• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom Advent Online


When Midori was grabbed by a female player, he almost died of shock. Ash the player attempted to rectify her faults, all Midori could do was stare blankly. Yet, when she had departed and Midori came to his wits, his blank stare morphed into one of alertness. Looking to Ari, he said, "I know I'm not an expert on girls… but that didn't seem natural. I'm going to check it out a little. You follow Primo, I'll catch up to you in a bit."

With that, the fire-haired hero locked onto the unknown character. Either she was really touchy-feely, or she was up to something. He climbed up into a tree to get a better vantage point. Perhaps she was pickpocketing. Yet he still couldn't get a proper glimpse.

In the end, it didn't matter, for the character crouched behind the very tree he was hiding in. After a moment of observation, Midori thought it was about time to introduce himself. Dropping down in front of her, he put his hands on his hips and looked down with an unpleased expression. "I'm not stupid. What are you up to?"


  • Character: SnowFox

    Level: 29

    Guild: Sparrows

    Exp: 34/100 (%)

    HP: 100/100 (%)

    Stamina: 100/100 (%)

"Uhhhhh..." Aila's heart skipped a beat, as time stood still for what felt like hours. "I..I..I..," she stammered, "don't feel so good.." With a hand to her forehead, Aila dropped backwards onto her back, in dramatic fashion. What is he doing here?? I could have sworn he didn't realize a thing! It was so perfect! Come on Aila, think, think, think.

Her body jolted upright, now sitting on her knees, the girl's mind flashed with a few ideas. Okay Mido. Have some of this.

"Michael. I mean, Midorikawa haha! Sorry! It's just that you and the woman you were with, looked alot like two people I met, from the first time I joined Advent online. I was a little, just a little girl, constantly getting killed and buying the wrong items left and right; but those two generously took me in and taught me how to play. They showed me how to save money, avoid player-killers, use my powers, and even took me up to floors I shouldn't have been able to get to. Then one day, when I signed on expecting to see them...I didn't. One day turned into four, and four turned into 6, until eventually, I never saw them again..So you see, I was really attached to Lara and Michael, so when I thought they were you, I couldn't help myself. I'm truly sorry,"
she weept, wiping away a stream of virtual tears.

That should have been enough to at
least keep Midorikawa from being even more suspicious, but Aila was too blinded by her own performance to realize it. "I'm so sorry if I bothered you Midorikawa The Great. Please, I'll do anything you want to make up for it! Just say the word and it's yours." She ended by placing a hand over her heart, sniffing in deeply through the nose, looking him straight in the eyes.

Good enough for you Midorikawa? I have some business to attend to.

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Midori squinted suspiciously, watching the drama unfold. Her moves were way too choppy to be natural. She jolted from one guilty pose to the next. However, he struggled to think logically. Girls always made his mind go out of whack. That on top of his ADD, and he was positively dumb around them.

As he struggled through her explanation, a few things came to his mind. First off, she said she had joined a while ago. This meant she was probably one of the BETA testers, since the game had only been released recently. If her story was truthful, then she probably didn't even know what BETA testing was, and just happened to obtain it. That would explain the sudden disappearance of her guides.

However, the more likely case was that she had full awareness of the BETA test and had learned all of the different ways to exploit players. In that case, her story was probably false as it was. Judging from her choppy attitude, the latter was probably the case. Yet as she began to cry, Midori stiffened and his mind began to race.

Deep within himself, he knew this was just a ploy, but it was definitely tugging at his insecurities. He clenched is eyes, attempting to block out her babbling so he could regain composure. With a sigh, he finally said, "Y-you were a BETA tester right? Just tell me the truth. Quit giving them a bad name."

  • Level: 56

  • EXP: 50

    HP: 100/100(%)

    Stamina: 89/100(%)

    Air Style: 0 minutes remaining

    Water Style: 0 minutes remaining

  • 10,000 Gold

  • 3x Healing Potions

    1x Purple Kimono Outfit

    2x Ribbons

    1x Extra Sword

    1x Beginner's Outfit

Running behind Primo and Gwen, Haru stared, her bright azure orbs taking in the small details of the door here, a staircase there, or just a shop sign. Reaching the small weapons store, she stepped inside, the interior of the slightly warm room was slightly warmer than the outdoors. The NPC inside greeted them in a southern accent. Noticing a flash of annoyance in Primo's eyes, Haru giggled slightly before saying,
"Howdy." If that was how the NPC was programmed, she wanted to respond like wise to see how it reacted.

Wandering around, the caramel haired girl didn't really need any weapons as her dual swords were strapped to her back and that was all she really needed to take down any player or boss with. Pretending to look at a few swords, in the corner of her eye, she could see the NPC chittering away with Gwen. Something flashed in her eyes, and she said something to Primo before going back outside. Following her, she went outside before cautiously approaching her.
"Are you all right?"
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  • Character: SnowFox

    Level: 29

    Guild: Sparrows

    Exp: 34/100 (%)

    HP: 100/100 (%)

    Stamina: 100/100 (%)



A BETA tester...?

