounce slightly before sprawling completely out on the ground he landed on. Immediately after Primo's landing, his weapon hit the ground as well, clanking a couple of times before laying at rest. The fall happened to take a small chunk of his health away, but not enough to be worried about. Nonetheless, he still felt it all the same; what else was NerveGear for?
As he stood up to brush himself off, he noticed he was approached once more.

"I'm finished for now. How can I help you?"

  • Primo

    Level 62

    Exp: 8(%)

    HP: 84(%)

    Stamina: 80(%)

    Cooldowns: Two posts (Both styles)

    Unique- Super Form (x2 stats at all times)


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  • df_zpsac622fc5.png

    • Magical Revolver (x1)
    • Useless Sword (x1)
    • Quest Items (x5)
    • Health Potion (x5)
    • Mana Potion (x7)
    • Pet Egg (x1)

-I changed her weapon since at first, this was suppose to be Yui's kind of weapon in the beginning but I wasn't sure if I could do this ^^;-

The fight was on, Yui entering into the realm but only to see hundred of monsters flooding the place,"W-what?" Yui thought in disbelief at how many there was and before she could comprehend what was happening, one of the monsters came charging for her but she was quick to think and quickly ducked, rolling over to safety,"Taking a blind hit on me." Yui mumbled and tighten her grip on the cold metal stick of her lance.

Well not on my watch."

Air Style Activated

Putting all her energy into her feet, she jumped into the air and floated there for a second before swirling her two-sided lance, a click could be heard from her lance. Along the click, the lance broke into two with a chain holding them together becoming more of a nunchuk with blades at the end. Still swinging her lance/nunchuk in a circle by her side, she waited for the right time to attack. The monster was a few inches taller then her and had long horns that look like it could stab Yui straight into the chest if it were to get close to her so she made a mental note to keep her distance.

The monster looked to be some kind of ox and man with no weapon other than it's horns plus it's body structure was pretty intimating showing how strong he was unlike Yui who had no muscles like him. The monster jumped into the air without hesitation, charged at Yui with it's horns once more but she dodged it with ease, flying to the left and slamming her lance into it's back, a long cut trailed from it's neck to the waistlines as pixels started to form. Yui didn't waste anytime and took another slash at it, the blade coming down once more and stabbed the ox-like man in the back, deepening the wound as it let out a screeching sound.

Before she could do anything else to finish it off, one of the monsters came at her from behind, a wolf-like beast bit her at the shoudler blade and almost teared it off but she was quick use the other end of her lance and stab it in the head, the mutt whine in pain and backed off. Pulling her blade out of the ox, turning into pixels, she turned her attention to the wolf, grabbing the end and stab the wolf in the neck as it turned into pixels.

Her attacks were pretty brutal, even the nearby players thought she was being a bit too much but this was Yui. When she is needed to be serious, she will become that way which is why people don't try to anger her, not wanting to face her wrath. Looking up, Yui noticed some groups taking on the boss, mostly one guy with white hair seem like it. She couldn't quite see his name but Yui didn't really mind though she would like to know the guy for taking down a big boss like that,"He's pretty strong." Yui thought but turned her attention back to the portal seeing Wind there with a different type of clothing,"Wind over here!" She called out waving to him but still kept her guard, swinging her blade at whoever came at her as a threat.

-I feel like I made Yui seem like an brutal killer...o.e'-


Wind smiled at Yui, she looked a bit restless, and exhausted, but he knew she could get a little carried away, the area he had come into was too different from the previous one, why can't they just make these look slightly hospitable? Maybe that would ruin the atmosphere, well it obviously will...you wouldn't fight a succubis in a playground, now would you? Well....maybe you could, if high schools had playgrounds.

Wind grabbed the hilt of his blade, ready for something to come at him, although nothing did, he looked a bit dumbfounded, and than sighed, Ugh, you always kill everything before I can show up... he whined like a prepubescent child, obviously teasing, he didn't want to say anything to make her direct her rage to him, although she never had, he still had a deep fear of her when she did direct it on anyone. Wind kicked a small rock aside, showing an exaggerated amount of boredom, until he noticed the dungeon boss being slew by a group of people, Well, I guess I just came to swine some loot.... H chuckled lightly, still keeping his right hand on the hilt of his blade.

