[Act 4] The Negotiation [The Resurgent]

Rillard, The Golden Bull

The tide goes out, leaving all so many shellfish exposed

"Well, my greatest concern is that if we leave, the hunt will take out it's frustrations on your town. Citizens will be interrogated, houses searched...If our recently departed dragon blood is any indication, I fear that a no stone unturned search may well disturb more than simple stones."

I will not see this town and it's inhabitants sacrificed on the altar of the Immaculate.

"I'm afraid that we will have to make it completely apparent that the town no longer harbors 'anathema.'"


Mechanically, monologue, not sure on which turn it will end, but I do have a solution to propose 8) .

Gytherial leans towards Rillard, interested in hearing the full of his argument before interjecting herself.


Gytherial guards. Noisy Cricket guards (via g-mail). Rillard, Noisy Cricket, Isomaru, Winter Breeze and Gytherial can take an action any tick they wish, just post and mention which tick (from 13 on) you're speaking on. Petrin currently has an action penalty to his MDV.

Balthazar, I hear you have a Rejoin Debate stunt. Now's the time.

X - Tick 0 -- Rillard

X - Tick 1 --

X - Tick 2 -- Winter Breeze

X - Tick 3 --

X - Tick 4 -- Isomaru

X - Tick 5 -- Petrin Clubfoot

X - Tick 6 -- Balthazar, Ragara Innaru, Noisy Cricket

X - Tick 7 -- Isomaru, Rillard (aim 3 ticks)

X - Tick 8 -- Winter Breeze

X - Tick 9 -- Petrin Clubfoot, Gytherial - Join Debate

X - Tick 10 --

X - Tick 11 -- Rillard, Gytherial

X - Tick 12 -- Noisy Cricket

[Now] - Tick 13 -- Balthazar (re-join debate), Rillard aim 2

- Tick 14 -- Rillard aim 3

- Tick 15 -- Petrin Clubfoot

- Tick 16 --

- Tick 17 --

- Tick 18 --

- Tick 19 --

- Tick 20 --

- Tick 21 --
Balthazar, Entrance-ing

"....no long harbors 'Anathema.' "

Rillard's voice rings with passion and surety as Balthazar steps into the meeting room. Handing off his half-finished drink to a servant he takes his seat.

"The Realm will no longer be joining us tonight. Ragara is firm in his belief that we 'mortals' of Gateway are a lost cause. I fear that a fight is inevitable unless were are very clever in the next few hours."


Join Debate: Wits (3) + Awareness (1) + Stunt (2) = 3 successes

Rillard, The Mayor's back room

With a nod to Keiga, Rillard continues,

"...exactly the problem, even if we Solars in this room leave, the hunt now has reason to believe there are more Solars here..."

No thanks to me

"..and now that Ragara believes the mortals here are suspect, I don't think that the hunt will let Gateway off easily." Rillard pauses


Monologue 2

Balthazar, 2 stunt die. Flavorful, and uses the scenery.

Knock em dead, Zenith.

X - Tick 0 -- Rillard

X - Tick 1 --

X - Tick 2 -- Winter Breeze

X - Tick 3 --

X - Tick 4 -- Isomaru

X - Tick 5 -- Petrin Clubfoot

X - Tick 6 -- Balthazar, Ragara Innaru, Noisy Cricket

X - Tick 7 -- Isomaru, Rillard (aim 3 ticks)

X - Tick 8 -- Winter Breeze

X - Tick 9 -- Petrin Clubfoot, Gytherial - Join Debate

X - Tick 10 --

X - Tick 11 -- Rillard, Gytherial

X - Tick 12 -- Noisy Cricket

X - Tick 13 -- Balthazar (re-join debate)

[Now] - Tick 14 -- Rillard aim 3

- Tick 15 -- Petrin Clubfoot

- Tick 16 --

- Tick 17 --

- Tick 18 --Balthazar

- Tick 19 --

- Tick 20 --

- Tick 21 --
Rillard, scheming

"If those of us here that the hunt knows about just disappear, the hunt will search the town for us."

Pacing a little now.

"If we don't leave the town, then Gateway becomes a battleground unless we give ourselves up."