"I am a BETA Tester! How did you know? Haha, I try to keep it hidden as best I can, but observant; and may I add cute, she added with a wink, people like you always find me out."Aila sighed and got up so she was standing face-to-face to the red-haired one. "Hello Midorikawa, my name is Aila, but you can always call me Snow if you'd like." Bringing up the settings, a friend request was created and sent to newcomer. "I know a lot of things...about a lot of things. If you ever want to know some things..accept that thing." Oh my haha, I'm definitely going to write that down.

"I see you're new to the game Mido. Is there anything you needed help with? I've been around quite a lot exploring dangerous places and trapping slippery creatures. I'm a monster hunter you see, and I have learned a plethora of information from my many travels. I know why you came over here; you think I was doing something shady didn't you? Well you have nothing to worry about: I like you. You're my type of guy." Aila grinned and stuck out a hand for him to shake. "Say, you don't happen to know anything about a coliseum around here now do you?"

Midori cocked his head, still not quite convinced. There was just something about this girl. She had lied once, and now she was being all too enthusiastic. People like me? he wondered, And why does she keep calling me Mido? I-I like it. But only a person guilty of shady things would deliberately try to downplay their own shadiness. Right? Well… I'll play along for now, see what I can find out. Anyways, on the off chance that she's not lying… she-she's kinda… damn, snap out of it!

He accepted her friend request and handshake. "I don't trust you yet, but I'll give you a chance," he said. Pefect! If she knows I'm watching her, she'll be on edge if she's tricking me. "As for the colosseum, I just got a message a little bit ago on it. I'm going to check it out in a bit, right after I rendezvous with some friends of mine. They're getting their weapons appraised."

Midori looked to the Hero's Staff on his back. I should probably get this one checked out too. I might be able to sell it for a Col. "Come on, let's head there together Snow."

Level 62

Exp: 8(%)

HP: 100(%)

Stamina: 100(%)

Cooldowns: None

150,232 gold

Black Ocarina.

Modern Assassin (full outfit)

Way to Dawn (soldiers' weapon)

7x Full Elixir

Dungeon Crawler's Cap

"That's all. Thank you, have a good one." He nodded to the shop owner, bowing in respect before turning and walking out of the shop behind the two girls. As they stood there momentarily, Primo completed their little circle and waited to speak. "I knew that Scarlett person, back in Sword Art Online." A neutral expression on his face, Primo continued. "The leader of the guild named Avengers of the Fallen. I fought many valiant battles with that woman. I was sure she would be one of the players to help us out of that world. She was murdered right in front of my eyes." He took a second to look down on the ground, with a look of sadness on his face. "At the time, she was better than I was. She grinded harder, she was a better leader. There was so many times she saved my life." He shook his head, a small smirk across his face. "An angel, truely. Without her i'd be dead. I'll never forget that woman. My biggest regret now is the fact that I couldn't save her."

Trying to move on from the subject, he looked back up to the two. "
Let's keep at the task at hand. We have to get back to the others." With that, he turned from the two and double-timed it back to their original spot, where they would meet up with everyone else in given time. Running as fast as he could, he dodged various bodies which walked in seas of people, jumped and ducked over obstacles on his way. Nothing was going to slow him down, he had to get as far into the dungeon as he could, after all! Event time was no game, when it came to this... Game.

When he finally reached Midori, he came to a screeching holt; almost tackling him over as he outstretched his arms. He didn't knock Midori over, he simply used the large man as a stopper. With a goofy grin, he let go.

"... Sorry."



  • Character: SnowFox

    Level: 29

    Guild: Sparrows

    Exp: 34/100 (%)

    HP: 100/100 (%)

    Stamina: 100/100 (%)

"As for the colosseum, I just got a message a little bit ago on it. I'm going to check it out in a bit, right after I rendezvous with some friends of mine. They're getting their weapons appraised." Midori looked to the Hero's Staff on his back. "Come on, let's head there together Snow."

"Go on and lead the way then Mido." But just as they were right about to set off, something peculiar happened; something that Aila wished to avoid for as long as possible.

Running as fast as he could, he dodged various bodies which walked in seas of people, jumped and ducked over obstacles on his way. Nothing was going to slow him down, he had to get as far into the dungeon as he could, after all! When he finally reached Midori, he came to a screeching holt; almost tackling him over as he outstretched his arms. He didn't knock Midori over, he simply used the large man as a stopper. With a goofy grin, he let go.
"... Sorry."

Oh my god. Not him. It could have been anybody except for him. Why, why, why, why why, are you here?? Then things clicked. He must be one of the friends Mido was going to rendezvous with..man oh man...things could get sticky. Okay, I just have to play it cool and take the initiative. Being suspicious is fine; with that, I can deal. I just don't want to have these people hating me. But I mean, putting a tracker on someone isn't all that bad right? Even without their permission? It's perfectly normal! I bet they do it all the time!

She tried opening her mouth to say something, but her mind was completely blank. Instead, Aila reverted to using a word, a word that had been muttered so many times within the past hour: sorry. "I'm sorry Primo. I'm clumsy I know. But if you could just let what happened go, I'm sure we can start off on the right foot and be friends. You're acquaintances with Mido right?" She glanced over at him. "If you are, then, you're okay in my book. We should become pals too." *Ding*. The friend request was sent, and Aila stood smiling, hands clasped behind her back, waiting to see what the white-haired one would do.

