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Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

"I guess we could learn about different thing? maybe we can go exploring the school?"
He sees Nightmare and another girl he doesn't know running around and playing a game, and he decides to join in, running past Night and away from her as fast as possible.

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Nightmare sees EV running past her and follows after him. "Sup EV" mary walks over to bobbie. "She never saw me" mary starts laughing to where she falls over.
Ashton thinks for a moment. "Hmmm.... Oh! Never have I ever had an actual date." He immediately regrets that, because Zoe might think he's lame for never being on a date.


Writer rolls her eyes and giggles. "Shut up, I look like shit." She laughs, and grabs Zac's ring out of her pocket. "I almost forgot. Here you go." She says, handing him the ring.

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
"Is that a challenge EV!!" Nightmare starts to pick up the speed while mary gets up. "I guess it isn't that hard to run in a dress"

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Nightmare giggles at bobbie's cheering and tries running faster to catch up to EV. "We'll sees who wins EV" mary stands there jumping up and down. "GO NIGHTMARE GO"
He speeds up as well and tosses an orb behind him. It lights up like it's going to explode or something.

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Nightmare stops running and looks at the orb. "What the heck" and mary stands the cheering....still. ( xD )

(Bai karen)
It does absolutely nothing except for buy EV some time to run in a random direction when Nightmare isn't looking.

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(( *currently dying of Bordem and hating my meeting for being so long* ))

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Is takes awhile to notice that EV tricked her. "HEY YOU TRICKED ME" nightmare starts running but slow down abit. "Where did he go"

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