Just than before he could let his guard down, a wolf charged forward, from behind Yui, of course she could handle it on her own, she's an independent white woman who don't need no man, or woman; his instincts kicked in, and he rushed forward without saying a word, grabbing Yui's left shoulder with his left hand, and pulling her down a bit, grabbing the hilt of his sword he extended it outwards towards the hound.

Lightning Style Activated

His sword pulsed a deep blue hue, as well as his body, he focused his eyes on the tip of his blade, causing a slim bolt of pure electricity to spring forth, slamming into the wolf's muzzle, the creature whimpered, but before it could do anything else another small beam sprung forth, hitting it's chest like a concussive shot, it flew back a bit before disappearing into pixels, ,marking it's death, he stepped back, and hoisted Yui back up, Sorry about that....but hey, at least I'm not worthless! he smiled at her, his aura still flashing, but not as much as it had, only having enough energy for five of those pulses.

  • User: Dancing Wind

    Level: 14



    Lightning Style cool down:

    Lightning Style Activated

    Grass Style cool down: Ready

    Supportive Star: inactive



(Crescent Moon Portal – Interior)

Gwen’s Shadow style enveloped her in darkness, returning her to the shadows. As she faded away, the boss turned to fixate on a new, visible target. This was good; it should buy her time to come up with a plan.

Because the boss was now dealing increased damage and moving much more quickly, getting in close again would be much more difficult; especially since Gwen’s speed style was now on cooldown. Sure, her shadow style might allow her to get in close, but without the evasion granted by the speed style, she would be rolled over like a flower by a truck once her stealth was broken.

I should’ve made Rose a tank this time… she thought to herself, annoyed. Out of all of the players here, not a single one of them were stepping up to hold the bosses attention- something that would have made this encounter much easier. Perhaps she should look into re-specing into tanking... An interesting thought, but one that she would need to think about later. Back to the situation at hand; the boss was now continually leaping from players to player, squishing the lower leveled ones like tiny insects. Gwen felt a surge of grief and panic begin to arise at the sight of the massacre; feelings which she quickly stifled, reminding herself that the players were not really being killed.

Gwen stood there, trying to think of a plan, when she noticed Primo off in the distance. The boy was running toward a girl who had been knocked back by one of the boss’s shockwaves. Gwen saw as he leapt off of a rock, and into the air. He soared straight towards the girl, and then, bringing his legs in close, pushed off of her stomach mid-fall. The girl’s momentum was stunted, and Primo’s was now greater, which Gwen realized was a good thing, as she had figured out what he was doing.

The reason that Primo had used the girl’s momentum was so that he could get high enough to strike the boss’s head, as Gwen had done only moments ago. He hurdled toward the giant beast, but there was a problem, his momentum was not enough; as he hurdled toward the it, he did something very risky- he threw his sword at the boss. Granted, the boss’s hp was very low, but if his sword missed, then he would be left weaponless before the creature. The blade left his hand, and flew toward the creature, leaving Gwen to watch anxiously, and hope that the blade would connect.

The blade flew through the air, and landed directly in the back of the boss’s neck, landing another critical hit, and causing its remaining hp to empty from its health bar. The creature exploded into a large cloud of pixels, and disappeared. Gwen’s screen was then greeted by a small pop up, detailing her rewards for participating in downing the boss. She quickly closed this pop-up however, figuring that she could look over her loot later, and instead ran over toward Primo.

“Hey,” she said, greeting the boy. “That was a risky stunt you pulled there."

She was so caught up in the excitement of victory, that she almost didn’t notice the red-haired boy standing next to Primo, who also seemed to be waiting to speak with him. His character’s name was Midorikawa; the same boy who Gwen had tossed a potion to earlier.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” Gwen said, her blue eyes glancing over at the other boy. “I didn’t realize you were talking with someone.”

Gwen flashed a cheerful smile to the red head. “Sorry if I interrupted you two, I’m Rose!”

  • Character: Rose

    Level: 40

    Exp: 77/100

    HP: 85/100

    Energy: 70/100

    Shadow Style: Active (50% remaining)

    Speed Style: On CD (40% Complete)

Midori accepted Rose's hand with a smile, though his hand shook a little. He just wasn't comfortable around girls. Then he did the bow he was always accustomed to doing when meeting someone new, apologizing afterwards. "C-call me Midori," he said. The adrenalin rush from before had died down and he was now starting to wander again, "Alright, so Primo. I was wondering if you could give me a few pointers or something. Do you think?"