Come on Primo, play nice, and try not to mess things up.

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(8Th floor, City)

Gwen closed the door to the shop behind her, before slowly walking over to the safety rail overlooking one of many streams that ran through the city.


Gwen stood there, holding the blade out in front of her, pondering why such an item would have been put into the game. The only explanation that really seemed to make any sense was that it was put in in memoriam of the fallen players, but Gwen still couldn’t get over why such a memorial wouldn’t have been made public knowledge. It would make sense if they wanted to make the players discover it on their own, but if that were the case, surely someone else would have discovered a similar item by now… It was for that reason, that this whole scenario didn’t sit right with her.

There just so happens to be an extremely rare weapon in the game, which just so happens to be named after one of Gwen’s best friends, and it just so happens that she was the first one to see it drop? No. That was too much of a coincidence.

Could it perhaps have something to do with the mysterious messages she had been receiving?

Just as Gwen was beginning to get lost in her thoughts again, a voice called out from behind her.

“Are you all right?” Haru asked the girl, clearly concerned about her sudden reaction.

In an effort to cover up her odd reaction, she replied to the girl, “Oh, yeah, I’m fine. It was just a little stuffy in there.” She threw in a cheerful, but nonetheless, feigned, smile.

“Anyway, what’s this arena thing everyone’s talking about? I got a message about it, but I haven’t bothered to open it yet.” She added, hoping to change the subject.

Just as it looked as though the topic was going to change, Primo emerged from the shop, and made his way over to the pair. His expression was neutral, but Gwen could tell that he knew what had upset her. He began making some comments about Scarlett, which Gwen simply ignored. She didn’t want to think about that right now. If she did, she would end up remembering it all…

Most of what Primo said simply bounced off of her, but there was one phrase that made it through her wall…

“She was murdered right in front of my eyes.”

Gwen gripped the rail tighter, as the words wormed their way past her eardrums.

“At the time, she was better than I was. She grinded harder, she was a better leader. There were so many times she saved my life.”

Primo’s words, while kind, were beginning to arouse an unusual sense of anger in Gwen. She kept her outward appearance calm, so as not to make a scene, but inside, her chest was beginning to become a torrent of rage as the boy continued his speech.

“An Angel, truly.” The boy stated, his voice relaxed. “Without her, I’d be dead. I’ll never forget that woman.”

Gwen’s hands tightened around the rail in front of her even more, causing a slight pain to arise in her palm.

“My only regret now is that I couldn’t save her.”

That comment caused Gwen to spin around and give the boy a nasty scowl. Her mouth opened, preparing to spew forth a fiery inferno of a response, but she stopped herself short, and simply replied,

“That’s enough.”

Realizing how frighteningly out of character she must have seemed, Gwen turned back around towards the river, and went silent.

How long had it been, since Scarlett had died? It had to have been at least a few months by now… Even so, the memory still haunted Gwen’s dreams like it had only happened yesterday.

It had been a long, arduous ascent up the frozen mountains of Floor 72, but at last, after nearly two days of climbing, they had finally reached the summit of Mount Frostborne, also known as, The Frozen Pinnacle…

------ The Frozen Pinnacle -----

(Aincrad, Floor 72)

The group charged in to the arena, Heathcliff, Gwen and another member of the Blood Alliance in the forefront.

The arena seemed to be made entirely out of ice, exactly as the scouting team had explained in their report. The area was also completely flat, there were no mounds, trees or hills or even pillars to use for line-of-sight tricks in the event that the need arose. It was completely bare.

“Where is the boss…?”

A voice muttered from the crowd of players behind the girl.

Gwen’s eyes dashed from corner to corner, wall to wall, and floor to ceiling, but the boss was no where to be seen.

“Is he invisible??!” Someone exclaimed, their voice suddenly wrought with fear.

“Steel yourselves!” Heathcliff retorted, “If the boss was in fact invisible, he would have been aggroed and attacked one of us by now, I suspect he hasn’t arrived yet.”

Gwen stood perfectly still, looking and listening, and searching, for the enemy.

It was then that the doors to the boss room suddenly slammed shut behind the group, startling a majority of the players. Gwen had just turned her head for a moment to look behind at the now closed doorway, when another player- Primo, a leveling buddy of Gwen’s, shouted:

“The ground! Look, over there in the back!”

Gwen turned her attention back the other end of the room, where a deep, reddish light had begun to glow from beneath the ice. At first, it was barely visible, but then, it started to glow brighter. It wasn’t long before the ice began to melt, and Gwen realized that what they were looking at wasn’t just a light, but lava. The ice continued to melt, causing a gaping hole to appear in the floor. Players watched in nervous anticipation, waiting to see what would happen next.

Realizing that the boss was most likely going to be fire related, Gwen quickly opened her inventory and began searching it for her potions, when a giant molten hand erupted forth from the newly formed hole in the floor. Another hand plopped itself onto the ice from below, and then, with what looked to be a mighty heave, a monster pulled itself up onto the ice.

The creature was unlike anything Gwen had seen in the game up until then; it looked to be a swirling pool of lava, with arms and a head emerging from it. The entire body was made of the molten material, except for the hands and a face mask, which appeared to be some kind of rock.

