[Act 4] The Negotiation [The Resurgent]

Ragara Innaru

Other than a faint smile when the letter from the Paragon of Earth is read, Innaru looks stoic.

-- -----------------

Mnemonsyne said:
Defending with pure kawaii :D Do I get stunt dice?

Oh hell yes you get stunt dice! Get 2 stunt dice, which will raise your MDDV by 1 and gain either 2 motes or 1 WP if you successfully defend.

Isomaru rolls a 4 on the Lore roll.

Lore roll results:

Those of you who got 5+ successes intuit that
there is no Charm use in the letter the Paragon sent and find that odd since you know that he personally knows a few relevant Linguistics Charms from the stories you've heard and even if he was pressed for time would have an underling do it. He must have been in a real hurry. You remember that the the Paragon of Water typically is the most active regarding the Wyld Hunt.

Those of you who get 4 successes intuit that
there is no Charm use in the letter the Paragon sent, and remember that the the Paragon of Water typically is the most active regarding the Wyld Hunt.

Those of you who got 2 or 3 successes or more intuit that
there is no Charm use in the letter the Paragon sent.

Those of you who got 1 or 0 successes are
unsure if there is a Charm in the letter or not.

Those of you who botched think
the letter will self-destruct explosively in 5 minutes (5 long ticks from Petrin's action when he read it)

Step 2: MDDV

Step 3: Petrin gets 5 successes

Step 4: Nothing

Step 5: Winter Breeze's modified MDDV is 2. Base 3, action -2, No Intimacy, Virtue, Motivation modifiers, Appearance modifier is 0, stunt 1.

Step 6: Nothing

Step 7-9: Nothing

Step 10: Winter Breeze spends a Conviction channel, resisting Petrin's plea for help.

Petrin takes a -2 MDV action penalty.

You are actually convinced that you should do as the Dragon-blooded demand for the good of Gateway. However, you draw on your inner resources to refuse Petrin's plea. Please fluff out how you use a Conviction channel in an edit of your post, Winter Breeze (for kicks, not necisssary).

Mechanically Innaru is guarding.

X - Tick 0 -- Rillard

X - Tick 1 --

X - Tick 2 -- Winter Breeze

X - Tick 3 --

X - Tick 4 -- Isomaru

X - Tick 5 -- Petrin Clubfoot

[Now] - Tick 6 -- Balthazar, Ragara Innaru, Noisy Cricket

- Tick 7 -- Isomaru, Rillard (aim 3 ticks)

- Tick 8 -- Winter Breeze

- Tick 9 -- Petrin Clubfoot

- Tick 10 --

- Tick 11 --

- Tick 12 --

- Tick 13 --

- Tick 14 --

- Tick 15 --

- Tick 16 --

- Tick 17 --

- Tick 18 --

- Tick 19 --

- Tick 20 --

- Tick 21 --
Balthazar, Activating Form of the Curmudgeon

Balthazar makes a small motion toward the message. He answers the Mayor's inquisitive expression with a smile. Thus reassured, the Mayor slides the scroll toward Balthazar. He takes a moment to examine the elegant writing. Although unreadable, Balthazar takes a moment to savor the newness of the language. High Realm is as ostententacious as the Blessed Isle.

Balthazar furrows his brow, noting the smug silence of the Dragon-Blooded.

He casually slides the scroll away from the group and toward the unoccupied end of the table. Best to isolate this before it has its intended effect.

Balthazar locks eyes with the Dragon-Blooded and summons all the confidence of a sea captain. Into his words he dribbles a trickle of essence.

"For the time being I will ignore that you are still armed. Instead, let us discuss the matter of Winter Breeze. I am unconvinced that this girl is Ananthema. She appears to be no more danger to Gateway than I am. Surely you have proof to back your accusation. I expect to be entertained by the Realm's reasons for hunting young girls."


This is meant to be a presence-based attack compelling the DB to offer proof. I am using Irresistible Salesmen Spirit to augment the attack.

Charisma (5) + Presence (4) = 5 successes x2 = 10 successes

I spend 3m from personal essence.




WP 6/6
The Loom

A servant comes by and dutifully picks up the scroll and removes it from the room.

Ragara Innaru finally speaks up, slowly intoning his words in a forceful, deep voice. "This girl is not what she seems, be warned! She's capable of destroying fighting men by the hundreds, even without sight! Capable of taking the very air from your lungs! That wayward monk betrayed the Order by teaching her or we'd already have her head. Only the Dragons should practice the Most Holy Elemental Dragon Styles! To do so without the blessing of the Dragons is an affront to the natual order. Only a Demon would violate the traditions so, and that is proof enough!"

