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[QUOTE="Thorn Darkblade]Sorry, I got several private requests and the fact your character would most likely kill half of the players I've accepted if their skeletons-in-the-closets came out wouldn't mesh well. Seems a lot of people want to play borderline criminals for this campaign... Ah well, space piracy and other such shenanigans ho!!!!

You are aware that the anime examples you gave all were about borderline criminals right? It is safe to say that it is kinda tradition with this kind of setting :P
Well- when It's possible, I'd love a look over and opinion on my Charachter so far.. I have a story, I just need to get the Backstory down..
Greenstalker said:
You are aware that the anime examples you gave all were about borderline criminals right? It is safe to say that it is kinda tradition with this kind of setting :tongue:
Oh, it's true, but usually we get one to two criminals and the rest being semi-neutral to good-ish.
I'm aiming for the neutral/neutral-good line personally. Laws are meant to be guidelines, not exact boundaries.

Ellisand's Natural leaning is likely Neutral Good...

EVE Is Chaotic Good- at best..... and more than capable of cheerfully veering /anywhere/ on the Good-Evil Axis, really.
[QUOTE="Thorn Darkblade]Oh, it's true, but usually we get one to two criminals and the rest being semi-neutral to good-ish.

Well I can tell you why we have mostly borderline criminals too. Because of defects. ISM, marked, wanted, skeleton in closet, girl/guy magnet, easily distracted, nemesis, recurring nightmares and a couple of others are easiest defects to play around since they do not restrict character directly like conditional ownership, redtape or owned and they don't directly reeduce something from character like not so tough, inept attack/defence etc. Also these defects mostly represents GM interference which means it is up to GM how to use them in the game rather than they are being directly effecting characters stats or always there to restrict character one way or other.

When you get three or four of those defects together it subconciously leads to a borderline criminal although it is possible to make something else with them (For example almost all X-Men have ISM, marked, skeleton in closet(being a mutant) and wanted (by humanist organizations) and nemesis some have more than one nemesis too boot)
Gonna be working on adding a lot more lore in the next few days... submissions for ideas you would like to see included are quite welcome!
So does anyone want to be responsible for having rescued Ellisand?

Or do I have to figure out why the hell she is walking free enough to be involved in Nabbing a Starship?

Also- the way she's ended up post stating... Thorn, did you watch Firefly/Serenity? River.
I've seen a few episodes and Serenity, so, I'm familiar. But, the place I'm having the ship stolen from does have their hands in some other industries, very illicit, so you may be on base for such reasons as security.
Well- I'm asking if anyone wants to have rescued her.

If no one takes it, it was ... er.. the Goverment agency two of the PC's already work for, why not?

Sound good?
I think only one PC is a government agent, and an ex agent at that... Harrier was a freelance scientist, and I believe the ninja-assassin was his own guild, and Wren is ex-space pirate. We're also having a robotically enhanced engineer/dock worker that punches things, and a synthetic AI joining the group. Should be fun.
I see.... I'm thinkin she was nabbed in transit to an out of System Base, away from the Black Forest base- not straight out of the Black Forest Base..... So that Gregor is still around as a possible Villain. Could Wren have found me in a Space Pirate raid, and I now be following him around? Erm.. Hm.
Also- so far I like what Lore I've read. Much interest, such fascination, wow.


But no, seriously- interesting. How are you going to handle use of Telekenisis offensively? And the purchase of new powers through the explanation of Psionic growth and learning?
Well I'm surprised you didn't buy a weapon attack as some sort of psyshock or the likes. And, I figured her powers would awaken or something, however you want it to grow
Yeah- Thanks. As for that- well.. I had intended to, but I.. well.. er.. ran out of points and said screw it.

Telekenisis as a weapon though- is this feasible? IE- if it allows me to apply Kinetic force, isn't it logical to apply that Kinetic force violently?
Sorta yeah? But damaging effects are usually supposed to be handled by Weapon Attack in BESM...one of the quirks of the system... I'll look into it more though
@Greenstalker is there any particular reason you'd be after the ship as well? It is in fact okay for a few players to not be in the first thread if there's no legit reason
Level Six Telekenisis, lifts THIS Many Kilograms, I just feel the need to say: 100000. One Hundred Thousand Kilo's of Weight that can be lifted. That is a /lot/ of Newtons.
Yeah. It's like this- ranks 1-3, are rank 0 Range 0 weapons.

Every rank past three, is +1 WL and +1 Range Level. So, Telekenisis Six is a weapon with Damage 3 Range 3.

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