A nameplate and several health bars appeared on Gwen’s screen. The beast roared ferociously, its mouth spewing bits of lava out like a miniature volcano. The boss’s name was: Theros the Unextinguished.

Heathcliff raised his blade, and spoke, “Everyone! The three tanks will be turning the beast to the left, I want the rest of you to attack him from behind!” He pointed his blade forward and began to charge at the beast. “GO!”

Gwen immediately selected the potion of fire resistance from her inventory , and drank it before following the The Paladin into the battle.

A new, private channel opened on Gwen’s interface, it was the one that the tanks would use to communicate switches and positioning with one another. It was separate from the main raid channel, as the tanks needed to communicate frequently, and being in a channel with 90 plus other people who were also trying to communicate usually made things difficult.

The members of the channel were Heathcliff, Gwen, and the other player, Ironscale. Ironscale must have been a recently added member of the raid team, as Gwen was not quite familiar with the man. His appearance was quite intimidating; he stood at nearly six and a half feet tall, and wore full plate armor over his what must have been enormous body.

Heathcliff spoke into the new channel to Gwen and Ironscale, “Ironscale, you take him first. Rose, be prepared to switch when he calls for it.”

Gwen and Iron both replied simultaneously, “Right.”

Ironscale charged up to the beast, and taunted it, turning the creature’s attention toward him as he moved to the left, turning the creature away from the rest of the group. The creature roared in anger at the provocation, and slammed a fiery hand down upon the man, delivering a mighty blow. Ironscale was prepared for this however, and managed to block the blow with his enormous shield, allowing him to take a small, but noteworthy amount of damage.

Gwen stood over to the side, awaiting for Ironscale to call for a switch, and focusing intently on the boss attacks, hoping to uncover a pattern.

The rest of the players were currently behind the boss, delivering as much damage as possible while there was still an opening, as they knew from past experiences that openings like this were not always open for long.

Sure enough, after only a few seconds of attacking, the creature began to use a special attack, which appeared to be named ‘Molten Ring’. Heathcliff yelled for the players to move away from the creature, but Ironscale did not seem to hear the order, and instead remained in place. The creature raised its molten hands above its head, and a ring of lava exploded up from beneath the icy platform, melting the area immediately surrounding the boss, where Ironscale had been standing. Gwen could hear the man scream as he fell below the ice to his fiery grave.

Wasting no time to wait for the order, Gwen taunted the creature, and began to kite him away from the newly formed ring. The creature seemed to glide effortlessly over the new hole in the ground, not even slowing down to cross it.

Heathcliff spoke into the tank channel once more, “Well, that’s unfortunate. I suppose we’ll need to it.”

His voice was calm, and unwavering. Gwen wasn’t sure whether to be angry at his lack of sympathy for a man who had just fallen to his death, or relieved that he was still able to keep his cool. Either way, she decided it would need to wait until later, and simply replied to the raid leader, “Right.”

Gwen brought the creature to a new, solid area of the arena, and prepared herself for the incoming attacks.

The creature raised one of its fiery hands up, and slammed it down into Gwen’s shield, delivering minimal damage thanks to her block as well as her fire resistance potion. As the creature began to pull its arm back, Gwen counterattacked, delivering a solid strike into the creature’s body. Her attack connected, but the creature’s enormous health pool was barely even dented.

Damn, this guy has a lot of health… she thought to herself.

The creature raised another hand above its head, slamming it into Gwen’s shield once more, after which Gwen would retaliate. This cycle repeated three more times, before the boss began to cast Molten Ring again. Gwen ran back a good distance to make sure she would be out of the creature’s ring, and then waiting for the boss to follow after it finished its cast.

Gwen blocked two more of the creature’s blows after that, before calling out in the channel to Heathcliff, “I need to switch! My fire resistance is almost up! I need to refresh it!”

“Right!” Heathcliff cried, charging at the boss, “Switch!”

Heathcliff leapt in front of the creature, taking the brunt of its attack, and nodding to Gwen.

Gwen fell back out of range of the boss, and removed another potion from her inventory; but waiting for Heathcliff to call for a switch to drink it. The boss’s health, while moving slowly, was beginning to drop, it was now at 75%.

Gwen stood waiting for Heathcliff to call for a switch, when the boss began to use another special ability, this one was called, ‘Seething Rage’. The boss began to glow an even brighter and eerie red, as the ability took effect. His attacks began to hit Heathcliff much faster- and harder- but he stood his ground, Blocking and dodging each of the incoming attacks. Despite all of his blocking and dodging however, his health bar still began declining rapidly. Nonetheless, he did not call for a switch. Just as the duration of Seething Rage was wearing off, the creature raised both of its arms above its head and slammed them down, catching Heathcliff by surprise, and knocking him back a good distance.

As the Rage wore off, the boss slumped over, and a debuff appeared on it, called, ‘Exhaustion’. After a quick glance at the tooltip, Gwen noted that the debuff caused the boss to take 300% increased damage for 8 seconds. She didn’t wait for Heathcliff to notice the debuff, and announced to the raid herself,

“Everyone! Attack now!”

