[Across the States and Back!] Out of Character

By the way, my summer has been extended to September 2nd because the company doing renovations on our school is idiotic. They forgot to secure some boards and stuff was stolen in the school not to mention the school is flooded. Yay. -_- Good news is- I have more time to work on my summer work for Honors classes so I can be on longer at night to RP with all of you.
Mademoiselle said:
Sorry! Got stuck in some AP classes and I have three quizzes on Friday, two essays for tomorrow and a chemistry lab report. My English teacher is making me read junior and senior books so I have to catch up >.< I'll try to post ASAP(probably Wednesday?).
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Oof I remember AP classes those were a kick in the a** Hated them with a Passion. AP English 4, AP Chemistry, AP US history, and AP Calculus BC were Killers. What books is your teacher making you read? It's alright love! Post when you have time!
Vitez said:
By the way, my summer has been extended to September 2nd because the company doing renovations on our school is idiotic. They forgot to secure some boards and stuff was stolen in the school not to mention the school is flooded. Yay. -_- Good news is- I have more time to work on my summer work for Honors classes so I can be on longer at night to RP with all of you.
Oh shoot That calls for a law suit right there! Lucky you get your summer extended...sorry about your school though =S
Yeah, I swear our school hires the cheapest people. Last year they hired an architect to draw plans for a new building. Well, once the plans were finished they discovered the school was set to be built on a flood plain. *facepalm* I'm not sorry about school, our school sucks. It's not like it's the safest place to be, I mean there's asbestos everywhere and all of that good jazz. We barely have any money to keep the building operational, "tourism" is not a great industry for our town. Especially considering out Main Street Beach is filthy, reeks like dead fish, and the water is full of Lake Erie's finest algae *sarcasm*. I could elaborate, but you get the idea xD
Sounds a lot like my old high school =P

The school was basically falling apart. The programs were in debt and the teachers sucked so badly *few exceptions of course* and what does out principal do? She spends thousands of dollars creating a statue of the mascot to place in the middle of the hall to show "school pride". The freaken statue doesn't even fit in the hall it takes up more than half of it. It's insane. People had to squirm around the huge thing which made the crowded hall even more crowded. Oh and lets not forget the new laboratory she sent to build that was only used by one class instead of using the money to remodel the old ones.
xD Thank the Lord our principal is retiring- my parents hated her for a reason I'm not going to explain because you don't want to hear about it. She was no ones favorite administrator, she didn't care about the students AT ALL. Anyway, our high school does sound like yours. Our sports programs absolutely suck (especially football), the only thing worth watching is the Marching Band (which actually wins awards), and when a window broke this year, what do you think they did? Oh yeah, that's right, they FREAKIN' DUCT TAPED IT. That was the funniest thing I ever witnessed. Our teachers are pretty decent, and I've learned a lot from them, both academically and non-academically (for instance, I learned a lot about drug tests...our school's basically white trash). Our money's going towards a new elementary school which will probably never be finished (I don't even know how they're building it...our levy fails every single time) and new bleachers in the high school and the middle school (which are admittedly needed).

EDIT: Also, I don't know if you noticed or not, but I tagged you in the Roleplay, Oliver asked Jerilyn something.
NessieAlways said:
Oof I remember AP classes those were a kick in the a** Hated them with a Passion. AP English 4, AP Chemistry, AP US history, and AP Calculus BC were Killers. What books is your teacher making you read? It's alright love! Post when you have time!
I have AP English Language and Composition, AP US History, AP English Lit and composition and AP Spanish Language. They wanted to put me in AP Psychology but I seriously feel myself dropping out of most of these so I won't fail. I already took AP History last year, got a 4 on the exam so not too bad, and I have a bad relationship with the teacher teaching AP US History this year. He is very patriotic, I don't have anything against the United States, but he explains it as this perfect world and society where everything is good and righteous. -.- I do not count on him teaching everything I need to know for the exam so I'm just switching to the regular class. I don't think I could ever take AP Math or Science class. Though the regular Chemistry teacher has this hot 19 year old guy as an assistants which will be a total distraction >.< Books? (I'm technically 'cheating' since I have read some of these): 1984, The Sun Also Rises, Pride and Prejudice, Little Woman, I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings and The Scarlett Letter. Third day of school and I already feel like I'm dying with all the pressure and stuff. My teachers say this is like a 'basic' level of the schools in the United States, but I have never really been to the U.S. so I'm not really sure...