Satisfied in his conclusive proof, Innaru goes back to silence.


Step 2: Ragara Innaru declares MDDV

Step 3: Balthazar rolls 10 successes

Step 4: Nothing

Step 5: Ragara Innaru's modified MDDV is 5

Step 6: Nothing

Step 7-9: Nothing

Step 10: Ragara's answer above

Innaru has intelligence that she knows some Air Dragon Style and isn't a Terrestrial. That makes her an Anathema to him.
Noisy Cricket, understanding the connections of many things.

When your opponent dodges every punch thrown at him, kick.

Noisy Cricket recalls the wisdom of his sifu. The words fill him with inspiration, his mind, calm and undisturbed by trivialities such as the crumbs remaining of his snack or the tenseness of the only armed man in the room; he focuses, like the monkey eyeing the banana which he knows to be his, he only wishes to protect the interesting girl he danced with, and along with her, the rest of the city.

Not looking at anyone or anything in particular, in fact, finding the ceiling to be fascinating at the moment, he speaks to all those gathered, remembering his training throughout his speech.

When there are multiple fighters, not each needs to be fought

"I believe I have a solution that we could all agree upon."

Indeed, sometimes there are no enemies present at the battle

"We have at least two", he runs the next word over his tongue, but uses it for simplicity, "anathema here, for I am Noisy Cricket, and apparently am somewhat known by your fellows. Ah, and please apologize for me, I was just on my morning jog."

Identify why you are fighting, and if there is no reason, do not fight.

He nods at Innaru and continues, "We have two of us who wish to stay in the city, and one who wishes us to leave. Now, we could fight, but that would only be problematic for Petrin and...others here. I would rather that not be the case."

Discover the true enemy.

"I propose a different solution. I spoke with some sailors this morning, and pledged to attack the Lyntha, should I ever encounter them. While we all could fight here and now, or in a few days, I would rather fight these demons. The Realm needs its forces, and cannot necessarily spare them for every threat, so I offer to go, along with any other anathema, and cleanse this one from the area. I would need a ship of course, but that is another matter. This way, there is no danger for the realm, for the demons are fighting one another. I only ask safe harbor here, and of course, defending this city while I am here. Would this be an agreement that would satisfy everyone? If so, I would really prefer to get back to dancing, I had an excellent partner, before I was interrupted." Noisy Cricket flashes a 'not blaming you' smile from his serene face at Petrin, and finally takes a look at the rest of the room.

And thus enlightened, your way shall be clear


Because that is how monkeys do things.

Performance attack using Charisma, spending a willpower.

Edit: Actually updating my willpower

My current essence and Willpower:

Personal: 3/11

Peripheral: 24/28

WP: 3/5
The Loom

Only Petrin's decades of diplomacy and politics keeps his jaw from dropping "You would willingly risk your life fighting the Lintha?! I must hear more!"

The mortal servants and guards all hang on every word and stop in their service, standing still. Any attempt to be unobtrusive is lost in this radical proposal that, if successful, would change life as the West knows it.


Everyone declare their Step 2! You have a Charisma+Performance+WP+3 dice stunt headed your way with the compulsion "Leave Gateway to fight the Lintha" if you're an Anathema or "Let the Anathema leave Gateway to fight the Lintha" if you're not an Anathema. This attack will cost Temperance to resist (opposite of Valor) if you're an Anathema or Valor to resist (opposite of Temperence) if you are not an Anathema if you make it to Step 10.

NPC Step 2's. Petrin: no defense, Gytherial: MDDV, Jolu-lu: MDDV, Hiroko: MDDV, mortals: no defense, Innaru: MDDV.

A repeat from last page:

If no defense is declared in step 2, those attacks can skip to step 9 (counterattack) or failing a counterattack step 10, resolution. Be sure that your resolution is not phrased as an attack.

Petrin's response is not a Presence attack, but a polite suggestion for more concrete information such as how long you'd fight, where would you fight, what supplies you would need, ect. Mechanically it has no teeth.

And to think I defended him earlier regarding the wisdom of running from Lintha. This Noisy Cricket is certainly unpredictable. He's denounced himself and offered to face his doom...all while casually staring at the cieling. I must hold my tongue or risk revealing myself as well.


Declaring MDDV of 5 (plus stunt?) and will spend Temperance to resist as needed.

Updated for regained motes.



WP 6/6

Balthazar: Take a 2 die stunt for speaking in character and referencing previous conversation artfully. This will raise your MDDV by 1 and give you 2m or 1WP if you successfully defend.

