According To The Wind *Wolf War RP*Open*

As Rose checked the pack's perimeter she started to catch whiffs of something odd. Something out of place...hunters. Rose's hackles immediately rose and her body began to pump with adrenaline. She needed to finding the hunting party without giving away the packs location, if Rose howled she would do just that. . She set off at a run racing towards the pack. She quickly warned one of the other fighters telling them to get the pack ready for a possible attack from hunters.
Kyanos took off at a run, staying low but moving fast, silently. The herd was stopped, grazing in a nearby feild. He turned his ears. The party was still behind him, and the herd wasn't too far away. He slowed to a trot, expecting them to stop as well. He looked at the herd from where they were. "There's a pregnant doe in the back - avoid her," he whispered to the hunting party. "An old doe is not too far in the middle, but she is still protected by everyone else in the herd. If you guys think we can still get her, we're going for it." Kyanos really wasn't gonna take no for an answer...He was leading them to the doe, anyway. Unless, of course, Atalanta dissaproved...Meh.
Atalanta nodded her head slightly, and replied, "Yes, I think we might. They keep getting out of place, but we must come out at the right time." She flicked her tail. She glanced at the herd. Most of them were a little weak.
Rose's heart pounded as she set off through the forest her nose searching for any scent of the members of her pack. She began to let out high pitched soft barks that she hoped only canines could hear. Finally she found Kyanos scent on a trail heading east, every few feet she would catch scent of other pack members and maybe....elk or deer. They were probably in the middle of a well orchestrated hunting maneuver that would single out the weak or young.
Kyanos nodded and broek into a run. The herd seemed to snap their heads up all at teh same time, saw the wolves, and kickined into a frantic, disorganized run. Kyanos smirked and lengthened his stride, hsi muscles working to propel him further. He opened his maw some to let more oxygen in, and, in the heat of the moment, almost forgot about the rest pf the party. He kenw that was not good, especially in a group situation like hunting. Focus, Kyanos. Focus.
Rose finally found the herd, it was in a frenzy. Her pack mates had snapped the plan into action and for one or two members of the herd there would be no escaped. She let out a sharp bark hoping to signal some of the wolves that there was danger in the area.
Atalanta immediately follow Kyanos, his back legs almost kicking her face. She saw the animal Kyanos was going for, and went onto the other side of it. She nipped at its legs. Where was Lucid? He was a bit slow today. None the less, he was a very good hunter and fighter. Almost too good.
Once again Rose barked loudly, there were hunters in the area and the pack needed to be aware of the dangers. The flurry of movement in front of her was full chaos and she was not sure that her pack mates would hear her.
Lucid had launched himself deep into the overgrowth, and was now trailing the others from the woods, gaining ground at a rate unmatched by most. However, he heard the cries of Rose in the distance. His body rippled as his body had him soaring over any impediments, organic clusters being dispersed beneath the crushing force of his stride. Pace steadily climbing, his acceleration was by far enough to bring him ahead of the deer the others were after. Sweat seeped between his digits and he panted with exhaustion. In a burst of agility and power, he plunged into the clearing, crossing diagonally towards the other, now but a foot ahead of the quarry. Snarling, he lunged, hind legs slamming against the earth and leaving dwarfed craters in the soft loam. Dirt sputtered up after him as he clasped his mandible onto its neck, just below the jaws. The disruption of balance and the push of his pack-mates would surely bring the animal slamming to the ground with a heavy THUD, thus giving him time to recoil to see what was up with Rose and her distressed calls.
Rose saw the blur of Lucid chasing after a stray doe. She tug her claws into the soft grass leaving eight smalls slices in the land. Racing after him her body seemed to curl under her and than spring forward with every stride. She almost laughed when she realized how she kind of looked like a rollie pollie curling and uncurling its body at lightening speed. Her mind was quickly brought back to reality when she heard the shot of a gun in the distance.
Kyanos let out a sharp, loud yelp and slip to a stop. He pricked his ears and looked around vicously. A gunshot....Kyanos looked around, checking to s ee if his pack mates were okay, then checked himself. There was a patch of burned, skid fur and a small wound where a bullet probably skidded his leg. Kyanos realized he was a sitting duck, perfect target, and started running again. He had already thrown the hunt, screw that. His main focus now was getting away from the hunters...

