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Fandom Advent Online

In a flash of bright blue light, Tempest emerged from the portal his appearance still hidden due to his Shadow Ability being activated, widening his amber gaze took in the scene. Several monsters filled the dark dungeon, but the small ones weren’t the problem, the hooded boss in back let out a horrid sense of danger. Quickly analyzing the unfortunate situation, Tempest swiftly moved forward protected from harm unlike the others due his ability. What a trap this was! The portal to an ambush, an ambush on the first level! Raising his gun-blade, oath, he dashed forward shooting a barrage of magical bullets hurdling into the masses of monsters.

As the volley of bullets meet their marks, small explosions emitted burst of lights and smoke, quietly Tempest stood still waiting for the smoke to clear. What?! With smoke now clear it revealed the mass of small monsters still somewhat intact. That only got rid of a couple of them. There’s still over half of them left. What level monsters are these to be so strong on the first floor? Without warning few small monsters leaped forward in his direction. “Crap I gave away my location.” he scolded himself as he leaped away, the claws barely missing him. That was close I have to keep moving and shooting, I still have time left with the shadow ability.

Running across the floor, Tempest activated his gun-blade split ability, producing two twin pistols and began firing magical bullets toward the monsters once more. They aren’t stopping and they keep moving forward. Someone shouting caught his attention. Everybody wait? Wait for what dude.

  • Character: Tempest

    Level: 39

    Exp: 79/100 (%)

    HP: 100/100 (%)

    Energy: 90/100 (%)

    Acrobat State: Inactive Cooldown Remaining: 0

    Shadow State: Active Cooldown Remaining: (In Use 3 post remaining before cooldown)

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Though Midori was quite scatterbrained normally, when it came to urgent situations, his ADD would take a back seat. Perhaps this is why Midori enjoyed martial arts so much. When it came to the heat of the battle, his mind relaxed and erased all of the outside nonsense.

Hoping he had gotten the attention of most of the people present, he analyzed the area for a plan. As he looked, he noticed that one player who had charged on his own was still holding out. Midori figured it was a rather strong player, yet perhaps a little too reckless for his own good.

Energy coursed through him as he pointed toward this lone player. Even though the player was reckless, he had chosen the right place to attack. It was in a blind spot of the slow moving Summoner and the minion defense was low in this area, perhaps as a result of said player.

Midori reached for the voice of authority within him. Yet he doubted his voice could sound anything but weak. With a deep breath, he spat out his plan, "Converge around that player as quick as you can! Together! If you spread out to much the minions will just pick you off one at a time!" he started to charge forward as he spoke, "Mid players like myself take the front! Those who would consider yourselves tanks, stay back and conserve health for the final assault on the Summoner! Stay as a group, don't let them split you apart!"

Midori was already moving, he had given Ari a nod, and he was pretty sure she was behind him. Yet he couldn't tell if anybody else was, and there was no time for looking back. For a level 2 player like himself -- especially with such a questionable weapon -- this situation was do-or-die.
The second he popped out of the portal Colt was immediately attacked by a stray minion. Instinctively, he side stepped out of the way, equipped his dagger, and did an upward slash from the enemy he was now behind. It vanished into a group of pixels. He didn't even gain much Exp, so he assumed he was a much higher level than they were. "Well, this should be easy enough." Smirking, he looked around as many of the other players fell. These things were out speeding many of them, plus the fact they were on the first floor meant that a lot of level 1's were probably fighting. His armor set up was based around increasing speed and critical hit chance, so he could easily out speed them. In fact, after slaying about 9 of them in a row, he felt it was unfair for him to participate in this. Let other people be the heroes. I don't need to do anything even if it's easy enough on my own. That was the exact mindset he had in SAO. Let people like Kirito soak in the limelight while he did just as much work. Besides, he had said he would work with Atria, and it would be bad if she was one-shotted on her first quest.

Spinning around as he heard someone bark out orders, Colt had to resist the urge to go over there and attack him. He hated when people tried to act the hero and give commands. This guy didn't even look all that strong. Besides, even a common simple minded person could see the best course of action. Well, Colt didn't have time to argue with him, so he just decided to protect Atria for the time being. It wasn't what the guy wanted, and that is exactly what made Colt happy.

He made his way over to where his female partner would have popped out of the portal and flashed her a smile. "So, good news is these guys are wimps. For me at least." He casually spun as he heard a few minions coming from behind, slashing them and turning back to face her. "Bad news, you may be a bit under leveled. So, the plan is going to be for you to stay with me so you don't instantly die, okay?" He once again spun to attack an oncoming enemy. He would likely miss out on the boss item drop because of this, but he already had lots of rare and powerful items stored in his house on floor 22, so one drop wasn't a big deal. In fact, he wasn't using his best gear because he found it way too boring. Another thing was the girl would probably gain a few levels for just participating in the quest if she survived, so that was a plus for her.

  • Character: Colt

    Level: 54

    Exp: 8/100(%)

    Energy: 100/100 (%)

    Speed State: Inactive Cooldown Remaining: 0

    Shadow State: Inactive Cooldown Remaining: 0

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  • li" class="tabs mainTabs Tabs" style="margin: 0px 0px 0px 20px; padding: 0px 8px; font-size: 12px; border-bottom-width: 0px; word-wrap: normal; min-height: 30px; display: table; width: 978px; box-sizing: border-box; list-style: none; background: transparent;">
  • Stats
  • Character: Haru
    Level: 53
    Exp: 73/100 (%)
    HP: 100/100 (%)
    Stamina: 100/100 (%)

Sipping her drink Haru relaxed for a bit, shutting her eyes and for a moment, forgetting about those around her. At home, she never ever had any alone time, now with her friends and roommate. A small electronic beep resounded from Haru's ears, causing the small girl's avatar's crystal clear blue eyes to snap open and look at the message now on her notifications menu. Selecting it, Haru's clear orbs quickly scanned the message:

Enter the Summoner's Gate and defeat the evil that lies within. If you fail, the Summoner's evil minions shall ravage this floor. If you succeed, something of value shall be earned.

Hitting Select, a swirling blue vortex appeared before the small girl's avatar. I guess this is the portal to the Summoner's Gate.. Haru thought to herself. Without hesitation and second thought, she jumped in. Squeezing her clear blue eyes shut, she opened them again once she felt that her feet had hit solid ground. Blinking them, she waited for them to, once again, adjust to the dim environment. A bellowing roar vibrated the large cave that she was now in. Reaching behind her back confidently, she grasped her twin blades, a leafy green one and an icy blue one, both glittered cruelly in the feeble torch light. She studied the beast in front of her. It was about twenty feet tall, it's head nearly hitting the top of the gray cave. Clearly, it was the head of all the smaller minions. Vaguely resembling a wolfish bear like creature, it stood on it's hind legs, it's gleaming red eyes savagely staring at her. "Are ready to die?" Haru tilted her head and smiled, causing the beast to become confused, I guess it's used to people running away in terror? Haru guessed. Well he was in for a surprise.

