[Ad Astra Per Aspera] Captain's Lounge

Basically, Psychic Human who is the result of a sadistic genetic experiment's performed by an semi-obscure terrorist organization to try and create an Super soldier- the organization in question having Nazi-esque themeing and Vibes.

She was rescued before the project was finished- and thus before she stopped being a PC- by some other organization. Likely the one employing us PC's.

I'd use the Merc Base, to get her skills all set up- then get to work on high stats, and powers. Focus on Mind and Body, little to no Soul because she's a heavily scarred, horrifically traumatized woman.

I was also considering asking you about how to do Split Personality disorder, in regards to her- a coping mechanism having been to fragment her mind, and hide one personality under the surface of another- one personality that endured and remembers all the torture- and the training...

And another that is just this sweet innocent little girl that she /was/ before the Experiments and pain started.
Character sheet edited.

@SephirothSage I'd consider a level of Alternate Identity, giving you two idents to work with, and then you have the basis for the two IDs. Both would have the same stats of course, but I would think splitting skills and stats between the two would give the feel of MPD. What do you think, Thorn?
If I can't figure something out we can always do a custom defect. Also, just because she is traumatized doesn't mean she doesn't have a strong Soul. Soul effects energy a lot, so, having a beasty soul stat could help with psionics (assuming you're attaching an energy cost onto the psychic abilities). Could put weakened psyche as a defect on it.

Also, if using a template, remember the skill points are calculated using Multiverse, but this game is using Space Opera costs.
Err... Is there a DIfference? I only have the core book.

And yeah- okay.. I've been looking- I was thinking.... Alternate Identity, with the Involuntary Change Defect, and Alternate Form all tied together somehow?

As for the Soul- yeah, I think you're right.... I'll just give her nightmares and a few other things- I know it says we /need/ 10 points of defects, is that a Hard Cap?
In the skills section of the book there's a skill point by genre table. And, no, I will allow slightly above or below within reason, :P Also, Alternate Form is moreso for outright transformation I thought?
:) They'll have the same Physical Stats, and many of the same powers- but they are literally, two different people- with /totally/ different skills, and mindsets.
What's funny is one of my major NPCs is an insane 10 year old boy that's an experimental pyrokinetic... <.<
Ellisand (Also known as EVE) would Sympathize. I think I'll have the San-er one be the Default...

Do note that's the one that was frozen at Twelve, until recently. And the far less capable one- I'm doing this, because Alternate form /adds/ points, on, for you to create the alternate form with- it makes sense for the Badass Form to be the one that's getting more points to work with.
She's Twenty.

Ellisand (The personality that submerged itself to escape the horror of what was happening, and her actual name) was Twelve when she was taken in for the purpose of the Project.

It's been 8 years, for EVE- the name the personality that surfaced during this time knows itself by, having forgotten her real name in the seemingly endless and sadistic experimentation and testing.

Ellisand, is still that innocent twelve year old who was kidnapped, and has just started to come to, in the hands of the Gov.

EVE, is a Twenty Year old woman whose been through hell and back and knows what she owes these people.
What is our Point Value again?

Edit: Also, thinking of having her have been rescued about a year ago, to have some time for the Non-BAMF Personality to have picked some useful non-combat skills up, y'know?
Try to stay around 10 points. Also no official benchmarks but remember human average is 4 for stats
Oh, all the tech I'm posting is what's commonly available. There may or may not be bleeding edge tech that I haven't mentioned <.<

Also beyond the base 3 submissions, I encourage, but not require, submissions to the game universe :)
I thought you where not going to run this because of a lack of interest.

(Yes, I am still interested.)
Sorry, I got several private requests and the fact your character would most likely kill half of the players I've accepted if their skeletons-in-the-closets came out wouldn't mesh well. Seems a lot of people want to play borderline criminals for this campaign... Ah well, space piracy and other such shenanigans ho!!!!
Ellisand won't be a Borderline Criminal unless the other PC's bring her along for that ride!

Translation: She'll end up however the other PC's help her end up.

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