(What a bad post....>.<)
..Lucid, with adrenaline sky-rocketing and heart-rate pounding, he took off towards the woods, barking savagely to the others to get out of the clearing. He turned his nose to the sky, sniffing for the general direction of the poachers. North! screamed his body and so he set towards it, seeing that he was more expendable that Atalanta and it was his job to look after the others. He bounded towards the hunter, the click and clatter of brass making him note that whom ever it was was reloading a weapon. He had to hurry. A blood-curdling snarl tore from his chest as he could make out a rough silhouette of a human in the brush, shuffling to take aim. He had to divert his attention... He just had to buy the others a little more time...
Rose shook her head as she saw Lucid catapulting towards her. She shot a look behind her to see what he was looking at.... a hunter. "Go get Atlanta, I got this," Rose barked digging her back paws into the ground until she was nearly sitting. Shifting her weight to the left her momentum spun her around and than she was off again. She tug deep letting out a loud howl. The hunter turned around his eyes locking with hers, "Come and get me you two-legged idiot," she said cutting to her right so that he would have a better view of her. She began to weave erratically leading him further and further from the pack. A bullet whizzed past her head searing her shoulder. She growled savagely forcing herself to dig even deeper.
Kyanos stopped again. The herd was long-gone. Two of his pack mates were being suicidal idots. Kyanos growled and spun around. "Run, idiot!" he shouted at Rose and Lucid, trotting towards them. A bullet narrowly missed him, and the hunter started reloading again. Kyanos laid his ears flat and growled, the sound ripping out of his throat and through his bare teeth, as if he wasy saying, Come and get me, two-leg.
"ROSE, NO!" he roared, body scrunched as he debated to stay or go. He couldn't just abandon her like that. "KYNAOS!" he snarled, turning sharply to the male. "Get going, I can't just leave her," he snapped, hind paws repelling against the soil and sending him plundering after the female, body flinging itself after the fem, ears level to his skull and visibly irked. Why couldn't she have just left? His pace rose to unimaginable velocities and he had little issue catching up to the human, but Rose was ahead, and in the line of fire. Grumbling, he did something he'd surely regret. Jaws parting and releasing a vitriolic snarl, he clamped his jowls onto the human's leg, teeth submerged into the thick denim and puncturing his dermis. There was a brief struggle, he thrashed and back away, only to receive a brutal blow to the temple with the butt of the gun. The sharp crack that echoed after left him disoriented, but his pleading glance to Rose was of just one ideal. Run. He shook his head, unable to see straight and struggling to his feet, backing into the shrubbery as the hunter cussed slurs of vulgarity and fiddled to reload his weapon. If Rose made so much as another bold and moronic move, she'd surely be killed, and if she survived, he'd kill her for acting so foolishly. He limped back towards the others, taking an undefined route as if not to be followed, ears drooping and a single stream of crimson oozing from a wound above his brow. Shit.
Kyanos growled at Lucid's command, but kept his eye on hunter. The hunter decided to give up with the bullet and followed hsi buddy's example, swinging teh butt of the gun towards Kyanos's head. Kyanos somehow managed to maneuver out of its way, and clasped his jaws around the man's forearm. He yelled and tried to shake the wolf off of him, beating it with his fist. He seemed to remember he had a gun, and smacked the wolf's shoulder. The brute yelped and let go, and teh man scrambled back. The brute looked at his pack mate. "Moron!" Kyanos snapped, and rushed to Lucid. "Are you okay, oh suicidal one?" he asked, irritated at his beta. It was his job as hunter to prtect his leaders.
Rose snarled she had not needed to be rescued and the important thing was to get the hunters away from the pack. She trailed after the limping hunter three four yards to his left and at least six yards behind him. She kept low to the ground her paws moving silently, her shoulder throbbed softly but her focus was on the two in front of her. She wondered why Lucid had seemed so mad, she was a fighter her job was to protect the pack at all costs.
"Do I look okay, smart-ass?" he prompted curtly, lips curling into a slight grin. How could things feel so casual, meanwhile they were in the midst of being hunted? They had to go, though. News of wolves attacking people would mean they would sent more to track them down and kill them. Hunting here was illegal, but nevertheless, if a Hunter were to bring this to authorities it would end very badly for them all. "We have to go, now," he panted, nosing the hunter's shoulder with a whine and slinking off towards Atalanta. But where was Rose?
Name: Atori

