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Fantasy Academy of the Arcane


All the best geniuses are evil -Gail Carriger
Arcane Academy is a school for the magical. It teaches magical kids how to control their their powers and how to protect the innocent non-magical people from those who wish to bring them harm. On school grounds there are many magical creatures as well, some are helpful, some are a hindrance, some may even become pets of the students. The students include witches, werewolves, shapeshifters, fairies, mermaids, and dragons.
Molly walked into the great hall of Academy of the Arcane, this was all knew to her, all her life she had gone to an exclusively dragon school so she had never spent much time with other magic types. She was amazed by the intricate designs carved into the walls and pillars, she hadn't even thought to look at the people.

Location: Lake, Heading to Great Hall

Mood: Excited

Mention: Molly

Interactions: Molly

Tags: @ejssullivan
Andrea swam up to the surface of the lake. Pulling herself out, she sat alongside the edge for quarter of an hour, a bag placed behind a bush. She had made sure to be half an hour early for this reason - she had to wait before she could use her legs. Until then, she just sat and waited, watching the other early birds pass by, and other mermaids surface from various place along the lake. At least I won't be the only mermaid. Andrea smiled to herself, looking at the various natural states of the mermaids around her. In the mean time, she thought about what had led her to this moment.

As a child, she had been taught underwater along with the remainder of her school. She was odd, though. Andrea seemed to be the only one who had these wings on her back, and it intimidated some people. After a few years of being feared and having no friends, aside from her family, Andrea had decided she wanted to fit in elsewhere. She wanted to go onto land. So she did. Andrea had lived among humans and other land-dwellers for a few years, until she was discovered one day drying off after her mandatory weekly visit to the ocean. After that, she had been enrolled into this academy. There would be everything she needed, as well as other magical beings. She wouldn't be alone here.

After the 15 minutes were over, Andrea stood up and ducked behind the foliage, swiftly dressing herself so she wouldn't be entering the school nude. The remainder of her stuff was already there, her parents having delivered it earlier in the day. She grabbed the case waiting for her, hidden within the cases of the other mermaids, and headed into the academy. She went straight towards the Great Hall, occasionally adjusting her rucksack on her shoulder or a quick tug on her jeans to pull them up. Getting lost in the architecture and how beautiful it was for a land structure, Andrea accidentally bumped into someone. A girl.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry. I'm a bit clumsy you see and wasn't really paying attention to where I was going." Andrea began to ramble on, being slightly nervous and concerned.
Molly felt someone bump into her and she focused back on the people around her. When she saw who bumped into her she smirked "well hello there. I don't mind being bumped into by you." She held out her hand "I wasn't paying attention either. I'm Molly Fuller, dragon."

Location: Great Hall

Mood: Nervous/Timid

Mention: Molly

Interaction: Molly

Tags: @ejssullivan

Andrea tried to discreetly study the girl. She took the outstretched hand. "Andrea Chrysalia, mermaid." Offering up a smile, Andrea suddenly clicked that Molly had been complimenting with her, well more flirting but Andrea didn't understand that. She let go of the handle of her case, deciding she was going to stay and talk to the redhead for a while. You're pretty. She thought to herself, not having the courage to voice her opinion of the girl. It's true, Andrea had decided the girl was breathtaking and wanted to know her more. "S-So, what's it like being able to fly?" Come on Andrea, you can do better than that. You're never like this.
Molly frowned slightly as she thought about an answer "it's kind of hard to explain. I would say it's nice having the wind run through my hair but I don't have hair when I am in dragon form. I guess I will just have to give you a ride sometime to show you." She winked at Andrea. "Want to sit with me? I don't really know anyone here."

Location: Great Hall:

