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Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

((I might have give in to the ship but i will still hunt you down and kill you slowley and painfully :3)
Zac slightly withdraws, nervous that he has upset her. He shrugs, feeling guilty.

"I-I was just asking.... Sorry, I didn't mean that I thought you weren't okay...I want you to be comfortable."

He stops rambling and smiles, shyly. He mentally kicks himself, knowing he's making this whole moment worse, but he doesn't know how to fix the awkwardness he has put into the conversation. He tries to keep a serious look on his face, but looking at Writer causes him to instantly grin, once again. He doesn't notice Onyx joining the group.


(("sleeping for about 2 days" omg xD I love it.))

Zoe meows at Mist, pretending to know the secret language of cats. She holds her paws and waves them around, giggling.

"I'm taking Mist dancing!"

She calls this to the lazy Nightmare, taking the demon cat into her arms.
Nightmare nods. "Ok be careful mist and zoe have fun" she yelled out not paying attention and looking up at the sky.
((I came back from the shower and reply to everthing and everyone dies.........Y U GUYS NO LOVE ME *sobs* WHHHHHYYY xD )
She giggles and kisses his nose. "It's fine, I'm fine, everything's fine. Calm down." She said soothingly. She then, went under water and swam a little ways away from him. She remains underwater and decided to do a handstand.
Shiro began to look for the dorms. "Where are you.... AHA!" He smiles widely arriving at the dorms. "Now time to go to my room." He chuckles and continues to walk, arriving at his room moments later. He walks in, places down his stuff and falls face first onto his bed.

(Dusty wants a huggle? owo)
Nightmare starts to swim around. "If i were to pull someone under water would they laugh or try to beat the shit out of me hmmmm" nightmare said to her self while swimming.

"Time for a little payback he thought as he approached the."Hey bloodsucker ready for round 2?" he with a grin on his face and cracking his knuckles."I was surprised the first time but now I gonna stomp your undead ass back into the ground" he said with a excited tone."Ill show you what happens when you piss me off" he said then he started walking forward.
Writer had already made her way to the surface when Onyx said that. She swam over to the boys with a worried expression. "G-guys.... Can we p-please not fight? P-please?" She said, her voice shaking in worry that the 2 were going to start a fight right next to her.
Shiro jolts awake with a huge grin on his face. "I sense a fight is going to happen...." He chuckles and snaps, making him appear over everyone. He looks down at the two boys and smiles widely. "Now let's see how this goes." He says in his mind.

Zachary had been daydreaming, not noticing his surroundings, but Onyx's voice immediately grabs his attention. The male scoffs at the other guy's lame insults, shrugging them off and climbing out of the water.

((I'm assuming we're fighting out of the lake xD ))

Zac growls at Onyx and ignores Writer's pleading. He doesn't want to disappoint her, but this needs to happen. It's what the bastard wants, it's what the bastard gets.

"Call me whatever you want. Just shut your trap about my sister, next time, kid."

The male stands his ground, letting Onyx come to him this time....It's only fair.

((BTW Kenji: I want to you to kick Zac's ass xD But in a realisitic sense...let the guy get a hit or two in to impress his lady ( ;) ) ))


Zoe screams, seeing Onyx so close to her. She squeezes mist and swims to Writer for protection. She was starting to view Writer as her older sister.
She clenched her eyes shut and hugged Zoe. She didn't want either of the boys to get her, but she knew that it was only realistic that one was going to get hurt. Hopefully it wasn't too bad. The two girls were practically squeezing the shit out of each other.
"Ill even give you a choice you wanna use powers or you wanna do a classic first blood bare knuckle brawl, better decide quick or Ill just kill you were are now he said with a jolly tone in his voice."Hey writer ya might wanna move don't want his blood all over you now do we" he says standing a foot away from the lake or so.(Don't worry I was gonna do that anyway xD )
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Nightmare looks up at them then hugs writer and zoe bringing them closer to her and glaring at the two. "Just don't get to hurt you guys" she mutters under her breath as she pats writer's and zoe's head.
She flinches at his words and chokes back the tears. She didn't want to think about Zac getting hurt badly. But that's all she could think about at the moment. It took everything in her to hold back the tears that were threatening her eyes.
Zachary spits towards Onyx. All his powers are coordinated with his fighting. There was no way he couldn't use them. Why the fuck is this guy even asking this? Zac is almost one-hundred-percent certain that the guy knows how his abilities work. He could cheat, or he could lose. The male already knows his fate, but he's too proud to back down.

Writer cries on Nightmare's shoulder. She was squeezing her with all her might. She was probably making it difficult for her to breath, but she didn't care. All she could do was focus on the words onyx said, and continue crying.
Nightmare hugs writer tightly. "Come on we know zac is stronger then he looks" she whispers to writer as she hugs her.
Zoe doesn't make any noise. She hugs her friends and watches, hoping Zac isn't scared. She knows that neither male will leave scratch-free. Seeing Writer cry makes her cry, but tears just roll don her face without a sound.

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