  • Character: SnowFox

    Level: 29

    Guild: Sparrows

    Exp: 34/100 (%)

    HP: 100/100 (%)

    Stamina: 100/100 (%)

Slowly removing the white Chibi-fox cap from off her head, Aila's shoulders drooped, realizing an instant before, that the party was already over. She clenched the cap tight in her hand, and heaved a huge sigh of discontent, knotted braids of obsidian black hair, lazily rocking back and forth past arched knees. "UGGHH," she groaned aloud. "You could have at least left SOMETHING!"

Aila rubbed her temples and looked around. With the boss' demise, things seemed to be taking care of themselves. The lower level players were busy taking out stragglers, while others were drinking potions and restoring their health. Uugghh. What a drag. But at least everyone is safe.

Falling backwards with both arms straight out to the side, Aila fell with a *plop*, smacking her back against the hard cavern floor. Moments later, a white and yellow notice popped high above her head, signaling a temporary vacation had been taken from the world around. It read:

Unless We Are Moving Or You Want To Have A Duel, Do Not Disturb.

Okay, good. Now let's see if anything new has come up since then. Switching over to AOL's messaging interface, squealing when she noticed there was one new message waiting to be read in the inbox.

-Hey Aila! How ya been? Just wanted to let you know, we spotted a black and blue seal swimming around in the waters of Floor 24. It looks very promising. This just might be the monster you're looking for. Well you know, like always, holler if you need any help, and let me know how it goes. See ya! StarrScarr-

Haha, thank you so much for the info Scarr! Muah! Muah! Love you lots, she replied back, hitting send. Working on a team was absolutely the best. With having a hand in the day-to-day operations of the hunting guild "Sparrows", Aila had access to a plethora of information and resources. Though she was not a group leader as of yet, junior-masters still held quite a bit of power. They didn't order anybody around per se, but if a request was made, it was likely to be listened to. The guild Sparrows, was not one based on unquestioned loyalty and obedience, but one based off teamwork and mutual respect; with the most capable ones leading things out in the forefront.

Okay! It must be number 10 then, the Laughing Seal. Watch out little buddy. Aila Yurrkin is comin' for ya.

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  • Level: 55

  • EXP: 50

    HP: 100/100(%)

    Stamina: 52/100(%)

    Air Style: 20 minutes remaining

    Water Style: 3 minutes remaining

  • 10,000 Gold

  • 3x Healing Potions

    1x Purple Kimono Outfit

    2x Ribbons

    1x Extra Sword

    1x Beginner's Outfit


Another player with light colored hair had rescued Haru as she fell. The player's name was Primo. After he had given her an elixirs, increasing her HP which re-entered into the green zone. "Thank you so much." The brown haired girl stated, watching as the player defeated the boss, and was knocked out of the air, a small chunk of his HP lost. Awkwardly studying him, "I've seen you from some where... by any chance were you at the Bar before this?"

With all of these people instantly trying to talk to him at once, Primo felt like shrugging off the attention. He wasn't anything special, only a player who happened to be a high enough level to kill a lower-level boss with ease. It happened all the time, so he didn't understand all of the commotion from the get go. Irregardless, he would handle each situation as they came to light.

Before Midori could finish asking Primo what he originally wanted to, Rose stepped into the picture. When she did, Primo nodded toward her. Then she spoke, as if she was letting him know that he wasn't aware of what he had done.
"I would have handled it if things went south." Well, truth was, he would have waited until his cooldowns were up and avoided, but that was a completely different story for now. That was when Rose apologized. "It's not needed, really. You're all good."

He would wait for Rose and Midori to exchange niceties before he went back to finishing his conversation with Midori, who promptly asked if Primo could give him some pointers. After giving it a couple of seconds to run through his thought process, Primo opened up his menu screen and sent a party invitation to the new player.


Party invitation from Primo.

[ Accept ] - [ Deny ]


"Stick around for a while, and you'll find what you're looking for." Primo's right eye shut, winking at the new player momentarily before his attention was once again grabbed for. Haru, the girl he had so rudely kicked off of to defeat the boss, was just grilling him. Feeling her eyes staring him down, he bent over slightly. "I'm sorry. I must have something on my face?"

