[Ad Astra Per Aspera] Captain's Lounge

Thorn I have some questions for you in my character thread. He is almost done a couple of points left to be spend and maybe a couple of slight changes there to be made.
Sorry bout disappearing. Sudden death of an old high school friend had me preoccupied. Will resume posting!!!!
Yeah, funeral's on tuesday. Also, Miller, you would notice on your police records Wren is actually not filed on them. Whatever records the men at the door had weren't official records
So verra verra sorry everyone! I just got a new job after a prolonged period of unemployment, so I've been both busy and exhausted. I posted, however, so feel free to proceed.
My sheet isn't finished per-se; I still have 40-odd points to spend, but I figured I could at least get SOMETHING up.
Well since he is good at biology and computer science among other things how about a body enhancing chip placed in his own body (and spend some points on body enhancement)? Alternatively you can get some sort of vehicle or a more capable exo-suit that may act like a vehicle.

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