[Act 4] The Negotiation [The Resurgent]


Your attack did not exceed his MDDV of 8. Since you don't have the 3rd Presence Excellency there is no step 4, and your attack ends with no effect beyond you being at -2 DV until your next action (you did not succeed and thus gain no motes). We move on now to Winter Breeze.

X - Tick 0 -- Rillard

X - Tick 1 --

[ Now ] - Tick 2 -- Winter Breeze

- Tick 3 --

- Tick 4 -- Isomaru, Rillard

- Tick 5 -- Petrin Clubfoot

- Tick 6 -- Balthazar, Ragara Innaru, Noisy Cricket

- Tick 7 --

- Tick 8 --

- Tick 9 --

- Tick 10 --

- Tick 11 --

- Tick 12 --

- Tick 13 --

- Tick 14 --

- Tick 15 --

- Tick 16 --

- Tick 17 --

- Tick 18 --

- Tick 19 --

- Tick 20 --

- Tick 21 --
Winter Breeze, wary

Winter turns Rillard's direction. "Well, you may know half the people here, but I've never met anyone here before you all walked into this room. I think some explanations are in order." She said, directing the last phrase to the room in general. "I think there's more to this than just 'settling our differences'."


I'm not using any charms either, so let me know what you need me to roll.

I'm interpeting that as a compulsion to 'explain why you've come to this meeting' performance aoe attack. If that is the case you will roll Charisma+Performance+1 stunt die in step 3 (which we aren't at yet).

If that's not the case please clarify. We'll wait here on step 1 till you're satisfied with the mechanics.

Ragara Innaru declares MDDV in step 2. Petrin Clubfoot chooses not to defend. Jolu-lu chooses MDDV in step 2. Hiroko chooses MDDV in step 2. Gytherial chooses MDDV in step 2. The guards/servants choose MDDV in step 2. All players, please declare your defense (or non-defense) against Winter Breeze's attack.

I'm immune to this effect, but I'm going to go ahead and answer, because I see no reason not to.

So I guess I'm forfeiting my defense for this one.
The Loom

Petrin Clubfoot speaks up almost before Winter Breeze is finished. "I've invited you all to this meeting with Jolu-lu and I so that we can all figure out a way for both you and the Realm to leave without destroying my city."

Ragara Innaru looks around the room for a second time, and looks slightly troubled. He takes a seat and draws his shoulders up higher looking at each speaker as he or she speaks, currently Petrin.


Upon reflection, if no defense is declared in step 2, those attacks can skip to step 9 (counterattack) or failing a counterattack step 10, resolution. Petrin's is above, as well as Ragara Innaru's reaction. Be sure that your resolution is not phrased as an attack.

Rillard responds as well after a thoughtful pause, "Ah, so the Realm is here... I had heard rumors, but... they are always saying such things."

And with the realm comes the hunt...

...Do they know? I'm more glad I sent the crew away, it will not be safe for me.

Rillard continues "Dear girl, I am Rillard, Cap-," glancing over to Keiga, "First mate aboard 'The Lady in Green' and I haven't a sun dried clue as to *why* I'm here. I was unconventionally invited to the Mayor's tonight and have since been following the currents."


So, if we don't defend (or fail to defend) we still respond (can choose to?), just not with any sort of attack.

Kalarix said:
So, if we don't defend (or fail to defend) we still respond (can choose to?), just not with any sort of attack.

If you do not successfully defend you are forced to (i.e. you
must) go along with the resolution of that Social Attack as defined in step 1. Unless you spend a Virtue Channel.

The resolution of a Social Attack (step 10) is never in itself a Social Attack. Counterattacks are covered in step 9 (and there are no mundane counterattack options).

In this specific case you must now tell Winter Breeze why you came to the meeting since you chose not to defend.

Further discussion in OOC.
Noisy Cricket, being the monkey

Noisy Cricket smiles, amused at the question "I am here because here is where I am. I need be no place else."

He pauses for a moment. "But I suppose you would want something more to the effect of 'I was invited to the party by a wood chip, and to the backroom by the mayor. If my dance partner had not run off, I would probably still be out there, enjoying myself, as opposed to being questioned by strangers."

Noisy Cricket gets up and goes to get a snack from the side table, selecting a citrus fruit, going to sit back down, propping his feet on the table to get more comfortable.


Welcome to Monkey Style.