The players listened to the command, and began unleashing violent stream of attacks upon the boss, and Gwen observed as its health began to drop down extremely quickly. By the time the boss had gotten back up, its health had been reduced to 35%.

Gwen now stood face to face with the boss, who unleashed a ferocious roar at her.

The cycle of blocking attacks and moving the boss repeated a few more times as Heathcliff recovered himself. Before everyone knew it, the boss was at a mere 10% health.

Unfortunately, that was when things began to go south.

The boss began to use another ability, this one called, ‘Explosive Aura’, and when he did, dozens of tiny fireballs began spewing out in all directions. The battle formation collapsed as players scattered in an effort to escape the inferno, which was quickly beginning to eat away at the remaining floor that the players had to stand on.

They needed to end this quickly, or they would all fall into the lava below, but with the boss spewing lava like it was, no one could afford to get close enough to hit him. Even Gwen’s standing in front to hold the boss’s attention was becoming riskier by the second.

Suddenly, Primo’s voice echoed throughout the arena, “Everyone with blade throwing, throw your blades at it, now!”

Gwen risked a glance away from the boss for a moment to see a swarm of throwing knives go soaring through the air at the boss, causing his hp to begin decreasing once again.

We’ve got him now! Gwen thought to herself triumphantly, as she turned to face the boss again. As she turned back to the boss, she instantly realized that she had messed up.

As she looked back, she noticed that the boss was now almost finished preparing another ability, ‘Molten Breath’.

Gwen stood in horror as the creature’s mouth began to open, revealing an unbearably hot pool of magma, which was beginning to flow out. Fear began to envelop Gwen as she noticed that not only ha her fire resistance potion worn off, but also that her hp was already at 15%. She was no fool, she knew that a full on special attack without any kind of resistance potion would be more than enough to deplete her remaining hp.

All Gwen could do was stand there, and stare into the maw of the beast, helplessly. Her life began to pass before her eyes as the lava began to erupt from the creature’s mouth. Just as she was about to close her eyes, and accept her defeat, she felt a huge force push her out of the way, knocking her to the floor, but out of the way of the blast. By the time she had managed to turn around to see her rescuer, a cloud of pixels had already exploded where her savior had once stood.

The boss’s hp reached zero immediately after, causing its body to also explode into a cloud of pixels.

The remaining players cheered at the creature’s demise. Some began to teleport back with their friends, while a few others remained behind to honor the fallen players. Gwen was a little shook up by the near death experience, but took a moment of silence to honor the player who had saved her. As she sat there, Primo approached Gwen, and placed a hand on her shoulder.

“I… I don’t know what to say.” He said, his voice full of sympathy.

Gwen offered a weak smile to the boy, and thanked him before standing up. “I… I messed up, and they payed for my mistake… they shouldn’t have done that…”

Gwen felt immense sorrow and grief over the fact that she failed to protect a player, but knew that she would need to get over it. After all, these things happened in battle, it was unavoidable. Gwen brushed off her tasset before turning back to the boy. “Did you happen to see the name of the player who did that though?”

Primo’s eyes seemed to widen at her comment, as though her ignorance was an immense shock.

“Er… well, it’s just that I didn’t get to see who it was with all the commotion and all… I feel like I should know the name of the person who saved my life and all though, you know?”

Primo looked down at the ground, averting his gaze from Gwen.

An eerie chill crept up Gwen’s spine, and she repeated the question, “Primo… who jumped in front of me?”

Primo stayed silent.

“Primo!” Gwen repeated again, grabbing the boy’s shoulders “Who was it?! Who jumped in front of me?!”

Primo’s face stayed absolutely expressionless as he said the victim’s name.


Gwen’s knees buckled beneath her, unable to support her weight, and she fell to the icy floor. “Wha- what…?”

Gwen shook her head, and brought up the list of players in the raid group, and began scanning through them, looking for the name of her friend, but found nothing.

“No…. no…” Gwen closed the raid list, and opened her friends list, and scrolled down until she saw the name ‘Scarlett’. At first, Gwen’s heart skipped a beat, as the name gave her some semblance of reassurance, but this reassurance was quickly destroyed when she saw the word outlined in grey next to her name. It said, ‘OFFLINE.’

Gwen sat there, rendered speechless and immobile by the sight before her.

Primo reached out to place his hand on the girl once again, but she retreated back from him, as though his hands were made of fire.

“Gwen, I-“

“JUST-“ she interrupted loudly, her voice beginning to choke up. “Just go.” She finished, turning away.

Primo stood there for a moment, silent, he opened his mouth to speak once more, but could find no words for the girl, and wound up simply saying, “I’m sorry for your loss.”

------ 8th Floor, City ------

You couldn't save her? Gwen thought to herself, her emotions a mix of anger and amusement. You weren't the one who got her killed...

“Let’s keep to the task at hand. We have to get back to the others.” He stated, changing the subject.

