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Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

Writer sniffles. "I-I know b-but, what if... What if something bad happens? What if...." She began crying too much to finish her sentence. She didn't want to think about that happening. She wipes her face, but still has a worried expression on her face as she looks at the boys.
Nightmare looks to writer with a serious face. "If something happens i will do everything i can to help or stop it i promise" nightmare says all of that in a soothing vocie.
She nods her head, and keeps her attention on the boys. She pulls Zoe closer to her and Nightmare. Her and Nightmare ready to attack, or help if something really bad happens.
"Fine by me and when im done with you they won't even be able to tell what the hell you are"he said releasing his wings.With a snap of his fingers it was suddenly night."While since im gonna win I might tell you why I asked you that question see I have Dark Manipulation which means I have complete control over it for example" he said as a sword forged out of darkness appeared in his hand or "I can also do this" he said when tendrils of darkness whipped out and grabbed Zac. "By the way but since your a vampire ill just go with im stronger at night" he said as the sword and tendrils disappeared and in their place was a dark glow he emitted from his body."Ehh screw it Ill give you a free shot" he said leaning his face toward Zac.
As much as Zac wants to pretend he's okay and ignore Onyx's offer, he knows this one shot may be one of the few he gets. He blinks,so his eyes refocus in the dark, and growls at the ininanimate creatures that had touched him. His face flushes with both anger and embarrassment, but, thankfully, no one esle can see it.

Zac pulls his arm back, gathering his strength,and punches him square in the nose. The hit pushes his competitor back, similar to the moment in the hall, but this punch doesn't come close to knocking Onyx out.

The male glares at him, trying to keep his mind calm. Acting out as usual would earn him a nice spot in the morgue.
Writer's eyes widened as it suddenly became dark, she cowered back behind nightmare. She hated the dark and always has. She tried not to scream, but it came out. She screamed a terrified, high-pitched scream. She covered her mouth and cried. The dark reminded her of being alone, alone meant nobody. And she didn't like not having any one. They we in a shallow enough part of the water where Writer could sit. She sat down, and hugged her knees to her chest. She felt like a helpless child. She hopped Zac couldn't see her right now, because all she'd do would worry him and distract him. I mean those are the top things she's been doing to him lately, and now was not the time for him to be either of those.
Onyx bursts into a fit of insane laughter"Is that what you call a punch ,this is a punch he says while hammering Zac in the face knocking the taller man flat on his back."For future reference this is what you call a kick he says while kicking Zac hard in the side hearing the crack of bones as he does it."Music to my ears" he says,before stomping the other male right in the stomach with a sadistic smile on his face."Come on restore your broken bones the night is still young let me show how a true monster does battle"he says.
Nightmare was shocked about what onyx just did to zac she wanted to run up and help zac but she wanted to keep writer and zoe safe. So nightmare sats next to writer and hugs her as tight as she can trying not to cry. "I-its ok w-writer its o-ok" she says in between crys she couldn't hold it in and brust into tears.
Writer heard the sickening crack of bones and cried, now that there was light she saw who it came from. "ZAC!" She yelled out, balling like a little baby. She couldn't believe what had just happened right before her very eyes. She couldn't even imagine how Zoe was taking this. She cried into Nightmare's shoulder. "Make it stop... Please." She sobbed, she couldn't take it. This was far from okay. She was far from okay. Her emotional state was at the brink of snapping. She was about to breakdown. She didn't want to though, she had to try and stay at least a little strong for Zac's sake.
Nightmare held writer tighter and cryed and mist crawles onto writer's lap trying to help and rubbed her head on writer.
Onyx looks over to the source of the noise.He sees the terrified look on Nights face.He realizes shes afraid then comes to the conclusion that the source of fear comes from himself.He looks at himself with disgust as he looks at his reflection in the water.What have I done he thought to himself Ive become a monster.I went to far he says to himself but it doesnt matter why should he care no one cares about him he says. "Im a monster and the world hates monsters" he says with a tear coming down his cheek.
Zac grits his teeth and bears the pain the best he can. He winces loudly as his bones break, and his eyes turn red from the smell of his own blood, or rather the blood he drank for animals, dripping out of him. He heals his body, but the screaming from Writer stings more than the physical injuries.

He stands back up and runs at Onyx, punching him in the stomach and shoving him on the ground. He tackles him, already weak, and punches him in the face several times. Zac then hops off and runs, not from the fight but to aid him in the fight. He runs all around the area, desperate for his strength to grow.

Zoe starts wailing, screaming his name and stopping Zac in his tracks to search for her. He grits his teeth again, speaking loudly through them.

"Nightmare! Get. Them. The. Fuck. Out. Of. Here."

((Sorry Wi-Fi being slow....pretend zac attacked him before he stopped >_<))
Shiro sighs as the two were fighting. "Not as interesting as I thought it would be..." He shrugs and looks at the girls with a frown. "I should stop this...." He says quietly.

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