You didn't roll any stunt dice for the attack (You rolled before I judged your stunt) so take a 1m reward for a retroactive 1 die stunt. In the future, please wait until step 3 to roll your dice as this gives me the proper info when declaring step 2 defenses as well as gives me time to judge your stunts.

Finally, Social Combat runs with a major houserule in this game: you resist successful social attacks with Virtue Channels, not WP. See the houserules thread.
Rillard, wary

This from the cook? ...and he's..."anathema" too....

I've spent too much of my life ducking Lintha to go charging at them with strangers, no matter how it feels that I know them ...but his idea has merit.


Mechanically, no defense, Rillard thinks it's a good solution to the problem (convinced). However; he's not ready to just up and go along quite yet. Resist with temperance.
The LINTHA?! Is he crazy? Hm, get killed by the wyld hunt or the lintha. Great choice...


Defending with an MDDV of 3

Isomaru assumes a thoughtful expression.

I have enough trouble warding the Wyld zones. But how could I not condone a hunt for the descendants of true demonspawn?


Winter Breeze, take a stunt die. This may or may not impact your MDDV.

Isomaru declares MDDV in step 2. (value 5). No stunt die due to GM writing.

Noisy Cricket, please post your Step 3 results.

Rolled Dice: 8

Target Number: 7

Number of Successes: 6

Name of the roll: Suggesting we attack the Lintha

So, 6 + 1 for my willpower = 7 Successes on my Performance attack.

Balthazar, Intrigued but unconvinced

Balthazar leans forward intently, expecting more information from Noisy Cricket. He takes a quick moment to survey the reactions of Petrin and the Dragon-blood.

He makes a good point. This may be an excellent opportunity to make a connection with the Realm. Let's see what he intends. Cracking a few Lintha skulls may be worthwhile. Assaulting Bluehaven, assuming we can find it, sounds like suicide, and i won't be part of it.


I resist with Temperance
Ragara Innaru, not convinced.

So two Demons hope to take refuge with their cousins and call it a deal? I wasn't Exalted yesterday...

"Lies and trickery! You will both surrender, as the letter demands or face the consequences!"

Petrin, used to dealing with sailors, not furious and obviosly martial Dragon-Blooded, sinks a little in his chair, but otherwise puts on a brave face. The servants all find excuses not to be in the room any longer. The guards shuffle uncomfortably and adjust their grips on their weapons.


Being associated with Demons is bad mojo. Baaaad mojo.

Yay mechanics! Note there's plenty of MDDV modifiers going on which are explicit for PCs but in the background for NPCs so the NPC modified MDDVs are likely different than last time, inexplicably. If you really want to know you can make Investigation attacks, or use nifty Charms like Balthazar's.

Step 3: 7 successes.


Step 5: modified MDDV of 9, MDDV successful


Step 5: modified MDDV of 4, MDDV unsuccessful.

Step 10: Jolu-lu supports this plan


Step 5: modified MDDV of 7, MDDV successful. Hiroko would rather see multiple Exalt types attack the Lintha in harmony, not just Solars.


Step 5: modified MDDV of 9, MDDV successsful.

Innaru's speech has no Social Combat mechanical teeth. He is not trying to win over your hearts and minds. He's using a threat outside Social Combat purview (the "consequences") to make his case. Mechanically, he's still guarding, mechanically none of you are any more convinced than you want to be. The only reason he gets to speak up at this point is because someone targetted him with an attack.


Step 5: modified MDDV of 1 (base 5, -3 Motivation, -1 Apperance modifier), MDDV unsuccesssful.

Step 10: Resist with Temperence (obligation to Lunars).

Winter Breeze:

Step 5: Resist with modified MDDV of 4. Base (7+1(stunt))/2 round down = 4. No other modifiers.

Step 10: Please post (resonse as well as any Virtue channel usage).

Balthazar: Posted already

Rillard: Posted already.

X - Tick 0 -- Rillard

X - Tick 1 --

X - Tick 2 -- Winter Breeze

X - Tick 3 --

X - Tick 4 -- Isomaru

X - Tick 5 -- Petrin Clubfoot

X - Tick 6 -- Balthazar, Ragara Innaru, Noisy Cricket

[Now] - Tick 7 -- Isomaru, Rillard (aim 3 ticks)

- Tick 8 -- Winter Breeze

- Tick 9 -- Petrin Clubfoot

- Tick 10 --Balthazar

- Tick 11 --

- Tick 12 -- Noisy Cricket

- Tick 13 --

- Tick 14 --

- Tick 15 --

- Tick 16 --

- Tick 17 --

- Tick 18 --

- Tick 19 --

- Tick 20 --

- Tick 21 --

Isomaru guards. Your move, Rillard.
Rillard, the golden bull

Rillard snorts derisively upon hearing the dragon blooded speak.