Giving off a war cry she lunged, her chocolatey brown hair flowing like a cloak behind her, stabbing it's foot, the beast screamed, enraged, swatting at her with it's sharp claws. Crossing her dual blades in front of her in an "X," she managed to deflect the blow without it harming her HP too much. Glancing at the wolf hybrid thingy's HP she noticed that she had only made a minuscule dent in it's four bars of HP. For once in her life, she cursed herself for her competitiveness which had gotten her to a higher level than most of the other players. You could say, she was one of the elite, and she most certainly had a stereotypical overachieving Asian lifestyle. (And yes, I can say that because I'm a racist Asian X3.) Dodging a few more strikes, she began to notice that it had a blind spot right under it's body, so if she were to attack near it's legs, he would have a hard time moving away.

Activating her Speed Style, she slashed around it's legs, the hybrid's HP dwindling into the yellow zone of the second bar. Smirking slightly she jumped from the sides of the cave, using her speed as momentum, she rolled down the bear wolf thingy's outstretched (here's something we can agree on) paw, blades crossed in front, as she rolled, she lifted up pieces of thick fur, and her blades cut into it's softer flesh. Howling in pain, it tried in vain to hit her, and she, noticing that she had only thirty seconds left of her Speed Style, jumped back onto the wall, her knees bent from the force, before pushing off of the wall, blades held together, she stabbed the monster in the throat, finishing the last of it's HP before it exploded in holographic polygons. Running out of energy, she fell from the top of the cave, before doing a shoulder roll to lessen the force. The smaller wolf creatures were much easier to beat, and within minutes, they lay dead around her, dispersing in bright blue holographic polygons. Slashing her blades in the air, she sheathed them.

She looked around, others were still fighting other monsters who were flying in the air. Some players had fallen while others were near dying, and others were still up and killing. Glancing up, her light eyes zoomed in on another target, this time, she would try and kill it only with martial arts. Might as well get some sparring practice while I'm at it right? Haru thought to herself before lunging a right round kick towards a minion.
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  • Big Orange Hammer

    Colorful Ocarina

    Purple Bunny Hood


    x5 Health Potion

    x3 Antidote Potion


"Whack!" Neon punctuated when hit every other mook with the hammer. The minions most of the time were sent flying around thanks to the blow of the powerful weapon, sometimes exploding as polygons . He was currently using the light style, smoothly floating and whacking the around, they seemed to perfectly be on the same level as him allowing him to handle them well. Back in real life, he probably wouldn't be caught being this violent, but in a video game was a different matter. He really is letting loose swing the hammer round. Dia was charging at enemies and damaging them, though sometimes receiving damage back. The duo was trying to keep up with the ever increasing surrounding minions, when suddenly one player started yelling out orders. The player suggested to stay together against the enemies. He though it was a good idea, especially since the mooks were starting to swarm both of them and he liked working together anyway.

" C'mon, Dia!" Neon said to his companion, who followed, as he kept swinging his hammer at the enemies while levitating towards one of the players, specifically the one who suggested the plan. When he reached him, he was surprised that he was only level 2. He thought it was bold of him to command players for someone of his level. He realized that he probably need help to survive the event. He someone put his hammer down his robe and began playing an airy tune on his ocarina. It was a temporary speed boost that will affected people near him for about 30.

  • Primo

    Level 62

    Exp: 4(%)

    HP: 98(%)

    Stamina: 100(%)

    Cooldowns: None

    Unique- Super Form (x2 stats at all times)

"We'll catch you up in no time. The sooner we get started, the better." He shrugged extending his hands slightly to his sides while letting his eyes make contact with Rose's. Then Primo's gaze shifted to the man who stood beside them. He hadn't said much, rather he was just awkwardly standing there listening in to their conversation. That, or lost in his own world while just being present. Either way, Primo preferred the man speak rather than keep silent to himself.

After a few minutes, Primo eventually gave up on trying to understand the rationale behind the man's actions. He failed to truely care enough to find out as well, apparently, because a rather giant blue portal decided to make it's appearance well-known within the vicinity. As it came to be, his attention would be immediately drawn to it. Standing up from his chair, the veteran MMORPGer would finish his glass of liquor before pushing his chair in.

He felt a familiar rush of adrenaline course through his body. Rather excited for a good dungeon crawl, and there was no better way of utilizing the mass populous of Advent Online players without going through the trouble of visiting every single level to do so.
"Summoner's Gate. It's been a while since i've ran through one of these..." Primo mumbled, his back turned from the two while his eyes stared into the depths of the portal. Could the mods possibly have fixed all of the glitches from the last time that Summoner's Gate was made available to the public. One thing was for certain; they were going to find out.

Turning his torso slightly, the young man would look over to Rose once more and offer a smirk.
"I'll see you on the other side. Yeah?" He let off a nod, clenching his fist and lifting it up to her momentarily as a gesture of strength or unity. Both worked, usually he meant both when he signaled in such ways. Eventually turning from the table once more, his feet would lead him over to the blue portal. Without stopping to think, he simply just continued walking until his silhouette faded.

When he appeared, he suddenly got a speed boost from an unknown source - though, obviously it was an ocarina (@Greentail ). There was a lower-level player, barking out orders that showed off a bit of strategic prowess (@Liir Ko , @Infinities Lover ), but none of them had tried to take on the boss. Curious as to why, Primo figured there was no one better to start off with than him when it came to whacking bosses HP down to zero. Not that there weren't other, capable fighters to do so, they just haven't yet. Big hooded monster? Primo's forte.

The young man continued walking, past various minions and players who were either killing them or being killed by them. Slight tunnel vision came into effect as he swiveled past body after body, dragging his sword out of it's holder at his side in the process. A couple of inches in front of it, and he was able to aggro the boss.
When he did, he instantly activated his speed tech and his air tech at the same time. The monster tried to attack Primo, but he was too fast; lifting his feet from the ground, the young warrior would instantly fly toward the face of the monster after dodging it's pathetically slow opening blow.

Three punches were delivered to the face. His right, continuing to hold the hilt, sent the first blow in the form of an uppercut. The second came from his left fist, which he hooked. His final punch, another right, was a straight power punch. Following through, the last blow caused the monster's upper torso to bend back slightly. Primo's form soared over the monster, who would move back to it's standing position right after he passed.

Making sure not to let the opportunity go to waste, Primo would immediately twist his body deliver a right roundhouse kick to the hooded being's head. As his foot slammed into the side of it's head, he would continue to twist - building on his momentum and using it to swing the blunt side of the sword around and into the same area where his foot previously connected. This caused the hooded monster to fly off to the side, crashing into the ground. The wind from all of Primo's blows followed through, which was really just the passive that belonged to air style. In addition and as a result, each one of his connected hits echoed.

Yelling at the top of his lungs, a floating Primo pointed his sword at the boss who was slow to get up. As if it understood him, Primo taunted away.

"You're nothing but an oversized teddy bear wearing a coat."

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  • df_zpsac622fc5.png

    • Magical Revolver (x1)
    • Useless Sword (x1)
    • Elite Mage Outfit (x1)
    • Quest Items (x5)
    • Health Potion (x5)
    • Mana Potion (x7)
    • Pet Egg (x1)

  • Character: ???

