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SephirothSage said:
I figure this game already is fine- I just wanna know. What system is it?
Yup, BESM 3rd Ed. Still accepting character concepts if interested. I'll be posting more info once my class work this weekend is done but there's a good chunk of it in the interest check
Sci-fi/space opera, along the lines of stuff like Cowboy Bebop, Outlaw Star, Mass Effect...so soft/medium sci fi. Everything has a technical explanation, even if said explanation wouldn't hold water with real physics. Two important notes though:

First:It's troupe style, sorta. I'm gonna be running the main story, but every now and then I'm gonna let the players run 'episodes', little non-major plot point side stories (or major, if talked over with me first). It's not required, but the more people willing to do so, the better. Also means I'll have a character in with the group.

Second: Along with your character concept, you must come up and have accepted by me the following bits for the setting: One organization, one technology, and one location. This helps us all have a hands on with building our world. I posted a timelime for a general idea, and I'll be posting more stuff up soon. Just busy this weekend.
*Salute* I see. Definite interest- I'll get to work thinking things up. The Tech doesn't have to be Original, does it? And are there Psionics of any sort?
Mostly original, but can be inspired by other works of sci fi. For example, the KE particle was totally based on mass edfect's element zero, but changed enough where it isn't the same.

Psionics.... Sorta. Super rare and most with it are incredibly insane. However, don't let that stop you from being the exception.
So- Gene-Splicing a Valid Tech, and what if I tie the Organization and Technology in to my Charachter Backstory, possibly as explanations for the Char's Psionic Abilities and all around above-average-ness?
Mild gene splicing yes. Humanity hasn't delved too deep into modifying DNA, but I'll allow some.

Tying in the orgs and locations is acceptable
@Millershipper do you mean the UEC instead of the UN? Also good write up, although i liked condor better as a code name, but that's just cause we had a Raven in the original run. Oh yeah, Seph, it's not required but we've had the habit of making bird or bird related nicknames for the entire crew, sometimes out of pure coincidence
Ah, yes, the UEC. I've changed the write-up. I'll look at other bird names (I don't care for Condor for this character for some reason), but Raven has the mix of wisdom, darkness, and focus I'm looking at in this character.
I was /intending/ to go with someone with the Actual name Ellisand, project name EVE, and... If she had to have a bird name... Er...Eagle? I'm not sure.
Due to rotary cuff tendinitis I get a week of forced relaxation. Should have more posted tonight or tomorrow
@Millershipper If you used a template, remember those use Multiverse point costs for skills. We are using the Space Opera point costs instead. You may regain or owe extra points.
I'm still here. Just waiting for some others to start posting so we can kick the tires and light the fires.

Edit: I just finished checking skill costs. Everything is the same except for Police Sciences and Stealth. Each is 1 pt less than what the template uses, so that gives me 8 pts to work with. I'm going to add Disguise Lvl 2 (3 pts per lvl=6 cp total) and bump Interrogation a lvl, costing 2 cp. I'll edit the character sheet.
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