Gwen nodded agreement and followed Haru and the boy as they began making their way back to the rest of the group.
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  • Level: 56

  • EXP: 37(%)

    HP: 100/100(%)

    Stamina: 100/100(%)

    Air Style: Inactivated

    Water Style: Inactivated

  • 10,000 Gold

  • 3x Healing Potions

    1x Purple Kimono Outfit

    2x Ribbons

    1x Extra Sword

    1x Beginner's Outfit

Listening, the brown haired girl watched as Gwen seemed to struggle with multiple emotions. Walking a few steps forward, she hugged the girl, feeling the warmth of her through the Amusphere.
"Hey, I don't think it was anyone's fault. She died bravely, and her death meant something. Scarlett's not forgotten, she died to save you, so go on and live. Continue her legacy." (That was probably the cheesiest thing I've ever typed, and I'm going to assume that Haru knows how Scarlett died..) It was the brave players who died that helped the rest get a step closer to freedom. Her brother had perished in the Death Game, he had always been the one to take care of her, and after he died, she was left with the job to help raise her siblings while her parents were away frequently.

"My brother died in that game.." She trailed off, not knowing how to finish the thought. The small girl had always missed him, and in an effort to get closer to him, she had begun to play VRMMORPG games, the games that her brother had always loved.
"Yeah, let's get going.." The small avatar nodded, agreeing with Primo. No need dwelling in such sad thoughts on such a nice day. "Come on!" She mustered up a smile before dragging an unwilling Gwen with her, skipping through the town.

Midori almost fell over when Primo slammed into him. Well, their friendship sure had escalated. Yet that wasn't what bothered him most of all. He noted the reaction of the girl who called herself Snow. So she thought she could fool me, but not Primo?

Blushing a little at the thought, Midori decided he'd just slip over to the blacksmith shop by himself. I can survive on my own! However, before he left, Midori planted a tracker on Snow when she wasn't looking. It wasn't something he was comfortable with doing, but he couldn't just let her disappear.

Following this, he slipped away from the group and to the blacksmith. She had a southern accent that sort of annoyed Midori, but it was no matter. Handing her the Hero's Staff, Midori took a seat to let her make an examination. Within minutes, he heard a large crash as the blacksmith bolted back to the front counter.

"Th-thi-this is... y-you... How did you get this?! I'll buy it for all the Col I have!"

Midori opened his eyes curiously. "Now why would you say that? Is there something about that weapon I don't know?"

The blacksmith ran to the back room again and came out with a book.
"This book holds the largest compilation of weapons knowledge in the game. Only a few high level blacksmiths have ever gotten their hands on it. In this book, it talks about the presence of certain... Hero weapons. It is said that these weapons will appear to a select few, those the game statistically deems as heroes I guess. The legend says that every weapon will be different, and hold individual traits that aid the hero. Yet each weapon will also pose a challenge, forcing the hero to grow in the time they're needed most. It was only a myth... until now. Nevermind, I couldn't possibly take this from you. But may I ask... how did you get it?"

Recounting the story of the weapon's anonymous appearance, Midori came to his next question, "I think you have this weapon mistaken though. It's stats are all out of whack. It must be some sort of glitch."

The blacksmith simply shook her head,
"No glitch. It's plain as day. Heck, this one even came with the name Hero Staff. The legend said they'd all have unique names that were personal to the wielder. I think there's more to the whacky stats than you think. That's your challenge. Perhaps it fluctuates based on your mental stability. In other words, believe in yourself Midori."

After a short talk with the blacksmith about what he had done with the weapon, Midori exited the shop and started heading back toward his friends. Taking one more look over his shoulder, he noticed that the shop had disappeared. He walked the rest of the way quietly, contemplating what had just been said.

Primo stared at the female as though he had never seen her before. Then, he raised an eyebrow as her friend request appeared. Moving his hand toward the ignore symbol, he pressed it. Considering he could have declined, this was just him simply putting it away for later. After he did so, he turned his attention back to the sly woman and responded in a matter that was rather civil. He nodded his head.

“Yes, Mido is part of the party that I created a couple of floors down. As for you, on the other hand, I don’t trust you. If you could prove to me that your intentions are not negatively motivated, then I’ll be happy to accept your friend request and invite you to the party.” He shrugged. It was as simple as that. Considering the fact that she had been acting shady throughout the duration of their time together, it was the only option that Primo felt was viable in the end.

Turning his back from the two, he moved away. What was with this town? There really wasn’t anything going on? One would forget that they were currently within an event taking place and would think that the town was actually safe, but Primo knew it wasn’t the case. He had been on his guard constantly, just waiting for the smallest inkling of an unnatural occurrence to happen. Why would developers put a town in an event anyway?

Waiting patiently for his party to gather around, Primo extended his message creator. In the first field, recipients, he was able to select his party. This was a new feature in Advent Online, and a great one at that. The subject matter was simply: 'meeting'. As he slid his fingers from letter to letter, Primo began orchestrating his message while various NPCs and players alike moved around his still, standing form. "
Hey, everyone. I'm a couple of feet from the entrance. We need to discuss our next move. Come see me.


As Midori returned to the group, he caught the end of Primo's conversation with Snow. In a way, he felt bad. If she was telling the truth, an awful lot of people were giving her crap, including himself. Though he was only a newbie, he was smart enough to keep an eye on her. Thus, he walked up to Primo and said, "Don't worry Primo, she's with me."

It wasn't that he trusted her, because he didn't. But he had to give her some sort of chance. Perhaps if she was lying, this would discourage her from lying to him... maybe. "So, what's this next move you have in mind?"

