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Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

Zoe smiles, weakly, trying to be supportive for her friend, but she feels rather awful. She stands up with tears running down her cheeks.

"I...need to talk to Zac now."

((*the siblings conversation is to be summarized at a later date* ))

(( sorry, Writer! I'm going to sleeeepp ))

~My favorite letter in the alphabet is the D~
"This is a normal occurance for me. Now it is time for some ice cream although it may end up as us stealing ice cream from this place since I don't have money."
Nightmare shakes her head. "No we are not stealing thats rude i will buy" nightmare pulls out her wallet and takes a 20 out. "Now what are you getting dru"


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Nightmare smiles. "No prob man" she buys herself a vanilla ice cream and dru's snicker milk shake. "Here you go my dear friend" she hands him the milk shake and sats down at a table. "Soooooo dru"

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"Yes? is there something you would like to ask me?" Dru smiled at her and waited patiently as he sipped at his milkshake.
Nightmare licks her ice cream. "Just wanted to know about how you like the school so far"

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"Personally I think it is ok although I don't care too much for normal people. They break too easily that I just want to help them all out and there is the fact that I don't really go to classes all that much.
Nightmare looks at him. "Oh well i'm glad i came here its changed my whole life" she says smiling softly.

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"How so? What exactly did it do to change your life?" Dru tilted his head slightly worried about her and how her life is or was.
Nightmare looks to dru. "Well when i was little my dad went crazy and tired to kill me but my mother jumped infront and was killed so......i went crazy and killed my dad.......also a whole village then after that no one really wanted to around me expect for my best friend and my pet.........but i never really showed emotions" nightmare smiles alittle. "But when i came to this academy i show emotions, i trust other and others trust me...........i just hope i won't lose control and kill everyone" nightmare's smiles falls after saying the last part.

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Dru smiled and chuckled at her comment "If you do freak out and kill everyone I will be here for you after. I don't exactly die so yeah that would be fun after party." Dru smiled at her and sipped some more.
Nightmare nods and smiles. "Thanks man" she licks her ice cream. "Oh my grim reaper is that a soul!!!" She drops her ice cream and runs over to a litlle girl who was light blue and floating with chains around her wrists.

((Sure mystic xD ))

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"I wouldn't exactly know but I do see a mass of electricity there that is faintly human shaped. Do you see more than that?" Dru tilted his head and followed after her.
Nightmare nods. "Its a little a girl but a soul" she kneels down infront of the soul. "Hey sweetie are you ok" the little girl looks up at nightmare with tears in her eyes. "Y-you can s-see me" nightmare shows the soul a warm smile. "Of course sweetie" the girl tears up then jumps into nightmare's arms and crys. "Hey shhhh its ok sweetie" nightmare picks her up and hugs her.

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Zadock appeared next to them and smiled at where the little girl was hoping to comfort her. " what do you know about her?"
Nightmare looks to zadock. "She died at the age of six from a deadly sickness" the little girl hugs nightmare tightly and crys. "She'll have to stay with me for awhile in till i can send her to the grim reaper" nightmare starts to walk to the academy. "Lets go back" ((MYSTIC ITS UR TIME TO RANDOMLY JUMP IN COME ON))

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Roxy walked around the town, hopping to find someone she knows. Then she saw Night and Dru together. She went up to them to greet them. But she had another idea. When Night stood up, she went behind her and poked her ribs. She did the same to Dru as well to frighten the both of them.
Nightmare squeaked like a puppy which made the little girl soul flinch. "Oh i'm sorry sweetie i didn't mean to scare you" the girl shakes her head and holds on tightly to nightmare's shoulders. "I-its ok" nightmare smiles warmly and strokes the souls head lightly then nightmare turns to roxy. "Oh sup roxy"

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Upon poking Dru Roxy received a small jolt that made half her hand go numb and feel like there were pins and needles in it then Dru looked back and smiled at her in a sincere way "You should try harder to sneak up on me." Dru then chuckled.
((I just a notification that mystic respond buuuuuut i don't see it...........weird or did you delete it mystic))

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