Looking around the room at the grim faces, I'm not the only one unprepared for that solution

"So, we must make it clear that we've left the town, and" with a meaningful glance at Petrin "that the forces of Gateway are not complicit in assisting our escape."

Petrin looks somewhat relieved by this, and Rillard goes on, now with a nod towards the chef.

"At the same time, I think Pepper has a valid goal, to eliminate the threat of Lintha would be a boon to us all.... and I can't help but think that it should be the realms responsibility. We already know the Realm looks similarly upon the Lintha as other 'demons,' surely if they were to encounter them, they'd treat them the same as they're treating us, anathema one and the same."

"I propose we lead a merry chase for our hunt. If we "flee" Gateway while pursued by the Mayor's forces, with enough commotion to attract Realm attention... I doubt men like Ragara will be able to resist the chase. At the same time, if we made it known that one of the Lintha's most wanted ships was leaving Gateway with valuables, I'm quite certain we could attract their attention as well."

Locking eyes with Keiga now, Rillard continues

"Then all we'd have to to is slip away, as the Lady is so skilled at doing, and leave the two factions alone to ...settle their differences."


Charisma Presence AOE attack

"Go with this plan"

Everyone declare your step 2. I'll declare the NPCs step 2s once I get some more player step 2's. Rillard take 2 stunt die.
Balthazar, Disagreeing without being disagreeable

"Yes, yes!"

Balthazar smiles broadly and slaps the table.

"Rillard, you're on the right heading. However you don't go far enough. Although she is at our disposal, even escaping on the Lady is too much connection. The Realm will descend upon the Western Trade Alliance, likely declaring that they are a cancer in Gateway and that the cure is to purge the entire city. Ragara has already given up on these people, my people. I will not accept a plan that sacrifices Gateway or its people in any way."

Balthazar adopts a grin.

"But I do have some ideas on how to avoid that if you care to hear them......"


Declare Parry MDV 5, Appearance 4, Stunt 2 = Semi-final Parry MDV of 7?
Noisy Cricket, taking it in

I'm not sure what exactly he's planning, but for now, I'll just listen, and mentally prepare for dealing with the Dragonblooded and the Lintha as needed.


Perfect defense. I'm not ready to agree with him yet, but I am willing to listen.
Petrin, The Room, getting tense

"While I approve of flight from the Realm's forces on general principle, I fear our Dragon-Blooded guest was quite clear that the failure to supply a surrender would result in consequenses. Frustratingly, he was inspecific about what consequences, which makes them all the more worrysome. Trouble will come to Gateway, though I know not what form. 'Level the town' just doesn't narrow the field much for Earth Aspects." Petrin looks worried, but still confident you can solve his problems.

Gytherial speaks up "I know of a place far to the south of here - a holy place. There lies an altar where the sacrifices to Hamoji are made. Were it to be desecrated..."

Petrin continues "Not just Gateway, but the whole of Wavecrest would be overrun with lava in response." Petrin takes a claming breath. "So far Wavecrest has remained a Realm satrapy with large autonomy due to little reason for the Realm to throw its weight around. I don't want to give them a reason."


Gytherial declares MDDV. Petrin declares MDDV. The mortals declare MDDV. Isomaru and Winter Breeze declare no defense.

We're at Step 3, Rillard.
Petrin Clubfoot, riposte

"Seductive though the thought may be, I don't think an escape will bode well for Gateway in the long term, especially not aboard the Lady in Green." Petrin seems confused. "The way Jolu-lu speaks about you, can't the four of you defeat a Hunt with your hands literally tied behind your backs? Dead men don't give reports, and we can handle the rest of the Realm's minions if the Dragon-Blooded are out of the way."

Petrin is looking at Rillard. Gytherial doesn't answer Petrin's question.


Step 5:

Gytherial modified MDDV: 9, defends

Petrin modified MDDV: 5, spends a Conviction Channel

mortals modified MDDV: 1,2, and 4, all fail. Only the 4's, two patriotic guards, use a Conviction Channel. The rest would go along with your plan.

Balthazar modified MDDV: 8 (+1 intimacy, +0 Appearance), defends

Petrin Step 1: Charisma+Investigation attack. "Can you defeat the Hunt". You're at -4 for acting and aiming, Rillard. Declare your Step 2.