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@Trignome You've got me there, I do have a serious addiction to pen caps. When I was little my mom would threaten me by saying she would take the remains to the dentist- after that I was a little more careful.

EDIT: (I'm sorry, I try to refrain from double posting by editing...but literally right after I hit send I get another thought xD ) I'm trying to decide if I have enough material to make another post yet...hmm...

EDIT (again): @Mademoiselle Trust me, the US is not a "good and righteous" place. Honestly, I'm thinking of leaving the country. I'm definitely going to study abroad for a year and see how it goes.
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It's sad, isn't it, that pen caps get such a bad rap. As my grandmother used to say, ink'd tis better than smash'd...

No. I'm kidding. My grandmother doesn't speak English. Anyways...post whenever you're ready. The RV's probably about ready to change shifts, anyways. (So excited for scene change.)
I was thinking about waiting until Nessie posts, hopefully telling Oliver that Hei will be driving as he co-pilots. I kind of want to see Li's reaction to that > :D I'm seriously addicted to your character, I find him hilarious. Is that disturbing? Because Li is definitely my alter ego.

EDIT (I tried to warn you): What language does your granmother speak? Because mine (used to) speak Hungarian before she passed away. I come from a very ethnic Hungarian family, and I was proud for the longest time, but they're actually not that great of people (sorrynotsorry). Too many grudges. Wow. Got carried away there. O.o
*nods* It's definitely disturbing. You should have that ego of yours checked. Why in the world would you need an alternative? *pats Vitez on the shoulder* But don't worry about fitting in. We're all mad, here. *eye twitch*

In all seriousness, though, thank you for the kind words. *sprinkles Vitez with waters of gratitude*
Well, if you really must know, I need an alternative because outside I'm all sassy and outgoing and honest but inside I'm like Go away, you people disgust me and Li practically says my thoughts some of the time. Maybe that's not a good thing. Because I am extremely optimistic. *Accepts waters of gratitude*

EDIT: When will the scene change happen? I am extremely excited. I may even post. But maybe not, I don't know if I can get a solid post in honestly.
It's okay. All optimists are pessimists on the inside.*steeples hands seriously* It is my firm belief that this is so...otherwise, they're just perpetually happy people. *bangs fist on table* Nobody deserves to be happy all the time! That is cruel and unusual punishment, second only to dipping people in cockroach pits. I demand that optimists be saved, that they may experience the darkness of the soul that is rightfully theirs! *waves a flag* Rah! Rah! Rah!

...Sorry. You were saying?
I agree wholeheartedly. When I was little I tried to be happy all the time. It's hard work. So I accepted my inner Li and outer sassyness, and it has been working for me ever since. My best friend gets it, my other friends have no clue. But it's so fun being sassy, you know? Sarcasm is my first and natural language, my mother obviously doesn't get it because her first and natural language is Hungarian.

EDIT: (Here I go with the edits again. Damn) At first I thought your message read 'staples hands seriously' xD O.o
I will try to keep up with posts as much as I can tomorrow, feel free to post as often as you like.
I'll make a post in 4 hours...today was a cleaning day, so no time to post -_-

I kinda feel bad for Li...poor guy doesn't have many friends and is worrying about Oliver stealing his BAFF...well, while I'm at marching band kicking ass I'll be thinking about my post..it'll be long I promise!

I'll probably be on for most if the night as well, so y'all can stay up with me if you want.
Okay, I posted. It's pretty long and also has Oliver talking. A lot.

My last few posts have been mostly Oliver's thoughts, so I decided to give you guys an idea of what he actually says. I am going to be staying up for quite a while, so yay. Hope Oliver doesn't give either Li or Hei a nervous breakdown xD

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