------ Gwen ------

(8th Floor City)

As the three walked, Haru turned to Gwen, and gave her a comforting hug.

"Hey, I don't think it was anyone's fault. She died bravely, and her death meant something. Scarlett's not forgotten, she died to save you, so go on and live. Continue her legacy."

Although Gwen knew the girl meant well, she found the hug more annoying than anything else. Nonetheless, she knew that she had already caused more than enough trouble over the issue, and accepted the hug.

“Yeah, thanks.” She replied, her tone clearly showing that her thanks was out of formality than sincerity.

What did this girl know about anything? She hadn’t been in SAO. At least, not then Gwen knew of, and she knew everyone that had been in the front lines, which meant even if she had been there, she didn’t take part in the actual death part of the ‘death game’. She didn’t have any room to talk.

Gwen lightly retreated from the girl’s embrace, and continued on forward.

“My brother died in that game…” the girl added.

That comment caused Gwen to feel a small pinch of guilt. Sure, Haru might not have been there, but that didn’t mean she hadn’t been affected by it.

Gwen looked down, ashamed of how cold she must have come off a moment ago. She was tempted to ask what the boy’s name had been, but decided against it, as she really wanted nothing more than to drop the issue altogether.

“I’m sorry.” She replied to the girl. This time, her tone was sincere.

At that, Haru grabbed onto Gwen, and flashed her a smile, trying to lighten the mood.

“Come on!” she said cheerfully.

“Whoa- hey!” Gwen said as the girl tugged her along.

After a bit of walking, the pair caught back up with Primo, who had managed to find- and practically tackle- the boy. The two talked a bit before Midori made his way to the blacksmith, leaving Primo to talk with another gray-haired girl, named Snowfox. Haru let go of Gwen as the two approached the group.

Judging from the way the two were eyeing one another, Gwen guessed that they must have met before; and once Primo replied to the girl, Gwen’s suspicion was confirmed. Not only had the two met before, but it must have been on bad terms.

“Yes, Mido is part of the party that I created a couple of floors down. As for you, on the other hand, I don’t trust you. If you could prove to me that your intentions are not negatively motivated, then I’ll be happy to accept your friend request and invite you to the party.”

Gwen looked over the girl once again, curious. After taking another look, Gwen realized who the person was, it was the girl who had- quite literally-, stumbled into Primo earlier. What had she done to cause Primo to be suspicious of her? Had something happened between the pair before, that Gwen was unaware of? Or had she simply missed something?

Not wanting the situation to get anymore awkward, Gwen decided to butt in.

“Aww, come on Primo,” she started, making her way over to the girl. “Whatever she did couldn’t have been that bad.”

Gwen offered the girl a smile, “I’m Rose, nice to meet you!”

With that, Midori reappeared, and, sensing the tension between Snow and Primo, vouched on the girl’s behalf, further aiding to ease the tension.

  • Character: Rose

    Level: 40

    Exp: 77/100

    Hp: 90/100

    Energy: 90/100

    Shadow: Inactive

    Speed: Inactive

potion of stabbing poison x9


  • Character: SnowFox

    Level: 29

    Guild: Sparrows

    Exp: 34/100 (%)

    HP: 100/100 (%)

    Stamina: 100/100 (%)

“Yes, Mido is part of the party that I created a couple of floors down. As for you, on the other hand, I don’t trust you. If you could prove to me that your intentions are not negatively motivated, then I’ll be happy to accept your friend request and invite you to the party.”

Just who the heck do you think you are? Some kind of big shot? Aila's mouth twitched, as the feeling to tell Primo what she really thought of him, struggled to free itself from the grips of common sense. "Fair," she said simply. I'll be on my best behavior dad. Was she internally mocking him? Yes. But there was enough sense, in that 1-foot-wide head, to realize, that the number 29, was a much lower one than 62. One of these days... But for now you win buddy. With that in mind, Aila pursed her lips, crossed two arms, and sharply swiveled her head to right, signaling acquiescence; albeit very grudgingly. Very, very, grudgingly. Subsequently, an unknown, yet vaguely familiar player was making her down the town road, headed for the pair at a seemingly somber pace.

“Aww, come on Primo,” she started, making her way over to the Aila. “Whatever she did couldn't have been that bad.”

It sure wasn't. But who might you be? Aila reset feet, shifting her body, so that the person who spoke, was now in view. The girl offered her a smile, “I’m Rose, nice to meet you!”

No way! It's the shadow girl!