    Level: 0

    Exp: ????

    HP: ????

    Stamina: ????

    Hatching Rate: 75%



Yui sighed, stroking her little egg gently and lending on the wall of the pub waiting for Wind to reply to her message when she heard a buzz ringing in her ear. Opening her messages, Yui grin when she saw it was Wind, her bored face beamed brightly in seconds,"Finally! I hope he'll know where to go." Yui thought opening up the message.

  • Reply from -Dancing Wind-

    Hellu~! ^^ uh, I'm in the starting town, and by the market place like a plaza type thing...I don't know really :c I'm lost and lonely



    \[Reply] [save] [Delete]

Yui face was at first happy but after reading through, it became back to more of a frowny face. Pressing the reply button, she used her free hand to type one up since in the other hand she still had her egg out.

  • Reply to -Dancing Wind-

    Okay! Stay where you are and I'll find you in a bit and I'll have some tea for ya along with goodies!~

    See you then! <3

    From the President of Kawaii Potatoes,

    [send] [save Draft] [Delete]

Closing her menu bar, she pulled back her pouch to put her egg in safely where it won't get harm as she walked back into the store to buy some tea along with sweets to go with it. Paying the NPC merchant the exact price, she headed off into the crowd, her small figure being pushed and pulled in many directions. She didn't mind that she was being tossed around since this was a normal thing for her but she really wished she could just find Wind soon until she heard a high pitch voice of a creature, turning her head to see her little friend, Wind along with something pink in his hand,


Yui called out and tackled the boy but not to the point to make him fall,"There you are! I was looking for you also I got your tea and.... what's that?" Yui said pointing to the pink thing with it's beady eyes that sparkled brightly in such an adorable way that Yui couldn't resist the temptation to squish it to death, letting out a soft squeal that she couldn't contain any more,"What a cutie! What's its' name?" Yui asked her cheeks flushed in bright pink on her pale cheeks almost the same color as the potato.

Though she had found Wind at long last, she felt like she was forgetting something. Trying to remember what she was forgetting, she suddenly heard commotion as many users were calling out about something of a portal in the pub, Yui snapping her fingers,"Oh yeah, the pub.... wait portal?" Yui thought confused why there was a portal in the bar,"What is going on in there?" Yui thought and looked towards the building with concern of what would lie before them once they get in on the action.

  • gh_zps0b2ed2c6.png

    • Levi (The nickname he gave his sword)
    • Lui (The other sword)
    • Health Potion (x8)
    • Mana Potion (x5)

The way Primo responded to him made Casper snicker at how Primo was still so cold as ever. Though he never really was like this most of the time, it seemed that Primo wouldn't be able to guess either way since this was a new game and his user name being different from his old one. Before he could even explain to Primo who he was, he was already being ignored and returned his attention back to the user, Rose, Casper not wanting to be rude and disturb them so he just waited there until they were finish talking.

Letting his mind wonder off, he didn't noticed that they were already off, a blue spiral appeared out of nowhere and all the people in the pub jumping in like it was nothing,"What? A portal?" Casper thought confused why a portal was even here. The message didn't say anything about going into some other place other than the pub, finding suspicion that something wasn't right here. Before he could say anything to the Primo, he was off into the portal and leaving Casper unable to say anything.

With a sigh, Casper just couldn't let this go to waste and just forget about Primo for the time being, following after the other players into the dimension of whatever that lies beyond the blue swirl. Entering into the place, he looked around to see that they had enter into a world of death, monsters of many attacking those who had entered the portal but to Casper, it was more of a fun room to him, toys everywhere he could play with to and pass the time.

Pulling out his dual swords, he noticed Primo had taken his this time to take down the boss of the room, the man taunting away at the boss,"Has he gone insane?" Casper thought thinking Primo must have lost his mind but Casper didn't mind much, it was interesting to see the man fight once more, wanting to see what Primo had in store. Watching one of the small monsters coming towards him, Casper held up Levi up to the air as his Acrobat Style was activated, jumping into the air and dodging all the attacks that came at him.

Everytime one of the monsters threw something at Casper, he quickly dodged it, his body as if it was like jello. Swinging his Levi up once more, he swung it horizontally, slicing up some monsters up while slowly making his way over to where the boss stood.

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  • User - Atria

  • Level - 1

    Health - 100%

    EXP - 0%

    Lightning State
    Inactive [Cooldown:0]

    Double Image State
    Inactive [Cooldown:0]

After leaving the portal, Atria's eyes widened at the sight of all the monsters swarming the area. "Guess this was a trick or a trap or something huh..." she trailed off, keeping close to Colt. Hearing him tell her to stay close, she nodded. "Already planned on it." she told him, a slight teasing tilt in her voice.

Quickly unsheathing the sword she realized she should start keeping on her back, Atria glanced around. She knew the basic of combat games, seeing as she was a gamer, but not like this. Hopefully it wouldn't be that hard to adjust. Forcing herself to stay calm, she took a deep breath before moving forward, delivering a sharp slice across the chest of the nearest monster.

Twirling, she worked to finish her attack, jabbing the creature right where she cut. Watching the it burst into many different pieces caused her to grin, a squeal threatening to escape from her lips, realizing she'd done it pretty easily. "Yes!" she crowed quietly to herself before catching sight of something else in charging at her. Freaking out slightly, the brunette instantly jabbed her sword in the gut of the monster, eyes wide. Coming out of slight panic, she smirked, twisting the blade and dragging it upwards, ripping it apart, causing it to burst into tons of pieces.

Taking a half step back, Atria whirled around, grinning when she spotted Colt. "I'm getting the hang of this!" she told him excitedly, seeing another creature that she could kill. Starting towards it quickly, she winced feeling something graze her shoulder before starting to kill the thing in front of her.



  • Character: SnowFox

    Level: 29

    Guild: Sparrows

    Exp: 34/100 (%)

    HP: 100/100 (%)

    Stamina: 100/100 (%)

Barreling through the air, Aila rocketed past the exits of each floor, one by one, on her way down to the bottom. She kept a wary eye on her experience meter as a guilty worm was swimming around in her stomach. With each passing second, the green bar grew longer and longer. Exactly how many monsters were there?...

She blinked past the 5th floor exit.

Not how I really thought about getting exp but.....exp is exp..

*Zip*. She shot through the 4th floor exit.

Opening her inventory and moseying over to her miscellaneous tab, Aila smiled as she saw her most coveted possession of the last hour: Black Scarab's shell.

"Number 6, check," she sang. "Now let's see about this event here thing."

The 3rd Floor exit swooshed past.

And let me not forget..this time, the cursor landed on the newest piece of equipment added to the collection: a Gun-Blade. Nice. Equipping it right away, she brandished it, holding it out in front of her, trying to take a good look at what made the gun so special.

Having passed the 2nd floor's exit portal, the 1st floor, in all its glory, came creeping into view and stole her attention.

Man, this is beautiful.