X - Tick 0 -- Rillard

X - Tick 1 --

X - Tick 2 -- Winter Breeze

X - Tick 3 --

X - Tick 4 -- Isomaru

X - Tick 5 -- Petrin Clubfoot

X - Tick 6 -- Balthazar, Ragara Innaru, Noisy Cricket

X - Tick 7 -- Isomaru, Rillard (aim 3 ticks)

X - Tick 8 -- Winter Breeze

X - Tick 9 -- Petrin Clubfoot, Gytherial - Join Debate

X - Tick 10 --

X - Tick 11 -- Rillard, Gytherial

X - Tick 12 -- Noisy Cricket

X - Tick 13 -- Balthazar (re-join debate)

X - Tick 14 -- Rillard aim 3

[Now] - Tick 15 -- Petrin Clubfoot

- Tick 16 --

- Tick 17 --

- Tick 18 --Balthazar

- Tick 19 --

- Tick 20 --

- Tick 21 --

Rillard, thoughtful

"Possibly, but I only hardly know these men and women, never mind their strength of arms, or temper of their hearts. I also do not know the forces arrayed against us. I would rather avoid a direct confrontation...."

Pausing, Rillard continues with a shrug.

"...and dead is dead whether at the hands of the Lintha or ours."


No defense, really just skipping steps and answering the question.
Petrin, gloomy

"If you cannot defeat the Hunt then I fear either you or my city is doomed. This puts us at odds, Anathema."

Petrin deflates no small amount. He seems despondent that no viable plan has been reached.


X - Tick 0 -- Rillard

X - Tick 1 --

X - Tick 2 -- Winter Breeze

X - Tick 3 --

X - Tick 4 -- Isomaru

X - Tick 5 -- Petrin Clubfoot

X - Tick 6 -- Balthazar, Ragara Innaru, Noisy Cricket

X - Tick 7 -- Isomaru, Rillard (aim 3 ticks)

X - Tick 8 -- Winter Breeze

X - Tick 9 -- Petrin Clubfoot, Gytherial - Join Debate

X - Tick 10 --

X - Tick 11 -- Rillard, Gytherial

X - Tick 12 -- Noisy Cricket

X - Tick 13 -- Balthazar (re-join debate)

X - Tick 14 -- Rillard aim 3

X - Tick 15 -- Petrin Clubfoot

X - Tick 16 --

[Now] - Tick 17 -- Noisy Cricket ends guard

- Tick 18 --Balthazar, Rillard

- Tick 19 --

- Tick 20 --Petrin Clubfoot

- Tick 21 --
Noisy Cricket, amused

Noisy Cricket slides out of his seat, ambling toward the food table.

Ah well, I should probably let them know what I do best at some point...

He shifts his weight mid-stride, going from ambling to letting his body go forward and down, one hand going palm-down onto the cold floor as his body turns upside down, feet and legs going into the air smoothly.

mmm, I think if I hit right here...

Essence courses through and around Noisy Cricket, golden light bursts from his forehead in the symbol for the warriors of the Sun, flowing down his body and whipping around his upraised right leg. That leg, having found its height, goes to find its depth, crashing into the table with the surety of the sunrise.

The table, knowing its better, shatters on the impact, plates flying into the air as Noisy Cricket spins back to his feet, hands nimbly grabbing platters of food and pitchers of drink, setting them deftly on the main table in the room as a soft roll comes down just in front of Cricket. Catching it in his teeth, he carries the last plate and pitcher to his seat, refilling his drink.

Munching on the caught roll, he thinks to himself Mmm, good to see my aim was excellent...and delicious!

He smiles at the others as he finishes his roll. "I believe we can handle them."


I've worked this out with Tikor on chat.

Step 1: Declaring my attack, and using the 1st Excellency

Step 2: No defense from the Table

Step 3: Rolling attack

Attack roll: Dex + MA + full Excellency = 20 dice. 12 successes

Step 4: No reroll

Step 5: No DV

Step 6: No reroll

Steps 7-10:

Kick attack, 8 damage normally, plus 12 successes, minus 5 soak for the table. 15 dice for damage. 7 successes

The table has 2 HLs...so it is nicely broken.

