[Across the States and Back!] Out of Character


Hmm, that's nice for you though. I swear I'd faint on stage. It's worse enough playing behind a music stand.

Yeah I agree. But still, it's mostly electronics. XP Tbh

I guess I would too, but my parents would say otherwise. Being grandparents in the future, they'd probably be watching my kids.
Never thought of that... if like my parents would like to be near me or my brother at that age... i highly doubt my father would leave miami though. loves it here.
*shrugs* I plan on staying in Philly until I grow old. I love it here~ XP Might consider moving when it comes to it, though. Yeah, but my parents plan on doing what their grandparents did to them, watch my own kids.
Well, when I'm at work or something, I mean. XP I wouldn't allow that either.

Awesome! So full of history and I was born here, so yeah. We have pretty good food. I love the pastries from Chinatown.
Yep! :3 To be honest, I like visitng other places, but there are times where I just like the safety of my own home state. (I went to Nevada once and I saw a tarantula. I'm kind of scared for life now...)
im bored with life an wish to see everything... but at some point ill find a place i think... taranutulas are creepy
LuckyMisfortune said:
Yep! :3 To be honest, I like visitng other places, but there are times where I just like the safety of my own home state. (I went to Nevada once and I saw a tarantula. I'm kind of scared for life now...)
My grandma has tarantulas in her backyard O_O they're small... Well the ones that I've seen. My dad and I used to find they're nests and drown then out so the tarantula could come out and then we'd trap it in a bottle. I just watched though because I'm terrified or insects and spiders and worms and all of those bug like things =P

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Hey guys so sorry I've been absent so much! I should be logging on tonight after work, which I get off at 10:30 my time >.< again, sorry I disappeared!
YoungDreamer said:
Hey guys so sorry I've been absent so much! I should be logging on tonight after work, which I get off at 10:30 my time >.< again, sorry I disappeared!
It's fine you're back and that's what matters! Woo!
YoungDreamer said:
At least I'm trying to be back... I didn't end up getting home until 1am >.< so I couldn't post. But I will as soon as I can!
I'll save your spot! If you aren't able to finish Esben by the time we start he'll be dragged along until you're ready to jump in =)
Okay so tomorrow, 08/07/2014, school starts for me. I'm allowed to use my iPad but I don't think I will be able to post until 4 pm (GMT -4).

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Mademoiselle said:
Okay so tomorrow, 08/07/2014, school starts for me. I'm allowed to use my iPad but I don't think I will be able to post until 4 pm (GMT -4).
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Noted! I probably wont start it till late in the afternoon since we have to contest going on =)
Today is just not my freaking food day I swear!

I had bought a cinnamon roll and a bottled Starbucks coffee last night to have it as breakfast today.

I woke up and found out my brother had drank my coffee and ate half of my cinnamon roll.

Then we went to eat at and Itallian restaurant and I got a Pasta with Chicken and Shrimp.

Since it was a lot of pasta I ate half and left the other half for dinner.

Now that I go get my pasta, I find out that my dad ate all the chicken and shrimp leaving only the pasta behind.

I'm so mad right now I can turn into hulk!
That sucks, Nessie! My sister pulled something like that with my BERRY CROISSANT. I FEAKING LOVE THEM AND I WAS PISSED. *calmed down* Sorry, it gets me very worked up.

My dad stole my Alfredo once, I was angry. It was soooooo delicious, but it was nothingggg when I came home from a friend's. I could've turned into the hulk, I suggest don't do it.
Yeah, in my house if it's in the fridge it's fair game. I've had pizza, cake (that I baked for a friends birthday. It had her name on it and everything, I came back and a big old slice had been cut out... T.T), and ten sandwiches I had planned on bringing to a picnic (WHO THE H*LL EATS TEN SANDWICHES?TEN!!!!) all eaten while left in my fridge...

In other words, I feel you pain >.>
So only once every four months they do this, but they sell churros at the corner of a town. They are full of candy, sugar, cinnamon and yummy stuff. I bought four, because their really little and delicious and stuff. They were hot so I left them on the counter top and went to like do my own stuff for a couple of minutes. I come back and my brothers and parents are sitting there, eating MY churros. Now the churros have opened for everyday and I'm on this stupid diet and all of my family does is eat freaking churros. ugh.

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