Aila slowed from a streak to a glide as she came closer to the beginning city's outer limits. Her face scrunched up in confusion as an exodus of people were making their way towards a certain Inn. The food and beds better be that good. She shook her head and continued looking around at the city from the air, noticing quite a few floating screens towards the center of town; it looked like they were displaying some serious player on monster action.

-Wind. Release Deactivated-

In a bit, she was there, down on the ground, arms crossed and eyes fixated on the biggest of the projections. Huh? I wonder what's all the fuss.

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Puffing the blonde hair away from his face, Tempest amber gaze shifted toward the boss. "What a crazy guy taunting the boss, he must he at a higher level." But I can’t let him have all the fun with the boss. I might as well go join him. Smirking he began moving forward firing more shots into the swarm of monsters. These little guys just don’t stop coming do they? Lunging toward him a hideous monster lashed out his claws before Tempest could move out of the way it grazed his shoulder. Grimacing, he spun his body around landing a kick into the monster’s face before aiming both his pistols at his head. With a smirk his watched as the beast became pixels when he fired at it. “Time to move forward,” he said as he pressed onward.

"Eh these are annoying; I want to take the boss on two.' He muttered with a frown. Quickly he conjoined his pistols to form Oath once more. “I’ll take care of these mass with this," he hissed as he activated the second Shadow Ability, a dark aura began to consume Tempest as sharp tendrils began to form along his spinal cord. Almost resembling a dark porcupine, the dark spikes began to twist and point toward the wall of monsters that blocked his access from the hooded boss. This will surely drain most of my energy, he thought with boss. Raising his gun-blade tightly, he let out a smirk as he pulled the trigger.

In a burst of multicolored lights, the shadow tendrils blasted advanced along with the heavy shots from his magical gun. Explosions echoed loudly in the southwest area of the dungeon, each explosion bringing along burst of pixels from the dying monsters. The volley of projectiles continued for the next couple of seconds, when the dust cleared the wall of monsters covering the boss from the side was pretty much gone. Heaving and gasping Tempest took a knee to shortly recover; looking over to his stats he narrowed his eyes. Well that took a lot of energy. He turned to see he had leveled up, “At least it wasn’t a waste.”

Shadow Ability Deactivated

Now to help take out the main guy, rising to his feet Tempest dashed forward with no smaller monsters to get in his way, it was an open path. As he sprinted toward the hooded the beast, his amber gaze watched the other player closely as he tackled on the boss. “This calls for more a close range approach.” He said as transformed his gun-blade, to the blade component. Gleaming he raised the black blade as he got closer.

Acrobat Ability Activated

Leaping he soared through the air, his sword clutched tightly in his right hand. “Take this!” he bellowed as he ran the blade over the beast’s cloaked arm, grazing the fabric and the beast’s skin. He landed gently on the ground and looked back up to the face of the boss. This is going to be fun.

  • Character: Tempest

    Level: 40

    Exp: 1/100 (%)

    HP: 90/100 (%)

    Energy: 25/100 (%)

    Acrobat State: Active Cooldown Remaining: In Use

    Shadow State: Inactive Cooldown Remaining: 4

Colt had went back to fighting any minions that approached, practically dancing around them. He had one arm behind his back, with his knife hand free, side stepping and bouncing out of the way of an oncoming minion. Getting behind it, he did an upward slash into its spine, instantly sending it into shards of pixels. Another large group of about five or six attacked at the same time, and he simply jumped backwards out of the way. "Come on! I thought that this was going to be a challenge!" Speaking to no one in particular, he lunged forward and delivered a horizontal slash across all of them, instantly killing them. He made sure not to go out and kill anything and played defensive instead. After all, going offensive would leave Atria vulnerable.

Turning towards Atria as she exclaimed her confidence, he chuckled slightly as she rushed at another creature and attacked it. It seemed that she didn't have much awareness of her surroundings, though, as another foe had just missed with an attack, causing her health bar to drop slightly. Laughing, he quickly dashed forward and attacked the enemy that had grazed her, then quickly did a diagonal slash across the monster she was attacking, killing them both. "Don't get too cocky there, missy. You still have a long ways to go if you want to handle yourself in this place." He had a slightly mocking tone as he opened up his menu and tossed her a potion to heal her wound.

Colts attention was brought towards the boss as he saw someone taunting it. Squinting his eyes, he couldn't help but let out a laugh when he saw who it was. "Of course its Primo, who else would it be?" Casually swiping his dagger to his side to take out an oncoming enemy, Colt called out to Atria, sights still on Primo. "See, all we have to do is hold off these weaklings, let someone else be the hero." He had worked with the overzealous hero back in SAO. Not directly, of course, but during a few floor boss fights. Staying out of the way just doing regular stuff, it was unlikely that Primo actually knew who Colt was, unless he noticed his unusual happiness during those fights, but the reverse couldn't be said. Whenever he referred to letting someone else take the spotlight and keeping attention off of himself, he was either referring to Kirito or Primo. Of course, for a fight like this, it seemed unnecessary for either of these veterans to participate. Cupping his hands around his mouth, Colt tried to project his voice as loud as he could towards Primo. "Hey! Don't ruin the fun for everyone else! We're already strong enough! Let everyone else have a turn, then we can join the fray if things get rough!" He wasn't sure if he could hear his call, but he at least tried.

  • Character: Colt

    Level: 54

    Exp: 21/100(%)

    HP: 100/100 (%)

    Energy: 95/100 (%)

    Speed State: Inactive Cooldown Remaining: 0

    Shadow State: Inactive Cooldown Remaining: 0

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  • User - Atria

  • Level - 1

    Health - 95%

    EXP - 67%

    Lightning State
    Inactive [Cooldown:0]

    Double Image State
    Inactive [Cooldown:0]

Turning to glare at Colt playfully, Atria stuck her tongue out him and his mocking tone, though she caught the potion. Deciding to store it in her Inventory, she didn't want to use it just yet. "Oh shoo!" she threw back, unable to think of a retort. "I think I'm doing well enough!" she said, scanning the area with a small grin on her face.

Shooting Colt a glance and throwing him a grin, she sliced off the creature's arm. Quickly reacting, she sliced at it twice more before it was dead and she attacked something else and killed it quickly before hearing Colt shout to another player. Primo? she thought she heard. She laughed, hearing him shout about everyone being strong enough. "Who wants to be front and center anyway? That's too much work and pressure!" she laughed.


Enough of the lower level players had blindly followed Midori so as to make his plan effective. A triangular front line had been established and most of the minions were coming after them. Since the group was bunched together, so were the minions, making it easier to hit them with broad swipes. Midori spun his staff around in a whirr.

Most players couldn't use a staff this effectively in the game, yet because of his martial arts training, he knew exactly how to wield it. However, that didn't negate the fact that his weapon's stats were sporadic. Even his blocks and parries weren't reliable. The prospect began to frighten him as he his numbers kept getting lower and lower.

He tried to perform the same move he had done earlier to knock all of the minions back, yet nothing happened. Instead he was tackled by one of the minions. It took a good gash out of his arm. Being only a level 2 player, this took a significant amount out of his health. With one desperate swipe of his fist, he hit the minion, only doing one percent damage. But it was enough to let him get up and start swinging again. With a few low level hits, the monster exploded into the normal pixels.