My current essence and Willpower:

Personal: 3/11

Peripheral: 24/28

WP: 4/5

Balthazar, Because she said it so nicely

Balthazar smiles pleasently at the young woman.

"My name is Keiga, Little One, and I am here because an opportunity to speak with both the Mayor and the god of Gateway cannot be refused."


Ok, got it. The results of social combat are tricky.

Balthazar - Why did you accept the invitation? You have alterior motives I know about for talking to the Mayor of Gateway and Jolu-lu. You don't have to be terribly clear, but the fact that you *have* alterior motives should definately come out as well as some incling as to what they are, generally.

As opposed to Monkey Boy, who probably doesn't have any.

My reasons are my own.


Isomaru declares MDDV in step 2! Winter Breeze please roll your attack dice, we have progressed to step 3.

Ragara Innaru successfully defends with a MDDV of 8. Jolu-lu successfully defends with a MDDV of 7. Hiroko successfully defends with a MDDV of 7. Gytherial successfully defends with a MDDV of 6. Half the guard/servants use a Conviction channel, the other half successfully defend with a MDDV of 3. Isomaru successfully defends with an MDDV of 5. With no further comment we move on to Isomaru's action.

Winter Breeze, you're at -2 DV.

Isomaru guards. Rillard, your move; your DV has refreshed.

X - Tick 0 -- Rillard

X - Tick 1 --

X - Tick 2 -- Winter Breeze

X - Tick 3 --

[Now] - Tick 4 -- Isomaru, Rillard

- Tick 5 -- Petrin Clubfoot

- Tick 6 -- Balthazar, Ragara Innaru, Noisy Cricket

- Tick 7 -- Isomaru

- Tick 8 -- Winter Breeze

- Tick 9 --

- Tick 10 --

- Tick 11 --

- Tick 12 --

- Tick 13 --

- Tick 14 --

- Tick 15 --

- Tick 16 --

- Tick 17 --

- Tick 18 --

- Tick 19 --

- Tick 20 --

- Tick 21 --
Convo summary since it's been a long time and lots of posts:

The man with all the weapons, speaks up authoritatively: "Shall we begin?"
Rillard steps forward and interjects before anyone begins anything, "...begin just what exactly? Here we are in the back room of a party being held at our illustrious mayor's mansion," Rillard gestures to Petrin, "to which I've been invited for who knows what reason along with these recent aquaintances of mine. Who I conveniently met just yesterday."

"Some image of a monkey man speaks in our heads and says we're here to 'settle our differences'. WHAT differences?! I barely know the most of you, and the half you of I do know I like all right enough. However, as I appear to be roped into a negotiation, I've got a difference to settle here to start. The one difference I see is the other gorilla in the room," Rillard waves a hand dismissively towards the man who spoke up earlier "has decided to come to this table armed."

Rillard remains standing and crosses his arms across his chest with a glare at the armed thug.

Winter turns Rillard's direction. "Well, you may know half the people here, but I've never met anyone here before you all walked into this room. I think some explanations are in order." She said, directing the last phrase to the room in general. "I think there's more to this than just 'settling our differences'."

Petrin Clubfoot speaks up almost before Winter Breeze is finished. "I've invited you all to this meeting with Jolu-lu and I so that we can all figure out a way for both you and the Realm to leave without destroying my city."

Ragara Innaru looks around the room for a second time, and looks slightly troubled. He takes a seat and draws his shoulders up higher looking at each speaker as he or she speaks, currently Petrin.

Rillard responds as well after a thoughtful pause, "Ah, so the Realm is here... I had heard rumors, but... they are always saying such things."

And with the realm comes the hunt...

...Do they know? I'm more glad I sent the crew away, it will not be safe for me.

Rillard continues "Dear girl, I am Rillard, Cap-," glancing over to Keiga, "First mate aboard 'The Lady in Green' and I haven't a sun dried clue as to *why* I'm here. I was unconventionally invited to the Mayor's tonight and have since been following the currents."

Noisy Cricket smiles, amused at the question "I am here because here is where I am. I need be no place else."

He pauses for a moment. "But I suppose you would want something more to the effect of 'I was invited to the party by a wood chip, and to the backroom by the mayor. If my dance partner had not run off, I would probably still be out there, enjoying myself, as opposed to being questioned by strangers."