This was a bit sarcastic, but she was being pretty rude by just gawking at him from the get-go, even if he had originally been a douche. Then she asked if he happened to be in the Crescent Moon previously, before entering the dungeon. Standing upright once more, he turned his head around in multiple directions on the ground in his central radius, eyes peeled for something.
"I was there, actually. Why do you ask?"

When his eyes finally grabbed a hold of it's frame, Primo turned and bent over slightly to grab his sword off of the ground. As he lifted it up, he spun the handle around in his palm twice before shoving it onto it's natural place on his right side. Usually, it was weird for a character to have a regular sword in the same place that a katana was usually holistered at (the hip), but Primo is a baller. Who does stuff like a baws.

  • Primo

    Level 62

    Exp: 8(%)

    HP: 84(%)

    Stamina: 80(%)

    Cooldowns: One posts (Both styles)

    Unique- Super Form (x2 stats at all times)

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((I'm too lazy to fill out a tab for now, so we'll just pretend that it's the same as before.))


She watched as people around Haru shoved there way past her to talk to Primo, the mysterious player whom saved her. "Sorry, that was rude of me to ask.. It's just that you're face looked really familiar, and I wasn't sure if I was hallucinating or not.. If you don't mind me asking, weren't you the player that beat up that guy in the bar? It's either that, or I watched too much anime last night, and I've lost it." The small avatar watched as Primo drew his katana towards an undetermined source. Tensing, she drew her dual blades, better safe than sorry right? Almost sighing out loud in annoyance, she noticed that her Speed Style cool down still needed another minute.

  • df_zpsac622fc5.png

    • Magical Revolver (x1)
    • Useless Sword (x1)
    • Quest Items (x5)
    • Health Potion (x5)
    • Mana Potion (x7)
    • Pet Egg (x1)

Yui was about to go over to Wind's side and pull him along with her to fight some more but instead he came at her except instead only to push her down to the floor, grabbing her left shoulder and using her like some jump boast for him as he flew in the air and stabbed a wolf that almost got Yui from behind without her even noticing yet. Yui had to be thankful that she got Wind with her or she would have been toast. Still on the ground, Wind came back and helped her up, Yui dusting herself and grin, not caring that Wind pushed her down,"Thanks Wind and who said you were worthless? You did an excellent job!" Yui praised and patted him on the back,"You saved my life and I'm thankful for that." Yui said and turned her attention to the level as there were still minor monsters still spawning in even though the boss was already gone now.

"We were a bit late, huh? Maybe we should leave go now, I rather eat a potato by now but we could level up some more, I just need a few more than I'll be level 24." Yui suggested and threw her lance at one of the wolves, the chain making a loud clank that echoed in the room,"I think I'll level up a bit, we could enjoy some tea to celebrate for your new friend." Yui said pulling at the chain and making the wolf fly off the ground and coming towards Yui with swish movement, she used the other end and swung the blade into the wolf's neck as it turned into pixels before them,"Just four more to go now." Yui said looking over at Wind,"Wanna join in?" She asked about to swing her lance at another target.

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Midori perceived a jingle in his ear as a translucent menu rolled open.

  • ---------------------------------------

    Party invitation from Primo.

    [ Accept ] - [ Deny ]


A commotion grabbed his eye as a new character approached. He strained to see through the message, attempting to angle his head around it. Yet as he stretched, the message traced him.

Annoyed, Midori quickly pointed through the accept button. As the message dissipated, Midori's sight focused on the scene. On one end, the helpful Primo was gripping the hilt of his sword. On the other, an almost shivering girl with big beautiful eyes stood confused.

Midori's trust rested in Primo, yet his heart was tugged toward the girl. Thus, he slipped between them. "Hold up, what's the problem?"

At that moment, another message rolled open.

  • ~Congratulations!~

    The Summoner has successfully been defeated. All players active in this battle receive a pass to Floor 8.

  • Hero's Staff

    Floor 8 Pass

    Ranger's Cloak

    Basic Iron Chest Plate

    Ranger's Pants

    Basic Wooden Greaves

    Basic Bronze Dagger
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