Midori looked up, many of the minions had been eradicated and there were a few reinforcements still straggling through the portal. He looked to the boss and noticed one of the players dashing toward it, while another was already performing a frontal attack. Something didn't feel right to him. Could it really be that easy? A few more minions were being summoned, but something else caught Midori's eye.

They had never questioned the extent of the Summoner's actual power. Yes his physical attacks and movement were slow and practically useless, but he wasn't called the Gladiator, he was the Summoner. As the boss was lazily taking Primo's hits, a large black bird of prey appeared on it's back. It was barely visible in the dim light. The bird zipped into the air so quickly that it seemed to be teleporting. It's beak was aimed straight for Primo.

Midori couldn't be sure if the other player saw, because the bird had moved in his blind spot. In another flash of decision, he yelled out, "Tanks, now's your chance! Assault the boss! Follow the Gun-blader's lead! Healers keep them alive! Mid's, guard the back side from any more minions!"

As the ragtag group of mostly low level players began to take his idea, Midori activated his shadow and acrobat abilities at the same time. He dashed to the boss, sprinted up it's back and leapt into the path of the bird as it slingshot toward Primo. Though Midori wasn't stupid he had made a judgement call. Even with the tanks striking the boss together, the low level players wouldn't be able to hold out on their own. Players like this Primo guy were the key, no matter how careless they were being. Midori was a level 2. An expendable. With his crappy weapon, he couldn't even be relied on.

As a hero, the best thing he could do was save Primo from the strike. He clenched his eyes and held the staff out in front of him, bracing for impact. Suddenly, something large barreled into him, knocking the wind out of his stomach and sending him crashing into the stone floor.

  • Health=25/150 (Before bird attack)

    Shadow Ability= 30 minute cool down.

    Acrobat Ability= 30 minute cool down.
Jake heard Yui's voice as he was about to check his messages, he turned around, and much to his surprise she slammed into him, nearly knocking him down, the potato made a small grunting noise, it's eyes continued to gleam gallantly however, Oh, hey! He exclaimed brightly as his cheerful friend greeted him with the usual hug. The potato squealed as it saw them hug, the cheeks deepened on the potato, Jake smiled down, I got this little guy at the store....I was just going to buy a potato! he whined.

Jake heard her say something about going to a nearby pub, Uh, why? What's happening? she seemed a little interested in what ever was happening. The sun continued to beat down at him, and the potato rolled up against Jake, he sighed, I don't know what to do with it

The little potato gleamed up at him, it had a slight scent of French fries, and little stars appeared around its small, beady eyes. Jake blushed, he wished he had it in real life, it brought him some form of joy seeing it being so cute. He looked up at Yui, it was like their dream come true, to have a Kawaii potato come out of nowhere was like a dream to him. He wanted to stuff it in his pocket so it wouldn't get hurt by any of the commotion that was going on in the distance, or whatever was happening at the pub Yui had suggested to him. He sighed looking back at the potato, squeezing it back, the potato squealed, and it's cheeks turned a rosy pink like Jake's.

His messages still beeped with Yui's message, he held the potato up him with his left hand, and opened his menu with his right, quickly skimming over the message I'll just ignore the message since you're right here now. he smiled at Yui, And I don't know what to name him...

  • User: Dancing Wind

    Level: 14



    Supportive Star: inactive



(The Crescent Moon)

Primo’s face lit up with excitement as he took notice of the portal that had just appeared on the back wall of the pub. A tiny bubble of excitement had begun to form inside Gwen upon noticing it as well, although Primo, it seemed, was even more so. After taking one last swig from his brandy, Primo shot up. “Summoner’s Gate. It’s been a while since I’ve run one of these.” He said quietly. He stood up and walked quickly over to the portal, seeming to completely forget of the two people he was leaving behind.

He did not forget though, as right before he entered the portal, he turned back to Rose, the same look of eagerness still on his face, “I”ll see you on the other side, yeah?” he asked the girl.

“Yeah, I’ll jump in in a sec, I just gotta finish setting up my interface real quick. You go on ahead.” She replied to the boy, urging him not to let her hold up his fun. With a quick turn, the boy ran to the face of the portal, and leapt inside, his body disappearing into its maw. Gwen turned back to the other man, but, just as she was about to ask him if he wanted a party invite, he took off after Primo.

“He’s an interesting one…” she thought aloud.

Shifting her focus back to her interface, Gwen opened her game menu, and clicked on the addon-management tab. She had downloaded an addon the day before, which was supposed to keep a more detailed log when it came to combat. It tracked things like damage done, damage taken, how many of her hits were critical strikes, and a whole load of other stuff; she thought that it might be useful for figuring out how to increase her damage output when she got to higher levels. Upon opening the addon-management tab however, Gwen was greeted with a completely empty menu, no addons of any kind to be found.

“God darn it…” she said aloud. She wasn’t really that mad, just disappointed.

She must have forgotten to enable her addon before logging in; that, or she might have simply put the file in the wrong folder. Either way, the addon wasn’t there, and she didn’t want to waste any more time trying to figure it out; she wanted to go through that portal and start killing stuff. She was eager to start leveling up, so she could begin delving into the end-game content sooner, which was usually where all the fun stuff was. As she stood up from her seat to make her way toward the portal, she received a notification on her side bar.

It was a message, but the sender was unknown.

She was perplexed at this, as she had never received mail from an unknown sender before; quite frankly, she couldn’t even figure out how the sender could possibly be unknown, as the only ones who could send her character an in-game message were other players. Well, players and administrators, but an admin message would usually open automatically, whether Gwen opened it or not; which meant this couldn’t be from an admin.

So… then who sent it? she wondered to herself, curious.

If she opened it, she might be able to send a reply message to the sender, and if they responded, then she might be able to ask the person who they are. What harm would it do? It’s not like an in-game mail would have a virus or anything.

Gwen was about to open the message, but then remembered that Primo and that other guy, who were already on the other side of the portal, were probably waiting for her. Deciding that the message could wait, she closed her inbox, and walked over to the portal. Curious, she put a hand through it, and pulled it back out. The portal didn’t really have any substance to it; it pretty much just felt like she had swiped her hand through air.

“Well… Geronimo, I guess?” she said aloud.

After taking a few steps back, she ran forward and leapt into theportal.



----- The Crescent Moon Portal, Interior -----

Gwen’s vision began coalescing as she felt her body being propelled forward. She felt her feet land with a thud, causing her avatar to stumble for a moment. After catching her balance, Gwen took in her surroundings.

It was hectic to say the least. All around the room, there were players and monsters fighting one another. She didn’t know where exactly the portal had taken her, but the room appeared to have a slight ‘castle-dungeon’ type feel to it. The walls and floor seemed to be made of stone, and along the walls were torches, which- aside from the light produced from player and monster attacks-, seemed to be the only source of light in the room; which was perfect. Gwen had designed her character to be a rogue, which meant she thrived in places where she could hide easily, and take enemies by surprise, and what better way to jump out at enemies, then from a dark spot? Gwen couldn’t help but smile to herself as she opened her inventory and selecting one of her stabbing poison potions, which she immediately applied to her dagger.

