[Act 4] The Negotiation [The Resurgent]

Noisy Cricket, somewhat disgusted through his bliss

Noisy Cricket puts up a hand to halt Balthazar's commands, shrugging off some of his blissful look to stare him in the eyes.

"Though I appreciate the phrasing of your request, I greatly dislike your way of going about it."

Noisy Cricket takes a moment to look around the room, catching each of the Solars still remaining, and drumming his fingers to get the attention of the blind girl. "If we are all to be working as a group, I believe certain boundaries should be honored."

Noisy Cricket looks again at the glowing Balthazar, evidence of his essence-fueled persuasion still upon his brow. "Working together should involve the honest exchange of opinions, beliefs, and tactics. This does not mean using your gifts to make your point to those around you. I do not plan on beating down any of you to make my point, I expect the same courtesy in discussions."


His point made, he sits down, eying Balthazar warily.

A man who cannot ask his peers to do something without using his essence isn't to be trusted...I will act as his opponent until he learns to not treat me as his.


Performance: I want to know if they agree or not to not using charms against one another. This is not a 'force them into agreeing to not use charms against one another. NC wants to know their honest answer, not coercion into giving him the answer he wants.

Willpower for a bonus success. No charm usage :-P

One die stunt. Everyone declare your step 2's. Petrin declares no defense - he's not going to use Charms on you ^^. Ditto with the mortals. Gytherial is not in the room.

The Sworn Brotherhood-like effect does not react to this attack.
Balthazar, Back pedalling

"I apologize for offending you. Such was not my intention. I am still off-balance from your treatment of the tabel. I will accept your proposal with the following caveat. Under extreme conditions, I will use charms on you if it would save your life or prevent serious damage. I would ask that you rough me up if its in my best interest, and I trust you to decide when it is my best interest and when it is not. Likewise goes for all of you around this.....table."


Declare Parry MDV, App 4

This is well within my motivation, so I expect to fail.
Rillard, gauging

Rillard meets Peppers eyes and nods along with Keiga as he speaks.

If attack succesful:

I'm sure he doesn't hesistate using essence in the combat of his choice, nor do I in mine.


Step 2: Declaring defense (dodge) and activating:

Temptation Resisting Stance (6 personal motes) - I think conviction would be the appropriate virtue here

Adds (virtue) to MDV for the scene

Step 5 values:

MDV(6) + Conviction(3) = 9

Appearance 4

Isomaru and Winter Breeze declare MDDV. Noisy Cricket, please roll your step 3.
Petrin Clubfoot, amused

With a grin of a temporarily releaved man, Petrin says "Of course, Anathema. I wouldn't dream of using Charms against you."


I'm going to classify Noisy Cricket's attack as a Temperence Attack (I wonder if I should start doing this on step 1?), resistable via Valor.

Petrin Clubfoot agrees to no Charms, above

Mortal guards/servants silently agree


Step 5: Resist with modified MDDV of 2 (base 5, -2 Virtue, -1 Apperance modifier)

No further steps

Winter Breeze

Step 5: Fail to resist with modified MDDV of 1. (base 3, Virtue -2) . No other modifiers.

Step 10: Answers the question: agrees not to use Charms against you.

Balthazar (+1 stunt die, mote recovery: no)

Step 5: Resist with modified PMDV of 2 (base 5, Motivation -3, Appearance +1, Aim -2) (No action penalty - you attacked this tick. Action penalties come in on the next tick. Aim is funky and prevents your DV refresh, see page 142.)

Step 10: Balthazar's answer

Rillard (+1 stunt die, mote recovery: yes)

Step 5: modified MDDV of alot

No further steps

X - Tick 11 -- Rillard, Gytherial

X - Tick 12 -- Noisy Cricket

X - Tick 13 -- Balthazar (re-join debate)

X - Tick 14 -- Rillard aim 3

X - Tick 15 -- Petrin Clubfoot

X - Tick 16 --

X - Tick 17 -- Noisy Cricket ends guard, resumes guard. Social ticks are looong.

X - Tick 18 --Balthazar, Rillard

[Now] - Tick 19 -- Balthazar, aim 1 (done), Noisy Cricket, Rillard?

- Tick 20 --Petrin Clubfoot

- Tick 21 --

- Tick 22 --

- Tick 23 -- Balthazar

- Tick 24 --

- Tick 25 -- Noisy Cricket

Balthazar, please complete Step 10.

