According To The Wind *Wolf War RP*Open*

On his stomach in the high grasses, Lucid put his paws over the top of his muzzle, whining and looking around, the fading light of day slowly lulling him to sleep. Somehow, it no longer took much to compel him to sleep. He'd never been this lazy before, and couldn't help but wonder it was. Tail wagging randomly to brush away the remnants of an abandoned ant hill, he watched as the displaced soil fluttered upwards in a swirl of grey. Ears pricking, he noted he was laying downwind... which was both good and bad. He didn't want the others knowing he was there, however, he wanted to be aware of anything in his blind-spots. Grunting, he sprawled out further and drifted off, slumber acting as a seductress and he the ignorant fool.
Sighing, Rose wandered away from the pack finding her favorite place to take watch. She climbed into the pile of rocks careful to avoid the jagged points that protruded from the mostly smooth surface. The wind whistled between the trees and grass stirring up clumps of brown and yellow leaves. She saw a slight movement in the grass and watched it for a moment before switching to a different location.
Atori looked up quickly, she had stumbled upon the most peculiar tracks. She starred down a dirt road where the Earth was scarred with tire-tracks from human trucks, the years of using the same road forever engraved the broad marks. Her gaze shifted to the other end of the trail, which led into the forest. Curious, she turned to face the way that led to the humans and took a few steps forward, but stopped, unsure of what might be waiting for her. Anything from bear-traps to a cold steel cage could be there. Or the worst. She'd find herself starring up the barrel of a shotgun.

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