“Now… where did they go?” she said to herself, re-scanning the room for her party member.

Among the small horde of sparring minions and players, she spotted a monster that was bigger from the others, and approaching it –of course- was Primo.

Found ya.

Gwen immediately started taking off in the direction of the big monster, her dagger at her side, expertly dodging and weaving her way through the battlefield. She dodged, and weaved her way through several enemies, her character’s agility making it none-too difficult.

Gwen arrived at the battle scene just in time to see a low-level player jump in front of Primo, his staff raised, to block an incoming attack. The force of the enemies blow sent the character flying backwards, causing him to hit the stone floor with a rather hard thud. As he landed, Gwen took note of the boy’s health bar, which was now near empty.

By any account, a ‘normal’ player would simply have allowed the boy’s avatar to pixelate and respawn outside, but unlike ‘normal’ players, Gwen had survived Sword Art Online, where when your HP reached 0, you died. Even though Gwen knew that this would not be the case here, she couldn’t stop her old instincts from kicking in.

Immediately, without wasting time to think, the girl activated her speed style.

The room around Gwen suddenly began to slow down. The players and monsters who were fighting around her continued their quarrel, seemingly unaffected by their new slowness. There were a few players in the crowd who appeared to be moving at normal speed though; no doubt other players with their speed style activated as well.

With a burst of energy, Gwen began sprinting toward the fallen level-2 boy, who had evidently somehow pulled agro off of a nearby minion. Opening her inventory as she ran, she selected a health potion. Once she was in range, she opened the bottle and tossed it towards the boy.

Not even wasting time to see how much health the potion would give the boy, Gwen shifted her attention to that of the minion who was approaching him. Redrawing her dagger- which she had sheathed when she went to toss the potion- the girl went into a full out sprint towards the creature, which still hadn’t taken interest in her, despite her healing it’s target. Leaping over the fallen boy, who still seemed to be registering what was going on, Gwen threw herself at the creature, causing it to stumble backwards. Before the creature had time to recover, Gwen leapt forward and thrust her dagger deep into what appeared to be the creature’s throat, causing it to burst into a cloud of pixels, awarding Rose minimal exp and gold; no doubt because of its low-level.

Paying little heed to the player whose avatar she had just saved, Gwen immediately turned her focus toward the boss.

  • Gold = 1020

    Assassin's Dagger

    Rogue's Tunic

    Rogue's Gloves

    Rogue's Boots

    Rogue's hood

    Health Potion x9

    Potion of Stabbing Poison x9
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Bringing his sword down to his side, Primo looked over to the man who had told him to hold back. He was only a couple of levels lower, but he had a point all the same. The man didn't want to steal all the fun for himself, he just wanted to kickstart the process. That little burst of his allowed him to open the doors for other players to start chipping away at the boss' HP without being immediately attacked.

His gaze quickly shifted from Colt, back over to the boss just in time to see that same low-level player get hit out of the sky, effectively eating an attack that had been meant for Primo. He watched the form of the player bounce off of the cobblestone, but just in time for Rose to make her appearance. As she moved to help him out, Primo shot off after her, flying as fast as he could to meet her on the ground. When he landed only a short moment after, his feet skidding to a stop and kicking up soot in the process.

She had just finished an offensive onslaught of her own, before looking in his direction. Rose had obviously meant to look over at the boss, but Primo just happened to be off in that general direction, slightly to the side. Readjusting himself slightly, his feet would levitate slightly off of the ground while both of his arms wrapped across his chest.

"This one isn't so hard. Should be a breeze with all these players here. I think we'll definitely be shedding a lot of weight as we keep going, though." As he spoke, he turned slightly to look over at the rest of the actually prevalent players within the vicinity. For the most part, they had their sights set on the hooded beast, who stirred and got up to it's feet after eating a slash to it's arm. It roared, lifted it's arms up and sent both of it's fists into the ground, causing a mini-earthquake. Anyone who was on the ground would be launched up into the air, if not properly prepared.

Primo watched it happen, seeing a couple of bodies flying off of the ground and ragdolling about in their own trajectory patterns. He nearly had to raise himself into the air a couple of inches to avoid it himself, but he was all ready off the ground. Weighing his options out, Primo would have to see how many people were effected by the attack before deciding if he was going to stun the monster or not. A well-placed stun could mean an easy kill, when it came to this guy. But did the others need his assistance any further?

Colt was right. Primo wasn't playing the game to spoil it anyone else, he was merely floating along these first few couple of floors, much like the other. It was only because Rose had been in his party that the portal put them on that level in the first place. Truely, she was his only obligation to be there anyway. Obviously, he wasn't going to let her die, he was going to help her along if she needed it. Considering how capable she actually was, Primo didn't expect to do much work.

Even as they stood there, the Summoner hadn't stopped summoning minions. Occasionally, a few would find their way over to the three that were standing around the circle, but each time they came close, Primo would lazily swing his sword to get rid of them. A couple moments passed, before the young man accessed his inventory and used an Elixir on the downed Midori.
"Thanks for taking the hit, but I think I would have survived it." Primo let off a small chuckle after he spoke, lifting the blunt side of his sword up onto his shoulder.

  • Primo

    Level 62

    Exp: 5(%)

    HP: 98(%)

    Stamina: 89(%)

    Cooldowns: None (Air style and Speed Style in use for three more turns).

    Unique- Super Form (x2 stats at all times)



Tempest quickly opened his inventory bag and retrieved a mana potion, using to somewhat refill his low energy levels. Exiting the gaming menu, his hovering right hand took hold of his gun-blade. His glimmering gaze glanced at the giant boss monster as it began to rise from the fall it had taken due to the player bashing it down. He turned his head, noticing a couple more players moving up to the boss. Squinting he noticed that these weren’t average players, their levels were higher than his own. Well with this many people here, taking out this thing won’t take long at all.

Impulsively Tempest moved forward, his acrobat ability still in full swing, he leaped forward straight at the boss. Tempest’s gun-blade glittered in a dark blue light before transferring back into its gun form. Swiftly he landed onto the outstretched arm of the boss and began firing a volley of magical bullets into the hooded face of the monster. In fit of rage the monster used it other arm in an attempt to swat him like fly. Elegantly Tempest flipped backward, bounding away from the incoming attack. These acrobatic abilities make so much easier to block these slow heavy attacks. Landing safely on the ground, Tempest continued to fire at the beast, not stopping until he reached safe distance. His continued to huff, still exhausted from the previous attack against the swarm of smaller monsters. If only the shadow abilities would reload faster.