Mood: Timid

Mention: Molly

Interaction: Molly

Tag: @ejssullivan

This time round, Andrea was certain that Molly was flirting with her. Her face was on fire, but only a slightly pink tint could be seen upon her cheeks. "I'd love to go for a ride sometime." She grinned at Molly, grabbing the handle of her case once more. "It'd be an honour to sit with someone as wonderful as yourself." She found herself holding back a giggle. Wow. I'm seriously reverting back to little school girl? Andrea couldn't believe herself. She was being so... Childish. It wasn't like her. "Lead the way." God's I hope I get to share a room with her.
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Molly grinned and blushed a little, she adjusted her bags and pointed to a couple of chairs "I was thinking about sitting other there, we can see everything but won't draw attention to ourselves. Sound good to you?" She looked at Andrea to see her reaction.
"Sounds great." Andrea smiled a little wider. "Shall we?" She grinned, jokingly offering her arm to Molly. Wow... You're terrible at this. Stop, just stop. Andrea wanted to smack herself in the forehead for being so terrible at flirting. She figured she'd just be charming and her usual self. That should get me through.
Molly laughed and linked their arms. She carefully maneuvered them through the people to the chairs. Andrea was both cute and hot and Molly couldn't quite get her heart to calm down. "So, did you go to a mermaid school or an integrated one before this?"
"Mermaid school for a few years then a human school." Andrea didn't exactly want to relive her past school experiences. It wasn't pleasant for her. If she wants to know, I'll talk about it. Andrea had decided how she was going to proceed with this. "This is my first integrated school though, and I'm sure glad I came here. There's some beautiful things here. You, for example." Okay that was pretty good.
Molly blushed and giggled "Thank you. I've only gone to dragon schools before this. And I think you can count yourself as one of the beautiful things here." She set her bags down at her feet and sat down.
Andrea set her case just behind hr seat and smiled, red pooling onto her cheeks. She felt flattered, but also knew it to be an opinion only of her human form."You wouldn't think that if you saw my natural form. Not exactly pretty." Well done. You could have felt good about yourself for once but no. You blew it. "I'll show you one day, if you'd like." Andrea winked, a grin spreading across her face and her body warming up a lot more.
"Oh, I'm sure your mermaid form is gorgeous, and yes, I would love to see it sometime." She relaxed a bit, "The only time I have met other magic types and known it has been at some parties and stuff my parents have brought me too, like stuff for work and reunions, times like that."
"Mermaids were the only magic persons I had met. I guess I could have known a witch or a fairy while on the land at that human school." Andrea felt much more at ease, less on edge. "So... Is there a speech going to happen do you know?" She wanted whatever reason for them being here to be over so she could find out whether she got to share a room with the gorgeous red head sat next to her or not. So keen aren't you This is a first. For some reason, her natural form had it's own voice while she was in a human form, and it was harassing her.
Molly nodded and looked around, "I think so, like a welcome and here are the rules don't break them kind of thing" she checked the time, "I think it should start soon." Just as she finished talking an older fairy stepped up to the podium in the front of the room.
"But how do we find out our rooms?" Andrea quietly asked Molly, before turning her attention to the fairy on the podium. She's the headmistress, I assume. Hopefully this is over with quickly. She was all too keen to keep talking to Molly and get to know her better, but she knew she should probably listen to the welcome speech.
Molly leaned toward Andrea, "I'm not sure yet, hopefully she will say."

The fairy's speech was relatively typical, welcoming the students and going over the rules,

  • werewolves must report to the moon house before dusk on full moons so they could be secured in their safe rooms so they don't hurt anyone or themselves.
  • prejudiced against species is not tolerated
  • the only fighting allowed is in combat classes

The rest was about late work and tardy policies along with where the infirmary and Headmistress office it. Finally she explained that outside the dorm buildings there would be teachers at some tables that will tell everyone who their roommate is and give them their key.
Andrea sat there listening intently during the speech, determined not to miss anything. She didn't notice herself leaning towards Molly. That is until she nearly had her head on the other girl's shoulder. Andrea had quickly checked herself and sat up straight, biting her lip. "So, wanna head and find out our roommates?" She felt awkward and silly. Way to blow it, muppet. You always screw up around attractive people.
"Yeah, I hope we are roommates, or at least on the same floor in the same building." Molly stood and gathered her things. "I really hope there is enough room for my candles."
"I just hope it's near a lake or something. I need to go swim once a week, you see. I get ill if I don't." Andrea smiled at Molly. They shared the same hope. She followed suit and stood up, taking hold of her suitcase' handle. "And then you'll be able to see my natural form." She grinned.
Molly smiled and nodded "There is a lake on campus, I read about it, it is there for mermaids but also for some PE classes. And I think it was mentioned that there would be fires for dragons to sleep in once a month but I'm not entirely sure where that would be to be honest"
"I was hoping not to have to walk" Andrea grinned, looking over at Molly as they walked towards the dorms. "I already knew about one, it's the one I emerged from I believe." So self-centered. Her mermaid side was teasing her, taunting her. "I'm sure there'll be fires for dragons, probably somewhere near the dorms so it's easy to get to."
Molly smiled and nodded, they got into one of the lines, she watched as a female shifter grew a beard to show someone how they shift. She giggled a little when the beard turned into a handlebar mustache.
Andrea grinned, stopping in the line. Hopefully it wouldn't be long before they could get to their dorm rooms and put their things away. She was calling the bed next to the window, no matter who her room mate was. "Window bed's mine, if we're roommates." Andrea spoke quietly and quietly laughed.

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