According To The Wind *Wolf War RP*Open*

Atori blinked and she came back from having a wandering mind. She looked around, scanning the empty forest. Her deep teal eyes held her emotions when she didn't show them with her face. She rose from the stone and leapt over the rushing water. Her stomach growled at her for food, and she broke into a run to find the nearest source of food. Bounding over logs, low rocks, and tiny shrubs, she sniffed wildly. Atori could tell a large herd was close.
Rose heard paw steps coming closer and closer, a gust of wind blew the wolf's scent into her face. "Lucid?" she barked. She began to pick up the pace following the scent towards her pack mate. The wind would blow his scent towards her and she could pick up on the scent of blood. Great she thought he is coming after her when he is hurt. She was perfectly capable of taking care of herself.
"Mmm," he sighed, staggering towards her, the right portion of his face beginning to swell as it bruised and began to clot. He wagged his tail slightly at the sight of her as he rounded the bend, slowing to a halt before briskly turning. "C'mon, we gotta go, you knuckle-head."
Kyanos growled and trotted after Lucid. "Moron, you're hurt!" But, it was too late. He had already trotted away. Kyanos flicked his ear, licked his wounded shoulder, and picked up the pace. He refused to go back without his pack mates - hurt, or not.
Lucid rounded the bend once more with Rose hopefully following at his heels, ears twitching and body swaying with a lack of an axle for his body to balance on. He sighed, stifling a whine as he looked behind him, right eye almost completely shut as blood seeped onto his maw. "Kyanos, don't you ever listen?"
Atori reached a meadow where the herd was grazing. Automatically she dropped low, crawling closer only when their heads went down. An older buck limped his way to the others from the surrounding forest. Her eyes locked on him. Tread lightly. She reminded herself and stalked closer. Then she launched at him, he flinched and fell back, but regained his footing and fled. This startled all the other deer and sent them into a frenzy. Atori was still on the tail of the elder when a stronger buck came charging at Atori. She stopped, bared her teeth, and waited for the impact of the collision. Just before he smacked into her, she jumped up at this throat, tackling him down, her maw wrapped around his neck. She waited for the squirming to stop.
"Oh I'm the knuckle head for doing my job," Rose barked noticing that he was in much worse condition than her. She was slightly frustrated with both males for attacking the hunters because now there would be more humans but she also thought it was brave of them to do so. She jogged after them the blood encrusting her shoulder.
Kyanos snorted. "I cant listen, but at least I know when I'm too weak to press on. Lucid, you're an idiot today," he snapped, and looked at Rose. She seemed fine, but he didn't like the blood on her shoulder. Kyanos narrowed his eyes and shot a look at Lucid. Learn to see how sick you are.
"Mhm," he replied softly, ears sliding forward and stride becoming choppier in order to pick up his pace without bringing the realization that he was ill-balanced. He couldn't bother himself to debate with Kyanos. In all honesty, he was probably right, but he'd be damned if he'd let it get the best of him. Padding through the overgrowth, he couldn't help but wonder what happened to Atalanta...

As Atalanta ran into her territory's clearing, she frowned. Kyanos, Lucid, and Rose were foolishly bickering, once again. She did not want to watch her pack constantly, as if they were pups, but unfortunately, they were certainly acting as if they were. She ignored her bloodied, and scarred muzzle, and snarled, "I have had enough of your foolish bickering!"

She stumbled towards Kyanos, Kora, Lucid, and Rose. Her vision began to blur. She was loosing blood quickly. She just wanted this day to end.


As Kora spotted the blood on Atalanta's scarred muzzled that glittered in the sunlight, she tensed. She thought,
Atalanta, what happened? As Atalanta began stumbling towards Kyanos, Lucid, Rose, and her, she calmly walked towards her, ready to catch her if she fell. She was aware of how much pain Atalanta was in.

..Lucid was annoyed. He wanted just once for her not to be so up-tight and bitchy, but as usual, it wasn't going to happen. One day she'd learn that being a good leader meant remaining on the same wave-length as your followers. "Los sientos," he hissed, eyes somewhat narrowed but determined to keep his head. She looked pretty bad, he observed, looking to the others before forcing his gait to lengthen as to allow him to catch up with her if she were to need support, although he was having a pretty crappy time staying conscious himself. But she was alpha, she meant more, and so he would put her first. He was expendable where as she was not.