  • Character: Tempest

    Level: 40

    Exp: 1/100 (%)

    HP: 90/100 (%)

    Energy: 35/100 (%)

    Acrobat State: Active Cooldown Remaining: In Use

    Shadow State: Inactive Cooldown Remaining: 3



  • Character: SnowFox

    Level: 29

    Guild: Sparrows

    Exp: 34/100 (%)

    HP: 100/100 (%)

    Stamina: 100/100 (%)

What the heck?.....The place was in total chaos. Aila couldn't believe her eyes. There were players running around inside the cave to and fro, but a majority of them were dying left and right. She could make out only a few players, handling things on their own, but was shocked to see overall, how disorganized things were. As if reading her mind, one of the players called out for everybody to form up on somebody, but her heart quickly fell as the command was largely ignored. She bit her lip, and squeezed her arms even tighter into her chest. Listen to him you idiots. The sooner you start standing together, the easier things will be. Normally, Aila wasn't one to go off and join a party for leisure, but when teamwork was needed, she would be the first to make it so, doing her part to make sure the group survived as a whole. It was this dis-unity, in the face of adversity, that was driving her up the wall.

Tch. She clicked her tongue with a look of disgust, as the player who barked out the unheeded call, took a crow's beak straight to the chest. So this is what it took, she thought, as a few other players rushed to his aide, one tossing him a health potion and another restoring his HP. While watching the situation unfold, Aila's stare promptly pulled into another direction, towards another player in the vicinity, using what looked like an item she herself had received just a few hours before: a Gun-Blade.

I see. Things just got a little bit more interesting.

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As Colt turned to give a joking comment on Atria's skill, he noticed the boss raising both it's arms above its head. From his experience, he had a good idea of what was coming. "Be ready, AOE incoming!" However, instead of jumping to avoid the attack, he instead balanced himself on one foot and took out a potion. As the beast hit, Colt was sent spinning into the air, leg extended, laughing gleefully. "Yeah! This is the type of fun I'm talking about!" As he approached the ground, he swung his leg in a sweeping motion, taking out a group of minions and landing on his knee. The earthquake did minimal damage, so he simply healed back up. "This is so unfair it isn't even funny!"

Watching the boss and the group of players converging on its position, he knew this was the assault. It was the group attack that would end it, the won that would finish the fight. They would need a well focused and led group of players, or else everything would fail. Casually swiping a few enemies away, he plopped down on his back and closed his eyes, dagger still in the air. Raising his voice, he playfully spoke. "Hey, Atria. Call out to me if you need help. This seems like the perfect time to rest." Using his hearing, he slashed in the direction of an oncoming enemy, taking out its knees and shattering it into pixels. When he spoke out to Primo before, when he said that 'we're already strong enough', he wasn't referring to the other players. Colt was referring to the overzealous hero and himself. He had no clue of the ability of the rest. If either he or Primo participated too heavily, Colt guessed that the fight would be over too soon and it wouldn't be any fun for anyone else. That was why he decided to let everyone else handle the final assault. Letting out a deep breath as he slashed at a few oncoming enemies, eyes still closed, lying on his back, he stretched his arms."Ahhhh, nothing like a relaxing break in the middle of a battlefield."

  • Character: Colt

    Level: 54

    Exp: 25/100(%)

    HP: 100/100 (%)

    Energy: 90/100 (%)

    Speed State: Inactive Cooldown Remaining: 0

    Shadow State: Inactive Cooldown Remaining: 0


  • df_zpsac622fc5.png

    • Magical Revolver (x1)
    • Useless Sword (x1)
    • Elite Mage Outfit (x1)
    • Quest Items (x5)
    • Health Potion (x5)
    • Mana Potion (x7)
    • Pet Egg (x1)

  • Character: ???

    Level: 0

    Exp: ????

    HP: ????

    Stamina: ????

    Hatching Rate: 80%

The sight of the little creature was adorable and the squeals it made... it was utterly too much for Yui as she felt like dying right there at how cute it was. Though it was just a potato with a strange pink color and having eyes and a mouth, it was the most greatest thing she had seen all her life that Yui wanted to just hug Wind tightly for being such a genius to buy this potato though he actually just wanted a normal potato, it still was the greatest thing,"Aww, don't worry Wind, I got you tea and some sweets so at least you got this right?" Yui said holding out the things she bought,"And we could always go buy another potato... just, don't eat the potato in front of this guy... you may terrify him for eating his kind." Yui jokingly said while she placed a finger on the potato's head, stroking it gently and hearing the squeals made Yui's heart flutter in joy,"You are just soooo cute!" Yui exclaimed, jumping in joy not able to contain her excitement as she got many strange looks from nearby players.

Calming herself down a bit, Yui looked up at Wind then at the pub,"Well... I'm hearing that something is going on... something about a portal?" Yui said,"But I'm not too sure since I haven't seen it for myself but something is going on." Yui said shaking her head and changing the subject to something else, her concern back to the pink potato,"Well~ You could keep it as a little companion. He's adorable and from my guess he's a familiar... a pet of some sort maybe." Yui suggested,"I can't quite understand him but he's trying to say something... but I can't quite get a clear understanding what it's trying to say." Yui said since she did have the skills to understand pets and familiars, she could communicate with them but she couldn't understand all of them of course.

So far, she was still learning how to understand most creatures but for the time being she was just a rookie. Lost in thoughts, she was interrupted when she heard the sound of more squeals, Yui turning her attention on the pink potato and squealing over it once more,"We should give it a name! How about Tato?" Yui suggested, the first thing that came up on her mind of the little guy,"He could be our mascot for our guild, the Kawaii Potatoes!" Yui said poking the guy on the cheeks(does he even have cheeks?)and having a goofy smile smudged on her face.

-Sorry, Casper's post will be postpone until I get some ideas for him ^^;-

Midori was sprawled inside of a little crater he had created. He braced for the throbbing rush of blood to the head and the blackout. Then the relocation of the respawning process. Yet the dizzying sensations never came. He could feel his health was low, very low. But had the staff absorbed the rest of the impact? Or was it just a hitch in the system before his health went out completely?

Before Midori could figure this out, a health potion exploded next to him as a passing player had stopped to help. Though it was a weaker potion, it gave him enough energy to sit up and get his bearings. He had really survived the incident?

Then he was handed another potion by the player he had taken the hit for. Midori gave him an annoyed look, "Thank you for the help, but what are you doing wasting time over here? Yes this might be an easier task for you, but for the lower level players it is not. I suspect that the reason they were overwhelmed is because the sum of our levels affected the level of the monster. It's a common occurrence in RPG's. So in a sense, you're presence here is a curse. But as such, that also makes you the savior. I took the damage because I won't make much more of a difference. Yet you can. The quicker you get to doing that, the more players will survive this."

Midori didn't mean to sound so rude to the player who had just helped him, yet his adrenalin brought out the truth. He slowly stood up and swiped at another minion, doing minimal damage. With an annoyed sigh, he looked back to Primo to see his response before facing up against the minion.

Doing a right round kick, she heard a satisfying crack from as their skull cracked near the temple area. Spinning around, Haru hit a minion with her knuckles doing a twin uppercut, without waiting to see it disappear, she whirled around to another minion ready to avenge it's fallen companion. "You guys never know when to stop do you?" Killing it with a single jump front kick, she turned to look at the boss. Plenty of players were trying to attack it, while only a few made noticeable damage. The boss reminded her of a giant evil fluffy teddy bear. Watching in horror, the brown haired girl stared as players were killed left and right. A low leveled player jumped in front of a white haired avatar, staff raised, and was knocked down, his HP bar dwindling at almost zero.

