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I need to catch up with lore but considering his circumstances he could be on ship solely for transportation without drawing too much attention. Also should I post a character thread as well? I made a couple of changes on character and I may do a couple more (like getting another defect to get close to 10 ponits)
SephirothSage said:
Yeah. It's like this- ranks 1-3, are rank 0 Range 0 weapons.
Every rank past three, is +1 WL and +1 Range Level. So, Telekenisis Six is a weapon with Damage 3 Range 3.
Okay, that makes sense. Get some Combat Mastery with that and it can be a beasty combat multiplier. You tying an energy cost onto it for more points to spend?
Greenstalker said:
I need to catch up with lore but considering his circumstances he could be on ship solely for transportation without drawing too much attention. Also should I post a character thread as well? I made a couple of changes on character and I may do a couple more (like getting another defect to get close to 10 ponits)
Yeah, go ahead and post. Also, otherwise, I might have you and Miller in pursuit of the ship from various interested groups after the initial heist. Decision's yours.
It's under Restrictions, called Deplete. Don't forgot to look at the variables you can add for range, duration, and other stuff as well
Righto- so I can add these to the Telekenisis?

I was thinking of, if I end up with a Psy-Shock, giving /that/ Backblast and Deplete, but Backblast on Telekenisis is silly... hmm.
Well he will be a licensed bounty hunter (by licensed I mean legal) there can be various hook up with that
SephirothSage said:
Righto- so I can add these to the Telekenisis?
I was thinking of, if I end up with a Psy-Shock, giving /that/ Backblast and Deplete, but Backblast on Telekenisis is silly... hmm.
Backblast on Tel, yeah, not so much, but deplete works on both.
There is a power template for psionics called psi on page 130. It is a -10 point template that can be added to any attribute and you can make customization on it depending on your preferences.
[QUOTE="Thorn Darkblade]I think only one PC is a government agent, and an ex agent at that... Harrier was a freelance scientist, and I believe the ninja-assassin was his own guild, and Wren is ex-space pirate. We're also having a robotically enhanced engineer/dock worker that punches things, and a synthetic AI joining the group. Should be fun.

Raven is still part of the UEC. His write-up was meant to suggest his willingness to lay aside his badge should he have a clear shot at the man that blew him up and be unable to take him down legally. But for now he's still a field agent in good standing. :)
So Raven. Could you have been involved in busting some Terrorist Organization's transport- found the strange woman who had marks of horrific torture... and then decided to keep her, when you found out she had the mind of a Twelve year old most of the time, and had grown attached to the individual who saved her from her prison?
Hmmm.....not kept her. Helped her get into a program to help her recover? Yes. Kept tabs on her to see how she's doing? Possibly. Been willing to help with therapy as job assignments permit? Sure.
@SephirothSage Your 3 items are good, and you can post them in various spots (Earth, Medical Tech, and Criminal Orgs), but i'd love to see a little more on them. Maybe even just a couple sentences, ^-^
Alright! Awesome. Just wanted to be sure, before I started expanding- I have quite a bit on all three.

They are things I used when I was DMing an GURPS Supers game, actualy.
Sorry something in rl hold me up I will post my character tomorrow and I don't mind being added in later either.
A thousand pardons. I just got a new job after ~4 months of unemployment, so I'm a bit behind the curve on all of this.
No problem. Tis why I said you can post without a sheet for now. The actual story is the meat and bones of this whole thing, mechanics come second
Posting will be up momentarily, as for my sheet It will be up sometime late sunday or monday at the latest :P I admit I was a herp de derp and didn't copy the besm book to my flash drives

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