And the catching food is only stunt fodder, no roll required (as per Tikor).

No stunt dice yet...Tikor said he would award them later.

My current essence and Willpower (totals updated for my change in essence...I don't think my last post was):

Personal: 3/14

Peripheral: 14/35

WP: 4/5

Regain 2 motes or a WP, Noisy Cricket. Nice stunt. You can roll them and make the table more dead if you like.

X - Tick 0 -- Rillard

X - Tick 1 --

X - Tick 2 -- Winter Breeze

X - Tick 3 --

X - Tick 4 -- Isomaru

X - Tick 5 -- Petrin Clubfoot

X - Tick 6 -- Balthazar, Ragara Innaru, Noisy Cricket

X - Tick 7 -- Isomaru, Rillard (aim 3 ticks)

X - Tick 8 -- Winter Breeze

X - Tick 9 -- Petrin Clubfoot, Gytherial - Join Debate

X - Tick 10 --

X - Tick 11 -- Rillard, Gytherial

X - Tick 12 -- Noisy Cricket

X - Tick 13 -- Balthazar (re-join debate)

X - Tick 14 -- Rillard aim 3

X - Tick 15 -- Petrin Clubfoot

X - Tick 16 --

X - Tick 17 -- Noisy Cricket ends guard, resumes guard. Social ticks are looong.

[Now] - Tick 18 --Balthazar, Rillard

- Tick 19 --

- Tick 20 --Petrin Clubfoot

- Tick 21 --

Balthazar goes first.

Regaining motes for now...and I believe I shall spare the table further indignity...

My current essence and Willpower (totals updated for my change in essence...I don't think my last post was):

Personal: 5/14

Peripheral: 14/35

WP: 4/5
Balthazar, Dusting himself off

The sudden and utter destruction of the table has caught everyone by surprise. Petrin looks worse of all. All the blood has drained from his face which is locked in the helpless expression of a man adrift. The other participants sit in shocked silence. Even Rillard was caught unaware. His mouth moves as if trying to form words for the first time.

Balthazar draws a deep breath to brace himself. The sound draws the attention of everyone, excluding Noisy Cricket who happily gnaws on a roll.

"I thank you, Noisy Cricket for that demonstration. The God of Tables weeps at your prowess over his domain. Should you face an army of bureacrats, your talents will be most helpful."

Balthazar offers a wry smile to Noisy Cricket to take the sting out of the rebuke. Dusting off his robes and picking several large splinters from his lap, Balthazar continues.

"The Realm arrived expecting one 'Anathema' and not three. I have no doubt they are aware of their disadvantage and the danger of their circumstances. Were I in their place, I would make my peace with Creation and prepare for the inevitable assault. A report calling for additional forces will depart as soon as Ragara arives at his camp.

Our council is navigating treacherous waters. You cannot flee. The Wyld Hunt has already concluded that Gateway festers under your influence. You're escape would be interpretted as collusion and destruction under the guise of cleansing will follow. It seems to me that we've agreed that such a result is unacceptable.

However, you cannot fight. The death of a Wyld Hunt proclaims your presence as surely as an official report. If the current representatives of the Realm disappear, a fresher and larger expedition will take its place and Gateway will again be under threat.

Finally, you cannot surrender. Doing so is certain death and no rational being would make such a choice.

Plotting a course that is, as of yet, uncharted is the task of this gathering. We are up to the task."


Aim action in the form of framing our discussion. I plan to resolve an attack next tick, allowing Rillard to act.
Rillard, no longer standing

As Keiga begins speaking, Rillard begins to regain his composure and finally takes his seat.

Nodding thoughtfully at each of Keiga's points, Rillard settles down.

All right captain, you and I are sailing the same current...


Mechanically a guard

X - Tick 10 --

X - Tick 11 -- Rillard, Gytherial

X - Tick 12 -- Noisy Cricket

X - Tick 13 -- Balthazar (re-join debate)

X - Tick 14 -- Rillard aim 3

X - Tick 15 -- Petrin Clubfoot

X - Tick 16 --

X - Tick 17 -- Noisy Cricket ends guard, resumes guard. Social ticks are looong.

