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Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

Jasmine nods over to her quite big lunch. “Building up more energy again," She simply states.

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Nightmare frowns. "I hate wearing dress or skirts their not my thing" mary laughs then hugs nightmare. "But it lools pretty on you"
Nightmare nods. "True but mary wanted me to wear this and give me the puppy eyes so i gave in" she sighs then pats mary's head.
"You should learn how to use your elemental abilities to keep your energy up."
((Oh my goodness I'm back in so sorry guys what did I miss? [emoji24][emoji28]))

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Nightmare smiles softly at mary then shurgs. "I don't know really lets try to look for others and see if they wanna hang out"

(Anyone otherthen jas and dru on right xD )

(Oh made back right when i said that xD )
Dru sat across from her. "So what did you do today? I know I aw you at a cliff but i left shortly after."
“Well, it took like, almost forever until everybody got out of the water. Then I flew off before that edge came crashing down. So now there's a huge chunk of the cliff missing."

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Cassidy rolled back over, pout gone. Jazz poured through her headphones, trumpet blaring. "So what are you doing here?" She asked, referring to his sudden appearance in her room.

Leon's blush reappeared and he looked away. "We Should probably get you into some clothes and into a bed. A first shift is draining." Leon frowned at the 'we' part, but he realized he wouldn't want the other male to walk alone nearly naked.

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"Ok come mary" nightmare starts walking while mary skips. "Hey bobbie, night lets go outside and look people usually go out there" mary runs outside then starts running around while nightmare follows behide trying to catch up to mary.
He keeps on walking and eventually reaches... The school again. He went in a huge circle. Great job EV.

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((Phone on its death bed but my cousin's neighbor is my savior xD ))

Zoe thinks for a moment, wanting to pick something fun. She ends up choosing her middle school favorite.

"Never Have I Ever! Okay, so you have twenty fingers and one person says something they've never done, and if the other persom HAS done it, they lose a finger. Okay? You go first!"

The girl sticks here hands out in front oh her and wiggles around with excitement.


Zachary links his arm onto Writer's and walks toward his dorm room.

"You like pretty, love! "

He grins and glances at the girl as he walks.

((Zac awkward flirting xD ))

~My favorite letter in the alphabet is the D~
(Lol xD )

Mary starts running faster and makes nightmare chase her. "Catch me if you can nightmare" nightmare smiles and almost trips over a rock but keeps steady while mary runs and hides behide a tree giggling.
"Be careful!" Bobbie says when she saw Nightmare almost trip. "I don't need another visit to the nurse today."

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