"Some negotiation. Weapons and threats. The last resort of the fearful."

Rillard plants his hands on the table and leans towards the dragon blooded.

"Jolu-lu has asked that we settle our differences, to protect the people of his city." Cold iron creeping into his voice, "A protection that should be ensured as a satrapy of the realm." ...in a better time perhaps, when law and order truly emanated from the blessed isle...

Continuing authoritatively, gesturing towards the girl with bangs in front of her eyes "The young girl here, in your words is 'capable of destroying fighting men by the hundreds, even without sight!'"

She might be a solar, but she appears as lost as me...

Rillard continues now gesturing with a nod towards Pepper, "and the chef here garnered a surrender from an entire company of your vaunted hunt while simply out on a jog."

...and the erstwhile cook is layered in secrets...

"It seems you've been sent lacking information, and quite unprepared to deal with a waif and a cook."

"You smiled at the missive from the Immaculate Order, but that smile faded so quickly as my friend spoke up. Well, let me wipe it completely from your face!"

As Rillard finishes speaking he stands to his full height and the noonday sun becomes apparent on his forehead as if a cloudy day had suddenly cleared.

"In addition to the small child and that can strike down hundreds, and the cook who routed your forces, you have a Pillar of the Sun to deal with. Oh, and as far as threats," Rillard glances around the room, "you seem to be in no position to make them. Just like you're in no position to make demands."

Crossing his arms across his chest, Rillard glares at the recalcitrant Dragon blood.

"You and your forces will leave this town and it's inhabitants in peace. You will disappear like footprints in the sand. You have a duty to protect the people of this town, not over run them in your zealotry."


3 turn study attack on the DB, presence based.

Plan on using 1st presence excellency, enough peripheral for a caste mark glitter. Plan to spend 5 motes total on the charm.

Step 2: Innaru declares MDDV.

Go ahead and spend all 5 from peripheral. That seems like the effect you're going for. See p.114 of Core.

Calculate your pool, roll the dice and tell me the result and we'll proceed to Step 5. You get a 2 die stunt (on the epic side of 2, for sure).


Agreed on all from peripheral. Thanks for the page.

Charisma(5) + Presence(4) + Study(3) + 1stExcel(5) + Stunt(2) = 19 : 11 successes

Personal _15_|_15_

Peripheral _32_|_37_

Temperance {X}{ }{ }{ }{ }{ }
The Loom

Ragara Innaru seems unphased even by the superior show of force. Knowingly entering a talk with one Anathema and possibly hostile natives he already accepted the possibility of death. The Immaculate Philosophy clearly shows him his path. He stands, then rumbles at the assembled, "I have little desire to level this town, Anathema. The choice is in your hands. All three of you will surrender, unarmed, seperated by one hour starting at dusk on the 5th day of Calibration or the whole town goes with you."

He gives Petrin a hard stare that Petrin bravely returns. He then faces the door and sends the guard away from the exit with a stare. He opens it himself and begins to proceed out.


Step 5: your 11 successes beat Ragara Innaru's modified MDDV of 9.

Step 10: Resist with Conviction (was a Compassion attack).

Innaru does modify the terms of the surrender a little bit to accomodate multiple surrenderees.

As an aside, be sure to regain either your 2m or 1WP, Rillard.

Ragara Innaru is taking his move action this tick to exit the room. He will be gone before the long tick is done unless some combat action stops him or someone follows him (you too can take your move action at any tick). After a day of real time (or everyone posting in OOC saying "I'm not following him") I'll move on to the next tick, which is Winter Breeze's action.

Hint: Petrin, Jolu-lu and Gytherial will probably want to speak with you further.
Balthazar, always cleaning up messes

Ah, good Pillar, you have the crux of it, but I can't let you chase this one away. If he leaves, its a fight for certain, and that helps none of us.

Balthazar offers Petrin a quizzical look and then glances at doorway where Ragara departed. Petrin's face is a stone mask.

So the Mayor senses this too and fears for his city.

Balthazar stands up and gracefully steps around the table.

"If you all will excuse me for a moment."


I'm leaving in pursuit of Ragara while making it obvious that I will return. I am convinced that our present course leads to a fight within Gateway.
Noisy Cricket, getting up

Noisy Cricket bows to the departing man, and goes to get more tea...and another one of those snack cakes, those were amazing!

"Would anyone else like anything while I am up?"


Noisy Cricket is unconcerned, and slightly peckish.


Winter Breeze, you're up.

