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Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

Nightmare gets up holding her injured arm then grabs her mask and scthye then starts to walk away. "I'll go fix myself up" she tired to walk to the doors but falls over and falls on her arm. "AGHHHH GODDAMNIT" she yells out in pain.
Roxy carefully pulled her friend and supported her. "I have no clue about first aid........" Roxy said, thinking about what she should do to help.

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(Sorry I was showering) Dru took a step and went from the entrance of the cafeteria to in front of the two. "Oh no are you hurt? How did you get injured? Does it hurt a lot? Would you like me to help you fix that? Are those wounds self inflicted?" Dru asked all these questions in a barely discernable rush. When he finished his barrage of questions he looked at them waiting for an answer.
"Yes i'm injured and yes it hurts alot, i was on a misson to find souls then i attacked, and yes help me and probably not" nightmare answer all of them with a pained look on her face.
"Let's see if I can increase your metabolism, have you eaten recently?" Dru began to rub his hands together and the ball of electricity took shape of a monkey that crawled into his shoulder.
"Well that sounds good enough for me. CLEAR!" Dru grabbed Nightmare by the chest and lifted him/her up by t he shirt and discharge electricity into them causing their heart to beat faster as electricity flowed through them and their cell production and destruction increased. their arm healed in a minute as well as their body healed to up most health. Dru then set them down taking the excess electricity.
Nightmare looks to dru. "Thanks um..." nightmare keep her usally emotionless asking for his name.
"My name is Dru. I just got here and I was wandering the school because I came here in a storm cloud and so I decided to explore after that and oh hey what is your name and why is your face so blank."
"I'm nightmare and.....my...thats a very personal question" nightmare looks at the ground.
"I am a very quick person. I am direct and to the point so far I like you but who knows I may find out something about you to change that. What are you exactly? You seem like a kind soul." Dru smiled at her.
Могу ли я присоединиться к этой ролевую игру? Или это уже заполнены?
Dru appeared behind her inspecting her closely then next to her as well as on her other side all in the blink of an eye before being in front of her again. "That's so cool. How old are you then? Do you age any? Is it possible for you to die? Have you met death before? Can you reap an elemental?"
Oynx comes back from a long deserved vacation to see that the school he loves hasn't changed much.I cant wait to see Night again he exclaims.
Nightmare looks to dru. "You ask alot of questions" but she smiles abit. "Yes i age, i'm age 18 and yes its possible for me to die, yes i have meet death before, no i can't reap a element but i can summon hellhounds and use any weapon" she keeps wg but stops and blushs when she sees onyx.

((I LOVE CHU TOO WRITER *huggles*))
"Oh do you like that person over there is that why you are blushing? Also I am a lightning elemental so I don't really sleep and talking is a very quick thing for me. My elemental pet and I talk to each other very quickly. If my speed and questions bother you I can slow it down for you?" Dru seemed sincere in his consideration for her .

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