Atori hoisted herself up along with the added weight from the buck. She trudged back to Massak territory, huffing and heaving. Once in the middle of the pack grounds she sat and dropped the carcass. "Where is everyone?" She muttered to herself and scouted around. No-one. She looked at her catch. "Can't just let it rot." She said and dug in, happily eating the good stuff first.
Rose sighed nudging Lucid, "Move it, my shoulder is not that bad and if you try to help her you are just going to end up hurting each other," she barked softly. She had come out reasonably unscathed compared to the others and her wound was already starting to clot up,
He flicked his tail at his heel when she nudged him, and he held down a growl while muttering firmly, "No, I've got it." He stiffened briefly, eyeing her as to say do not protest and grumbled. He felt awful, yes, but it was his job to help Atalanta and he was now fairly sure he could support her bulk if she were to stumble.
With a sigh Rose stepped back lowering her head in submission. He was beta and a fighter had to listen to their beta unless Alpha said other wise. She fell into line behind the other wolves realizing they would be returning empty mawed with nothing to support the pack.
Atori ate her fill and went out again. She hiked up a mountain a piece and sat overlooking the land. Her eyes fell upon a pair of coyotes playing in a stream. Curling up with a sigh of boredom, she rested her head in her paws and attempted to sleep.
"C-come on, let's move," she said once she regained her balance and vision and bit. She started trotting back towards camp sloppily. She looked behind her, her whole pack injured. It would be better if they got back to camp, and then got healed. She didn't want then to travel later when they were most weak, and tired. And it was also getting dark. Plus, she didn't wanna stay out here if they were problems.
Snorting, he trudged onward, legs trembling as if to give way but pressing on simply because he was instructed to do so. The blood that had began to clot was now a pallet of reds swirled and oozing in his fur. Admittedly it could be worse, he'd received but a single explosive blow to the skull, and by morning it was his duty to get over it. But for now he felt the realization that he was just another wolf, easily replaceable, and able to be dispatched at a moments notice.
Rose sighed as they neared the pack, in moments they were surrounded by their own pack mates trying to understand what was going on. She nudged a few of the puppies back towards their desperate mothers trying to find them. Whenever there was a big event the pups would race out of the nurseries trying to see what was going on. The worried mothers always followed.
..Lucid sighed, body feeling strained, which indicated that he was healing. By morning he'd have to get it together and go for an early hunt--that or try to retrieve the carcass from today. Sometimes he failed to see the benefits of being Beta, and in all honestly, the only one he could find was that he only took orders from the Alpha. However, he had the responsibilities of everyone else as well--hunting, defending, watching after the pups, mentoring. He was relatively young, and still he was drained each and every day and had to put forth a smile. But it was for the best, wasn't it? He was good at what he did--right? Wrong! screamed his head. He'd been too stupid to notice that there were Hunters. He'd let his pack members get hurt. It was his fault... all his fault...
Atori woke up to the sun beating in her eyes. She sniffed and sneezed, then rose to a sit. Her eyes fell to the pack area. Still no-one. She frowned and let out a lonesome howl and waited for someone to answer. She trotted down to the cold carcass, which was now a good bit rotted and covered with flies, and wrinkled her nose at it. "No good...I'll catch something if I eat it now..." Atori whipped her tail in a circle and went to find someone, anyone, from her pack.
Rose nudged Lucid softly noticing how frustrated he looked. She slipped out of the crowd and to her cozy den. Sitting down in her hollowed tree she breathed in the deep scent of moss and bark, it was meant for two but since her sister had moved into the nursery she had it all to herself. One of these days she would move into the nursery with her sister but she doubted it. She was a fighter most wolves viewed her as just that...nothing else.

Atori strayed further from her pack than she ever did before. The absence of members made her wonder if she was even a part of a pack. I hope I'm not loosing my mind... She thought, worried that she might just have imagined asking an Alpha to accept her into his pack. they moved without my knowing.. That thought made her roll her eyes. She continued down her path, not sure where she was going.
After resting for a few moments Rose slipped out of the den. The hustle had died and down everyone was settling into their evening routine. She scanned the pack wondering if she had another patrol this evening. As she took a few steps into the chilly evening air she felt the slight burn in her shoulder from the bullet but other than that she was fine. How had the rest of her pack faired, her creamy brown eyes rested on Kyanos she couldn't tell how bad he was injured or if he was injured at all.

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