According To The Wind *Wolf War RP*Open*

Kyanos skidded to an uncoordinated stop beside Lucid, dust dancing around his paws as he disrupted its peaceful rest. he snorted and looked at Lucid. I expect an answer, his expression said. He ruffled his pelt again and padded energetically into camp and collapsed on his side, rolling in the dust, then setting in a laid position. Kyanos smirked slyly at Lucid, his expression saying all.
Lucid's visage seeped disdain. Fabulous, he retorted with a roll of his eyes, willing his path to curve well around the male, making it clear that he would both avoid the subject and the wolf by any incontinence necessary. "Atalanta!" he barked, voice droning off as he cast his sagacious honey gaze across the spacious domicile. Recoiling to the shade of one of the few trees in the clearing, he used the rough bark to scratch at his skull. The lovely, tingling sensation achieved made him want to bound across camp and use Kyanos as a rag doll. Chips of wood splintered off into his fur and littered the ground, to which he paid no mind. Ears sagging and eyes drooping closed with pleasure, he felt incredible. Hind right leg raised and twitching awkwardly, he failed to remember where he was. Weren't Betas suppose to be respectable figures? Ah, what ever.

As Atalanta heard Lucid bark, "Atalanta!", she turned her head.

She snarled, "Lucid, control your attitude, or
I shall control it for you! Do not use that tone with me! I expect more from my Beta!" She calmed herself. She asked kindly, and softly, "Lucid, and Kyanos, would you like to go hunting, now that Lucid is not acting like a fool?"

She glanced at Kyanos, hoping that he had not caused trouble. She knew deep into his black heart, there was a streak of pure gold.

Cringing as she had misinterpreted his reason for calling her, he muted a growl of insubordination and loped towards her, tail wagging as he crouched down, touching his nose to her chin in a show of respect. "Los sientos," he whined, ears pivoting forward as he rose to his full stature and flicked his receptors back to slant on his skull. She was so.. temperamental--emphasis on the mental. Nevertheless, she was in charge, and he respected her... and was rather afraid of her attitude.
Rose slipped out from under the tree stretching each limb seperatly. She raised her face to the sun hoping to watm her always chilly body. For some reason it did not matter how long her fur became unless she was moving Rose felt cold. She noticed Lucid talking to Atlanta a couple of yards aways and swiveled her ears curiosuly.
(Odd, I realized I confused your characters....XP I fixed it, putting Atalanta and Kora in the same pack, Suka. I apologize if this causes any problems XP )
Chastity walked up to Khazri "I there anything going on?" She asked in her sweet, but sly voice, wanting to do something. She had just came back from a patrole and was getting tired of waiting for something to happen.

(Huge writer's block, so sorry. I normally would have waited untill my muse came to me, but i saw everyone was posting.)

Atalanta spoke, "Lucid, and Kyanos, we shall hunt. Lucid, inform Kora that she shall hunt with us today." Considering that she was in a atrocious mood, her voice sounded calm. When she was hungry, no wolf would dare mess with her.

She flicked her tail. She was bored.
There were not many wolves in her pack. What else was there to do rather than hunt?

Lucid's head bobbed in a nod as he turn about-face, looking loftily around for the subordinate, not in the mood to venture after her. "KORA! Hunting, now if you'd please," he boomed, voice more saturated with urgency than hostility as it rung out across the camp, echoing off trees and causing the birds nearest them to take flight. Pacing a bit behind the Alpha, he couldn't help but be resentful towards her attitude. Why did she have to make him miserable when she was in a bad mood?
Kyanos sighed and eased back onto his hanuches, and lifted his leg to scratch behind his ear. It was an awkward position, but, hey, you gotta do what'cha gotta do. The brute stood back up and trotted up beside Lucid and waited for the hunting party to begin patiently. When Kora started bugging him, he'd probably snap at her. He couldn't stand her, the way she bugged him for everything..And that buddy of hers, what's his name? Baron. Ugh, what an annoying team.......He almost couldn't wait for them to start, just so long as they finish.
Name: Matrem

Age: 6 Years Old

Personality: She is loving and nurturing, but if you should abuse her trust and tenderness, no doubt you will receive one of the coldest gestures ever to be formed within nature--rejection. She wants to be caring, but when annoyed she isn't afraid to tell you so. She seems terminally bored, and almost always minding a litter, in the absence of pups she grows restless.

History: Grew up in the Massak pack, been faithful ever since.

Appearance: View attachment 803 View attachment 804 View attachment 805 View attachment 806

Pack: Massak

Mate: Kuzco (Coo-z-co)

Rank: Breeder

Pups: (Soon to come. Will need RPers. Stay tuned. ;D)

Other: Notoriously skilled fighter. Her maternal instincts have honed and finely tuned her attack and defense strategies.