X - Tick 18 --Balthazar, Rillard

[Now] - Tick 19 -- Balthazar, aim 1

- Tick 20 --Petrin Clubfoot

- Tick 21 --

Balthazar, Forumulating

Balthazar squares his shoulders.

"To my mind, there is no way to completely remove Gateway and ourselves from danger. I make this proposal with full investment in its consequences. I am a citizen of Gateway. It is all the home outside of The Lady, that I've ever known. But I am more than that. I am also a Chosen of the Sun. In the First Age, I was called Balthazar, and served as administrator for the West.

The mark of the Eclipse Caste begins to glow faintly on his forehead strengthening in brightness as his continues to speak.

"Minimizing and preparing for danger are our only options. As much as it pains me to say it, we must silience the Wyld Hunt that threatens our doorstep and buy time for Gateway to strengthen itself. To that end, I propose the following actions be taken.

First, Gytherial, I would ask you to trail Ragara and discern how he's communicating with Abalone and The Blessed Isle. How they are communicating will tell us how much time we have to prepare. Delaying a report to other officers of the Wyld Hunt is key in buying Gateway time. If they send a courier by boat, The Lady in Green is at our full disposal. I have faith that The Lady in Green can intercept any ship they employ as long as we set sail promptly. If their communication is more instantaneous, we'll know that we must move all the quicker.

Second, with their lines of communication hampered. Ragara and his companions must be eliminated. I presume this effort would be led by Noisy Cricket. I will leave the choice of timing an assault to wiser men than me."


Flurry action with 2 Presence attacks.

#1 Targeting Gytherial to immediately investigate Ragara and his companions

Charisma (5) + Presence (4) + Stunt (2) + First Dice (2) - Flurry (2) = 11; Appearane 4

#2 Targeting Noisy Cricket to organize the assault on the Ragara and his companions

Charisma (5) + Presence (4) + Stunt (2) + First Dice (2) - Flurry (3) = 10, Appearance 4

Can I use the First Presence Excellency on both attacks? - answered in OOC

Tikor - I'm using 4m perph to get that unmistakable Solar glow. See page 114 of Core. Also, the Sworn Brotherhood-like effect
does not react to these attacks.
The Loom, weaving threads full of potential

Gytherial dons a feral grin. "Finally." Then she sprints from the room, but heads in a different direction than Ragara Innaru went.


Gytherial declares no defense in Step 2, then re-establishes Stealth. Each of you can roll Perception+Awareness if you like...

Noisy Cricket, declare your Step 2.

Balthazar, just for future reference, we just give stats and Charms used, not the die calcs in Step 1. In this case it is immaterial.
Noisy Cricket, disappointed in Balthazar

It is a shame that he brushed off my demonstration...clearly he does not grasp how dangerous a Wood aspect can be! My 'breaking the tree at the roots' technique is lost on such a man! Oh well, anyone can be taught I suppose.

Noisy Cricket smiles politely at the now-glowy man in front of him.

"I am unsure as to how I would go about organizing such an attack. Also, I would prefer if we did not kill these dragonblooded...they are simply misguided, and I am certain that with enough time and effort, we could put them on the proper path to enlightenment."

Pausing for a moment, then thinking "Though I would be willing to organize a capture as it were."


Monkey style Immunity go!

X - Tick 10 --

X - Tick 11 -- Rillard, Gytherial

X - Tick 12 -- Noisy Cricket

X - Tick 13 -- Balthazar (re-join debate)

X - Tick 14 -- Rillard aim 3

X - Tick 15 -- Petrin Clubfoot

X - Tick 16 --

X - Tick 17 -- Noisy Cricket ends guard, resumes guard. Social ticks are looong.

X - Tick 18 --Balthazar, Rillard

[Now] - Tick 19 -- Balthazar, aim 1 (done), Noisy Cricket, Rillard?

- Tick 20 --Petrin Clubfoot

- Tick 21 --

- Tick 22 --

- Tick 23 -- Balthazar

Noisy Cricket will be ending his guard on this tick.

Rillard, anything to add on this tick? If no, respond in OOC

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