"No way! You're the shadow girl! I saw you take down the boss, in like, one-hit! Haha, well, maybe I'm exaggerating, but it was really cool. I have a blade of my own but, I'm not nearly as good with it, as you are with yours. Rrrrr. Almost forgot. My real name is Aila, but feel free to call me by my avatar name, Snow." Using the traditional greeting of a handshake, Aila could have embraced Rose, and added another name to the tracking list, but the oncoming presence of Midorikawa completely dissuaded the notion. That, and then his general appearance of course; the contrast created from the red hair to blue eyes was certainly an endearing characteristic. Mix that in with with the gallantry showed back at Crescent Moon Inn, and a case could be made, that he was quite enchanting. Whether Aila agreed with that, at this point in the journey, was still an inexplicable mystery. Hmm. Is it really necessary to use a tracker here?...ugh whatever..why would I need to track this girl anyway? I have enough people on my list...there's plenty I can.....just...unh. Forget it. Forgoing any ulterior motives, if even just for the day, Aila returned Rose's kind gesture with a smile of her own. The greeting was even taken one step further as Aila noticed another player, smaller, and with brown hair, standing a ways off waiting to be introduced. "Hello...." she looked up".....Haru. It's nice meeting you as well. You're the water-user right? I remember seeing you on the TV too. Turning a wave of water into ice, and trapping the boss with it? Unbelievable. I'm an unorthodox user of magic myself! I would even go so far as to say, that it's actually my specialty! More so than hand-to-hand combat at least," she muttered, glancing at her gun-blade.

It was then Midorikawa arrived on the scene and began to speak.

He walked up to Primo and said,
"Don't worry Primo, she's with me." As the last few words were left hanging in the air, something inside Aila stirred. Hmmnn. To be honest Mido, I really didn't pay you much mind before...but maybe..I was just a little too quick..to judge...thank you for the vote of confidence. Aila's mind slowly fell into a stupor, but a swift slap to the sides of her thighs, did the trick, quickly bringing her back into reality; *clink*. and something else too. What the heck was that? Fumbling to grab the only thing holstered to the right side of her body, Aila reached for the Gun-blade to see what had happened. Except it was no longer a blade, but a gun. Well I'll be damned.

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Level 62

Exp: 8(%)

HP: 100(%)

Stamina: 100(%)

Cooldowns: None

150,232 gold

Black Ocarina.

Modern Assassin (full outfit)

Way to Dawn (soldiers' weapon)

7x Full Elixir

Dungeon Crawler's Cap

Primo took a couple of moments to himself to ponder what the people around him were saying. They were quick to trust the female, but Primo had a bit thicker skin than that. Ultimately deciding that his teammates' vote of confidence would be just as important as his confidence in them, Primo brought up the party screen and added another member; Snowfox, level 29. He sent the request and kept silent for a moment, then responded in a fashion that was quite Primo-esque.

Crossing his arms, he would bring one hand up to his chin, extending his fingers slightly over his cheek as those light hues stared at the female. One of those eyes would close, though, producing a wink before he parted his lips to speak.
"All right. Whatever the case is, it's not like you'll be able to pull one on me anyway." He could take her out in a matter of seconds, in reality. That was just the way the leveling process was, the fact that he was far into his masteries and she was near the beginning was a tell-tale sign. A lot of the characters that Primo was playing with had lower levels, to the point where half were below the halfway mark to his own.

"I'm not sure what our next move is. This town isn't familiar to me at all."

His eyes scanned around to see what was going on, and then the sky went black almost immediately. Noting that this was odd, Primo withdrew his weapon from his side, spinning the hilt of it in his palm twice before lightning began zooming across the sky, crackling every half a minute as if it was nothing more than clockwork.

Midori looked to the sky, gaining an ominous feeling about this happening. Was it another event? Did it have something to do with the Colosseum? Were they in danger? Stepping forward, Midori yelled over the noise, "Perhaps we should find someplace to get out of this storm. Afterwards, there's something called a colosseum somewhere here on floor eight. I think that might be something to check out. What do you think Primo? Have you ever been there before?"

Following Gwen she noticed that Primo was talking with a guy- Midori, and it seemed as if he had partially tackled. Large brown orbs scanning the area, she noticed another girl, SnowFox? Haru noted that she seemed familiar.. Oh right, she was the girl that had stumbled into Primo earlier. Waiting for Gwen to introduce herself, Haru focused on the girl. "Hey, I'm Haru! Nice to meet you!" She stuck out her hand, waiting to shake the other girl's hand. The virtual wind ruffled the ornamental neko headband perched in her hair.
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Ari was looking around and watching everyone. She felt hopelessly inexperienced. She was a weird character to. She had ears and tails. Maybe she was a virus. Maybe she wasn't supposed to be here. She sighed a little and followed then quietly. She felt useless here. But she couldn't do anything great.
Midori looked over and saw his friend had appeared. Walking over to her, he said, "Ari! You made it! It looks like we might need to find shelter. You good with that plan?"
Ari looked up at Midori and nodded, her face still down. She took one of her tails and ran it though her hands, looking at the appendage. She was getting stared at everywhere and she felt like she was being outcast because of it.
Midori felt concerned. Yeah, he was uncomfortable around girls. Yet he was starting to warm up to Ari because she had been with him since the start. He didn't want to leave her in the dust, no matter what happened.

Walking over to her, he put his arm around her shoulder and smiled. "What's bothering you Ari?"
Ari looked at the ground, dropping her tail. "I feel so out of place with these tails and ears. I look like a freak. Everyone is staring at me and I cant do very much. I feel so inexperienced and different. It's like being a kid again." She said.
"But that's who you are. Didn't you choose that in the character creation section? I'm sure there's more like you. As for being inexperienced, I'm in the same boat. This is my first VRMMORPG. Besides... I-I think it looks kind of cute, or whatever." Midori blushed after saying this and looked away.

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