Lucid murmured under his breath, maw ajar as a puff of warm carbon altered the particles of oxygen, leaving a white cloud of vapor lingering before him. With a snort, he tipped his muzzle skyward, ears slanting back on his skull, riveting hazel oculars fixed on the juvenile. She irked Kyanos greatly, and he was counting on her and Baron to antagonize the brute back into his place. It was quite an entertaining spectacle.
Rose padded closer, the swift autumn breeze ruffling her fur. Despite the fact that she was a fighter Atlanta occasionally wanted her to hunt. She sat down beside the group of wolves waiting patiently.
Acknowledging Rose with a sly wag of his tail, he parted his yawns in a small yawn, a whine working itself into the gesture as he squinted tiredly. Lord, what had he done that made him feel so lazy today?

As Atalanta's pack began entering an area where prey was abundant, she began becoming silent. She whispered, "Lucid, Kora, and Kyanos, keep quiet. We do not want the prey to hear us." As the forest lead into a large field, she spotted a herd of Elk.


Kora prodded Kyanos with her paw. She whispered, "Kyanos, Kyanos, Kyanos, Kyanos, Kyanos, Kyanos, Kyanos, Kyanos, Kyanos, Kyanos, Kyano-" She was interrupted by Atalanta. After Atalanta spoke, she added, "S."

She slowed herself. She was overflowing with energy, and excitement, and she needed to stop, or else Atalanta would not allow her to hunt at all today.

Kyanos bared his teeth at Kora, already incredibly annoyed. He flicked his tail at the irritating juvenille and crept closer to his Alpha. He could not deal with Kora right now - he was in no mood. Hell, he never was in the mood for her antics and questions.....
....Lucid, knowing they needed to keep quiet, nipped Kora's flank, ears flattening--both annoyed that his Alpha underestimated his hunting abilities and that Kora was potentially threatening the hunt in itself. Body lowering and muscular build winding like the springs in a mattress, his sinewy physique rippled and he sniffed, eyes trained on the quarry. With a silent looking of understanding aimed to the others, he gesture for Kyanos to follow him. Soundless as the man with no voice, he crept towards the opposing end of the clearing, keeping his distance and remaining downwind in the brush to leave the five senses completely unaware of his existence.
Rose watched as most of the pack disappeared out on a hunt. With a sigh she turned around and circled around the pack doing a head count and checking for any odd scents. The autumn leaves crunched pleasantly under her paws as her muscles began to warm up.
{So sorry guys, I was grounded for three days, and I am getting dreadful grades. :| }

Kora side stepped, but kept creeping slowly though the bush. She could tolerate... well, she really couldn't tolerate Lucid's biting, but she needed to continue with the hunt. She was very silent. Then she saw her alpha turn her head, and whisper silently, "Kyanos, you may lead the hunt. After all, you are our best hunter." She knew Lucid would become a bit angered, but she did not care much. Kyanos was honestly Suka's best hunter. She just hoped Kora would not ruin the hunt. Korw was such a bother to everyone. But one day she would become calm, and determined. Maybe she would send Kyanos out to teach her to hunt... She needed a bit of practice...
Lucid was beyond peeved, but nevertheless, he hung back, looking silently to Kyanos for further instruction, ears pivoted forth and shoulders hunched lividly--but not towards the male, but towards the blatant disregard for his feelings presented by the alpha. Fighting to keep his muzzle from rippling in a snarl of rebeliance, he simply clenched his jaws and stiffly broke eye-contact, snorting and trying to remain relatively pleasant. The Alpha was to be respected and obeyed, if she deemed Kyanos superior, whom was he to tell her otherwise?
Atalanta knew Lucid was angered. She could clearly see the expression on his face. She sighed. She just hoped Lucid didn't think that she thought Kyanos was superior to him. Lucid was her Beta. Why would he think that?
Knowing he was overreacting, Lucid hushed his abstract thoughts for the time being, body aching to plow forth and take down the quarry, for he also knew that the growling of his stomach could only be covered for so long. He kneaded the loam between his digits, ears twitching occasionally as he waited. Docile in nature, it usually took more than that to work him up.
Kyanos felt very…very....Pleased. Pleased that his Alpha respected him. Pleased that he was given this title. Pleased that it pissed Lucid off so much. Kyanos flicked his ear and crept to the front of the group, then stopped. The grey and silver brute sniffed the air, then crept forward in a half-trot-half-crawl, swiveling his ears and keeping his nostrils open. A herd was close…..

Kyanos had a look of content about him, an air of smugness permeating the atmosphere and choking Lucid's throat. He felt as if he was being smothered and there wasn't a damned thing he could do about it with Atalanta so near. However, they'd have their time, and he'd have his own little way of getting even. Sadly enough, he never managed to get under Kyanos's skin as much as Kora did. Perhaps he'd just leave her to bother him instead...

Slinking after the male, his nostrils expanded and he took in the potent and taunting scent of prey. He tensed somewhat at it, tail wagging and ears slanting back on his head in opposing directions like magnets of the same charge. He couldn't wait, and hoped that the Lead Hunter would get on with it.

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