Rillard, let me know to increment or not.

Isomaru and Winter Breeze, jump in any time.

Not hearing an objection to his modifications, Balthazar nods slightly to Noisy Cricket and sets himself to knocking the dust from his robes.


I'm interpreting Collar of Dawn's Cleansing Light to push all dirt and debris to the surface which then falls off in a fine dust. Like the gloves infused with nano-robots in the beginnging of Stephensons' 'Diamond Age' (go read it if you haven't)
Petrin Clubfoot

"It is clear to me that a definitive solution will not be found this night, and I have other duties to attend to. They might not be as dire, but should I neglect them I might not want Gateway to survive." Petrin laughs at his own joke. "Let us convene here again tomorrow at noon and continue to speak on the matter."


Charisma+Performance attack, Temperence-based, Valor to resist. "Let Petrin go and convene back here tomorrow".

Everyone declare Step 2.

X - Tick 11 -- Rillard, Gytherial

X - Tick 12 -- Noisy Cricket

X - Tick 13 -- Balthazar (re-join debate)

X - Tick 14 -- Rillard aim 3

X - Tick 15 -- Petrin Clubfoot

X - Tick 16 --

X - Tick 17 -- Noisy Cricket ends guard, resumes guard. Social ticks are looong.

X - Tick 18 --Balthazar, Rillard

X - Tick 19 -- Balthazar, aim 1 (done), Noisy Cricket, Rillard?

[Now] - Tick 20 --Petrin Clubfoot

- Tick 21 --

- Tick 22 --

- Tick 23 -- Balthazar

- Tick 24 --

- Tick 25 -- Noisy Cricket
Noisy Cricket, wondering where his dance party went

Noisy Cricket gives a broad grin around the room, not wanting anyone to think he has any hard feelings over the last bit. "Of course Master Petrin, I am glad to know I would not have to contend with your formidable Charms." He laughs lightly, happy to see someone with a good sense of humor in charge.

"Ah, one last thing, my real name is Noisy Cricket...I would have said so earlier, but last time I mentioned my real name, a few Dragonblooded outside of the city took offense...apparently they didn't like my cooking."

Noisy Cricket stands up and stretches, nodding to everyone. "I am glad to be working with all of you. If anyone wants a bit of training, I start at dawn in the morning on the beach outside of town, just a light run."

With that, he begins to leave, searching for his former dance partner.


Nothing really important here. He can be stopped from leaving by anyone, assuming they want it. I am intentionally failing this. He does not mind coming back at noon, nor quitting for today.

If anyone wants to speak with him, he's just now leaving, so you can stop him, and you will easily find him unless Tikor has me go on a random quest to find the goth girl. :D
Rillard, wanting to get back to the party

Rillard chuckles at Petrin's quip...

"Cricket, I don't know about, but Noisy...," gesturing towards the table, "I can see."

"I don't know about you folks, but I have a few things to take care of myself before the evening's out."

Recalling those smoky eyes...I've left Waves alone for far too long, she's sure to have men tripping over themselves...but I can't go back quite yet

Rillard stands back up from the table.  After a short bow towards the center he continues, "...but perhaps, since we seem to be in this endeavor together now, we might take the time to get to know each other, to see what tools we have available."

With that, Rillard walks out of the room following Noisy Cricket.


No defense

Character sheet updated essence and channels.

Smiling broadly at Petrin. "I agree. We've had enough excitement for the evening. I propose that we reconvene for lunch tomorrow. Not much more can be decided until we hear back from Gytherial. Would you or Jolo-lu send her my way when she returns? The nature of her findings may dictate haste on my part. If I am not here, she can find me at the Lady."

He turns to face the spot where Jolo-lu had "taken his seat."

"Hiroko, if you're still present. I would enjoy your counsel on swaying dragon-blooded who subscribe to Immaculate Doctrine when it is convenient for you."


I'm staying put for the time being.
The Loom

Hiroko does not reply to Balthazar. It seems he is no longer present.


Thus concludes Act 4! Wow that took a long time! You will now have one real life calendar week to start and complete a scene of your own in your character threads should you choose detailing the night and morning following Act 4. Act 5 will begin on 6/8 in the middle of the fourth day of Calibration.

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