Staring at her Speed Style cool down, she noticed she had a minute left. "Dammit. I should have saved it for the boss." The small girl's avatar muttered. Activating her water style, she managed to draw droplets of water into the air, before hardening them into a wall of ice. It would only last a few seconds, but with the boss forced against the wall, other players would be able to attack it, thus decreasing its HP slowly but steadily.

  • Level: 2

    Experience: 25/40

    Health: 100/125

Ari was at the front, slashing the boss. Her blades were slicing though its skin. She felt joy, her tails swinging around as she fought. She fought mostly smaller monsters because she was a bit weaker. She gained a level in the process of slaying these demonic creatures. She looked over at Midori, not exactly sure how she was fairing well at this point. She was a really low level.[/tab]


(The Crescent Moon Portal - Interior)

As Gwen turned to face the beast, another player- who must have been using an acrobat style- leapt up onto one of the creature’s arms. The player fired what appeared to be a blade with some sort of gun attachment at the creature’s hooded face, causing it to howl in rage. It swept its other arm at the boy, hoping to knock the player off; but thanks to a quick flip backwards, the player managed to avoid being struck, and landed on the ground, unharmed.

The creature bellowed with rage at the boy who had avoided his arm; it raised its hand, preparing to take another swing at him, but as he brought down his mighty fist, his arm was met with nothing but a wall of frozen water. The newly formed wall had managed to box him between it, and the natural wall of the dungeon, effectively cornering it.

While the creature was cornered however, it was still quite large; and now that it was in a narrow hallway, directly engaging it would leave Gwen with little maneuvering room. She also lacked the ranged capabilities of fire and energy styles, as well as the ability to do what the other boy had done earlier; get onto the beast’s upper body- something that would require either an acrobatic or air style to do at the moment.

As Gwen stood there, pondering a way to get to the boss’s weak point, the creature snarled viciously. It then raised both arms above its head, before slamming them down into the ground, causing a small shockwave to emminate outward. It was easy to avoid, Gwen simply jumped when the animation effect came towards her. Some of the other lower level players who had been caught in the shockwave radius were not prepared for this however; and were sent flying backwards.

The shockwave must have acted as an aggro reset as well, as the creature then turned around, and targeted the character that was closest to it- Rose.

While she was still a good distance away from the creature, she was not about to risk waiting for it to get closer and land a hit on her. It was a boss after all; and she was not a tank, which meant she would likely take a large amount of damage if she were hit by it. Knowing this, Gwen wasted no time activating her shadow style.

The world immediately seemed to darken. It wasn’t difficult to see though, it was more like the world had simply been drained of color, leaving it with a greyish look. Her body also began to release a shadowy aura around it, no doubt signifying that she was no invisible to the people around her. Her weapon also changed; it had now sprouted a whole bunch of tiny tendrils from it, all of which moved and writhed about on her dagger. Gwen thought it was a bit creepy, but at the same time, she thought it looked pretty cool.

No longer able to see Rose, the monster changed direction, and began running towards the next closest player, which, thanks to the shockwave knocking all of the closer players back, was now a character named Midorikawa. The same Midorikawa, Gwen realized, that she had just saved moments ago.

Well that’s just perfect… Gwen thought to herself, irritated.

Not wanting the creature to flatten the boy like a pancake, Gwen swung her blade at the creature, releasing almost half a dozen shadowy needles from it, which were sent hurdling toward her target. Her attack had broken her invisibility, and would not allow it to reset for another 10 seconds, which meant she would now need to kite the creature around until a tank-player could take him off of her. Well... that, or until she or the creature died; whichever came first.

And so, with the boss hot on her trail, Gwen turned around and, with her speed buff still active, began sprinting away.

  • Character: Rose

    Level: 40

    Exp: 2/100

    HP: 100/100

    Energy: 88/100

    Speed Style: Active - 20% duration remaining

    Shadow Style: Active - 95% duration remaining

Before the young man could so much as part his lips to begin to reply to Midori's statement, Rose had been off in a flash. No acknowledgement whatsoever, she was just off. Primo watched her go, but didn't run after her. Instead, he turned his attention back to the man whom he was previously preparing to address before he was distracted. "You do have a point. but, let me ask you something. Would you prefer to run though this cave on a normal difficulty and get the regular old amount of treasure and experience points, or would you prefer to raise the ante in hopes for a larger sum of points?"

Sure, it might have seemed like a loaded question, but it was a good one. They were all playing the same game to progress, challenge themselves, move forward. Was there a better way than testing those very limits to the peak of their capabilities? To find out what players were truely made of thicker material than others, sometimes these situations brought out the best in fighters. For Primo, they certainly had, when he was at a much lower level.

Primo's right eye shut, tossing a wink in his direction. No, this wasn't sexual, it was just a habit that Primo had picked up when he was younger - often signifying that he realized his responses were brilliant. Sure, he was a nice guy, but there was always an egotistical streak. Be it passive, or not.
"Don't worry about it. Stop throwing yourself in front of fire. I know you want to help, but you giving your free man away just for someone who could have eaten an attack without taking much damage is just foolish."

Obviously, Primo didn't mean to be rude. He was simply stating what he believed was fact. "Let me put it this way. If you're man enough to sacrifice yourself for others, you gotta be man enough to step up to the plate when the going gets tough." Oh, another one, Primo? He was sounding like a straight up guru right now! After dropping some of that absolutely common knowledge on the new guy, he watched as the Boss' HP began to dwindle into the double digits.

"Anyway, i'm here in the first place because of that lady who just saved you. We partied up, the portal took us here. I'm just along for the ride until we get up to the higher levels. I'm not in there taking out the boss, because it wouldn't be fun to everyone if I did. Also, no one would get experience from it, because everyone needs a round taking a hit on it. We're not all in the same party, you know? It takes a decent amount of time for the boss to respawn, also. It's not worth it."

Primo's attention turned from the man who was beside him, to the rest of the players. They were quite an interesting bunch all together, but there were too many to be partied up all at once. If any sort of elite group was to form up after this part of the dungeon was finished, then some weight would have to be shed when it came to the player populous. Primo put his sword back on his waist, deactivating both his speed style and his air style. As a result, he dropped to the ground, landing on both feet. While he retained his double speed stat from his unique, his speed style wasn't giving him any added speed while he was lingering on.

The young man put a hand throug his hair, before placing it on his hip and put the other one in his pocket. Primo currently had every intention of stepping in to handle the boss if he needed to, but he was sure he didn't. If by some miracle, the hooded boss was to switch the tides, the second strongest player that was available was only behind Primo by a miniscule number. He could easily delve out damage, just like Primo. The proof lied in the form of his relaxed state, as the other players continued pushing on.

  • Primo

    Level 62

    Exp: 6(%)

    HP: 98(%)

    Stamina: 94(%)

    Cooldowns: Four posts (Both styles)

    Unique- Super Form (x2 stats at all times)



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