Noisy Cricket gets up and goes to get a snack from the side table, selecting a citrus fruit, going to sit back down, propping his feet on the table to get more comfortable.

Balthazar smiles pleasently at the young woman.

"My name is Keiga, Little One, and I am here because an opportunity to speak with both the Mayor and the god of Gateway cannot be refused."
Rillard, uncomfortable

Rillard nods to acknowledge the other responses, but continues to glare at the only armed man at the table.

Blaggard won't even introduce himself, doesn't take off his weapons and expects to negotiate? Typical realm haughtiness...


Mechanically aiming at the DB
Petrin Clubfoot

Petrin finds his meeting much more cluttered by confusion than is usual for a politician. He's unsed to questions as his people often come to him with predetermined conclusions. Such is politics.

"Ahem, if I may attempt to straighten up some confusion?" Petrin pulls a scroll from his robe, written in High Realm. He translates to Seatongue with little trouble and in real time. "I recieved this one week ago from the Immaculate Order. It reads:

"Honorable Mayor of Gateway in the Realm Satrapy of Abalone, Petrin Clubfoot,

We regret to inform you that your city is harboring an Anathema nearby, one called Winter Breeze. She escaped with a former member of ours some time ago and we have only recently tracked her down. If she is in your city you will surrender her, alone and unarmed, to the beaches south of your port on the last day of Calibration at dusk.


- The Paragon of Earth"

Petrin looks at Winter Breeze with sorrow in his eyes. It's one thing to condemn Anathema, it's another to sentence pretty young women who sit before you to death. "I had originally planned to meet Winter Breeze alone on the last day of Calibration if she were still here, but Jolu-lu insisted that I invite all of you today for reasons he neglected to tell me." You get the impression Petrin Clubfoot is hoping Jolu-lu will overhear him and his artfully placed and controlled annoyance at this oversight. Petrin looks at the ceiling where Jolu-lu was, then at Gytherial, then finally at Winter Breeze and continues.

"Winter Breeze, you must understand the position I'm in" Petrin spares Innaru a glance. "I cannot harbor Anathema in my city." Petrin pauses. "Will you comply?"


Everyone roll Intelligence+Lore (Dragon-Blooded specialty).

Winter Breeze you're being targeted with a Charisma+Presence attack in Step 1 ("Leave the city alone on the last day of Calibration to the South, unarmed"). Declare your Step 2.

Jolu-lu has a Charm that can identify the Essence and nature of supernatural beings near him while within his Domain (which is Gateway). Your characters may or may not know this, both Noisy Cricket and Balthazar either know or guess due to their spiritual mentors.

Rillard, you are now at -2 DV for your Study action (SC Aim analouge). You just let me know when you want to launch. Study and other action penalties stack (since your DV has not refreshed, see Core p142). This is another reason DV needs to start high.

X - Tick 0 -- Rillard

X - Tick 1 --

X - Tick 2 -- Winter Breeze

X - Tick 3 --

X - Tick 4 -- Isomaru

[Now] - Tick 5 -- Petrin Clubfoot

- Tick 6 -- Balthazar, Ragara Innaru, Noisy Cricket

- Tick 7 -- Isomaru, Rillard (aim 3 ticks)

- Tick 8 -- Winter Breeze

- Tick 9 --

- Tick 10 --

- Tick 11 --

- Tick 12 --

- Tick 13 --

- Tick 14 --

- Tick 15 --

- Tick 16 --

- Tick 17 --

- Tick 18 --

- Tick 19 --

- Tick 20 --

- Tick 21 --

I would have stunted this, but there's no way to that I know of...well, okay, I just thought of one, but I already rolled, blah.

Int (3) + Lore (2) = 4 Successes

My current essence and Willpower:

Personal: 3/11

Peripheral: 24/28

WP: 4/5
Rillard, The Mayor's Back Room

Rillard studies the dragonblood, waiting for his reaction to the missive.


Int + Lore = 3+1 : 1 success

Continuing to study
Winter Breeze, Looking cute and defenseless

Winter looks at Petrin with a pleading expression on her face. Her bangs fall in front of her blind eyes as she looks up, small and defenseless compared to the others in the room, especially the heavily armed and armored Dragonblood. She slowly looks around for support, blind eyes sweeping the room of older, hopefully more compassionate, people.


int (3) + Lore (1)= 3 successes

Defending with pure kawaii
:D Do I get stunt dice?

Using Dodge MDV

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