X - Tick 0 -- Rillard

X - Tick 1 --

X - Tick 2 -- Winter Breeze

X - Tick 3 --

X - Tick 4 -- Isomaru

X - Tick 5 -- Petrin Clubfoot

X - Tick 6 -- Balthazar, Ragara Innaru, Noisy Cricket

X - Tick 7 -- Isomaru, Rillard (aim 3 ticks)

[Now] - Tick 8 -- Winter Breeze

- Tick 9 -- Petrin Clubfoot

- Tick 10 --

- Tick 11 -- Rillard

- Tick 12 -- Noisy Cricket

- Tick 13 -- Balthazar (re-join debate)

- Tick 14 --

- Tick 15 --

- Tick 16 --

- Tick 17 --

- Tick 18 --

- Tick 19 --

- Tick 20 --

- Tick 21 --
Petrin Clubfoot

Petrin speaks up after Balthazar and Ragara Innaru have left the room. "Yes, good cook, but not from your culinary skills. I'd like your attention, for your offer to stymie the Lintha in any fashion is relevant to my interests."

Petrin leans closer to the center of the table from his seat conspiratorially. "I happen to have a few contacts that could get you some information regarding the Lintha's limited whereabouts. I haven't had the strength to act on them, but four Anathema might."

Yes, four.

Petrin smiles "Yes, I understand you've met Gytherial. You can come out now, darling."

Gytherial enters through the door, still dressed in her conservative party dress. "We meet again."

Petrin says to the assembled "Gytherial here came to us as just outside of childhood and Jolu-lu took her in. The spark of the Anathema, I'm told the Solar variety, whatever that means, was already within her. She is indebted to Jolu-lu for his sanctuary."

Gytherial curtsies.

Petrin continues "I cannot watch this city fall to the Dragon-Blooded in search of you or continue to be preyed upon by the Lintha. At four strong both problems could be solved. Let us discuss the details."


Step 1: Charisma+Performance attack "Compulsion: Stay and talk till we find a plan to hurt the Lintha and keep the Hunt from destroying Gateway"

Declare your Step 2 defense.

Winter Breeze guards.

Gytherial gets 6 successes on Join Debate, two short of Rillard's 8. She will act in 2 ticks.

X - Tick 0 -- Rillard

X - Tick 1 --

X - Tick 2 -- Winter Breeze

X - Tick 3 --

X - Tick 4 -- Isomaru

X - Tick 5 -- Petrin Clubfoot

X - Tick 6 -- Balthazar, Ragara Innaru, Noisy Cricket

X - Tick 7 -- Isomaru, Rillard (aim 3 ticks)

X - Tick 8 -- Winter Breeze

[Now] - Tick 9 -- Petrin Clubfoot, Gytherial - Join Debate

- Tick 10 --

- Tick 11 -- Rillard, Gytherial

- Tick 12 -- Noisy Cricket

- Tick 13 -- Balthazar (re-join debate)

- Tick 14 --

- Tick 15 -- Petrin Clubfoot

- Tick 16 --

- Tick 17 --

- Tick 18 --

- Tick 19 --

- Tick 20 --

- Tick 21 --
Winter Breeze, Skeptical

As much as I'd love to pay back some dragonblooded, this isn't the way I wanna do it. They better have some brilliant ideas...


Channeling temperance to resist Noisy Cricket, and declaring no MDV for the latest suggestion to sit and talk.
Noisy Cricket, content

I love onigiri!

Noisy Cricket returns to his seat, happily eating one of a couple of rice balls, and takes another sip of tea before responding.

"Of course."

He takes a moment to look at Gytherial, as he had not been introduced to her before this point, then goes back to listening to Petrin.


Step 2: No defense

Isomaru declares No Defense. Rillard, your move, unless Winter Breeze speaks up (she can take an action on Tick 9 or later whenever she wishes).

X - Tick 0 -- Rillard

X - Tick 1 --

X - Tick 2 -- Winter Breeze

X - Tick 3 --

X - Tick 4 -- Isomaru

X - Tick 5 -- Petrin Clubfoot

X - Tick 6 -- Balthazar, Ragara Innaru, Noisy Cricket

X - Tick 7 -- Isomaru, Rillard (aim 3 ticks)

X - Tick 8 -- Winter Breeze

X - Tick 9 -- Petrin Clubfoot, Gytherial - Join Debate

X - Tick 10 --

[Now] - Tick 11 -- Rillard, Gytherial

- Tick 12 -- Noisy Cricket

- Tick 13 -- Balthazar (re-join debate)

- Tick 14 --

- Tick 15 -- Petrin Clubfoot

- Tick 16 --

- Tick 17 --

- Tick 18 --

- Tick 19 --

- Tick 20 --

- Tick 21 --

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