Three or four.

Atori is mysterious, and often isolates herself from others. She is the epitome of a black wolf. Or what people seem to believe. She has a soft side for pups. She wont kill mothers, even if it was ordered by the Alpha. Atori is very respectful, usually putting the rank of a wolf before their name. (i.e. "Beta so-and-so".) Until she comfortable with them, that is. Then she calls them merely by their name. But rarely uses nicknames.

She was kicked from her old back because of something her father did. So she was forced to wander and find another pack. She stumbled upon the Massak pack and assumed the role of hunter.

Completely black with a small hint of brown undertone. Her eyes are a deep teal, a darker teal ring around the outside of the iris, and a splash of yellow in her right eye. She's slightly tall in stature, with a thick coat, and slim physic.


She has none as of yet. She waits for one, but it's not top priority for her.



Her favorite food is deer.
Rose sighed in relief as the men's path turned into pavement. Soon she could hear the sound of car's but she followed them until they were in the parking lot. Finding a bush to hide behind Rose watched the men get into to the car. They sped away in a flurry of gravel dirt, with a sigh Rose turned around and began her long trek back to the pack.
(Accepted, Tails =))

Kyanos let out a soft whimper when Lucid nudged him, and started walking. "Where is Rose?" he asked, hoping she wasn't hurt. His shoulder ached, and a stream of blood dribbled and stained his coat. he said nothing more as he walked. There was nothing to say.
(Thank you.~)

Atori lapped up water from a small creek. She walked along the outskirts of her pack for the majority of the day, nosing around out of curiosity. She took a risk when trying to see what a few bears were doing. The small group of grizzly's were digging about for food. The mother bear swatted at Atori, forcing her to scamper away. None of the bears gave chase, however. Which Atori found as a stroke of luck. Now she perched on a stone overhanging the creek. She starred at her reflection, no specific thought crossing her mind. Her imagination went off into space.
Lucid, echoing Kyanos's example, trotted along in silence, the quirky bob in his step caused by his disoriented frame of mind. Everything around him was in double-vision, a blur of various greens and browns painting his swirling canvas of a world without definition. He knew Rose was more than reliable to take care of herself, but he also thought that they should wait for her. However, if she was as okay as he thought she'd be, she could follow their trail. He couldn't afford to prolong their time here. They had to get away, for as far as he knew, the hunters could have still been upon them.
Rose quickly caught on to Lucid's and Kyano's trail but she did not speed her pace. The throb in her shoulder was more apparent now that she did not have something to focus on. She tried to focus her mind in on different things like the birds or the rustle of the leaves but it did not really work.
The lingering scent of blood made him ever more so dizzy, stumbling and trying to keep up a stoic front but sighing as his walls began to crumble. He was suppose to be composed, able to make sense of everything and let them knows everything would be okay... but how could he when he didn't know where Rose was? "Kyanos, go tell Atalanta to head back with the others... I'm going to go find Rose..." Without time for debate, he pivoted on his paw, bounding away, legs unwilling to take him any farther but mind pushing him well beyond his limits.

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